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AGW Ring Queen Qualifying Match 4/8: Maslany vs Ritter (already in progress)

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...Tatiana saw her opportunity and seized it. As Krysten momentarily let her guard down, Tatiana lunged forward and grabbed the ball blunt end of the ball, and flail. With all the strength she had left, she swung the weapon with savage ferocity, connecting with Krysten’s jaw with a sickening crunch. The crowd gasped in shock as Krysten crumpled to the mat, her body going limp and still. Tatiana threw herself on top of Krysten, hoping to secure the three-count and the victory. But Krysten proved to be more resilient than Tatiana had anticipated, managing to kick out at two and a half. Tatiana let out a cry of frustration, her body trembling with exhaustion. She had given everything she had to this match, and it still wasn’t enough.

Tatiana screams echoed through the arena, primal and guttural.  Every fiber of her being was screaming at her to give up, to put an end to this brutal match. But something deep inside her refused to let her quit. She had come too far, endured too much, to give up now. Instead, she turned her frustration outward, directing it at Krysten. She cursed and hissed at her opponent, letting out all the anger and frustration that had built up inside her during the match. She was like a wild animal backed into a corner, ready to fight to the death if need be. Tatiana knew that she would have to dig even deeper if she wanted to come out on top, but she was ready to do whatever it took to win.

She climbed on top of Krysten Ritter, pinning her to the mat with her weight. She began to rain down punches, hitting Krysten over and over again with wild abandon. Each blow sent shockwaves of pain through Tatiana’s own body, her ribs aching and her lungs struggling to draw in air. But she refused to let up, determined to beat Krysten into submission. Her punches were fueled by a primal rage, a deep-seated desire to emerge victorious no matter what the cost. Krysten tried to protect herself, throwing up her arms to block the blows, but it was no use. Tatiana was like a force of nature, relentless and unstoppable. She continued to pound away.

Despite her best efforts, Tatiana was unable to secure another attempt at a three-count. She had pinned Krysten Ritter’s wrist to the mat, hoping to immobilize her and prevent her from kicking out, but it was no use. Krysten was like a cockroach, refusing to be squashed no matter how hard Tatiana tried. Frustrated and exhausted, Tatiana began to wonder if there was any way to put Krysten away for good. She had hit her with everything she had, but it still wasn’t enough. The thought of losing this match after everything she had been through was almost too much to bear. But Tatiana knew that she couldn’t give up, not when she was so close to victory. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for one final push.

She yanked Krysten Ritter up to her feet, determined to put an end to this match once and for all. She targeted Krysten’s injured leg, using it to her advantage as she attempted a fisherman suplex. Krysten tried to fight back, struggling against Tatiana’s grip, but it was no use. Tatiana was too strong, too determined. She lifted Krysten up into the air and slammed her down onto the mat with an emphatic thud, transitioning smoothly into a fisherman pin. Tatiana held Krysten down, her face a mask of concentration as she waited for the three-count. But once again, Krysten refused to stay down, kicking out just before the count was completed. Tatiana couldn’t believe it.But she didn’t waste any time, immediately hitting Krysten Ritter with another fisherman suplex. This time, there was no resistance from Krysten - she was limp and unresponsive. Instead of going for the pin, Tatiana transitioned smoothly into a single-leg crab, clamping down hard on Krysten’s injured leg. But it was clear that the match was already over - Krysten wasn’t moving, and the referee quickly realized that she was out cold. She lifted Krysten’s arm, and it fell back to the mat with a thud. The referee immediately called for the bell, declaring Tatiana the winner of the match. Tatiana collapsed onto the mat, exhausted and relieved. She had given everything she had to this match, and it had finally paid off. As the crowd cheered around her, Tatiana knew that she had earned her spot in the tournament.

“I told you,” Tatiana said to the unconscious body she sat on, “Inferior spin-off, inferior fighter, and inferior woman.”

1 christina ricci
3 sofia vergara
2 Debra Jo
