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One Too Many: Part 2

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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One Too Many: Part 2
« on: June 21, 2024, 01:30:00 AM »
First thing in the morning, I drove to the address of the sketchy antique shop. Felicia’s antiques, it was called. It was about a ten minute drive away. Roughly five minutes into the drive, my phone started to ring. It was Lydia. I was driving, so if it was anyone else, I’d just ignore it but Lydia is worth the ticket. Besides, I make it a point to always answer her calls. I’ve been yelled at at work for it more than once and it was always worth it. If I didn’t answer, she’d probably call the cops. I answered and put her on speaker.

“Babe?” I answered.

“Hey, where are you?” She asked.

“Oh, I just decided to get some early shopping done.” I answered, praying to God that she didn’t ask me to get something for her.

“Oh, okay.” Lydia said. I silently blew a sigh of relief. “I’m just letting you know that tomorrow, the girls will all be coming over.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah. We think a change of environment might help us reach a breakthrough.” Lydia explained. “You don’t mind being out of the house while we do our work, right?”

“What, you don’t trust me around a bunch of hot single women?” I asked jokingly.

“Very funny, dick.” Lydia shot back. “It’s just that we’re all pretty frustrated right now. We’re hitting dead end after dead end in our research. Tempers are starting to flare and we’ve kinda been taking out our frustration on each other.”

“Really?” I asked in a concerned tone.

“It’s nothing serious. Don’t worry.” Lydia reassured me. “I just don’t want you to be there to possibly witness us at our bitchiest. You understand, right?”

“Yeah, of course.” I said with a gigantic smile on my face.

What Lydia didn’t know was all the stuffed animals I gave her for her room weren’t just for decoration. In addition to my brewing skills, I also dabble in surveillance and IT. Every one of those stuffed animals has cameras in each eye and a tiny microphone in each of their noses and they surround the entire room. Oftentimes if I finish my lunch break early, I’ll break out my laptop and tune in to see if Lydia’s undressing. Is it creepy and invasive? Yes but I really need to see her glorious nudity to get myself through some days. I also admittedly have a voyeurism fetish. The idea that she doesn’t know I’m watching her is just really kinky. Lydia’s room is also large and roomy and she keeps all of her research and science stuff in there. I had no doubt that her and her girlfriends would be doing their thing there. Nowhere else would really work. I’m off again tomorrow, so I’ll just drive to the end of the block and tune in. Maybe if I’m lucky, they’ll start a catfight…or maybe something more…Ugh. Wishful thinking on my part but I digress.

“Thanks, babe. I knew you’d understand.” Lydia said with a loving tone.

“I wish I understood your brain half as much as I do your heart.” I say.

“What cheesy movie did you get that from?” She asked jokingly.

“I’ll never tell.” I responded.

“Well, I’ll need a good night’s rest tonight but once it’s all over, I promise I’ll reward you.” Lydia said flirtatiously. “Bye.”

“Bye.” I said back.

Now my heart was racing. If I was gonna get her this drink, it had to be by tomorrow. The images of her three girlfriends swam through my mind…

First there was Kate. Lydia’s best friend. A light brown haired beauty. Like Lydia, her hair is long and thick. If it wasn’t for the color, they’d look like twins. Their personalities are very similar too. Kate is very perky and playful. Honestly, I feel that in another universe, I’d be her boyfriend instead but I wouldn’t trade Lydia for anything. Lydia and Kate are like sisters but they love to bust each other’s chops a lot. Kate often flirts with me right in front of Lydia, which Lydia always laughs off. Sometimes I wonder if it’s deeper than that or if it bothers Lydia more than she lets on. Either way, Kate is a lot of fun to have around.

Then there’s Lucy. Long, dark brown hair that she usually keeps in a long ponytail. Lucy is a workaholic and I assume the most stressed of all the girls. She strikes me as the type who really needs to loosen up but she’s way too obsessed with her job to do that. Still, she is gorgeous. I’m sure the only reason she’s single is because she spends more time on work than her social life. She often expresses annoyance at Lydia and Kate not taking it as seriously as she does but they are still friends in the end.

And finally, there’s Kelsey. Dirty blonde hair in long twin tails. She’s a smiley sweetheart and seems a bit airheaded but once you get here in the zone, she’s like a machine. Kelsey is much more laid back than the others. Not as hyper as Lydia or Kate nor as uptight as Lucy. She’s a bit antisocial and quiet, only speaking up when she feels she has enough reason to. I wonder what goes on in that pretty little head of hers.

And before you ask, yes, they are all E-cups. In fact, they’ve gained a reputation. A common nickname for their little group is “The E-cup eggheads”. They’ve largely embraced that name. The four of them are all as scientifically brilliant as they are mouthwateringly sexy. They get along great most of the time, which is why it’s hard for me to imagine them being at each other’s throats. Well, maybe Lucy but still. Anyway, I finally made it to Felicia’s antiques. I parked the car, got out and walked in. The place was exactly what you’d expect from an antique shop. Even down to that distinctive smell. It was completely deserted. Not even an employee. I was confused and a bit worried that I was about to be jumped by armed thugs.

“He…Hello?” I asked nervously.

Suddenly, a figure came out from behind a curtain of beads, scaring the Hell out of me…Until I saw the vision of pure sexuality in front of me. I assumed she was Felicia. She was a red headed bombshell with long, deep crimson locks that went down past her ass, which swayed as she walked. She was dressed like a typical hippie. Even down to the bare feet. Her top showed off her bountiful chest. She had to be a DD cup. She leaned over the counter and rested her head on her arm held up by her elbow.

“Can I help you…Sir?” She asked. She didn’t seem used to customers. Or at least not male ones.

“Um, yes.” I answered, taking my gaze off of her cleavage. “I’m here to buy…”

I took out my phone to look at my pics and remind myself of the name of the drink.

“Feminine Glory.” I finished my sentence. “I assume you’re Felicia?”

“I am.” She answered. “But you know that drink is for women, right?”

“It’s not for me. It’s for my girlfriend.” I explained.

“Your girlfriend?” She asked. “Hmm…What does she look like?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” I said firmly.

“Do you want the drink or not?” Felicia asked rudely.

I rolled my eyes and took my phone out. I browsed through my pics until I found the most recent one of Lydia. It was her in a skimpy white bikini from when we went to the beach. She was striking a sexy pose for me. I handed my phone to Felicia. She smiled upon seeing the photo and appeared impressed.

“Oh, I see.” Felicia said with clear lust in her voice as she licked her lips. “She’s a fine young thing. I’d love to take her for a ride…all night long.”

My pulse increased again. The thought of this redhead beauty getting into it with my girlfriend made me want to pass out.

“What’s her name? And yours?” Felicia asked as she handed me my phone back.

I answered both questions.

“I see.” Felicia said.

“So tell me about this drink already.” I said. “Nothing about it is anywhere on the Internet. What’s in it? What does it do? I work in a brewery, so I’m naturally curious.”

“You men and your curiosities…” She sighed. “You would never believe me in a million years if I told you what was in my masterpiece.”

“Masterpiece?” I asked.

She then smiled deviously again.

“Tell me, Luke…” She said with a mild chuckle. “Have you ever heard of “sexfighting.”

My eyes went wide upon hearing that. For a second, I was doubting my ears. Boy, was I ever familiar with sexfighting. It was my biggest secret fetish by far. Much of my Internet history was full of it. Both video and especially literature. In fact, my number one fantasy is seeing Lydia sexfight all of her friends. I never told her because as open as we are with each other, I am a bit shy about this. Plus, I don’t want to make her uncomfortable in any way.

“Yes, I have.” I answered.

Felicia seemed impressed.

“Well, this concoction of mine was created with the one goal of being able to introduce such a thing to any woman.” Felicia explained. “You see Luke, I love my fellow women. I live to bring them pleasure in my work…By any means necessary.”

I gulped.

“I am a sex guru.” Felicia said. “This antique shop is just a cover. I wish to bring other women the gift of nymphomania. To show them a world of ecstasy that they cannot even begin to comprehend until they experience it themselves…And this drink…Feminine Glory…It is my magnum opus.”

“How does it work, exactly?” I asked.

“I’m glad you asked.” She said with a flirty smile. “I’ve managed to combine the pure essences of multiple aphrodisiacs and hormones to create a sweet tasting elixir that stimulates the female sex drive to the point where it will turn any woman who drinks it into a raging nymphomaniac.”

I was stunned but incredibly immersed by what she was saying.

“Just a single whiff of its scent will make any woman soaked.” She said. “However, I warn you. It does more than that. We women are driven by our hormones. They don’t just fuel our sex drive but also our emotions…All of them.”

“I’m not sure I understand.” I said.

“Of course not. You’re a man.” Felicia said plainly. “Feminine Glory will not just cause the drinker’s libido and arousal to skyrocket but also all of her emotions, no matter how deeply buried. They will all come out. The typical result is that it gives a great big jolt to the drinker’s competitive fire…and you know how competitive we women can get with each other.”

“That sounds…pretty intense.” I said.

“It was a necessary component.” Felicia explained. “Without that part, it would just make the drinker massively horny but it wouldn’t give her the fighting spirit necessary for my goal with this drink.”

“I see.” I said, finally beginning to understand.

Lydia definitely didn’t strike me as the competitive type but with the tensions going on between her and her girlfriends, I wasn’t discounting it either.

“It’s not dangerous, is it?” I asked.

“No.” Felicia said. “However, I recommend that you give it to your girlfriend and another woman that you both trust immensely. Otherwise, you risk her going out and starting something with the first woman she sees. You certainly don’t want that.”

“Of course not.” I said. Granted, that was a pretty kinky thought but I don’t want her getting arrested.

“After the drink is consumed, I guarantee that you will see a side of Lydia that you never knew existed.” Felicia continued. “And I must warn you. Sexfighting changes women. I can tell you from first hand experience that it is the most addictive thing in the world. The sheer ecstasy and euphoria of not just the sex, but the adrenaline pumping charge of the competition and overwhelming compulsion to dominate the other woman and the immediate lust for revenge in the event of defeat…It is all just beyond intoxicating.”

“And the bad part would be?” I asked.

“There is a risk.” Felicia answered. “Once your girlfriend gets her first taste, there is no going back. No woman can ever have just one fight and be done with it. All the rehab in the world could never change that…and the sheer rush of the experience is something that no man can ever even dream of matching.”

“What are you saying?” I asked defensively.

“I’m saying that Lydia may lose interest in you if you do this for her.” Felicia explained. “I know it’s not a nice thing to hear but it could very well happen.”

I was suddenly very conflicted about all of this. If I gave her this drink, I might just turn her into something that she’s not…or rather, something I don’t want her to be. It was risk vs reward. I was deep in thought for quite some time. If it really made her leave me, then that just represents what was deep inside of her all along. The real Lydia. I want her to be happy. I want her to be herself…but…I don’t know.

“Luke, you must ask yourself one question.” Felicia said. “How much do you and her love each other?”

It then suddenly clicked. Lydia was the light of my life and I know she felt the same way. With her brains and successful career, she could’ve gone off and been some rich dude’s trophy wife but instead, she chose me. A normal guy who makes booze for a living. That was all I needed to be reminded of. I took a deep breath.

“I want the drink.” I said firmly.

“Are you sure?” Felicia asked.

“Yes.” I said.

Felicia then smiled.

“Well, it is quite expensive normally but…How about you pay me in a different way?” Felicia asked suggestively.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

“You see, Luke, I spend so much time helping other women that I often forget that I’m a woman with desires too.” Felicia said seductively as she began to slip her clothes off. “I can’t even tell you how long it’s been since a real man has taken me to pound town…”

My jaw dropped as Felicia’s clothes spilled off of her and her incredible nude body was on display. I was right. She was a DD. Her skin was flawless. Her ass was out of this world and her pussy looked plump and juicy. Ripe for a fucking.

“There’s no one here, Luke.” Felicia said. “Lydia doesn’t need to know. Come on. Run me through until I explode all over you. I want you so bad…”

She then approached me and wrapped her arms around me. She brought her face close to mine for a kiss but I pulled away.

“No!” I said firmly. “I have a girlfriend.”

“You think you’re the first man with a girlfriend…or even wife that I’ve fucked?” Felicia asked. “Women often bet their men in fights against me…and they always lose. So would Lydia but I don’t want to wait. I want you now.”

“No!” I said again. “Just let me pay you for the drink. I don’t care how pricey it is.”

Felicia then scoffed and chuckled.

“You really are a keeper.” She said.

I looked confused until I realized that she was testing me. I then groaned out loud.

“The drink’s no charge.” She explained. “I just wanted to see if you were worthy of giving it to her…and you didn’t disappoint.”

“I see.” I said with a sigh.

“Now let me get that for you.” Felicia said.

She didn’t bother getting dressed again. She went back behind the counter and reached into a small container on the ground as I eyed up her dump truck ass. Hey, I can at least look. Nothing wrong with that. The redhead guru then took out the bottle. The same Middle Eastern looking bottle that I saw in the ad and handed it to me.

“One last thing.” She said. “Why do you exactly want to give her this? You obviously love her, so it must be deeper than just wanting to see her fuckfight other women.”

“She works in medical science.” I explained. “Her and her three friends and coworkers have been very stressed out lately over their latest project. I’m hoping that this drink will help them relax and clear their heads. Especially since the three of them will be at my house all day tomorrow.”

“Oh, this will help them blow off some steam, alright.” Felicia said. “And then some.”

“Is one bottle enough for four women?” I asked.

“Plenty. One sip is all it will take.” Felicia answered. “The effects will take some time to kick in but once they do, that’s when the fun begins.”

“One last question.” I said. “I’m just curious. What exactly would happen if a man drank this?”

“Oh…” Felicia said. “It would kill him.”

My eyes went wide until I realized that she was messing with me again.

“Ha ha.” I said. “Thanks for the drink. I’ll be going now.”

Felicia put it in a bag and handed it to me.

“Let me know how it all works out.” She said. “Oh and tell your girlfriend to come visit me sometime. I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted a piece of her pussy.”

“Um…Will do.” I said, trying and failing to hide how hot and bothered I was.

“You can watch too.” Felicia said. “That is if you don’t mind watching your girl get her cxnt whipped by a superior woman. Goodbye now.”

I took the bag and left. I didn’t show it but her last sentence kind of irked me. Me being the supportive boyfriend I am, I was sure that Lydia would crush Felicia in a fight. Even if a total rookie beating a pro was a pipedream. Well, I have what I need. Now I just need to convince the girls to drink it.


Offline YuriLesboLover

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Re: One Too Many: Part 2
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2024, 05:34:54 AM »
Love love love it

I’m glad to hear it because the next part will be very long and will take quite a while.