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Jessica Lucas vs Melissa Benoist

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Jessica Lucas vs Melissa Benoist
« on: June 26, 2024, 05:00:05 AM »

Rachel Nichols left no doubt and not just beat Angelica Celaya, she dominated her.  She sat down next to Katie “In all honesty its more professional than personal with Palicki.”

“Its personal for Aly.”

“Its strange Aly has a win on her.  Yet whenever Adrianne and I were face to face that made her cringe. I think Adrianne is going to really embarrass Aly this time” Rachel looked back “Celaya and Swan will kill each other you know that right.  That’s why I think you are more interesting and brings the real best out of Serinda.  She doesn’t like you and you can’t stand her and yet she still has no respect for you despite losing what three times”

“I know and its irritating. I’ve beaten her twice one on one, but she insists there’s an asterisk each time.  Excited for this next one.”

“I know the fights were hard and both of you took on some damage.  Was Serinda right? Did she get kicked by Angelica in the first fight?”

“She had her foot up and, in the rolling, we got close and Serinda got distracted.”

“Far as I’m concerned you won those, and you damn sure won the ladder match.”

Jessica Lucas came out first to some surprise and took off her shoes then Melissa Benoist was out.  “This is not personal Melissa; I think your super cute and cheerful but Katharine McPhee’s mouth has pissed me off lately.  I’ve been challenging her for years and nothing.’

Jessica got in the cage “So get in here and this isn’t about you its about who I want to prove I’m hotter than, stronger than and simply better than.”

Melissa Benoist came out and looked over at Katie “We are part of the Berlanti… Why is she here to fight me vs my taking on Tricia or Elene? ”

“Always Melissa, you are the golden child but I’m the golden enforcer.”

“Get in here ok.  I want to know if this will get me Katharine McPhee”

Melissa got into the cage “Honestly how would it?  I don’t know her, and she isn’t part of what Katie and I do.”

“Because I know that bitch and, in this cage,, there will be fights taking place with women who are better than her.  Women she is inherently jealous of and everything I do from here on out is about pointing out she’s a coward, she fears me because she was close to equal with these women.  She is nowhere near me and she knows it”

“So how does” Melissa never got a chance to finish as the door shut an Jessica was across quick hitting a straight kick.  Melissa bounced off the cage and into Jessica’s arms for a bear hug.  Jessica made Melissa go red in seconds.  Her arms crushing Melissa’s ribs her tits demolishing Melissa’s.  Melissa Benoist did not know what to do and before Katie could offer any advice Jessica lifted Melissa off her feet an hit a belly to belly suplex making sure her tits slammed down on Melissa’s taking even more air out of her lungs


Keeping a lock on Melissa, Jessica lifted her.  Tightened the bear hug and Melissa moaned “my tits.”  It was evident that Jessica Lucas was absolutely crushing Melissa Benoists tits.  Jessica hit another belly to belly an again she made sure her large perfect tits squashed melissas

Katie was inside “She had enough.  You wanted to talk to Serinda and you will get that but this fight is over ok.”


Katie helped Melissa to her car “Its like this… Aly Michalka has been tempted to want a rematch with me so I needed her gone so she got Adrianne who was angry with her.  Angelica hates Serinda and I don’t want her excuses, so Angelica got destroyed by Rachel.  I’m not here to say which of the two of them is better.  Now up next, I have to hope Tricia Helfer beats Elene Satine.  Elene has helped Serinda before, so I need her gone and then all that’s left is Serinda Swan and myself.”

“So why me and her”

“I need Tricia to beat Elene and you weren’t a guarantee to beat her but Tricia was my best bet if she fights smart to her advantages… I want to shut Serinda up once and for all.  I love you but that bitch needs her mouth shut with no excuses and having my friends around is as bad as her friends.”

(Upcoming:  Adrianne Palicki vs Aly Michalka; Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt; British Fight Pit; Katherine McNamara vs Kathryn Newton; Kelly Monaco vs Lindsey Hartley)