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Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)

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Offline linftr

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Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« on: July 08, 2024, 01:15:22 PM »
I wait upstairs in the bedroom and hear a low bustle of chatter and noise downstairs, as I decide how I want to pose in my red catsuit.  My heels are still on, they make my legs longer and more elegant, and I hate to concede any more height to the German bitch.  Well, I’ll kick them off once we get going, we will be on the bed for the most part anyhow.  I am looking forward to kicking her downstairs when we are done, for the folks we invited to ogle and stare.  We have had many fights, but none where we were alone to claw it out.  The thrill of public celebration will exist, but as long as we are fighting, it will be just  Anne and I.

I reflect on the history of our battles, more in my favor than hers and wonder what drove me to ask her to meet me again.  We don’t really have a hateful feud, more an intense need to show the other who is best.  Anne had been indisposed for a while, and I reached out to ask how she was, and we conversed, and my typically kind intentions morphed.  My desire to scratch her, spank her, maul her and more just crept in and multiplied as I realized she was ok, and actually twitching for action.  Instead of feeling compassionate towards her, I wanted to knock her down and stand on her tits!

So here we are, with a roomful of people downstairs, myself all primed to go, as according to our arrangements we will fight upstairs till the winner is done, and will then roll the loser downstairs somehow, and show how she is the decisive victor.  I hear loud exclamations, shouts of “she is here” and then, heels on the steps.  We had agreed that there would be no ‘working the crowd’ or interactions with the ‘guests’ till the battle was over.  No frills or toys till then, it will be Anne and I proving who is the best woman.  Those footsteps are taking a long while to get upstairs.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 03:42:19 PM by linftr »


Offline caryn1

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2024, 01:25:13 PM »
great start   :-*
to my regrets i have had to give up real fights because of injury


Offline DavidG

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2024, 04:24:21 PM »
Love the start
Like the sound of how this is going to work
Can’t wait for the action


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2024, 05:22:56 PM »
I was out of action for a long time due to a chronic illness, but one day I came back and got an overview of what was happening in the forum.
I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw a post in which Linda asked about me.
Not that I had a feeling of hatred associated with her name, but it still surprised me.

Contact was quickly re-established and our rivalry was back immediately.
And it was clear from the start that we would fight each other again.
Yes, Linda has a positive record against me. But it is not set in stone and what was to stop me from changing it?

So we arranged a fight.
Dirty, mean, woman against woman.
The loser was to be brought before the witnesses waiting in the living room to prove her defeat.

And right now I'm climbing the stairs.
My heels click on the steps.
Istop for a second in front of the bedroom door, take a deep breath, push down the door handle and go in.
Our eyes meet immediately. 
I turn around in my white catsuit, close the door behind me and look at you.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2024, 07:16:49 PM »
:  I jump, not from alarm, but the release of all doubt that this encounter will place.  As the door opens, and Anne steps in, I take a long moment to look her up and down.    As she pivots to close the door, I see her side profile, and the dark tips of her breasts peeking out.  Politely, I inform her how glad I am for us to meet again, my mouth curling into a sneer as I finish.  I watch her glance around my bedroom, and somehow, that sets me off.

My bedroom, where my husband and I sleep, and she is looking at it as if she might conquer this territory.  Like any possessive  female dog, my hackles rise.  I never expected this reaction from myself from having my space invaded.  Her scent mingling with my perfumes, the fact that her knee touches my bed and she is wearing that sleazy  white outfit.  Am glad Tim is away on one of his fishing trips, as I will rid our room of all traces of this interloper before he comes back.

“So you flashed your cooch to everyone downstairs while you clunked up the stairs, right Anne?  They will have an even better view of it when you go down. Do you need a moment to collect yourself, or to discuss anything, because if not, I am going to start slapping you silly”.  My knee goes on the bed, then the other, and as I pull my heels off, I hitch towards the middle of our battlefield.  There will be no sneak attacks, as the king size bed will require some shuffling before we get to grips. Wham, wham, I throw my heels past your side, announcing to our guests that things are beginning.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2024, 08:52:31 PM »
I look around.
In this room, the old woman is doing it with her hubby.
She lets me into her most holy place.
Does it make her feel more secure?

I don't care, I'll defeat her in her own territory too, take away her pride and humiliate her.

I stand in front of the bed, hear your biting mockery and look at you and then reply:
"Darling, have you already looked at yourself in the mirror?!
I'm sure your labia are hanging out of your catsuit.
The milk is sloshing loudly back and forth in your hanging udders.
But to make the whole thing a little prettier, I'd like to decorate your tits with the red pattern of my fingernails and pull the greasy flaps of your femininity long,"
I reply venomously.

I put my left knee on your bed.

"If you want, you can go down now and say that you recognize my superiority." 

I drag my right knee up and kneel on the edge of your bed, knowing you'll be damned if you announce this.

"It looks like the inevitable is about to happen."

I pull the right heel off my foot and throw it past you.
Then I pull the left heel off my foot and throw it past you as well.

The women waiting in the living room should know that it's going to start any second.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2024, 09:29:32 PM »
:  I hardly blink at your copycat heel throwing, instead I order you to “move your skanky ass and get over here, or are you getting ready to run away”.  My knees hardly indents the firm mattress as I advance, to almost halfway.  For some reason, I left the fancy duvet cover on the bed, forest green with bright green shamrocks patterned  on it.  It does make me feel as if I am defending home turf.  I am sure the camera someone rigged up for the video of the fight will show lovely contrast between our white and red outfits, and the dark cover.  Seconds left to go before we close, and my final thoughts were distractions.

I feel the vibrations of her knees shifting, and hear her remark on my tits and twat.  She should pray hers were as fine as mine.  I will make her pay extra for that.  My bed hardly has a squeak, but as I lunge, the people below can feel a vibration.  My hands both slap, the right at your face, and the left at your breast.  They flurry, I want our opening encounter to have her back peddling.  My palm stings, while my left hand whips past .  Her miserable breasts are not a good enough target.  Following my plan, my knee shifts forward further, wanting to crowd her. 

”And you think you will get claw and tug my tender bits, not likely” as I flail at you, puffing hard as I keep a windmill going.  I hear noise from below, they are complaining they cannot watch this live.  I try not to blink or lose focus.  When the chance comes, I intend to get her nasty cxnt first.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2024, 01:53:24 PM »
You move to the middle of the bed, the adrenaline in my blood is increasing.
I kind of like Linda.
Most of the time.
But not right now.
Now I only want one thing, to beat you in a woman vs. woman fight.
Mean, dirty, vile.
I slide forward on the firm mattress, get closer to you.
Watch you, see the determination in your eyes.
"Oh you lousy bitch, let's just do it until one of us can't take it anymore!"

I've barely said the thought when you attack me.
A series of slaps rain down on me.
I raise my hands, try to survive the first wave of your blows as unscathed as possible. Then my right hand shoots forward and I try to leave the first marks of my fingernails on your chest.
But I only manage to grab the mesh fabric of your catsuit and start to tug at it.
I notice how your upper body leans forward, but then the fabric gives way and I have nothing but a few threads in my fingers. 
But now your chest swings around freely. That's not enough for me.
Try to slide further forward, throw myself against you and force you onto the mattress.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2024, 03:52:37 PM »
My slapping hands contact her arms, face, and body, but I am not scoring a telling blow.  The big brunette keeps waddling forward, just like me, and my freed breasts are slithering all over her. She tried and failed to claw them, but I hope to have more success with hers. Being so close, my slaps have little effect, so I start raking at her flanks, trying to get at the sides of her tits  I shove my head under her chin, to block her view, and allow me to work her cheap outfit off.  I won’t be the first one naked. 

The upper half of my red catsuit is already tattered, and I feel Anne leaning heavily on me.  Snarling, I yank at some white fabric and as we shift, I see her pussy within range.  Even as my hand darts, she has moved her thigh.  Damn, I have to be ready .  I am already breathing heavily, and as  I return to your breasts, I note them rising and falling.  I already gave her side a small scratch, but I want to get the first deep marks into her waving breast.  I grab for the covered one, to finish displaying her bosom.

I churn the bed with my knees, keeping myself tucked in under her chin, as I seek tender targets.  I mock her “don’t know what to do, do you Anne.  I always was smarter than you”.  Her now free breasts wobble in front of me, and I twist my head, seeking to nip that brownish nipple.  I clutch her middle so she can’t shift away. 


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2024, 05:25:02 PM »
Our bodies get closer and closer and you stop hitting me.
Instead, I feel your fingernails scratching my full breasts, leaving a slight burn and the first marks on my skin.
A soft sound of tearing fabric tells me that you have set about destroying my catsuit and exposing my sexy body.
"What a vicious cxnt!"
it shoots through my head.
I slide even closer to her, closing the gap between us and preventing you from attacking my nipple.
My left arm goes around your waist and with my right I reach behind your left thigh.
I press myself against you, pull on your leg and try to throw you off balance and onto the mattress. 
The scent of your soap, your perfume and your fresh sweat creep into my nose.
Driven by ambition, I try to gain an advantage and get myself into a good position.
At the moment I think I've the fight well under control and see no reason to resort to rude methods to defeat you in the end.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2024, 10:52:31 PM »
So our scanty outfits are at half mast, our torsos exposed, and we are twisting our bodies around each other, as she leans in and over, trying to lever my leg and sprawl me out, while I counter by pressing even further into her, my shoulder thumping against the bottom of your breasts, as my head peeks out next to your armpit.  Before she can trap my neck, my hand reaches up and around and grabs her hair to yank her down. We are hopelessly wrapped around each other, and we succeed in getting ourselves facing each other sideways on my bed.

Anne looks strangely calm, as if she is following some cosmic plan, while I am spewing and fuming, pulling hair and scratching at her body.  Before she can roll on me, I lift my leg up to throw it across her.  “I can’t wait to humiliate you downstairs, you know everyone down there is only there to see what I do to you. “ I am gasping this out as I try to swing my body onto you, spluttering  away.  “Maureen, Dawne, all want to see you finally crawl off in abject defeat, probably after I use whatever foul devices you brought on yourself.”  It is like climbing Mt Everest to  get aboard you, as I slip on your glistening body.  “Do you want me to dump you on the floor, because that is where you are going, you should not be on MY bed”

Having vented, I start to wonder what is going on, she isn’t slapping or clawing, yet, she seems to want to just wriggle into me.  I hope she isn’t intending that nasty sex stuff she probably does back in Germany.  Just the idea has me whipping a hard slap at your hip.. My mind running, I see the sweat marked duet in a ball.  I’ll never clean her off of it!  Frustrated, I try to kick myself away  from you and try another avenue of attack.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2024, 09:52:35 PM »
Calmly I fight Linda, wanting to irritate her and slowly sneak into her consciousness, quietly through the back door.
I notice how upset Linda gets, how she becomes more and more involved in this fight and tries to get me out of my calm.

She cleverly counters my attempt to throw her onto the bed and forces me onto my back instead.
I feel her fat thighs as they swing over my stomach and finally the rest of the walrus follows.

This is really going too far!
Now it's time to show her her limits.

"You want to see me on the floor? Sweetheart,
don't tempt me to ignore your wishes and try to earn you a little respect in a very dirty way!"
I hiss.

I grab your red mane, yank your head hard to the side and grab your exposed tit.
My fingers claw into the misshapen flesh that feels like jello.
I pull my feet to my ass, press them into the mattress and try to push my ass up.

Now I'm going to kick the door down!

Linda probably realizes what's brewing and wants to get out of my reach, but I want to keep her with me and let her feel my anger.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2024, 11:10:31 PM »
As I climb aboard Anne, with enormous effort, she almost seems to welcome it, which is totally baffling to me.  Not wanting to play into some scheme of hers, I arch up to slide off the greasy German, only to have my hair yanked and head pulled down, and her other hand clawing into my delicate breast.  I curse her of course, and she has an inscrutable smile as I thrash, but then I feel it, her legs are hefting her lower body up, and I, on top of her, am inclining downwards.  She wants to dump me in a heap on the floor!

My eyes widen and I try to squirm of off her, my red hair tight, strands popping. Her nails claw into my breast, keeping me in place, as inch by inch my ass lifts.  Thank God no one is here, as my catsuit does nothing to hide my femininity.  My legs to either side of hers, my head and tit pulled down tight, I hit the mattress with my hands, shoving at it, trying to free myself. 

Unfortunately, I  have a frenzied wait for the inevitable, as my slick body starts oozing down along her torso as my knees are raised off the bed now.   How can her legs do this, but even as I am marveling, a new jab into my breast, combined with another hair yank has me howling.  I fling a pillow onto the floor, in a futile effort to cushion my landing.  Now I hate her, I didn’t before, but now I do.  She is going to choose how and when  I skitter off, and I brace for it.


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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2024, 10:28:46 PM »
You seem at a loss as to what is happening. How I push you up with my hips, my hand holds your hair and my fingers dig into the flesh of your chest.
The contact of our bodies is very close, very intimate in this situation.
Our anger, our rivalry has destroyed the very little clothing and makes skin contact unavoidable.

Itwist and turn under you.
I initially allowed your position, but now I'm determined to end it, to get you off me by bucking and pushing.
Inevitably, we come closer and closer and closer to the edge of the bed.
It'll probably happen soon, it cannot be prevented...

We exchange icy, evil looks as we huff, pant and fight for another advantage.
Your persistent resistance begins to put my previous stoic calm to the test?
Is it advisable to attack you harder again?
To act like what I'm again?
A mean, malicious, devious catfighter?
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2024, 11:45:02 AM »
She is hesitating, and while I had been taken aback by being lifted up by her rising bottom, I now wrap my arms around her body, one clutching her waist and the other digging into her hanging breast.  I shift my legs and grapevine them around her thighs, and start to pound her down, even if it appears as if I am doggy fucking her.  She probably likes that !  Recovering my senses, I hitch my butt backwards, in spite of her grips, and am able to bring my holding hand lower, and I start pinching your mound, and shortly after, your cxnt lips.

I stop thumping my bush on her, as I want  her to keep herself tilted up  so I can dig into her greasy meat.  At least if she squirms of the bed, I won’t be toppled down first, like she had arranged it before  “you will never best me, you dirty slut, I am already attacking your big cxnt.  Do my nails feel good hooking your privates?”

As much as she pretends otherwise, my taunts always sting her into stupid activity.  I keep them up.  “Do you remember how I have left you frothing from your cxnt, aching for more, as everyone laughed in your own bar?  You might be a little bloodier this time, but you will be blowing bubbles from it!”  I make sure I give an evil laugh, more of a witches cackle, as I press my belly down on you, and resist any forward motion.