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AGW Queen of The Ring First Rd Match 4/4: Ricci vs Lee

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AGW Queen of The Ring First Rd Match 4/4: Ricci vs Lee
« on: July 10, 2024, 05:52:30 PM »
 Christina Ricci is coming out swinging - literally! She's not messing around, ambushing Sunisa Lee before she even has a chance to make it to the ring.Sunisa is powerless against the onslaught, reduced to a crumpled heap on the ground. Christina seethes with rage, every strike fueled by a primal, animalistic rage that knows no bounds. She grabs Sunisa by the hair, hauling her up and dragging her up the ramp, the metallic clang of Sunisa's body thudding against the cold, hard steel echoing throughout the arena. A deep, personal hatred fuels Christina's wrath as she unleashes a flurry of chair shots upon Sunisa's prone form. With every strike, she howls her fury, screaming at Sunisa about the alleged threat.

"You think you can just say something like that and get away with it?" she bellows, her voice hoarse with rage. "You think you can threaten me and not face the consequences?"

Without a second thought, she grabs hold of Sunisa's bikini, tearing into the fabric and shredding the skimpy garment as if it were nothing but paper.
Sunisa's body is now fully exposed, her taut muscles and toned figure on full display for the audience to see. But Christina doesn't care about any of that - all she sees is a target for her fury.

Christina seizes Sunisa by the ankles, heaving her battered, bruised body across the cold, unforgiving concrete. She hurls Sunisa's limp form towards the steel steps, sending her crashing into the unforgiving metal with a sickening, reverberating CLANG. The sound of Sunisa's body colliding with the steps echoes throughout the arena, the crowd wincing in empathetic pain as they watch her crumple to the ground, seemingly lifeless.

Christina replays Sunisa's alleged threat over and over in her mind, each word stoking the fire of her wrath.

 "EVERY inch of my body?" she thinks to herself, her eyes flashing with murderous intent. "She thinks she can just say that and not pay the price?"

Sunisa glares up at Christina with eyes that burn like coals. Despite the brutal beating she's endured, she refuses to give Christina the satisfaction of breaking her spirit.

"Is that all you've got?"

Christina's cruel laughter echoes through the arena as she reaches down, her fingers closing around Sunisa's already-tender nipples. With a sharp tug, she hoists Sunisa to her knees, her body shuddering in agony as her nipples are used as grotesque handles. Christin leans in close, her breath caressing Sunisa's ear.

"Oh, you want to fight, do you?"

Christina grabs Sunisa by the hair and flings her into the ring.

Sunisa's body tumbles limply, her limbs sprawled in a grotesque, unnatural angle, her face contorted in a grimace of pain.

Christina wastes no time unleashing a savage barrage of kicks upon Sunisa's defenseless body, each strike landing with a sickening thud. Her bare foot crashes into Sunisa's ribs, her kidneys, her spine, the blows raining down with such force that Sunisa's battered form slides across the canvas, the ring trembling with each brutal impact. The onslaught is relentless.

Sunisa now lies facedown on the mat, her firm, round ass cheeks bouncing and jiggling with each strike. The proud gymnast, who once soared through the air with effortless grace, is now nothing more than a heap of bruised, battered flesh, her toned muscles offering little resistance against Christina's brutal onslaught.
Christina positions the cold, hard steel chair underneath Sunisa's face, its unforgiving surface pressing against her delicate cheekbones. She then scrambles up to the top turnbuckle, her body coiled like a viper, her eyes fixed on her helpless prey below. She launches herself off the top rope, her body hurtling through the air like a guided missile; She crashes down onto Sunisa's head with bone-shattering force, the sound of a steel chair meeting a skull echoing throughout the arena like a gunshot.

Christina rolls her limp form onto her back and drapes a leg over her chest, hooking it for a pinfall attempt. The ref, seeming almost hesitant to intrude upon this brutal display of violence, drops to her knees and begins the count: "ONE..."

 Sunisa jerks her shoulder off the mat, breaking the pinfall attempt and shocking the audience into a frenzy. Her body is battered but her spirit remains unbroken, her fierce determination to survive.

Christina scrambles to her feet, her fists clenched tight at her sides.

With the steel chair raised high above her head, Christina prepares to deliver the final blow. But just as she's about to bring the chair crashing down upon Sunisa's battered form, Sunisa lashes out, unleashing a lightning-quick jab to Christina's vulnerable knee. The strike lands with pinpoint accuracy, the force of the blow sending a shockwave of pain through Christina's body. She stumbles back, the chair slipping from her grasp, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Christina collapses to the mat, her hands clutching her wounded knee. She writhes in pain, her body wracked by spasms, her screams echoing through the arena.

Sunisa, her own body battered and bruised, uses the discarded chair to pull herself to her feet, her muscles trembling with exhaustion. She stands over Christina, her eyes blazing at the sight of her opponent's vulnerability. Her lean, toned muscles ripple beneath her sweat-drenched skin as she towers over Christina, watching her opponent's pitiful display of agony with a cold, calculating gaze. Every fiber of her being is coiled tight, her anger simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to erupt in a volcanic fury.

Christina continues to crawl and writhe, but Sunisa stands motionless, a silent, brooding presence looming over her fallen foe. With a swift, decisive motion, Sunisa lashes out, her foot connecting with Christina's prone form, rolling her onto her back. Before Christina can react, Sunisa plants a foot on each of her hands, pinning them to the mat. Without hesitation, She unleashes a barrage of kicks upon Christina's injured knee, her strikes relentless and brutal. Each kick lands with bone-crunching force, sending Christina into spasms of agony, her screams filling the arena. Sunisa shows no mercy, her assault continuing unabated. Snatching up the discarded steel chair, she raises it high above her head and brings the chair crashing down upon Christina's injured knee, the impact reverberating through the arena with a sickening crunch. Again and again, she rains down blows upon the wounded limb, each strike sending Christina further into a world of agony. The chair, once a weapon in Christina's hands, has now become an instrument of Sunisa's vengeance.

Sunisa stands tall over Christina's broken form, her breathing ragged and uneven, her body throbbing with the pain of the injuries she's sustained. She knows, deep down, that the ambush and the vicious beating that followed will take a long time to heal, both physically and mentally. But she also knows that, as long as she's still standing, as long as she can still fight, she has a chance to come out on top in this brutal tournament. And so, despite the agony coursing through her veins, she steels herself.

In a stunning display of athleticism and power, Sunisa executes a flawless cartwheel, the chair clutched tightly in her hands. As she lands on her feet, she swings the chair in a graceful arc over her head, the sharp edge of the chair's seat with all the force she can muster, she brings the chair crashing down upon the back of Christina's knee.

Christina's body seizes up in response to the chair's devastating impact, her limbs flailing uncontrollably as though she's been electrocuted. The shock of the blow sends waves of pain coursing through her body, her muscles contracting and releasing in rapid, uncontrollable spasms. She writhes and twists on the mat. It's a horrific sight, one that drives home just how brutal and unforgiving this tournament is.

Sunisa grabs hold of her own tits, squeezing them tightly as she yells out to Christina,


Christina crawls into a corner of the ring like a wounded animal. Her growls and snarls are primal. Her once-proud, confident demeanor has been replaced with fear and desperation, her body trembling with exhaustion and pain.

As Sunisa looms over Christina, her body taut with anticipation, Christina lashes out in a last-ditch attempt to defend herself. With surprising speed and ferocity, she lunges forward and sinks her teeth into Sunisa's exposed pussy, biting down hard.

Sunisa lets out a piercing scream, her body jolting in pain as she staggers backward, her hand instinctively moving to cover herself. Momentarily stunned by the sudden, unexpected attack, she sinks to her knees, her hand pressed against her throbbing pussy. Despite the searing pain, she reaches out with her other hand, grabbing Christina by the hair and pulling her close.

But Christina is far from defeated, her jaw clamping down hard on Sunisa's hand, her teeth sinking deep into the flesh. Sunisa hisses in pain, her grip on Christina's hair loosening as she struggles to free herself from the vice-like grip of Christina's teeth.

Despite the pain radiating from her hand, Sunisa is relentless in her assault on Christina's injured knee, her fist pounding against the battered limb like a jackhammer. Christina, in turn, bites down even harder, her teeth digging deeper into Sunisa's flesh. In her desperation,  she also reaches up, her fingers digging into Sunisa's hair, tugging and pulling at the roots in a savage attempt to cause even more pain. The two women are locked in a brutal struggle, each fighting through agony and exhaustion, neither willing to back down.

They are a writhing tangle of limbs, hair, and screams, a gruesome tableau of pain and suffering. Every movement sends new agony crashing over them, each gasp and groan a testament to their shared determination and defiance. Sweat mingled on their skin, their muscles burning with the effort of the fight, their bodies pushed to the brink of collapse. But still, they persist, each one refusing to give an inch. Their tears stream down their faces, mingling with the sweat that covers their skin. Sunisa's fists rain down upon Christina with renewed ferocity, her knuckles red and raw from the repeated impact. Christina, in turn, yanks and bites with all her might, her jaw aching from the strain, her grip on Sunisa's hair like iron. Their cries and grunts fill the air, punctuated by the sickening thuds of Sunisa's fists and the wet, tearing sound of Christina's teeth. It's a brutal struggle; a clash of wills and strength that seems to have no end in sight.

 Christina seizes Sunisa's closest leg, her fingers digging into the flesh as she yanks it towards her. The movement catches Sunisa off guard, her leg now trapped between Christina's head and the hold, her balance compromised.

Her punches slow as she tries to regain her footing, her face contorted with effort and pain.

Christina redoubles her efforts, gnashing her teeth against Sunisa's hand, pulling harder on the trapped leg.

The referee peers down at the twisted mass of limbs, unable to discern where one woman ends and the other begins. The crowd, both in the arena and those watching on the jumbo TV screens, are equally bewildered, their eyes straining to make sense of the brutal melee unfolding in the ring. The once-clear boundaries between Sunisa and Christina have blurred their bodies now a single, writhing entity, their screams and grunts merging into a cacophony of pain and defiance.

As Sunisa and Christina begin to drag each other out of the corner, their bodies still locked in combat, the crowd erupts into a deafening roar. The sheer force of their combined will and determination has transformed the match into a spectacle unlike anything they've ever witnessed before.

The referee, realizing she's in the path of the oncoming storm, scrambles out of the way, her eyes wide with disbelief as the two women continue their savage struggle, seemingly oblivious to the chaos unfolding around them. The arena shakes with the thunderous applause of the crowd, their cheers echoing off the walls and rafters.

In an astonishing feat of athleticism and strength, Sunisa manages to roll to her feet while still clutching Christina, her body trembling with the effort as she hefts Christina into the air, carrying her across the ring to where the steel chair awaits. In a move that defies belief, Sunisa launches herself into the air, driving Christina's body down onto the unforgiving steel with a sickening crunch. The crowd gasps in horror as the impact echoes through the arena, the sight of Sunisa's sheer dominance leaving them in awe.

In the aftermath of the devastating piledriver, time seems to stand still. Christina's limp form lies spread-eagled on the mat, her body a broken wreck, her chest heaving as she struggles to draw breath. Sunisa, her naked body glistening with sweat, collapses beside her, her muscles finally giving out as she slips into unconsciousness. For the next agonizing 30 seconds, the arena is silent, the crowd holding its collective breath as the referee checks on the fallen competitors. Both women, having pushed their bodies beyond their limits, lie motionless on the mat, their battered forms a testament to the brutality of the match they've just endured.

As the seconds tick by, the tension in the arena is palpable, every eye fixed on the motionless forms of Sunisa and Christina. And then, almost imperceptibly at first, Sunisa's fingers twitch, her body beginning to stir. She rolls onto her side, her eyes fluttering open as she fights to regain consciousness. Christina, meanwhile, remains still, her body limp and unresponsive. Slowly, painfully, Sunisa pushes herself to her knees, her muscles screaming in protest as she forces herself to stand. She stumbles forward, her vision swimming, but her will remains unbroken.

Sunisa stands in the center of the ring, her naked body trembling with pain and exhaustion. Every inch of her skin is slick with sweat, her muscles screaming in protest as she struggles to remain upright. She can feel the bruises blossoming on her skin, the agony of her battered body threatening to overwhelm her. But beneath the pain, there's a fierce, burning determination that drives her forward. She knows that she's on the brink of something incredible, that her victory over Christina would put her in the semi-finals. It's a feeling unlike anything she's ever experienced before. She knows what she has to do - she has to drag Christina's limp form out of the corner and into the center of the ring, to finish her off with a pin. But the thought of moving even a single muscle sends fresh waves of agony coursing through her body, her limbs leaden with exhaustion. For a moment, she considers giving in to the pain, letting herself collapse onto the mat beside Christina. But then she remembers everything she's been through, everything she's fought for, and she knows that she can't give up now. With a deep breath, she reaches down, her hands trembling as she grasps Christina's wrist, and begins the arduous task of dragging her across the ring.
As Sunisa finally drags Christina's unresponsive body to the center of the ring, the crowd erupts into a frenzy of excitement, their cheers deafening in the enclosed space. Christina, her body limp and lifeless, doesn't move a muscle, even as Sunisa lowers her naked, sweat-slicked ass onto her face, using her powerful thighs to pin her shoulders to the mat.

The referee drops to the mat beside them, her hand slapping the canvas with a resounding thud. One, two, three! The crowd roars in approval as Sunisa secures the victory  and her spot as the fourth and final woman in the Last Woman Standing tournament; she'll now face Sofia Vergara in the semi-finals


This is a woman who's ready to get her hands on Sofia