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Swinger Club Vacation (full story)

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Offline adventerer2003

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Swinger Club Vacation (full story)
« on: June 13, 2024, 09:33:09 AM »
Part 1

I felt a bit ackward about entering the club. You never really know what to expect. How often do first time visitors walk into the huge open room full of couples watching, judging, and discussing the presence of new blood. (As soon as we speak, everyone will know we are vacationers.)

Christy felt the same way and squeezed my hand as we walked through the gently lighted club. We found a booth and sat. I looked at the ring in the middle of the room and took a deep breath.

An very attractive waitress walked up to us and asked what we would like to drink. She was wearing a white button down blouse, with the top three buttons missing. She was a curvy brunette in her thirties.

I couldn't help but smile back as I ordered whiskey. Her cleavage was pulling my eyes away from everything around me. I felt my wife kick my leg beneath the table as she ordered a glass of wine.

I turned to Christy and smirked. She squinted her eyes, but also smiled.

"Okay. I'll be back with your drinks. I'm Melissa. I'll take care of you tonight," she said, and then, turned and walked to the bar. I watched her shapely ass as she walked away. She was wearing a pair of black slacks.

"Just your type... pretty lady with a mermaid figure," said Christy.

"It's an adult club with swingers everywhere. You don't want me to notice the waitress?" I asked.

She gave me the same playfully threatening squint again. I laughed and shook my head. The moment definitely put me at ease, and I looked around the room to see the group of people giving their presence in this erotic club.

I read about this club a few months back, and messaged someone about it. I was intrigued at the "women's wrestling" event that occurs sometimes. This guy I had messaged shared the story of his wife wrestling another wife in a ring at the club. He told me they did some swinging with the other couple, and really enjoyed watching the wives wrestle!

This, of course, was right up my alley! Watching my wife, Christy, wrestle and catfight, is the climax of my erotic fantasies. I talked her into traveling a long distance to at least witness the live event with hopes that she would enter a wrestling contest against another attractive woman. I was so excited at the possibility of watching her getting rowdy in the ring in front of a large crowd. 

Melissa brought us our drinks. She was smiling at me as she walked. I realized she was responding to me starring at her. My eyes went back and forth between her brown eyes and her bouncing bust. She was hot!

"Here you go," she said, as she set our drinks down. "So, what else can I do for you? Are you looking to meet a certain type of couple? Or, are you here for tonight's wrestling event? Any requests?" Melissa politely asked.

My wife spoke first. "So, how does this work? I mean, we would like to meet a couple, maybe about our age. My husband likes women with prominent asses and pretty faces. He loves tits, too, but is less specific on a size preference for those."

I didn't expect Christy to be so expressive about me straight out of the shoot. I think I blushed a bit.

Melissa continued her smile and said, "What about you..."

Christy replied, "Um, I don't know. Let's just start out meeting a couple and go from there."

"Sure thing," Melissa said. "I have had three couples express interest in you since you sat down. We waitresses get messages with their table numbers and the table number of their interests."

"Oh, and tell me about the women's wrestling event. Is this a set wrestling event with women brought in to wrestle? I heard that some husbands get their wives to wrestle each other. Is that a thing?" asked Christy.

"Absolutely! There will be a lot of husbands begging their wives to wrestle tonight! Usually, only a few get the nerve to do it, though. The first two matches will be ladies who wrestle for the company wherever they travel to do the events. Then, there is a call for those in the audience who request to wrestle. Some women take on a circuit wrestling girl who already wrestled. Husbands and boyfriends may be goading their lady to take on one of them they are hot for. Other couples, especially some who swing together, agree to the wives wrestling. Are you interested? I can put your name down in case you meet another woman here that wants to wrestle you."

"Wow! What a night this is going to be," I blurted out!

Melissa laughed. "Good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Your wife is gonna rock your world. A lot of wives chicken out."

Christy asked, "What about you? Has your man watched you wrestle here?"

Melissa glowed. "Yes! My boyfriend was here the last time we had the women's wrestling event. He begged me for weeks to put my name on the list. I kept telling him "no," but then I would tease him about getting my top pulled off in a fight." She giggled and held her hands in the air as she swung her shapely hips back and forth. Her cleavage jiggled, and I noticed her nipples hardened behind the tight, white blouse. I got a boner!

My wife slipped her foot out of her shoe and placed it on my crotch. She looked at me with squinted eyes.

Christy said, "So you went through with it?"

Melissa replied, "Yes, I challenged a "Barbie" in the wrestling circuit. She lost her match against a brunette in the first event. I hoped she would be tired, since it looked like a tough match. I definitely didn't want the winner. Plus, my boyfriend was rooting for the blonde in her first match. He had a boner for her."

I was extremely turned on. I asked, "So did you beat her?"

Melissa gave a sexy frown. "No. She is very experienced. I'm green. I've had very little experience. You know... a few chicken fights at the pool, and some wrestling around at slumber parties in my younger days. I'm fiesty, but, not in the same league as the company wrestlers."

My wife was rubbing my boner with her foot.

I said, "I bet your boyfriend was proud of you. He'll never forget that night."

Melissa smiled and starred into my eyes. I noticed her shifting her hips slightly as I held eye contact with her. I think I hit a nerve, so to speak. My eyes looked to her cleavage.

Melissa looked down at her bust and responded, "I lost these buttons in my fight. I was wearing this blouse a couple of months ago when the wrestlers were here. I decided to wear it tonight as a sort of badge earned in the ring. What do you think?"

My heart was pounding. "I think that's hot! What a fantastc reason to wear it!"

I noticed movement in my wife's direction. She was unbuttoning her blouse. She pulled the top of her blouse apart, showing ample cleavage. My eyes lusted for Christy's tits. I wanted them totally exposed!

Christy gave a challenging glare and said, "My husband has a serious fetish, and you are teasing him. Are you sure you want to do that?"

Melissa looked back at me with a yearning look in her eyes. "Do you want to see us fight?"

My dick began twitching! It became hard as steel!

I cleared my throat and answered, "Yes." I was suddenly silent as my head spun in disbelief. My hot, curvy, red-headed wife, who is in her mid-forties is going to wrestle this hot, flirtatious, brunette waitress. I imagined she was mid-thirtes. She looked to be a few pounds lighter than my wife. Her tits seemed to be comparable to my wife's 38Ds. Her ass was a little smaller than Christy's. It was ample and shapely and I was quivering at the thought of these two curvy babes fighting in the ring at a crowded swingers' club. I began imagining the two hotties rolling around in the ring!

Melissa pulled out her phone and was texting. She looked at Christy. "Okay, sweetheart, it's you and me later. I'll come get you later. You can wear whatever you want in the ring. It's an adult club. We have to meet with the official for rules and sign some papers before the fight."

Christy replied, "Sounds good. I brought something to wear. My husband loves your big ass. He loves seeing my big butt in a thong. Maybe, consider something for maximum exposure."

"Already done," said Melissa. Then, she looked at me, and said "I really hope you enjoy watching me tangle with your wife. No hard feelings...whatever happens. I understand if you cheer for your wife, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if I heard an encouragement or two from you." Then, she gave me a sexy wink, and turned to walk away.

I gazed at her ass as she walked away. My wife charged me and held her face in mine. She held my balls in a death grip, but began kissing me.

Within a few seconds, we heard someone speak... "Hi! Melissa said we should meet."
We looked at the couple standing at our table, and adjusted ourselves into our seats.

"Hey, I'm Bobby, and this is Christy. Please, join us."

Christy smiled and said, "Hi!"

The lady said, "I'm Andrea, and this is my husband, Dieter."  They sat down with us and Dieter asked, "Decided to tour the club while on vacation?"

We laughed and I replied, "Exactly!"

Part 2

We talked for a few minutes and it really went well. We were laughing and connecting in no time.

Dieter was obviously smitten by my wife. He rarely looked away from her. Christy had not realized, at first, that her blouse was still open. Once she did, she seemed to be relaxed at her exposure of cleavage. Her push up bra worked proudly for her!
Dieter was celebrating his 50th birthday. The club visit was his gift from his wife!

Andrea was beautiful! She had sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. She admitted to turning 40 years old just a few months prior to the night, so was about five years younger than Christy.

I finally asked what had been itching at me... "Are you gonna wrestle for Dieter, tonight, Andrea?"

She seemed delighted at my interest. "I don't know. He is excited to watch women wrestle, but I don't know what to do really. I'm gonna watch and learn. Maybe I'll try it. Do you think I should?" she asked as she smiled.

(I was smitten, now. She really wanted to know if I wanted to watch her wrestle? Duh!)

Suddenly, she stood up and walked away, saying, "I'll be back."

She looked to be the same size as Christy... about 5'6"" or so and in the 145 lb range.

I checked her out better as she walked away. She had a thick ass, like Melissa! I watched the movement of her ass until she disappeared around the corner of the bar.

Christy asked, "Have you ever asked her to wrestle before?"

"I told her a few years ago that I fantasized about watching her wrestle other women. She never tried it, though. She watches videos with me sometimes and wants me to pick one of the women to pretend it is her. She gets into it, then. She'll nervously root for the one representing her," Dieter said.

Andrea came back to the table, but with her blouse unbuttoned halfway down! I guess she hadn't worn the kind of bra that will lift her bust into a cleavage display, so she simply removed it! I could see her tits bouncing all around as she neared the table! She had a grin on her face as she sat. We were all starring, and she loved the attention!

Andrea looked at Christy, and asked, "So are you going to wrestle for Bobby?"

My dick was twitching again!

Christy answered, "Of course. Our waitress and I seem to have a mutual desire to entertain my husband with a sexy wrestling match."

Andrea looked a little disappointed. Then, she said, "My husband fancies you, and I know he wants me to wrestle you."

Christy replied, "I agree. He definitely does. I'd love to wrestle you, too. Bobby wants it to happen." Then looking deeply into Andrea's eyes, she said, "Don't pretend that you don't want to turn my husband on, though. I can read it. You want to pin me down in front of my man," Christy said in a sultry voice.

Andrea grinned. "Yes. I want you struggling in defeat beneath me as I pin you.  Bobby and Dieter can cheer me on!  I bet both of our husbands have boners, now. I want Bobby and Dieter to watch us battle. I know you'll fight hard with such a handsome husband watching."

I spoke up, "I'm so horny! Get in the ring, ladies! Stop teasing!"

Dieter was adjusting is dick inside his trousers. "This is a dream come true!" He yelled.

Christy spoke, "I'll have to consider it. Dieter wont be able to get me out of his head after watching us fight.  I think he secretly wants me to win."

Christy winked at Dieter and lifted her chest up. However, I already have my name on the roster to fight Melissa. I have a feeling my work is cut out for me. She seems really fiesty, and about ten years younger.  It looks to be a challenging match. I'm not sure I'll have enough left to give a good second fight. You'll be fresh, and I'll be tired," she said as she looked at Andrea."

Just then, Melissa walked up to our table.
She asked, "More drinks?"

We all responded, "Yes!"

Then, Melissa continued as she looked directly at Christy, "One of the wives from a couple who expressed interest in you earlier wanted to send you a challenge to wrestle tonight."

I was flabbergasted!

Christy said, "Um, my plate is full, but I'm flattered!"

Melissa smiled and said, "Yeah, I told them you were already on the list to fight. Her husband asked about the lady at the table with you."

Andrea was caught by surprise. "I don't know." Then, she looked around and saw a beautiful blonde lady leading her man by the hand, while looking directly at our group.

The lady stopped at our table, smiling, and said, "Hello, I am Mila. This is my husband, Max. I'm sorry to ambush you. I wish there was more time, but the Ladies Wrestling is about to start, and my husband begged me for days to come here tonight. He urged me to wrestle for him. We both agreed you were the one for me to wrestle," she said as she looked at my wife, Christy. "But, Melissa said, you are wrestling someone else tonight."

Christy responded, "Yes. Melissa and I are gonna tangle for my husband's pleasure."

The way she said it brought gasps and coos from all of us. I was so excited. Mila smiled at Melissa and said, "Sounds like Christy is committed to fighting you."

Melissa replied, "Oh yes. You all are going to love our match! I've requested our fight to be last."

Andrea stood up after looking at her mentally tormented husband. She reached out to shake Mila's hand. "I'm Andrea, and my husband, Dieter, would love to watch us wrestle tonight."

The blue-eyed, blonde-headed Mila gratefully shook Andreas hand and replied, "This is amazing! Max requested I wrestle you. I'm a bit nervous, and a little jealous, but I want to do this. This means so much!"

Max finally spoke up, "Yes! Amazing! I'm Max. Nice to meet you Andrea and Dieter!"

Melissa was on her phone, messaging the officials. "There we go. All set. Andrea and Mila are on the list to wrestle. After the first circuit wrestlers are done, you two ladies must go to the bar. You will be escorted to the official to go over the rules and to sign papers. Be prepared to change or downgrade your clothes to wrestle. Any attire or lack thereof is permitted. This is an adult club."

Max and Dieter applauded! The rest of us joined in and clapped. Despite a bit of nervous tention, we were all smiling with excitement. I'm sure the alcohol helped.
Andrea said, "I picked out something to wear in the ring yesterday."

Mila added, "Me, too!"

Melissa continued, "There are a lack of women who accepted challenges tonight, so Mila and Andrea are the 3rd fight." Then, she looked at Christy, "We have ours after them. I'll get those drinks, now."

I was ecstatic to watch all four sexy women in the ring! I was already hoping that Christy and I would find a way to set up a fight with Andrea, and then, Mila! Hopefully, before our vacation is over, we can make it happen. The ring will be gone, but a house setting with a cleared room is what Christy is used to anyway. Maybe, we could find another place to watch them fight.

Part 3

The four of us, Christy, Dieter, Max, and I sat at the table excited from the two wrestlers battling in the ring. These two brunettes were about 135 lbs and athletic- built. You could tell their bouts kept them lean, but the muscles added extra weight. They had pulled each other's tops off within the first couple of minutes, and the audience cheered loudly! They took turns throwing each other into the ropes, onto the ring mat, and pounced onto one another. They performed an occasional leg-locked roll around the ring in nothing but bikini thongs! Their tits mashed together as they grappled! I breathlessly cheered when that happened.

These wrestlers were in their 20's and one was 5' 7" tall, while the other was an inch taller. I was enjoying the show, but my mind was on watching the two amateur wives wrestle next!  In my mind, I was picturing Andrea rolling with Mila in an amateur wrestling match. It was so exciting in my mind. I was happy to see Dieter get his birthday wish! I was hoping for Andrea to win, but said nothing to disclose my desire.

The match was over as the ref and the audience all counted to five. The winner had grape-vined the loser, and they wrestled chest to chest as the count finished.

The promoter announced, "Next, we have two first time wrestlers! These two wives are here at the request of their husbands to wrestle!  Andrea is entertaining her husband, Dieter, for his birthday gift!"

Andrea entered the ring, and discarded her robe, while the whole club cheered. She was wearing a black, thong bikini! Her curves were marvelous and I felt my tongue and dick swell.

"Andrea received a challenge from a club member tonight. Mila has witnessed the Ladies Wrestling events over the past couple of years, but has never wrestled. To the delight of her husband and the rest of us watching, Mila has entered the contest!"

We stood up and cheered!

"The blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty, Mila, who is 5'5" tall, 142 lbs with a 38DD bust challenges the blonde-haired, brown-eyed beauty, Andrea, who is 5' 6" tall, and 147 lbs with a 36D bust!"

Mila entered the ring and threw off her robe! She was wearing a red, thong bikini! Everyone applauded and she began shaking her tits toward our table!

Mila yelled, "This is for you, Max!"

Andrea responded by shaking her tits at our table, too!  "Happy Birthday, Dieter!"

Without warning, the official yelled, "Wrestle!"

Both wives looked at each other wide-eyed and cautiously circled each other in the center of the ring.

They came together and tried to grab each other's wrists, as they struggled on their feet, pushing and pulling. My eyes were fixed on Andrea's jiggling ass. I could hear the women grunt as they fought on their feet. Mila had a nice ass, too, but I preferred the beefier ass on Andrea. I wanted to see her and Christy fight in front of me. Suddenly, I felt like someone was watching me.

"Enjoying the show?" My wife asked.

"Oh, yes!" I responded.

"You are pulling for Andrea, aren't you?" Christy waited for my answer.

"Yep. I am." I softly whispered, "Come on Andrea."

My wife switched seats with me and moved the chair right next to Dieter. She whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened and she rubbed his inner thigh. Then, she looked at me and said, "Scoot over here."

I complied and my wife massaged the boner in my pants.

The wrestling wives became louder and more physical. Mila hooked Andreas leg and they tumbled to the ring mat.  Everyone in the club was on their feet shouting encouragements to the wife they were cheering for!  Dieter shouted, "Come on, Andrea, get her down!"

Andrea rolled on top of Mila and tried to maneuver her hands to pin her. I watched in awe as she squirmed on top of Max's wife. Her ass bounced in the struggle. I zoomed in and took a few pics. Christy was rubbing her hands along our pertruding pants. Dieter moaned as he cheered on his wife.

Christy whispered to Dieter again. I heard her this time... "I'm gonna make Andrea submit, and then I'll suck you off onto my tits."

Mila shouted and bucked. She twisted and grabbed Andreas black bikini top as her leg bumped against her opponent.  The crowd roared as Andrea's tits swung around, loose of her top!

Andrea yelled out in frustration, "Ah! No!"

Mila rolled on top of Andrea and attempted to pin her. Andrea returned the favor with a jerk of the red bikini top. Mila's DD's danced wildly as the women fought! The crowd roared again!

Max yelled, "Pin her, gorgeous! Your my hero!"

Andrea refused to be held down, and bucked Mila off. Mila rolled away from Andrea and backed to the ropes. Andrea got to her feet a ran into Mila! They struggled against the ropes in nothing but thongs!  It was a hot "T n' A" show in the ring with both wives confident and aggressive! They were struggling loudly with sexy grunts broadcasted throughout the large room. I watched Andrea's ass dance as she pressed her tits into Milas, who was trapped with her back to the ropes.

"This is so hot," I said aloud.

I looked at Dieter, and he looked at me.

"She's giving you a hell of a birthday gift! And Mila isn't taking it easy on her! I picked the right time for vacation," I said.

Dieter looked ecstatic, and I put my hand up to him in the air. He high-fived me. Max turned around and said, "This is perfect," as he joined in on the high fives.

Mila managed to wrestle Andrea around to reverse the advantage. She began banging her 38DD's into Andrea's 36D's. Both women held an aggressive look of determination on their faces. I was watching Mila's ass jiggle, now.

Andrea hooked her foot behind Mila's leg and leaned back to bounce herself off if the ropes and into Mila. Their tits collided with a "smack" and tumbled to the floor! We all went wild again! Everyone was shouting! Both of their names could be heard around the audience as they grappled on the ring mat, again.

Andrea's tits swung back and forth as she struggled to get Mila's wrists down for a pin. Within seconds, Mila bucked a rolled Andrea to her back and fought to pin her. Mila's huge tits were dancing violently to the joy of us all!

The Mila fans began chanting.

Dieter and I yelled encouragements to Andrea in hopes that she will escape Mila's attempts for a pin.

Mila maneuvered her hips to Andrea's stomach and sat on her. Andrea's legs kicked violently, as she tried to unseat her opponent.  Mila finally gripped Andrea's wrists and held them to the mat. People were jumping up and down, shouting as they cheered their favorite wrestling wife.

Andrea screamed in frustration and bucked some more. Mila responded by lowering her bouncing DD's to Andrea's face in a tit-smother!

The official counted. The Mila fans joined the counting in unison, "Four...five!"

The match was over. Mila was triumphant. Both wives performed like raging rivals! We all got a treat with the performance! Everyone applauded!

Mila slowly got up off of Andrea. The adrenaline was gone and she looked exhausted, breathing furiously. Andrea laid on the floor with her eyes closed, catching her breath. Mila slowly reached down to Andrea and said something. Andrea gave her a hand, and with Mila's help, got to her feet.
The official announced, "And the winner of the Club Wrestling match... Mila!"

More applause roared along with "cat-calls" as the two topless wives stood side by side, displayed as eye-candy. Andrea lifted one of Mila's hands into the air by the wrist. Then, they hugged right there in the ring, tit to tit. I marveled at the curvaceous bodies.

They exited the ring, carrying their bikini tops and robes.

Melissa motioned to my wife from the bar. Christy stood up and kissed me fervently. "Lucky man gets to watch another Ladies Wrestling match. Enjoy hubby!"

Then, Christy left the table and disappeared behind the bar area in the back. There was a 15 minute intermission.

Immediately, Andrea and Mila walked back to the table with their bare tits swaying back and forth.

They each met their husbands at the table and embraced them in affectionate hugs.

I heard Andrea say, "Happy Birthday, Dieter." Dieter began bragging about how incredible she did at wrestling.

Max was congratuling his wife, Mila. He, too, was giddy about his wife's performance in the ring.

Mila looked to Andrea. "That was exhilarating! I would like to wrestle you again some time. No hard feelings on losing tonight. I know it's Dieter's Birthday, but I really had to win for Max."

"I know. It's okay. I wouldn't let you win either. I'll get you next time," replied Andrea.

Both women laid their tops on the table and put their robes back on. They sat and sipped water as they flirted with their husbands.

Andrea looked at me. "Are you excited about your wife fighting Melissa?"

"I'm extremely excited! I'm still reeling from your fight, though. You ladies were incredible! I can't believe neither of you fought before. I hope I get to see you fight again sometime. I would like to see Christy tangle with you, too."

Both women smiled and sent me flirtatious looks.

Just then, the announcement, "Club members and visitors! The last fight of the night will involve one of our own! Our sexy server, Melissa, and foreign visitor, Christy, have mutually challenged each other tonight in efforts to entertain the same man... Christy's husband, Bobby!"

Part 4

The announcer continued, "Melissa, with one match under her belt, stands 5'5" and weighs about 135 pounds with a bust of 36C!"

Melissa was still wearing the earned wrestling "badge" blouse with the missing buttons that she said was from her first fight in the ring. She had changed out of her black slacks. Her mermaid hips and shapely ass were squeezed into a tight, form-fitting red mini skirt! She was bare-footed.

"Melissa!...Melissa!... Melissa!" The club members were chanting out her name.

The announcer motioned to my wife, but knew the crowd was too loud to announce her. Christy climbed through the ring ropes during the cheer. She flipped her red hair back, and with an exaggerated motion, peeled her emerald green blouse apart to try and earn some support away from Melissa.  Three buttons flew through the air!  I yelled out cat calls, and a bunch of others did the same. Her cleavage was beaming for attention. I could tell she was wearing one of her plunge bras beneath her white blouse. She was wearing a pair of tight denim shorts that was seriously altered. It was almost a thong! Almost her whole ass was exposed!

The crowd roared with excitement! By now, they were really getting rowdy. They began goading the sexy contestants to start fighting!  The tension in the air was thick with anticipation of the combative spectacle. Both my wife and Melissa failed to hide their nervous demeanor.  They tilted back and forth from one foot to the other, and they tried to slow the heavy breathing. There was a lot of pressure to outshine the other women who competed in the previous matches.

The official finally announced, "Measuring 5'7" at about 145 pounds with a 38D bust, the 'Fighting Wife', Christy!"

As everyone cheered, another server walked to my table and yelled to me over the crowd, "There are cameras around the ring and ceiling. All fights are recorded and professionally edited. The multiple angles are spliced together by the editor to give the best views of the ladies in the ring and the best angles to show the action for each moment. Your wife signed up. It will be added to your bill. Do you want to purchase any others?"

"Yes, I want the third fight... Andrea and Mia!" I pointed at the two women sharing my table. Everyone had turned to the waitress to hear what she was saying.

"Okay, sweetie, I got you down for both! I have a chair for you next to the ropes." Then, she winked at me and walked away.

I looked and saw an empty table with a couple of chairs. I got up and Andrea said, "Oh, don't leave me!"

We all laughed and I darted to the table, while the official watched. As soon as I sat in one of the chairs, the official motioned to the bar. A sexy referee walked out and  stepped into the ring. She was wearing a sexy costume version of a referee uniform. She was one of the circuit wrestlers, who had volunteered to referee the match. She was a tall blonde, probably about 5'10" and 150 lbs. She walked between my wife, Christy, and the waitress, Melissa. She announced, "All rules have been agreed upon!" Then, she gave a silly wink to us in attendance. Everyone laughed and both contestants smiled. Suddenly, the blonde referee yelled, "Ladies, fight!"

I was extremely aroused within a split second as both my wife and our server locked up hands and struggled around the ring! Everyone began yelling out to the ladies in excitement! I heard different shouts of encouragement with each of their names:
"Take her down, Christy!"
"Hook her leg, Melissa!"
"Grab her hair, Christy!"
"Pull her top off, Melissa!"
"You better show her up! Your husband is watching, Christy!"
"Spank her ass, Melissa!"

I loved the cheering and goading from the on-lookers, especially because there were men and women shouting out encouragement to my wife. It was exciting to know that a bunch of strangers wanted to take my wife's side.

As they struggled, I noticed the women really getting serious. I began concentrating to the wrestling women through the noise. Intense sounds of verbal exertion spilled into the atmosphere.

I heard my wife cry out, "Uh! You think you're hot stuff!"

Melissa countered, "Ugh! Err! Your husband thinks so!"

My dick throbbed as I watched my wife struggle to overcome her younger opponent, who was more than willing to excite me by wrestling my wife in front of me! I was so fixated at the sexy combat that I couldn't muster but a whisper from my lips, "Yes. Get her, Christy. Get her, Melissa. Wow." As my internal struggle to pick sides in this sexy competiton raged, my eyes gazed over their sexy bodies as they wrestled on their feet. The women moved back and forth in the ring, trading directions with changes of momentum. This gave me views of both women. Each woman's curves accentuated within their chosen outfits as their feet dug into the ring floor. Their exposed cleavages jiggled in their partially open blouses as their arms moved up and down in a "test of strength."

As I sat hypnotized from the fetish fulfilling spectacle, I heard the crowd behind me cheering something different. I felt a tap on the shoulder, and something was rendered in Deutch.

I quickly turned around to see what was going on, so I could hurry back my attention to watch my hot wife continue her fight against our sexy waitress.

Mila, who had pinned Andrea in the wife vs wife wrestling match, was sucking Dieter's dick. Apparently, he was getting another birthday gift! Dieter was getting a blow job from the blue-eyed lady who defeated his wife moments earlier! Mila's robe was off and she was really into the session, going back and forth from using her lips to using her DD's to pleasure the birthday boy. Andrea, Dieter's wife, sat there watching the lady, who pinned her in front of her husband and eveyone in attendance, suck away on Dieter with passion. Overcoming her jealousy, as she willingly and purposely entered this place, the Swingers' Club, Andrea added to her husband's pleasure by opening her own robe for Dieter to enjoy the view of a second pair of tits on display. She even caressed his balls, as Mila sucked and titty-fucked him. He was having the most eventful birthday party of his life! And while getting pleasured, he watched my sexy, red-headed 38D cup wife scrapping with the hot 36C cup brunette in the ring. He kept redirecting his attention from the 38DD, Mila, to his wife, Andrea, and her bare 36D's, and back to my sexy, ass-jiggling wife, who was fighting Melissa in the ring over me!

I heard my wife cry out and shot back around to see what was happening! Melissa had my wife pinned against a corner turn buckle. Christy was trapped, but continued to fight back.

Melissa shouted to her, "What now?" She pushed her chest into my wife's chest and held them there to the delight of everyone. Their tits were bulging out more from the open section of their blouses. Then, she began grinding her tits into Christy's! The tops were pulling away from their tits as they rubbed together.

My wife looked at me for a moment and I could tell she wasn't happy about Melissa having the advantage and showing off. Christy, then, brought her knee up to strike her opponent in the pussy!

The crowd went nuts! Some of them booed. The referee, who normally stays out of the way in these contests, stepped in and warned my wife. However, the ref was smiling like she enjoyed the strike. She told her, "No low blows, Strawberry!" Then, she gave another silly wink us. We laughed and began cheering on for more fighting!

The ref moved out of the way, and I shouted, "Go babe!" She darted at Melissa, who was holding her pussy, and trying to catch her breath.

Melissa moved out of the way, and my wife bounced off of the ropes. She lost her footing in the unexpected momentum of the rope sling. As she fell forward to the canvas, Melissa pounced on her back! I noticed that both of Melissa's tits had escaped her "badge" blouse and were in perfect view! She wasn't wearing a bra!  Her tits were as gorgeous as I imagined!  I, then, noticed both of my wife's tits begin to fall out of her plunge bra and blouse as she was on all fours, trying to get Melissa off of her. Melissa was on my wife's back and had the dominant position in this competitive, and sexy wrestling bout! "You thought you were going to get away with a low blow, huh?"

I tried to escape the erotic scene by thinking of stuff that caused me to be irritated... "Long, crowded airplane flight, inflation, dirty bathrooms..." It worked! I didn't explode in my pants.

I opened my eyes to see Melissa leaning onto my wife. Her tits squished against Christy's back as she struggled to get a hold of my wife's arms.

Christy wrestled back and twisted her body sideways, as she continued to resist. This was a mistake! Melissa scissored my wife's waist and snaked her arms into a Full Nelson.

Everyone cheered... Even the ones who were cheering for my wife! Christy's tits were fully exposed to us with her top fully opened and her bra underneath her 38D's! I even clapped. The match was not over, though!

Christy was determined and fought to escape. She dug her feet into the ring and lifted her hips violently. I was focusing in on her body. Her denim-covered pussy pushing into the air, and her dancing tits, bouncing in all directions, was getting me to the point of explosion again!

Melissa yelled, "I'm not letting you win!  The way your husband looked at me, knowing, there was a ring in the room, said it all. I knew he wanted us to fight, and I'm not going to disappoint him!"

A bunch of applauding behind me pulled me out of my hypnosis. I jerked around to see the commotion. Mila was standing with her hands in the air and with her tits swaying back and forth as she danced in celebration. Her face and tits glistened with streams of cum! Dieter still sat in his chair, but he was out of breath and his eyes half closed.

Andrea, his sexy, beautiful, blonde wife, who lost her wrestling match to the beautiful, buxom, blonde Mila, got up and walked to me with her robe still open. Her tits bounced as she walked. I watched in amazement as her 36D's, very similar to my wife's, drew close to me.  She gave me a hug, and then postioned herself in front of the chair next to me, leaving her tits exposed.

"Dieter had a hell of a night!," I said.

Andrea put her chin to my shoulder and with her brown eyes stared into mine and said, "Yeah. He has been wanting to watch me wrestle for a long time. I'm just sorry he watched me lose. It took me a long time to get the nerve... and then, I ended up losing the match in front of him. Mila and I placed a bet while we were discussing the rules behind the bar. We revealed the bet to our husbands after she won. She won the bet and so she got to suck Dieter off in front of me. It's a swingers club, so why not?

I turned to watch my wife continue to fight her way out of the scissor hold and full nelson. She managed to get Melissa on her back. She was pushing her head into Melissa's face.

"Ah!" Melissa yelled out in pain! She released her arms to push my wife's head away. Now, Christy needed to escape the strong, sexy legs that were clamped around her waist.

As I watched my wife continue her match with Melissa, I took the moment to encourage Andrea... "I promise you that Dieter is going to be all over you! There is something special about watching your wife live out your fetish in front of you! Win, or lose, I'm always extremely aroused to watch my wife battle it out with another woman! Dieter is going to get boners every day to this memory. I know from experience. You were fantastic! I would love to watch the rematch! I know you can beat her!"

"Your wife has wrestled in front of you before?" She asked.

"Yes, a few times, and she has done even more 'rules catfighting.' It's wrestling with some other stuff allowed upon agreement between the women who are fighting."

Andrea, who was still pressing her chin to my shoulder asked, "What kind of stuff?"

I responded, "Usually, hairpulling, tit-fighting, and spanking. Christy knows it turns me on, so she pushes for these tactics to be included. Occasionally, pussy attacks are agreed upon by both women. The combatants include that if there is some jealousy in the air. It has happened in some rematches, because of earlier fights, where the stakes of those previous fights involved the husbands in a very sexual manner. In said earlier matches, sometimes the winner gets too much fun with her opponent's husband, so the rematch gets really dirty. We men have never encouraged this. It's one of the women who demands the inclusion of pussy attacks. Sometimes it's for revenge, but sometimes it's not that serious. My wife has done it to stage a fight to be elevated for stimulated effect. It's still competitive, but not vicious. It's pretty hot to hear another man's wife verbally surrender to my wife from a catfight, whether it's from a hairpull, titfight,or pussy attack. It's hot the other way around, too. My wife loses, too. It's exciting either way. Im usually cheering for my wife, but it can be very arousing to watch my wife meet her match. It makes me excited because I know Christy will want a rematch. Oh, and the winner gets her way. Kind if like the way you yielded to Mila since she beat you."

Andrea kissed my arm a few times. "Your wife will be yielding to me in a catfight." Then, she looked behind us to Mila. She said, "And there will be a rematch with Mila, too."

My head was spinning again. "This has got to be a dream," I said aloud. Andrea rubbed my pecs as I concentrated on the action in the ring.

Christy kept pushing her head back into Melissa's face, hoping to get her to release the leg-scissors.

Christy screamed out, "Ah!" Melissa tightened her legs and began pulling my wife's hair!

Andrea called out, "Come on Christy! Kick her ass!"

I called out, "Hang in there, baby!" I added a little salt, though... "That's hot, Melissa!"

Melissa heard me and smiled as she gave another tug to my wife's hair.

"You dirty boy," said Andrea as she gently slapped my thigh. "I want to pull her wife's hair. I want you to watch us pull each other's hair. We need to get together before your vacation ends."

I gasped in excitement! "Yeah. We have to talk to Christy later."

Christy squeezed her hand between her back and Melissa's leg and was inching her fingers closer to Melissa's pussy. Melissa panicked and released her scissors as she quickly scooted her pussy out of reach.

The referee moved above the battling babes and shouted, "Girls! Girls! Not allowed! No hair-pulling and nothing below the belt!"

The crowd booed the hot referee! She giggled as she lifted her shoulders and pouted her lips. Then, she spread open her top to flash the crowd! The boos turned to cheers in response to her bared titties, and she laughed at the cheerful applauding. She fixed her black and white striped straps back over her tits and watched the ladies get to their feet and circle each other.
Christy shot in to grab Melissa's blouse with both hands, and yanked the it open, causing rest of the buttons to fly off! We all cheered! Christy wrestled the blouse off with no resistance from Melissa and threw it to me. Then, Melissa wrestled Christy's blouse off in the same way with no resistance from Christy and threw it to me as well!

The topless Melissa lunged at Christy. She tackled my topless wife to the ring canvas and landed on her, tit to tit! People were banging the tables and chanting, "Go, go go!"

Christy bucked her hips and rolled onto Melissa! Christy's thick ass was in full view!Melissa wasn't having it! She rolled back onto my wife. Her mini skirt was pretty much at her waist. She was wearing a purple thong, exposing her thick ass, as well!  They began to roll across the ring, tit to tit! Everyone was extremely aroused. Andrea jumped up and down as she shouted, "Go Christy! Get her!"

I was trying not to explode again. I watched in amazement as my wife rolled and battled across the ring canvas with the sexy brunette, who practically challenged my wife to fight. She seemed eager to turn me on by putting on a sexy wrestling match for my pleasure.

I stood up and cheered them both on! I was right next to the ropes, so they stopped and looked at me. They were still kind of wrestling as they looked at me in delight. I could tell they liked me calling their names.

Melissa, who was on top, now, said, "Help me! Tell me what you want!"

My dick throbbed again! "Smother her with your tits!"

Melissa maneuvered her dangling C's over my wife's face and pressed them down to smother her into submission.

Christy bucked and tried to escape. She shouted to me, "Bobby! Don't help her! Help me!"

I shouted to my wife, "Pull her hair and twist your hips, baby!"

Christy grabbed Melissa's hair and bucked her hips, and twisted her opponent over to her side.

"Ah!" Screamed Melissa as Christy pulled her hair! Christy wrestled Melissa the rest of the way over and was on top.

Melissa shouted, "Bobby!"

"Pull my wife's hair," I shouted. Melissa did so. " Now, buck your hips, and roll her off!"

Melissa did it, but Christy rolled back! They rolled around some more as we all encouraged them to pin the other.

Their bubble butt's jiggled as they rolled back and forth! Christy pinned Melissa and smacked her tits down onto Melissa's. 

As I watched my wife fight Melissa, I asked Andrea, "So, do you think they discussed any stakes before the match?"

Andrea replied, "Maybe. I've heard of stuff between the swingers here. Mila suggested the winner suck the loser's husband off. She probably witnessed it before. This is my first time, here. It won't be my last time, though. I have to get my revenge on Mila. I WILL be sucking off Max in front of her for all to see!"

"You like Max?" I asked.

"He's okay," she replied. "I just want to even things up. More importantly, I want Dieter to see me beat her!"

She looked at me again as she slid her hand up to my zipper and felt my boner through my pants, "I like you... a lot. I really want you to watch me catfight your wife. I hope I win. I want you, badly!"

"Dirty bathrooms... rotten eggs...taxes!" I fought my urges. Then, I pretended Andrea wasn't there. I watched Melissa getting smothered by my wife's tits!

"There's no escape! Don't cum, Bobby," I whispered to myself.

Andrea said, "Your wife is winning! Smother her Christy!"

I yelled, "Push your gorgeous tits down harder!"

The women looked exhausted, but they battled on. Christy slapped her tits onto Melissa's face a few times and tried to smother her out. Melissa managed to slowly wrestle Christy off of her. They squirmed on their side as their legs vyed for position. Christy's left hand was locked together with Melissa's right hand and the other hands were gripped onto each other's hair.

The referee was hovering above them, but refused to break them apart. She pulled her straps off of her tits, again and left them exposed for the rest of the match. People were chanting... some for Christy, the rest for Melissa! Most of the audience were regulars, so Melissa was the favorite.

Both were straining and grunting with occasional screams of pain from the hair-pulling. Melissa slowly wrestled her way on top of my wife with her ass right in front of me. Her skirt was still at waist level, and her purple thong was barely hiding her pussy.

Christy bucked and rolled to the top position again. Her ass was in front of me, now.  She reached down and pulled Melissa up by her hair to smother her with her tits. Melissa reached her hand between their mid sections and grabbed my wife's denim shorts and pulled a painful wedgie into her pussy.

"Ah!" Christy screamed in pain and lost her momentum! Melissa rolled her back over and got on top of my wife. She maneuvered on top of my wife until her thong-covered pussy rested on my wife's neck, and her ass on my wife's tits. My wife was pinned! Melissa held Christy's hands down with hers, and rested her kness on my wife's arms.

The sexy, topless referee yelled, "Count it off!"

Most of the audience counted in unison as my wife unsuccessfully bucked and kicked, "One, two, three, four, five!"

Melissa raised her hands in victory with her gorgeous, exposed tits swaying back and forth in a victory dance. She got up off of my wife and pulled her skirt down to the canvas and kicked it off. Then, she circled the ring in nothing but her purple thong! Her bubble butt with her shapely hips looked perfect! Her tits continued bouncing and swaying as she celebrated in the ring.

The blonde topless referee grabbed her hand and walked with her. Both sets of tits danced around as they walked. The announcer proclaimed, "And the winner of the 'Wife vs Waitress' is Melissa!" The referee held up the hand, and the club roared in approval!

The server, who, told me about the video recording of the matches came up and got Andrea and Mila. The referee and Melissa helped my disappointed wife to her feet. The four wrestlers from the wrestling company who wrestled in the first two matches entered the ring topless. Mila was still in just a thong bikini bottom, and Andrea threw her robe to me as she climbed through the ropes. There were nine, hot, topless women in the ring, standing. We all shouted and cheered!

Afterwards, my wife exchanged contact information with Andrea, Mila, and Melissa.
While we were grouped together, another couple came up to us.

The man reached out and shook my hand. "Your wife was incredible! We were cheering for her. My name is Franz. This is my wife, Martha."

I replied, "Hey! I was wondering if you would be here tonight! Thanks for sharing your story. This turned out better than I thought. This is Christy."

Christy shook Franz' hand and said, "Exciting place. I wish I would have put on a better show."

"Impossible," said Franz. "You were magnificent! I'm buying a copy of your match! I can't wait to watch you. This is my wife, Martha."

Martha smiled as the wives shook hands.

Martha said, "We sent you a message with Melissa, but we were too late."

Christy replied, "Oh, you were the other couple."

"Yes," Martha responded. Franz is broken-hearted. He wanted to watch you and me in the ring tonight."

I smiled with excitement.

Christy said, "We'll have to work something out."

As a night cap, Melissa went to the hotel with us. Apparently, there was a bet between them after all. First, the ladies teamed up and sucked me off together! I coated their faces, and then, Melissa took charge and rode me in her victory lap. She bragged about beating Christy in front of me as she rode my throbbing dick. My wife had to watch, and film!
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline mag

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Re: Swinger Club Vacation (full story)
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2024, 01:48:34 AM »
What a great story, and final match for Christy and Melissa.   Lots of possible match ups for Christy for this trip.  Hopefully she gets to do a catfight with a few of them.   :-)   


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Re: Swinger Club Vacation (full story)
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2024, 11:06:17 PM »
Genuinely enjoyed Christy losing this one. Felt like Melissa needed it more and she can always be revisited much later as a rematch.


Offline Frank

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Re: Swinger Club Vacation (full story)
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2024, 04:47:50 PM »
One of the hoter wrestling stories I have read at this site.
You can take this as a compliment for your writing talent because I am not for restling and/or catfighting that much.
I am for the physical match between the two women to be rather a prologue for their erotic match that follows as they tuned on while wrestlingand.or catfighting.
However your story was VERY good, you have a writing talent for sure !
I liked the building tension among the women (erotic or not), among some women and other women's husbands too.
You described all of them fine !