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Offline topgear15

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  • Enjoy female wrestling & catfighting
« on: June 26, 2024, 02:30:02 AM »
     Giulia has gone to the pool. She is happy to find the pool is a nice size. She gets in and just enjoys the water, she finds it very soothing. She then takes a short swim. She is starting to feel much better and relaxed. She decides to get on a floating mattress and just lay there floating in the pool. It is so relaxing she dozes off for a short nap. When she wakes up she notices a young girl on a recliner near the pool. Giulia pays little attention to the girl and continues to enjoy relaxing on the air mattress. She decides it is time to go, rolls off the raft into the water and takes a brief swim. She gets out of the pool, gets a towel from the cabinet and dries off. The young girl sits up on the lounger and asks Giulia " Are you the girl my mom just kicked her ass? "   Giulia " Excuse me! "    The young girl in the red bikini is Sara the daughter of Jack and Eva. She is 5' 6"  120lbs 36c  with long brown hair, A younger version of her mom. She is in her early 20's and is very spoiled. Sara " I heard mom just got done beating some bitches ass, they usually let them use the pool afterwards."   Giulia " She did not beat my ass, it was a very close fight."   Sara  " Oh I am sure... you don't look like you could beat my grandmother."   Giulia "Is that so, you don't look so tough, do YOU think you can beat my ass? "   Sara " I don't  think you could last 10 minutes against me."   Giulia " why don't we see about that."   Sara  " Fine meet me in the fight room in 15 minutes bitch."   Giulia  " I will be there."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
     Giulia arrives  about 15 minutes later after drying her hair and stretching again since it has been awhile since her fight with Eva. Giulia at 5' 7"  122lbs 34c with long brown hair feels more confident going against Sara because she did well against her mom. Giulia walks up to Sara and stares into her eyes and says " How are we going to do this?"   Sara " Cat fight, same rules my mom fights by, are you ok with that, or are you to worn out from my mom kicking your ass? "   Giulia "Fuck you bitch I will fight you the same as I fought your mother, so you can't say I was easy on you BITCH "   Sara " Enough talk let's fight "   They attack each other hands in hair arms around necks. Sara body slaps Giulia a couple of times then gets her hand back in her hair. They are struggling for control. Giulia pulls Sara's hair hard pulling her head back. This helps her to pull Sara to the floor. They are in a cat ball rolling around on the floor. They are body slapping with legs entangled pulling hair. Giulia gets Sara on her back and sits on her stomach and grabs both her tits. Sara grabs both of Giulia's tits and both women are grimacing and cursing the other. Sara then slaps Giulia's face and Giulia grabs her hand. Sara smiles at Giulia and she takes her other hand and slaps Sara hard across the face. twice before Sara can grab her hand. They are now waving their arms trying to get free from the others grip. Sara is using her legs to try to wrap up Giulia to pull her off. Giulia just leans forward to avoid all attempts. Sara is getting pissed as Giulia is dominating her so far. She is not used to this as she has won most of her fights against daughters of women her mother has fought. Giulia gets Sara's arms pinned above her head as she is leaning forward. Sara uses her knees to kick into Giulia's butt, but this does little. Giulia moves up onto Sara's face to pussy smother her. Sara is really pissed now. her legs are kicking and thrashing. She tries bucking but this is having no affect either. Giulia wiggles her butt grinding her pussy into Sara's face. Sara is wiggling and thrashing about as much as she can. Giulia " Do you give bitch? "   Sara mumbles " Yes "   Giulia gets up and goes to the mini fridge and gets a cold water then to the cabinet and gets a towel. Sara lays on the floor for a couple of minutes. She then gets up and does the same. They are both resting in their chairs, ignoring each other.                               
     Giulia finally says " Are you ready to continue? "    Sara just stands and goes out to the center of the room. Giulia cautiously approaches her and they circle with hands up looking for an opening. Sara grabs at Giulia trying for a headlock but Giulia ducks and Sara misses. Giulia grabs her and they go to the floor. Giulia has Sara from the back with her legs around her waist and one arm around her neck. She is pulling Sara's hair with the other hand. Sara pounds and slaps Giulia's body and legs. Sara reaches back over her head and grabs Giulia's hair. Giulia then grabs one of Sara's breasts and squeezes. She has control of Sara's legs and she can not believe Giulia has controlled and dominated her like this so far. Giulia knows not to get cocky because she knows how quickly things can change. She wants to wear down Sara and break her resolve. She knows this may be difficult since her mother never gave up. Giulia is able to reach Sara's pussy and slaps it 3 times then grabs her and uses her fingers to rub the bikini material into Sara's pussy and along her pussy lips. Sara  " AAAHHHH  You fucking bitch, I will kill you "   Giulia rubs her a little harder, then slaps her pussy again then goes back to pulling her hair. Sara is moaning in pain and is getting desperate. She tries to pull Giulia's arm away and gets nowhere. She scratches Giulia's leg. Giulia  " OOWWW "   Giulia slaps Sara's face twice then grabs one of her tits and squeezes hard. Sara " AAHHH  Bitch "   Sara submits and Giulia releases her and both go to their seats and towel off and get a cool drink. Sara is really pissed, her ego has been bruised. She has decided she will not loose another round.                                                                                                                                                                 
     They stand and before they even get out towards the middle of the room Sara attacks Giulia. She is surprised by this attack, she is caught completely off guard. Sara gets Giulia from behind and gets her in a headlock. She tosses her to the floor and is laying with her back on Giulia's chest who is on her back. Giulia grabs Sara's hair and pulls hard. She slaps at Sara's body and face then grabs one of her tits. Sara is gritting her teeth but is enjoying her advantage over Giulia. Sara is holding on tight with both arms  Giulia is pulling at Sara's arms is wiggling  and kicking her legs and is able to break free. This upsets Sara who goes after Giulia. They collide and are now in a cat ball rolling around on the floor. Sara pulls Giulia's bra string thus untying it. They are both body slapping and pulling hair. Their legs are entangled trying to gain an advantage. Giulia breaks away and uses her legs to push Sara away. As she rolls from Sara she removes her bra and tosses it aside. They both stand and cautiously approach each other. They lock up chest to chest, hands in hair. Giulia hip tosses Sara to the floor and as she tries to get her in a scissors Sara grabs Giulia's leg and bites her left shin. Giulia " OOOWWWW   You fucking cxnt "    Giulia slaps Sara's face but Sara then bites her again. Giulia is able to get her injured leg away from Sara. She did not draw blood but Giulia's shin is very sore with teeth marks. She knows now she is facing a biter and this changes things. Sara is able to use this distraction to get away from Giulia. They roll apart and stand. Sara smiles at Giulia. They slowly circle hands up. They take a couple of swipes at each other trying to grab hair or the others neck. Both miss as the other ducks. Giulia is favoring her sore leg but still purses Sara. She is able to get Sara in a headlock. She body slaps Sara then uses both hands to lock on to Sara's neck. Sara grabs one of Giulia's bare breasts and is squeezing hard. Giulia is wincing  but tolerates the pain. Sara is also pulling Giulia's hair bending her head back. Giulia is jerking Sara from side to side as they are both trying to gain control. They trip each other other up and fall to the floor. Sara scratches Giulia's arm causing her to let up on her grip and Sara is able to break free. As she gets away from Giulia she grabs Sara's bikini tie string pulling it loose. Sara grabs her top and tosses it away. Both women are now topless. Sara turns to attack Giulia but is met with a hard slap across her face. Sara's hair is flying, her head turns. Giulia then grabs Sara by the hair and Sara recovers and gets Giulia in a bear hug. Giulia body slaps Sara as she pulls her hair. They sort of wobble and then fall to the floor. Sara is able to gain control and sits on Giulia's face. She pulls hair and forces Giulia's face into her pussy. Giulia is having trouble breathing. She scratches Sara's legs and tries to bite her pussy but can barely open her mouth. As Giulia tries to scratch Sara's legs again Sara pulls Giulia's face hard into her pussy really making it hard for her to breath. Giulia taps out., Sara gets up smiling, thinking her new tactics are working. Both now have welts from the scratches. Giulia has teeth marks on her leg that are still sore. Both take their seats and rest, they are breathing heavily. They both know this is going to get intense.                                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                               To             Be              Continued
« Last Edit: June 26, 2024, 03:13:44 AM by topgear15 »
I like reading the stories on this site and talking to some of the members.