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Diverging fates: the record of the fight that got me hooked on catfights.

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Offline Bry-

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This is the story of the first catfight I saw. It got me hooked on the concept of catfights and is still the best fight I've ever seen. I am not a writer, and the fight happened more than 15 years ago and lasted less than a minute. Some details might be the product of my memory, and it won't be the well-written play-by-play that most of you are used to. It partially focuses on how I felt.

Warning: it's violent and might be triggering for some.

The alarm clock rang. It was already 6 a.m. I woke up ready to repeat my excruciating routine for the past few days. It was spring break, and staying in the dorms to work on my overdue assignments was the last thing I wanted to do. But I had to do it to graduate on time. I had grown to like it a bit, actually; it felt nice to be productive. Anyway, I got busy working, and before I knew it, it was 6 p.m. Feeling good about my progress, I decided to hit the bar and grab a drink.

Unsurprisingly, my little southern college town was a ghost town during spring break. I made my way to the bar and got my drink. There was almost nobody in the bar. Right in front of my table, there was a boisterous group of girls talking, laughing, drinking, and generally having fun. At the pool table, a couple of guys and a girl were playing. I saw only one staff member, and he was working the bar.

I started drinking and reading my book. I was a dozen or so pages in when I was distracted by the sound of two girls arguing. It was one of the girls from the group and the girl who was at the pool table. The girl from the group had spilled beer on the pool girl. The pool girl believed she was owed an apology, while the beer girl thought it was the pool girl who had walked into her and she should pay for the beer.

I was weirdly aroused at the sight of the two girls forcefully confronting each other. I immediately knew it was something more than seeing two beautiful women; it was something more. Judging by the reactions, I was not the only one. The guys with the pool girl were actively egging them on. Things were heating up between the girls. The accusations turned into name-callings, and name-callings turned into threats. Before I knew it, punches were flying.

Both combatants were gorgeous. Both were around 5'5" and 125-135 lbs with smoking bodies. The beer girl was a blonde in a tight mini-dress with a deep square neckline that showed a lot of cleavage. The pool girl was a brunette in a black strapless mini-dress. Seeing their bodies bend and their dresses rise up their legs only added to their allure.

From the beginning, I knew this had unlocked something in me. I was as aroused as I've ever been in my life. It was the first time I had seen adults fight. They were going at it with a level of violence and determination that I had never seen in my life. The girls were punching, kicking, and pulling at each other's hair with all they had. The girls fought like wild animals, truly giving meaning to the term "catfight." I took a liking to the blonde girl because I thought she was hotter.

The brunette girl managed to push the blonde to the ground, dragging her by her hair and punching her on the back of her head. Then, the blonde girl pounced on the brunette's legs and pulled her feet from under her. Now, the girls were fighting on the ground. They were struggling wildly for the upper hand, bending each other's bodies, pulling hair, locking their legs around each other, and punching, kicking, and scratching. All while leaving their bodies in compromising positions. The brunette girl's tits were already out, and the blonde girl had only kept hers in by repeatedly pushing them back in.

It was the first time I had seen something like this. I could see that the girls were seriously hurting each other, and they were not going to stop. It was fascinating to me how girls, usually so soft and delicate, could go from not knowing each other to tearing each other apart in a few seconds. The fight was extremely primal; it was not a fight to win. It was a fight to survive. With no bouncer around and the fighters and bystanders extremely eager, it was clear that the fight would go to the finish. You could feel that it was a very high stakes and anything could happen. This is what attracted me: the primality and the decisiveness.

The early stages of the fight were very fast, with girls rolling on the floor and exchanging the top position. The brunette girl had managed to get on top, and with the fight getting much slower, my girl seemed to be in trouble. The brunette was raining wildly at the blonde's head, and she was desperately trying to defend herself. But the punches were not very effective. The blonde had her legs around the brunette. The legs were probably the only reason keeping the beer girl in the fight. The beer girl grabbed her opponent's hair and landed a few good punches. Then she wrapped her thighs around the brunette's head and began pulling her hair with one hand and punching with the other while jerking her body from side to side. It seemed like an inescapable trap.

The brunette tried freeing herself by pulling back. Finally, it seemed like the brunette was making progress, but then the blondie let go of the hold and kicked the brunette straight in the head. She fell to her back, and the blonde girl immediately pounced. She put her opponent in a headlock and began punching her. Again, the punches didn't seem very effective, and the pool girl got free. And after some struggle, they were fighting on their knees on equal footing.

Girls were pulling their hair and punching each other while on their knees. The blonde girl pushed the brunette girl to the ground by pulling her hair and forcing her weight on her. Then she sat on her and began punching. Once it was clear that the punches were not going to work, she changed tactics. She put her knee on one of the brunette's arms. She had found the winning move. Then she trapped the pool girl's other arm under her other knee. Now she could throw real punches. She rose completely on her knees, fully opened up her body, and punched the pool girl with all she had. With each punch, the blonde's tits shook wildly, slipping in and out of her dress. The brunette knew she was in trouble. She began flailing like a fish out of water, kicking her legs in the air. But this lasted only a short time. She went completely limp after a few punches. Her legs fell to the floor, only moving when the blonde's punches jolted her body from side to side.

The blonde realized she had finished off her opponent and stopped. She uttered "useless skank" as she stood up from her enemy's senseless body. She fixed her hair and dress and triumphantly returned to her table. She celebrated with her friends, hugging and high-fiving all of them.

Everybody was quiet and in awe of what they had just witnessed. Inside myself, I was praising the winner and her ultimate victory. I went to take a closer look at the loser and see if I could help. She was lying motionless on the ground, with her tits out, her mini-dress up to her stomach and revealing her landing strip through her sheer panties, her heels mangled around her feet, and hair, both dark and light, scattered around her on the floor. I have never seen someone get obliterated this thoroughly. And it was all of her doing. It was two consenting adults fighting fair and square. If anything, she was more of an instigator. There was no reason to feel bad for her. It was a fair fight won by the superior woman.

A few minutes later, the brunette girl was regaining some consciousness, but it was still just enough to move a bit and open her eyes. Her companions realized that she was seriously hurt and wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. So they carried her out to, I assume, a hospital.

That night was when I was hooked on catfights. This fight is, to this day, the best catfight that I've ever seen in real life, movies, online videos, or any other form. The main attraction of catfights for me is seeing one woman establish her superiority over another in a fair fight when both give their everything. Particularly the thought of how differently this fight ended for the girls. One was triumphant, happy, virtually unscathed, and undoubtedly filled with confidence. The other was lying on the ground, barely alive and barely dressed, lucky if she didn't remember anything.

I bet you want to know how it all ended. A few days later, the Police came to talk to me about the incident. I told them that it was not an assault and that the blonde girl had stopped once the threat was neutralized. As for the brunette girl's condition, they told me she was conscious and out of ICU and was expected to make a full recovery. So, that's at least something.

Please let me now how you got hooked on catfights and what was the first fight you saw or any other opinion you have.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 03:05:09 PM by Bry- »


Offline Rocko23

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That was a wonderful description of what happened. Thanks for writing it.


Offline JT Edson

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That was an excellent retelling of a fantastic catfight. Your description of the fight and how it made you feel was perfect.


Offline Bry-

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That was an excellent retelling of a fantastic catfight. Your description of the fight and how it made you feel was perfect.
That was a wonderful description of what happened. Thanks for writing it.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was not expecting such a warm reception. This encourages me to write down the fictional fights that I have in mind.