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AGW Queen of The Ring First Rd Match 3/4: Rupp vs Spencer

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AGW Queen of The Ring First Rd Match 3/4: Rupp vs Spencer
« on: July 09, 2024, 02:38:13 AM »
The lights dim, the crowd's energy building with anticipation. The loudspeakers boom, a mixture of familiar television theme songs blending in a medley. Octavia Spencer emerges from one side of the ring, her confident smile shining brighter than the spotlight. She isn't the toned, muscular athlete one might expect, but her curves are hugged tightly by her ocean-wave-patterned bikini. And from the other side of the ring, we see Debra Jo Rupp enter the arena to a cheering crowd. Her petite frame is accentuated by her pink, "hyper speed" patterned bikini.  Her confidence radiates as she marches into the ring, ready to prove herself as a force to be reckoned with.

The bell sounds and the match is officially underway. Octavia and Debra waste no time getting down to business, immediately meeting in the center of the ring and exchanging a flurry of punches. They go back and forth, landing blow after blow in a flurry of aggression. The crowd's energy is palpable, their cheers and jeers almost drowning out the sounds of skin-on-skin contact and grunts of exertion from the two competitors. Indeed, neither one of these ladies is willing to concede an advantage. Octavia, with her confident swagger, manages to force Debra back towards the ropes with a series of hard jabs. Debra, not one to be outdone, digs deep and retaliates with a quick one-two combo, shoving Octavia back toward the center of the ring.

The crowd is on their feet, loving every moment of this evenly-matched slugfest. Each punch seems to invigorate both women, their determination to prove themselves propelling them forward.

The tides turn once more as Octavia, sensing an opportunity, traps Debra in the corner turnbuckle. Debra, however, refuses to stay down. With a surge of adrenaline, she powers out of the corner and turns the tables on Octavia, reversing their positions. Now with Octavia backed into the corner, Debra unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks, driving Octavia down to her ass in the corner. Octavia's expression shifts from determination to frustration as she struggles to defend herself against Debra's relentless assault.

Debra, sensing an opportunity to shift the momentum of the match, zeroes in on Octavia's ample 34E chest. She rains down punch after punch on Octavia's breasts, each impact jostling Octavia's bikini top as it struggles to contain the assault.

Octavia lets out a groan of pain mixed with frustration as Debra's fists connect with her tits. Her defenses falter for a moment, her arms dropping to cover her chest in a futile attempt to protect herself. Fueled by a mixture of anger and desperation, she manages to gather her strength for one last-ditch effort. With a sudden, powerful kick, she shoves Debra back, creating just enough space to escape the corner.

Debra stumbles backward, momentarily caught off guard by Octavia's resistance. Octavia, seizing the moment, pushes herself to her feet, her expression a mix of pain and defiance. The crowd roars, invigorated by the ebbs and flows of this intense match-up. Debra, quick to regain her composure, launches herself at Octavia.  Like a predator pouncing on its prey, she drives Octavia back into the corner once more. She unleashes another volley of punches, this time zeroing in on Octavia's chest with even more precision and brutality. Octavia's screams of pain echo through the arena as Debra's fists connect with her already battered breasts.

The flimsy bikini top is now stretched to its limit, Octavia's breasts threatening to spill out at any moment.

    Octavia sees a way to turn her predicament to her advantage. Using the ropes for leverage, she hauls herself up, placing her on the second rope and bringing her chest level with Debra's head. With Octavia's breasts colliding with Debra's face, Debra's head snaps back and sweat sprays across the mat as her nose crunches beneath the force of the attack. Now capitalizing on her newfound advantage, Octavia grinds her chest against Debra's face, smothering her opponent in a sweaty, fleshy prison. Debra flails wildly, trying to escape, but Octavia's breasts prove to be an effective weapon

“Eat my tits, you little bitch!” she hisses.

But Debra, even in her weakened state, refuses to submit to Octavia's taunts. With a defiant growl, she bites down hard on one of Octavia's breasts, sinking her teeth into the sensitive flesh.

Octavia shrieks in agony, her body jerking backward as she tries to pull away from Debra's vengeful bite.
Debra's lips curl into a sadistic snarl as she takes full advantage of her newfound opening. Her hands claw at Octavia's bikini top, ripping the fabric down to fully expose Octavia's breasts.

Octavia lets out a cry of pain as Debra sinks her teeth even deeper into her sensitive flesh, determined to make Octavia pay for her earlier gloating.
The crowd gasps in horror, a hushed silence falling over the arena as they watch the brutal spectacle unfold before them.

Debra's teeth tear into Octavia's dark nipples.  The sound of her pain echoes throughout the arena, a haunting reminder of Debra's ferocity and determination.
Octavia thrashes wildly in an attempt to break free, her body trembling from the pain and humiliation. But Debra's grip is unrelenting, her jaw locked in a vicious vice-like hold.

Debra, her face twisted in a demonic grin, finally releases Octavia's nipples from her teeth. Octavia, gasping for breath, collapses to the mat, her body shaking from the trauma. Driven by her insatiable need for dominance, she roughly yanks Octavia to her feet by her hair. Octavia lets out a strangled cry, her hands scrabbling uselessly at Debra's wrists as she's dragged to the center of the ring.

The ref steps back, giving the two women a wide berth.

Debra heaves Octavia into position for a devastating DDT. Octavia's massive breasts jiggle as Debra lifts her off the ground, a cruel smirk playing on her lips. With a bone-crushing force, Debra slams Octavia's head into the mat; her face is buried in her breasts, the impact making them bounce violently. Debra, unfazed by the sight, repeats the move twice more, the impact sending shockwaves through Octavia's body with each DDT.  Satisfied with the damage she's inflicted,she  grabs Octavia's limp body and flips her onto her back. Octavia's body lies motionless, her eyes closed, her breasts heaving with each labored breath. Without hesitation, Debra hooks Octavia's leg and leans forward, pressing her chest against Octavia's in a humiliating show of dominance. The ref, drops to the mat and begins the count.

"One!" the ref calls out, the crowd counting along in hushed anticipation.

Octavia, determined to not be defeated so easily, kicks out just before the ref can slap the mat for the three-count. Debra, seething with rage, springs to her feet, her body language radiating pure aggression. Octavia, exhausted and battered, drags herself to the ropes, using them to pull herself back to her feet.
Debra charges forward, looking to finish off her opponent once and for all.

"It's over, bitch!" Debra screams, her voice echoing through the arena.

Octavia, leaning heavily on the ropes for support, musters the strength to glare defiantly at Debra.

"You haven't had the chance to shut me up yet? Well, come and try it then, you fucking psycho!" Debra spits out.

Octavia erupts into a primal rage. She unleashes a barrage of punches on Debra, each blow landing with devastating force.

 Octavia screams, her voice rising to a fevered pitch. "I'll show you what pain is, you fucking psycho bitch!"

Debra, stunned by the sudden onslaught, reels backward, her arms flailing uselessly as she tries to defend herself against Octavia's relentless attack. Her eyes wide with fear, she shoves Octavia away, trying to create some distance between them. But Octavia, her adrenaline pumping, refuses to back down.

"Oh no, you don't!" Octavia growls, her words dripping with menace. "You don't get to walk away from this”

 Debra, realizing that her only chance is to fight back, throws a desperate punch at Octavia, but it's easily blocked. Octavia responds with a brutal uppercut, sending Debra reeling backward. Debra crashes to the mat, her body sprawled out like a broken doll. Octavia,

"You want to humiliate me?" Octavia snarls, raining down a flurry of punches on Debra's face. "How about I humiliate you instead, bitch!"

Debra, her face a sweaty mess,  can only whimper as Octavia continues her brutal assault.

Octavia, fueled by her rage, pulls Debra's legs up and folds them over, pressing them against her chest. Debra lets out a scream of pain as Octavia uses her body weight to keep her pinned down.

"That's right, scream for me!" Octavia sneers, relishing in Debra's suffering.

The ref, realizing the situation, begins the count, her voice ringing out above the chaos.

Debra, barely conscious, manages to escape the pin just before the ref can finish the count.

Octavia, incensed, grabs Debra's hair and yanks her back into position.

"You think you can get away that easy? I'm not done with you yet, bitch!" Octavia seethes.

Octavia, in a fit of blind fury, grabs Debra's bikini top and rips it off with a single, vicious tug. The shreds of pink fabric flutter to the mat like confetti, revealing Debra's bruised and bloodied breasts.

"Now we're both topless, bitch!" Octavia snarls, a cruel smirk spreading across her face. "Let's see how you like it!"

Debra, weakened and humiliated, can do nothing but whimper in pain as Octavia hoists her up into a standing position.
Octavia clotheslines her back to the mat. Debra hits the ground with a thud, her body limp and lifeless. She leaps on top of Debra's chest, pressing down with all her weight. The ref drops to the mat once more, beginning the count.

"One! Two!" The ref calls out, but once again Debra manages to muster the strength to kick out at the last moment.

Octavia, her frustration evident despite her best efforts to conceal it, glares down at Debra, a storm brewing behind her eyes. She knows that a simple pin won't be enough to put Debra down for the count. She needs something more brutal. With Debra still on the mat, Octavia grabs her by the waist and hoists her up into the air, positioning her for a devastating German Suplex. The crowd, sensing the impending impact, gasps in anticipation.

"This is it, bitch!" Octavia growls, her voice carrying a dangerous edge.

Debra transitions into a standing switch,  Octavia, taken aback by Debra's unexpected move, lets out a surprised gasp as she feels herself being lifted off the mat. With a grunt of effort, Debra executes the German Suplex, slamming Octavia's body down with bone-crunching force. The impact echoes throughout the arena, the crowd recoiling at the sight of Octavia's broken form. The sheer impact of the Suplex sends Octavia's body tumbling, her limbs flailing like a ragdoll. She lands on her stomach, her face buried in the mat, her chest heaving with each labored breath. The force of the impact reverberates through the ring, almost shaking the ropes.

Debra, equally exhausted from the effort, collapses to her knees beside Octavia, her chest rising and falling as she fights to catch her breath. The crowd, stunned into silence by the brutal display, watches with bated breath as the ref moves in to check on Octavia's condition. Debra climbs on top of Octavia's back, straddling her like a predator. She grabs hold of Octavia's bruised and battered breasts, using them as leverage to pull her body into a painful, backward arch.
Octavia cries out as Debra pulls her tighter and tighter, her tits on the verge of being torn from her body. The ref drops to the mat and asks the all-important question. Octavia, her teeth gritted against the pain, refuses to give Debra the satisfaction of hearing her submit. Instead, she begins to drag both of them towards the ropes, every inch an agonizing battle.

 The sweat coating their bodies makes it difficult for Debra to maintain her hold, and Octavia slowly but surely inches closer to the ropes.
The crowd roars in support of Octavia's defiant spirit. Her face twisted in pain, she managed to maneuver her arm within reach of the bottom rope. She stretches her arm out and grips the rope.

The ref, spotting the rope break, calls for Debra to release her hold. Debra, still not willing to relent, pulls back harder, but Octavia's grip on the rope is unbreakable.

Finally, Debra releases her hold on Octavia's breasts. She falls to her knees and starts pulling at her hair, her body heaving with each frustrated breath.
 Octavia rolls out of the ring just as Debra lunges for her. Debra, screaming obscenities, reaches through the ropes, desperately trying to grab Octavia's leg to pull her back into the ring. But Octavia is quick on her feet, evading Debra's grasp and making a beeline for the announce table. Debra, charges after Octavia like a rabid animal, oblivious to her surroundings.

Octavia, however, has a trick up her sleeve. She plucks one of the monitors from the announce table, its power cable still attached.

 Debra caught unaware, only realizes what's happening when Octavia swings the monitor in a devastating arc, smashing it directly into her head.  Her face covered in sweat and shards of glass from the shattered monitor, collapses to the mat, dazed and disoriented.

Octavia, determined to end this once and for all, yanks Debra back into the ring by her hair.. She goes for the pin, pressing her body down against Debra's in a symbolic show of dominance. The ref drops to the mat once more, beginning the count.


The crowd holds its breath as the ref's hand descends for the two-count, only for Debra to hook her leg around the bottom rope in a last-ditch effort to break the pin.

Octavia smashes her fist into the mat, leaving a dent in the canvas. The ref, signaling the rope break, pulls Octavia off Debra. But Octavia isn't finished. She grabs Debra by the hair, hauling her up to her knees.

"I'm not done with you, you little bitch!" she growls, her voice a low rumble.

 Octavia shoves Debra's face into the crook of her breasts, smothering her against the ropes. Debra struggles, trying to push Octavia off, but her strength is flagging, and her movements grow weaker and weaker with each passing second. Sensing Debra's imminent defeat, Octavia hauls her to her feet and executes a devastating suplex. Both women collapse to the mat, their bodies entwined in a grotesque display of pain and exhaustion.  Octavia, her body aching and her lungs burning, rolls on top of Debra's lifeless form, struggling to get her body in the right position for the pin. The ref drops down to the mat once more, beginning the count.

"One! Two!" the ref calls out, her voice a harsh rasp in the silent arena.

But Debra manages to find the strength to kick out at the last second, breaking the pin.

Octavia pounds the mat in frustration.

Debra clutches a handful of Octavia's hair and yanks her to her feet. Octavia has barely a moment to react before Debra delivers a savage knee to her face, sending her reeling backward.

Octavia stumbles, collapsing to her knees. Debra follows up with a vicious knee to Octavia's pussy. She seizes Octavia's arm, her fingers digging into her flesh like talons.She yanks upward, eliciting a scream of agony from Octavia as her shoulder is torqued to its breaking point.
Octavia tries to pull away, but Debra's grip is iron-clad. With each passing second, the pressure on Octavia's shoulder intensifies, her body writhing to escape the excruciating pain.

Debra unleashes a torrent of verbal abuse at Octavia, her words laced with racial slurs and vile insults. But Octavia, fueled by a newfound determination, hears nothing but a dull roar in her ears as she pushes to her feet. 

She yanks on Debra's hair, her fingers clawing at her scalp, dragging her down to the mat with her. The two women collapse in a tangle of limbs, their breathing ragged and desperate.She, positions herself over Debra's prone form. With her free hand, she begins to rain down a relentless assault on Debra's ribs, each strike like a sledgehammer, each impact like an explosion.

Debra, screaming in agony, tries to shield her ribs, but Octavia's assault is relentless, her blows falling with surgical precision, each one finding its mark with devastating force. Debra's screams echo through the arena, each breath an agonizing rasp as Octavia continues her brutal assault. Her body convulses with each blow, her screams rising to a fevered pitch as Octavia's assault shows no signs of stopping.

The crowd watches in a mixture of horror and fascination, their bloodlust temporarily sated as they witness Debra's torture unfold before them. Octavia, her face an emotionless mask, is relentless in her pursuit of revenge.

Octavia seizes the opportunity to transition to a Rear Naked Choke. Her arms snake around Debra's neck, her grip tightening as she squeezes with all her might.

Debra, her face now purple, thrashes violently as her body desperately tries to free itself from Octavia's iron grip. But Octavia, her legs wrapped tightly around Debra's bruised ribs, keeps her locked in place, her hold inescapable.

Octavia maintains the Rear Naked Choke long after Debra's body goes limp, the silence in the arena deafening.

The ref, realizing that Debra has lost consciousness, gently lifts her hand and lets it go. It falls to the mat with a dull thud, its lifelessness a chilling reminder of Octavia's fury. The ref signals the end of the match, the crowd erupting into a cacophony of cheers and jeers as Octavia, her face streaked with sweat, scratches, and bruises, raises her arms in triumph. She remains on her knees, her gaze fixed on Debra's unconscious body.

"You wanted to make an example out of me?" Octavia hisses, her voice a low growl. "Well, I hope they heard your screams from up in the stands."

With her free hand, she reaches out and slaps Debra's face, the sound echoing through the arena like a gunshot.

With Debra dispatched, the tournament draws ever closer to its explosive finale. Octavia, bruised but triumphant, now stands as one-half of the final four. The other side of the bracket, though, is Tatiana Maslany; Sofia Vergara looms, ready to face the winner of the fourth and final first-round match: Christina Ricci or Suni Lee


You ready for her Tatiana?