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The Barn 2

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The Barn 2
« on: July 09, 2024, 07:16:42 AM »
Here was  a bit more  hope you enjoy...

The Barn 2

The barn was alive with grunts and thuds as the two women circled each other warily, their eyes locked in a dangerous dance of anticipation and aggression. Jan, a forty-year-old schoolteacher who had recently burned out on her career, had just finished sparring with her friend and business partner, Sue. The gym they'd opened together explicitly catered to women like them: strong, determined, and ready for a challenge. They were about to witness a match between Jan's newest recruit, Sally, and her friend Mary.

Sally, a twenty-six-year-old blonde with a lean, athletic build, was a former high school swimming champion who now worked at the local grocery store. She'd been drawn to Jan's gym for the chance to compete and the sense of community and empowerment it offered. Equally fit and fierce, her friend Mary had tagged along for moral support.

Sally and Mary pull into Jan's driveway and head to the barn. They were surprised at how loud the grunts and thuds were leaving the barn. As they walk in, they see a camera videoing the match.

"Hey there, ladies,” Jan says with a smile as she approaches them. I’m sorry if we woke you up with all the noise. I was finishing up with Sue."

"No problem at all,” Sally replies, still out of breath from the drive over. "I heard the noise from inside the store and had to come see what was going on."

Jan nods, her gaze flickering between Sally and Mary. "I'm glad you made it. We're just about to call it a night. But before we do, why don't you two join me in the ring? I could use another pair of eyes to watch my technique, and it'd be great to get to know you both better."

Sally glances at Mary, who shrugs. "Sure," Sally says with a confident grin. "I'd love to."

Jan leads them to the ring, picking up a pair of boxing gloves and handing one to each. "Here, these should fit you both fine. Just lace them up and step in when you're ready."

As they put on the gloves, Sally can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline course through her veins. She glances over at Mary, who seems to be experiencing a similar sensation. They both nod to each other, steeling themselves for the about to come.

"All right, ladies," Jan says, clapping her hands together. "Let's go through a few warm-up exercises first. Sally, why don't you start by showing me your footwork?"

They loosen up as Sue and Mary watch Jan and Sally move around the ring. They mirror each other's movements, mimicking their footwork and punches. The tension between them starts to ease as they focus on the rhythm of the match.

"You two are looking good out there," Mary says with a grin. "I've never seen Sally move like that before."

"Thanks," Sally replies between breaths. "But I've never had a partner like Jan before. Her technique is incredible."

Jan laughs, shaking her head. "Oh, stop it, you two. You're making me blush." She turns back to Mary, who's watching intently from the side. "Why don't you show us what you've got?"

Mary grins, stepping into the ring. "All right, Jan," she says, taking a deep breath. "Let's see what you've got." The two women circle each other, sizing up their opponent. Sally watches with bated breath as Mary feints a punch, followed by a quick jab to the ribs. Jan dodges expertly, returning the favor with a sharp uppercut that connects solidly with Mary's glove.

"Not bad," Jan says, nodding approvingly. "You've got some moves there. Now let's see how you handle this." With that, she launches into a flurry of punches, forcing Mary back against the ropes. Mary defends herself admirably but struggles to keep up with Jan's speed and agility.

Sally watches the exchange, her heart racing with excitement. She steps forward, ready to offer Mary some advice. "Jan, try throwing a few feints first," she shouts over their gloves connecting. "It'll keep Mary guessing and slow her down."

Jan nods in understanding and mixes a few fake punches with her real ones. Mary visibly relaxes, taking a moment to adjust to the new strategy. Sally can see the wheels turning in her head as she processes the change.

Sally watches intently, her heart pounding with excitement. She remembers the first time she saw Jan fight and how effortlessly she moved around the ring. It was then that she decided she wanted to be just like her. Standing here with Mary, she feels a sense of camaraderie and respect for her opponent. They may be fighting against each other, but they share a common goal: to improve their skills and become better boxers.

As Jan continues to feint and throw punches, Mary starts to adjust her strategy. She begins to block Jan's punches more effectively and starts to return some of her own. Sally can see the confidence growing in Mary's eyes, and she knows that the match is about to heat up. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself, preparing for the moment she'll be called into action.

Their movements become faster and more fluid, each woman dancing around the other, searching for an opening. Sally watches as Jan throws a fake jab and a hook to the body, forcing Mary against the ropes. Mary tries to counter, but Jan is too quick, landing a solid right cross that snaps Mary's head back.

Sally notices something in Mary’s eyes as they continue to trade blows. There's a fire there now, a determination that wasn't there before. She's beginning to find her rhythm, to move with the same grace and agility that Jan possesses. It's exhilarating to watch, and Sally feels a surge of pride for her friend.

Sue whispers to Sally, “See how Jan works in her uppercut. She’s famous for that.” Sally nods and observes as Jan feints a jab. Mary jumps back, trying to avoid it, but Jan is too quick. She swings her hips and delivers a sharp uppercut that snaps Mary's head back. Mary tries to cover up, but Jan is relentless, throwing a flurry of punches that force Mary against the ropes. Sally sees Mary start to tire, her movements becoming less controlled.

"You're doing great, Mary!" Sally shouts, trying to encourage her friend. "Just remember to keep your guard up and keep moving!" Mary nods, gathering what little energy she has left to throw a weak punch at Jan. But Jan easily blocks it and counters with a sharp jab that lands on Mary's shoulder.

Sue glances at the clock, her face etched with concern. "I think it's time for you to throw in the towel, Mary. You're doing amazing, but you're starting to tire and don't want to get hurt." Mary shakes her head, determined to keep going. She takes a deep breath, trying to summon the strength to push through.

Jan takes advantage of Mary's weariness, landing several more solid blows. Sally winces each time she sees one connect but knows it's for the best. Mary needs to learn when to quit. As Jan continues to press her advantage, Mary's movements become increasingly desperate. She swings wildly, her punches losing their power and accuracy.

Finally, after an eternity of punishment, Sue calls for the bell. Sally rushes to help her as she slumps to the mat, her body aching and her pride wounded. Sally comforts her friend, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close.

"I'm so proud of you, Mary," she whispers in her ear. "You did amazing out there. You should be proud of yourself, too." Mary doesn't respond, still catching her breath, her eyes glassy with unshed tears.

Sally looks over at Jan, who is already talking to Sue. She wonders if she should go over and thank her but decides against it. There is a better time. Instead, she helps Mary off the mat and leads her to the bench next to the hay bales. Mary’s shoulders slump as they walk, her arms hanging limply at her sides.

"You were amazing out there, Mary," Sally says, trying to lift her spirits. "You gave it your all. And you know what? I think you surprised even yourself with how well you did."

Jan comes over and, with a smile, congratulates Mary for hanging in there and not giving up. "You did a great job, Mary; you should be proud of yourself." Mary looks up at Jan and nods with a small smile. "Thanks, Jan, you too. You made it look easy, but I know it wasn't." Jan winks at her and replies, "Practice makes perfect, my dear. And you've got a natural talent for it. Don't be surprised if you're beating me next time."

Sally looks at Jan. Can I go a round with you? I want to see how it’s done, and I could learn something from you. Jan, smiling, agrees, and they both go to the middle of the ring. Sue announces the start of the round, and they begin. Sally starts cautiously, trying to observe Jan's moves and techniques. On the other hand, Jan is more aggressive, pressing Sally to defend herself. They circle the ring, each trying to gain an advantage.

Sally manages to block a few of Jan's punches and even land a few jabs. However, Jan's experience and speed are too much for Sally, and she eventually gets knocked down. She quickly gets up, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she is determined to keep going. Mary, who has been watching intently, feels a new surge of determination.

Jan sees this and decides to up the ante, throwing harder punches and moving faster. Feeling more confident in her abilities, Sally begins to match her move for move. Mary and Sue are cheering on both fighters. The air is tense as they circle each other, looking for an opening.

Sally manages to land a solid right hook, stunning Jan momentarily. She takes advantage of this, lunging forward and throwing a combination of punches. Jan can block most of them, but one of Sally's punches connects with her left shoulder. There's a sickening thud as the impact reverberates through the ring.

"Damn, that was a good one, Sally!" Mary shouts, her heart pounding in her chest. "You've got this!"

Sally, still breathing heavily, glances over at Mary. She sees the admiration in her eyes and feels a surge of confidence. "Thanks, Mary. I'm going to finish this."

Jan shakes off the blow and comes charging forward, throwing a flurry of punches. Sally ducks and weaves, blocking several before landing a quick jab to Jan's ribs. The older woman winces but doesn't let up. The two fighters continue to circle each other, exchanging blows.

Sue and Mary are on the edge of their seats, cheering on Sally and offering encouragement. "You've got this, Sally! Show her who's boss!" Mary shouts.

Jan, sensing Sally's newfound confidence, becomes even more aggressive. She lunges forward, trying to pin Sally against the ropes. Sally dodges nimbly, slipping out of Jan's grasp. She counters with a quick jab to Jan's ribs, followed by a right hook that rocks the older woman on her heels.

"Nice one, Sally!" Sue exclaims, her heart pounding in her chest. "You have her on the defensive now!"

Jan, breathing heavily, shakes her head. "Not for long," she mutters under her breath. But even as she tries to gather herself, Sally presses the attack. She feints with her left hand, drawing Jan's attention, before throwing a hard right hook to the older woman's jaw. Jan stumbles back, momentarily dazed.

Empowered by her success, Sally takes advantage of the opening and pummels Jan with a flurry of punches. Mary and Sue cheer her on, urging her to keep up the momentum. "That's it, Sally! Show her who's boss!" Mary shouts.

Jan, struggling to regain her footing, manages to block several of Sally's blows. But she's clearly on the defensive now, and  Mary is firmly behind Sally. The older woman tries to launch a counterattack, but her punches need their usual power and precision.

"That's it, Jan!" Sue shouts. "Keep fighting!"

As Sally continues to pummel Jan, she notices the older woman beginning to stagger. She's starting to look tired and overwhelmed. With a final burst of energy, Sally launches one last powerful combination, connecting with a sharp left hook to Jan's jaw and a vicious right cross to her ribs. Jan crumples to the canvas, her arms and legs flailing wildly as she tries to catch her breath.

Mary erupts in cheers and applause, but Sally barely notices. She's too focused on catching her breath and dealing with the stinging pain in her knuckles. Mary rushes into the ring to embrace her, whispering words of encouragement in her ear.

Sue, meanwhile, turns to Jan, who is slowly climbing to her feet. "You okay, Jan?" she asks, her voice tinged with concern.

Jan wipes the blood from her mouth and nods, her expression a mixture of surprise and respect. "You did good, kid," she says to Sally. "I didn't think you had it in you."

Sally looks up at Jan, her cheeks flushed with victory and adrenaline. "Thanks," she says, still breathing heavily. "I'm just glad I didn't let you down."

Jan nods, her expression softening. "You didn't, kid. You didn't let me down." She takes a step back, wiping the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand. "You fought hard, and you had your moments. But I
think there's still room for improvement."

Sally frowns, not sure if she should be insulted or not. "Like what?"

Jan studies Sally carefully, taking in her stance and expression. "Well," she begins, "for one thing, you tended to telegraph your punches a bit. You'd raise your arm or shift your weight before throwing a punch. That gave me time to block or dodge them."

Sally nods, considering this criticism. "Oh, like that, huh?" she says, watching a memory of her fight with Jan play out in her mind's eye. "I'll work on that."

"Good," Jan replies with a smile. "And don't forget about your defense. You could've blocked a few of my punches if you'd been quicker on the draw."

Sally nods, considering this as well. "I'll work on that too," she says, stepping back from Jan. "Thanks for the tips, Jan. I appreciate it."

Jan smiles warmly and places a hand on Sally's shoulder. "Of course, kid. That's what I'm here for. You've got a lot of potential, you know that? Now it's just a matter of honing your skills."

Sally nods, feeling a mix of relief and determination wash over her. "Thanks, Jan. I'll work on it," she says, her voice unwavering. "I won't let you down."

Mary listens intently as they continue to talk, soaking up every word of advice like a sponge. She watches Sally and Jan interact, marveling at how they genuinely care about helping her improve.

Later that night, as Sally lies in bed, her heart still racing from the fight, she can't help but feel a newfound sense of determination welling up inside her. She rolls over and grabs her worn boxing gloves, sighing wistfully as she remembers the first time she ever put them on.

Suddenly, her thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. Curious, she gets out of bed and tiptoes across the room to answer it. Peeking through the peephole, she's surprised to see Mary standing there.

"Oh, hey," she says, unlocking and opening the door. "What's up?"

Mary steps into the room, looking nervous. "I just wanted to thank you," she says, glancing around before continuing. "For everything you said earlier. About helping me and... you know. Not giving up."

Sally blushes and waves off the thanks. "It's no big deal," she says, sitting on her bed. "I mean, you helped me too. With Jan. And the whole... you know."

Mary nods, still looking a little unsure of herself. "So... do you think... do you want to do it again sometime?" she asks tentatively. "Practice together, I mean."

Sally blinks, surprised by the offer. "Really?" she asks, hesitating for a moment. "I mean, yeah, sure. That'd be great." She pauses, smiling shyly. "I mean, if you're not too busy or anything."

Mary shrugs, looking relieved. "No, no, I'm not," she says quickly. "I'd love to. I mean, it'd be nice to have someone to practice with, you know?"

Sally nods, feeling a surge of excitement. "Cool. Well, how about tomorrow after work? Could we meet at Jan's barn again and throw down for a while?"

Mary's face lights up at the mention of the barn. "Yeah, that sounds great," she says, a hint of determination in her voice. "I'll see you tomorrow, then."

As Mary turns to leave, Sally can't help but feel a new sense of camaraderie forming between them. They might not be best friends yet, but there's something there. Something promising.

The next day, Sally arrives at the barn a few minutes early, her heart racing with anticipation. She's still determining what to expect from their practice session, but she knows one thing: she will give it her all.

Thinking about Jan and Julie’s fight, in which they went topless, Sally feels a spine tingle with excitement down to her core. Mary seems to notice her preoccupation and asks what’s on her mind. Sally explains the topless fight and how it made her feel more confident. Mary listens intently, nodding in understanding. They continue to warm up, stretching and throwing punches in the air.

Soon, it's time to begin their practice session. They pair off, with Sally and Mary facing each other. Mary throws a few tentative jabs, testing the waters, and Sally responds in kind. They circle each other, eyes locked, waiting for the other to make a mistake.

As they continue to spar, Sally notices that Mary is quick on her feet and has a knack for reading her movements. She feels a surge of respect for her rival and tries to up her game. They trade more intense blows, moving faster and with more power. Sally can feel the sweat trickling down her back and the burn in her legs from pushing herself so hard.

But it's a good kind of burn. A reminder that she's still improving, still growing stronger. She catches Mary off guard with a well-timed hook, and Mary stumbles back a step before regaining her composure. They circle each other again, breathing heavily.

Jan comes into the barn, smiling at them. “Good, I’m glad you came here to practice,” she says. You two look good together; keep it up!” Sally and Mary look at each other briefly before returning to Jan.

Sally is looking at Jan. “So tell me what it was like fighting topless against Julie. I mean, why did you enjoy it?" Sally asks her curiously. Jan smiled a bit. “Well, it's not that I enjoyed it that way, it's more like... feeling free, you know? No more worries about getting hurt or anything like that. You can focus on the fight and yourself. And when you see other girls like you doing the same... it's empowering, you know?"

Mary nods in agreement. "I get that. It's like you're not afraid anymore, right?"

Sally thinks about it momentarily, then says, "Yeah, that's true. And it's not just about not being afraid. It's about trusting yourself, you know? Trusting your body and your instincts." She glances over at Mary, who seems to be deep in thought. "It's not easy, though. It takes time to get to that point."

Jan smiles, “Go ahead, you two. Try it. You’re safe here; no one but us chickens, and I won’t tell.” Sally shrugs her shoulders, “I’m game. Are you Mary?” Mary nods. Yeah, why not?” she says, a bit nervous but excited.

They pull their sports bras over their heads, revealing their bare chests to each other for the first time. It's an intimate moment but also strangely empowering. Sally takes a deep breath and steps out of her bra, feeling the cool air brush against her skin. Mary follows suit, her breasts swaying slightly as she lets go of her bra strap.

They face each other once more, their gazes locked in determination. Sally throws a quick jab, testing Mary's defense. Mary parries it effortlessly, her muscles tense and ready for the fight. They circle each other, moving with a grace that belies their intentions.

Sally feels a rush of adrenaline as their bare skin brushes against one another during their attacks. She can feel the warmth radiating off Mary's chest, the slight movement of her breasts as she breathes heavily. The feeling is strange yet exhilarating. It's as if they are indeed one at this moment, connected by their shared passion for the sport.

Mary steps in closer, throwing a series of quick punches that Sally barely manages to block. She can see the determination in Mary's eyes, the focus that has consumed her entire being. Neither of them had anticipated a newfound intensity to their sparring.

Sally responds with her flurry, their bodies moving ideally as they circle each other. She feels the warmth of Mary's skin against hers, the softness of her breasts brushing against her own. It's a strange sensation that sends a shiver down her spine and makes her heart race faster.

Mary steps back, her eyes narrowing as she sizes up Sally. She throws a powerful roundhouse kick, aiming for Sally's stomach. Sally manages to block it, but the force of the blow sends them both stumbling backward. They land in a heap on the mat, their bare chests pressed tightly together.

Sally gasps for air, feeling the heat from Mary's body against hers. She looks into Mary's eyes, seeing her determination and desire to win. She realizes this is no longer just about sparring; it’s about something more profound they share.

As they catch their breath, Sally gently touches Mary's cheek. Mary looks at her, momentarily confused, before understanding dawns on her face. She returns the touch, their fingers intertwining.

Jan sees Sally blushing, “It’s ok, you find that it can also be a bit arousing. Sue and I do it quite often to set the mood." She says with a grin. Sally looks over to Sue and sees her blushing as well. "Yeah, I know it can be a bit much sometimes, but it's all part of it." Sally nods, feeling a bit relieved, and turns back to Mary. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Mary shakes her head. "No, it's ok. I just... didn't expect it."

They continue to spar, their movements becoming more fluid and less tentative. The atmosphere between them shifts from tension to excitement. As they spar, they begin to forget about their breasts touching and focus on the connection they share through the sport.

"You're perfect, Mary," Sally says, her breath coming faster. "You've improved since we last sparred." Mary blushes, her cheeks turning pink. "Thanks, Sally. You're not so bad yourself." They circle each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Suddenly, Mary lunges forward, throwing quick jabs and kicks. Sally blocks most of them, but one of Mary's kicks connects with her side, sending her stumbling backward. They end up on the mat again, their bodies pressed tightly together.

Mary's breath is hot against Sally's neck, her heart racing as fast as hers. "I'm sorry," she whispers, "I didn't mean to... I just..." She trails off, unsure how to explain the sudden surge of emotion that has taken hold of her.

Sally wraps her arms around Mary, pulling her close. "It's okay," she says, her voice soft and reassuring. "I feel it, too." She kisses Mary gently on the lips, their lips warm and smooth against each other. The sensation sends a shiver down both of their spines.

They continue to spar, their movements more fluid and less tentative now that they've given in to their feelings. The atmosphere shifts from tension to excitement as they focus on their connection, not just through the sport but through something deeper.

Sue, looking on, yells for Mary to punch harder as her hands start rubbing her tits as she watches them spar. "Oh, that's right, Mary. Punch her tits! Make her pay for what she did to you!" she taunts. Mary glances over at Sue and sees the lust in her eyes, the desire to see them fight more intensely. It's like a switch flips inside her, and she becomes more aggressive and focused on winning.

Sally can feel her tits getting a beating and wants to return the favor. She tries to hit low and drive Mary’s tits up, forcing her to cry in pain as she does. Mary tries to block the blows, but Sally is too fast and strong now.

"Oh, yes! Yes! That's it, Mary!" Sue yells as she watches the two women spar. "Fight back! Make her feel it!" Mary winces in pain as Sally continues to drive her tits up with powerful punches. Sue's own hands begin to wander, instinctively wanting to touch her aching breasts.

Sally takes advantage of Mary's distraction and pushes her onto her back, pinning her down. "Give up?" she asks, her breath hot against Mary's neck. "Or do you want to keep fighting?" Mary feels a mixture of pain, desire, and determination course through her veins. She looks into Sally's eyes and sees a glimmer of the same emotions reflected at her.

With all her strength, Mary pushes herself up, throwing Sally off-balance. They roll across the mat, their bodies tangled together. Their kisses grow more profound and passionate as their need for each other becomes overwhelming.

Sue watches, breathless, as the two women fight. She can feel her own body responding to the sight before her, her heart racing, and her breasts aching with desire. The sound of their flesh smacking together, their grunts of exertion, and the wet slapping of their tongues against each other only serve to heighten the eroticism of the scene.

Jan comes over to Sue, biting her ear. "You want to go against me now?" she asks in a husky voice. Sue moans and arches her back into the bite. "Oh yes, anything you want," she replies breathlessly.

Sally and Mary continue their heated embrace, their tongues dancing together as they exchange passionate kisses. Their bodies are covered in a sheen of sweat, their breath coming in ragged gasps. They roll across the mat, their hips grinding together in a rhythmic motion that echoes the desire coursing through their veins.

Sue feels Jan's hand on her shoulder, guiding her to the side of the mat. She turns to face her, their eyes locking. Jan leans in, pressing their lips against hers, her tongue darting out to meet Sue's. Their kiss is as intense as the fight they've just witnessed, and Sue can feel herself responding instinctively.

As they kiss, Jan's hand sneaks down to cup Sue's ass, pulling her close. Sue moans into the kiss, arching her back, her breasts pressing against Jan's chest. She reaches up, wrapping her arms around Jan's neck, feeling the heat from her body through the thin fabric of their shirts.

Their kiss breaks only momentarily as they both gasp for air, their chests rising and falling rapidly. Jan's eyes meet Sue's, and she can see the desire burning in them. "Follow me," Jan whispers, guiding Sue toward the side of the mat.

They find a private corner where they can be alone. Jan pushes Sue against the wall, her body pressed tightly against hers. Her hand slips between them, cupping Sue's warm sex through her panties. Sue moans loudly, arching her back into the touch. "Oh god, Jan," she whispers, her voice shaking.

Jan leans in, capturing Sue's lips with hers again. Her free hand reaches around, undoing the buttons on Sue's shirt, revealing her bra strap. She kisses her way down Sue's neck, nipping at her skin as she goes. Sue feels a wave of desire wash over her, her body trembling with anticipation.

Jan's fingers slide under the elastic of Sue's panties, teasing her already wet folds. She circles her fingertip around her clit, causing Sue to moan loudly into their kiss. Her hips buck against Jan's hand, grinding for more contact. "God, yes," she whispers, her head spinning with pleasure.

Jan pulls back slightly, her lips trailing down Sue's neck to her collarbone. She leans forward, her breasts pressing against Sue's as she reaches around her back, undoing the clasp on her bra. With a soft gasp, she slips it off, freeing her heavy breasts. Jan's nipples are hard and aching, and she rubs them against Sue's chest, eliciting another moan.

Their kiss breaks only momentarily as they both gasp for air, their chests rising and falling rapidly. Jan's eyes meet Sue's, and she can see the desire burning in them. "Follow me," Jan whispers, guiding Sue toward the side of the mat.

They find a private corner where they can be alone. Jan pushes Sue against the wall, her body pressed tightly against hers. Her hand slips between them, cupping Sue's warm sex through her panties. Sue moans loudly, arching her back into the touch. "Oh god, Jan," she whispers, her voice shaking.

Jan leans in, capturing Sue's lips with hers again. Her free hand reaches around, undoing the buttons on Sue's shirt, revealing her bra strap. She kisses her way down Sue's neck, nipping at her skin as she goes. Sue feels a wave of desire wash over her, her body trembling with anticipation.

Jan's fingers slide under the elastic of Sue's panties, teasing her already wet folds. She circles her fingertip around her clit, causing Sue to moan loudly into their kiss. Her hips buck against Jan's hand, grinding for more contact. "God, yes," she whispers, her head spinning with pleasure.

Jan pulls back slightly, her lips trailing down Sue's neck to her collarbone. She leans forward, her breasts pressing against Sue's as she reaches around her back, undoing the clasp on her bra. With a soft gasp, she slips it off, freeing her heavy breasts. Jan's nipples are hard and aching, and she rubs them against Sue's chest, eliciting another moan.
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.