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Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)

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Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2024, 12:19:21 PM »
The evil bitch suddenly starts to tap her wiry hairy crotch against mine.
Does this horny witch want the fight to be dirtier?
My patience is slowly reaching its limits and my adrenaline is telling me that I should get back at her.
I writhe beneath her, buck, thrust my pelvis upwards vigorously.
It doesn't matter whether her fat thighs wrap around me, my will to show her the limits of what she can do is growing visibly.

Finally we start rolling, the edge of the bed is clearly felt and then there is nothing left.

Just the hard floor that we hit.
Her dirty fingers are still on my femininity and Linda continues to pinch and pull at them.

"Oh you dirty cxnt!
Now the fun is over!
We'll see who ends up lying on the bottom with a foaming pussy.
I'm still going to fuck you, no matter how little you like being fucked unconscious by me!"
I hiss at you angrily. 

My heels press against the floor, my pelvis lifts again and I grab your hair.
With a powerful swing I turn us around and bury you under me.
Your fingers in my wonderful breast are slowly becoming a nuisance.
With one hand I grab one or two fingers of your hand, trying to bend them to get your hand away.
Since I need my other hand to keep my body away from yours, I take my left thigh and press it firmly against your crotch, which to my surprise is a little wet.
I rub my leg firmly against your labia and try to make you feel what you hate so much, to feel pleasure in the fight with me.
And all this while your fingers continue to torture my labia and bring tears to my eyes.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2024, 02:22:32 PM »
:  Eventually, the German slug hitches over to the edge of the bed and we roll onto the floor, in slow motion instead of the crash I feared.   Without a major impact, I am able to pinch and jab and claw at that open pussy of hers, which she absorbs, as the pain slut she is.  Unbelievably, as I maul her she is fumbling around trying to excite me.  The only excitement I will get from this whore is showing her off to the waiting crowd downstairs.

There is no need to remind her this is a catfight, she will figure that out when she is torn and damaged by an unmarked foe.  The longer I get to attack her without return, the closer I am to triumph.  She pries my hand off her breast, and we struggle, but after yanking her inner lips to their limits, I get to start raking at her clit.  Her eyes et even more bleary and watery as I scratch her.  I wiggle my white ass in joy, anticipating getting through this fight in good shape.

I was concerned that the ‘sanctity’ of my marital bedroom would be violated by having this slut here, but no such a thing.  I will remember this as another wonderful experience for me.  Anne has come into my house to show her quality, well I will show everyone just what her quality is. 


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2024, 01:39:57 PM »
I remove Linda's dirty claws from my tit and nail them to the floor.
Now I finally have my other hand free and reach between us to remove the hand from my womanhood, as she is now causing a tear to roll down my cheek.
I dig my fingernails into her wrist and try to pull her away without torturing myself any further.
Finally, with great effort, I can slowly pull her away and nail her to the floor next to your head.
I slowly lower my body, lowering my large, firm breasts onto your face.
They begin to cover your face.
I press them harder onto your face.
How long will it take until you run out of air?
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2024, 04:14:19 PM »
Pain has penetrated to this bitch, or at least my nails have, as her welted tits and twat show tracks where my nails have carved little furrows.  Working my hands away from the sensitive parts, and trying to press them to the floor , she lowers her sweaty breasts on my face.  Her dark nipples sticking out, I feel them rub on me, before she settles down to smother me. Her attempt is short lived, as I of course bite one, and with a spit and snarl, I roll her off me, seeking to bite the other as I clamber onto her.

 I feel my own tits dangling, and try to get another bite in, before she can target my pink nipples.  It is my turn to try and pin her arms down, as I lift my left leg and swing it over her.  I am bumping the bed on one side and the dresser on the other, as we have far less room to move then when we are on the bed.  Every time we shift, there is an audible thump.  What are the guests downstairs hearing and wondering?


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2024, 12:55:28 PM »
Linda bites my breast and I squeal loudly.
I should have been careful not to let her bite my breast!
She writhes violently under me, finally rolls on top of me and presses my hands to the bedroom floor.
She's not going to bite my tits again!
I squirm between the bed and the dresser. Sometimes we bump into the bed and sometimes into the furniture.
I pull, tug, yank at my hands, wring my hands out of her grip and reach for her again.
Grab Linda's red mane with my left hand and her swinging chest with my right.
Pull at her hair, roll my fingers in her udder and try to free myself from her in this tight space.
It rumbles and rumbles as we roll back and forth.
The fight is slowly getting rougher, we are struggling to finally gain a significant advantage.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2024, 03:14:18 PM »
This attempting to pin the other was a bad idea for Anne, and now a bad idea for me, as while my hands are trying to hold her down, she yanks my hair, hard and successfully, and grabs my hanging breast and mauls it, twisting my nipple as she pinches. “You bitch!” I shout, and I grab her hair with both hands, letting myself flop onto her, my bigger boobs hopefully flattening hers.

We rock side to side, attempts to roll onto the other being hindered or prevented by the bed and furniture.  Damn it, I will not trade hair pulls with her, as I try to stretch my arms out while  gripping her head, and shove myself down her body, towards free space.  As soon as I get a little below her, my hands drop to the underside of her breasts and I attempt to force her towards the wall, and stuff her into a three sided tight spot. 

Slithering down her sweaty body, my breasts are smeared all over her.  She will be distracted by that, until I get far enough down to attack her cxnt again.   My progress is painfully slow, and she doesn’t seem to intend to allow me to trap her.  I notice that red hair is fluttering in the air, and my breast has a deep red welt.  So she is going to fight after all.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2024, 10:27:12 PM »
The battle has been going on for a while and we continue to fight for THE decisive, winning advantage.

We rock each other back and forth, our breasts grind heavily against each other.
I try to straighten up, you want to put me in a better position for your lousy attacks on my beautiful breasts.

You try to squeeze me into the corner between sideboards and I'm almost trapped there as I press my foot against the bottom drawer and spin us around.
You bounce your shoulder against the bed, held captive by me, pressed into the three-set corner and now my hand reaches down with clear intent, grabbing your crotch.

Two fingers dig into your cleft, the thumb presses between your labia.

"That wasn't just an empty promise, you greasy whore!"
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2024, 02:18:28 AM »
Using the leverage gained  by her foot pushing the furniture, she pivots us around. it is I who is now stuck in the small space between wall, bed and  dresser, and my first attempt to escape is stopped by her leaning on me.  As I try to kick, I feel it, her hand is rummaging in my pussy, fingers feeling it, gripping it, probing it   I stiffen, unsure whether I am going to feel pain, or she is going to try again to manipulate  and excite me.  Please let it be the manipulation, as my slick twat probably deceives her into thinking I am turned on.

I shudder when she opens me, and I feel my love lips gape on her hand.  I lash out with an elbow, trying to knock her away.  I start to roll, and am blocked by the bed.  Perhaps I can curl up and cove myself? I ma sweating, and writhing, teeth  clacking as I hope to bite something.  If she shifts just so, I can clamp my thighs on her hand.

She is cackling, so pleased with herself, and telling me how her threats were not idle.  “Just wait Anne, I will claw your fucking clitoris off” and I try to carry out my threat.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2024, 07:40:09 AM »
We squirm in the narrow space between the furniture, breasts with big firm nipples rubbing against each other and hands, arms, trying to grab and thrust.
We breathe loudly, gasp, moan.
Your elbow hits me, but doesn't stop me from penetrating you further and exploring your cleft.
My fingers slide easily into you, my thumb pushes between your labia and quickly feels your plump clit.
"I know you love it, you cheap whore! Just let yourself go and enjoy it!"
I hiss softly to you as we lie in that tight crack, our faces often only an inch or two apart. You may assume that I intend to give you pleasure, but the truth is,
I want to humiliate you, shame you that your opponent has made you moan loudly.
That your opponent made you moan loudly, that she called for something you didn't want!
And in return, I will now let my fingers thrust rhythmically into your wet hole.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2024, 02:22:07 PM »
Oh, she is so insufferable, as are her grubby fingers poking and prying into my delicate pussy.  She mutters her intentions, but with one hand pinning my shoulder, and the other pawing my twat, she leaves herself very open, if being jammed in a corner can ever be considered open.  Although my shoulder is pinned, that hand goes down and clutches your wrist, while I roll my thighs around your wrist also, and squeeze tightly, my thick thighs securing and locking your hand in place, as I slowly start to roll, using your trapped hand as leverage.

My other hand grabs your very slick and mussed up hair and helps, as my body turns, and while your hand is on my shoulder, we very slowly shift positions, me clamping on your arm down low and almost riding it, as you stare up at my dangling breasts, a better view than you deserve.  Bop, Bop, I thump each in your face, and watch you grimace, to let you know who will be humiliated.

I twitch my thighs even tighter, to ensure you have no freedom to jerk your hand in or out, and I use my free hand to keep you in place.  “How do you like knowing that yet again, you will be embarrassed and humiliated? “ as my evil expression shows I enjoy being on top.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2024, 02:02:32 PM »
Will be away for the week


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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2024, 06:27:43 PM »
Trapping your attacking hand, I luxoriate in teaching you how magnificent my breasts are, as my pink nipples dance proudly


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2024, 11:26:15 PM »
Trapping your attacking hand, I luxoriate in teaching you how magnificent my breasts are, as my pink nipples dance proudly

Hello, Linda.
Nice to see you again.
As you may have noticed, I've been cheating for a few days.
You have my full attention again from now on.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2024, 05:16:16 PM »
You clasp my hand, pull my hair and slowly start to turn us around.
Oh my God! The old woman had some really nasty tricks up her sleeve.
One hand between her thighs, the other pinned to the floor, she slaps my udders in my face.
I'm trapped in this narrow gap between the furniture.
Her remarks eat deep into me.
I pull my feet very close to my ass, letting Linda savor her triumph for a moment longer until I tense my muscles.
A deep breath, a second of concentration and then I thrust my pelvis upwards with all the strength I've and try to free myself from this trap.
A loud "Aaaaarrggghh" accompanies my efforts to get this fat cow off me.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Bedroom catfight, Anne (Cougar) vs Linda (linftr)
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2024, 07:53:11 PM »
The way she is moaning and groaning under me, she is enjoying being under my ample bosom too much.  I sort of like how she breathes so heavily into my boobs, smearing them with her greasy makeup.  Enough fun, I can tell she dislikes my taunts, as I make sure I keep her pinned down and penned up between dresser, wall and bed as she tries to wriggle closer to me.  “That pussy of yours is not going to get anything till  I display it to the guests downstairs anne!

All of a sudden, she erupts with a shout, and manages to arch herself up, tilting me head down into the wall, as my tits slither off her face, and I slide into the wall, trying not to end in a fleshy heap.  I feel her shifting, damn, she will be behind  me, and must somehow twist and turn around.  Why did that bitch choose to fight in such a confined place.

I lash my legs out, not wanting to be held, as I am almost looking out from under my armpit to see what she is doing.  One leg up kicking on the bed, the other on the floor, neck bent, I grab for the dresser to pull myself free.  I cringe at every touch, not wanting to be trapped.