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RIng Queen Semifinal 1/2: Maslany vs Spencer ( long and short versions)

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It's just a "Finish Her" version of the match

Both Tatiana and Octavia lie on the canvas, utterly spent and barely able to move. The match has taken its toll on them both, and it shows in their faces and the way they gingerly nurse their respective injuries. Tatiana clutches at her ribs, gasping for breath and trying to will away the pain that threatens to consume her. Octavia, meanwhile, cradles her injured arm, grimacing as she tries to alleviate the throbbing ache. For a few moments, the arena is silent, save for the sounds of their labored breathing. Both women know that they’ll have to dig deep and find the strength to continue if they want to emerge victorious.

Octavia grips the ropes tightly with her one good arm and begins to pull herself up to her knees. It’s a slow and painful process, but she’s determined to return to the fight; Tatiana, refusing to stay down for long, starts dragging herself across the mat using only her legs. She’s still clutching at her injured ribs, her face twisted in pain, but she’s not giving up either.

The fans, start to cheer and shout encouragement to their favorite wrestler. Both Tatiana and Octavia are giving everything they have to this match.
As they finally make it to their feet, they stumble towards each other. Octavia swings her good arm in a wild clothesline attempt, but Tatiana ducks under it. The momentum of Octavia’s missed attack spins her around, leaving her momentarily disoriented. Before she can regain her bearings, Tatiana lunges forward and delivers a vicious headbutt right into Octavia’s face. The impact sends Octavia staggering backward a dazed look in her eyes.

Despite her damaged ribs, Tatiana manages to unleash a barrage of punches on Octavia, each one landing with a sickening thud; Octavia grabs Tatiana and yanks her into a side suplex hold, lifting her up and over the top rope. Tatiana flails and kicks, trying desperately to break free, but Octavia’s grip is too strong; she launches Tatiana out of the ring, sending her crashing rib-first onto the unforgiving floor below. The impact is brutal, and Tatiana screams.
As Tatiana lies on the ground outside the ring, struggling to breathe through her pain, Octavia collapses against the ropes. She looks down at Tatiana, a smirk playing on her lips as she watches the younger woman bawl and writhe in agony. Octavia knows that she’s won the match, but there’s no joy in her victory—only a cold, calculating satisfaction.

The fans, meanwhile, are torn between cheering for Octavia’s impressive performance and booing her ruthless tactics. But one thing is clear: this match will go down in AGW history as one of the most intense and brutal contests the fans have ever seen.

 She rolls out of the ring and drags the younger woman towards the announcer's table, a malicious glint in her eye. But just as she's about to unleash her fury, Tatiana manages to grab a stapler from the table and swiftly jams it into Octavia's arm. Octavia screams in pain as the sharp metal prongs pierce her flesh, momentarily stunning her and giving Tatiana the opening she needs. Seizing the moment, Tatiana begins to viciously beat Octavia's arm with the stapler, each blow sending a wave of pain coursing through the older woman's body.

Desperate to regain control, Octavia grabs hold of the stapler, her good hand gripping it tightly as she struggles to wrestle it away from Tatiana. The two women engage in a fierce tug-of-war, their injured bodies trembling with the effort. The battle for the stapler takes its toll, as both Octavia and Tatiana wince and grimace in pain. Their injured arms quiver and shake, threatening to give out at any moment. The fans watch on in awe as the two wrestlers pour every last ounce of strength and determination into this intense struggle. It's a war of attrition, with each woman determined to come out on top, no matter the cost to their battered bodies.

Octavia uses her injured arm to deliver a powerful punch to Tatiana's already damaged ribs. Tatiana involuntarily loosens her grip on the stapler.
 Octavia snatches the stapler away and begins jabbing it into Tatiana's ribs like a blunt object. Each blow sends agony through Tatiana's body, and she collapses to the ground, her back pressed up against the announcer's table.

Tears stream down Tatiana's face as sweat drips from her forehead, her body trembling with pain and exhaustion. 

Despite her injuries and exhaustion, Octavia manages to limp back towards the ring, kicking away Tatiana's feeble attempt to grab her ankle. She can feel Tatiana close behind her, crawling and dragging herself in pursuit, but she refuses to look back, determined to put an end to this match once and for all.
Both women finally make it to the center of the ring, their bodies a mess of bruises and sweat. They stare each other down, panting heavily as they try to catch their breath. The fans are on the edge of their seats, watching in awe as these two warriors continue to battle.

 Tatiana manages to be the first one to her feet, using the ropes for support as she struggles through the pain in her broken ribs. She pushes aside the pain and delivers a barrage of punches to Octavia's body, each blow punctuated by her labored breathing. She grabs hold of Octavia's injured arm, hoping to use it to her advantage. But Octavia uses the momentum to pull Tatiana into a tight bear hug.

Both women scream as the move puts pressure on their respective injuries—Tatiana's ribs and Octavia's arm.

Octavia, feeling the pain coursing through her body, struggles to stay on her feet, but the agony becomes too much, and she sinks to her knees along with Tatiana. Determined to end this match once and for all, she tightens her grip and continues to squeeze with all her might. Tatiana groans and struggles, but it's clear that she's reaching her breaking point. Her body trembles, and she lets out a frustrated cry as the pain becomes too much to bear. Finally, Octavia feels three taps on her shoulder, signaling Tatiana's submission. She releases her grip, and both women collapse to the mat, utterly spent and barely able to move.
The crowd erupts into cheers and applause as the referee announces Octavia as the winner and the first one of the night to make it to the Ring Queen Final.

Just as it says

The arena is alive with anticipation as the lights dim and the music begins to pulse. Tatiana Maslany enters first, her athletic physique on full display in a metallic grey bikini. She strides confidently towards the ring, barefoot and determined. The crowd's cheers grow louder as Octavia Spencer emerges, her curves proudly displayed in a purple bikini. She too is barefoot and carries an air of fierce determination as she joins Tatiana in the ring. The bell rings, signaling the start of the semi-final match. Both women circle each other, sizing up their opponent and preparing for an intense battle.

Despite Tatiana's efforts to appear confident and unfazed, observant fans can see the signs of her lingering injuries. As she moves around the ring, there's a slight grimace on her face, and she favors her side where her ribs were bruised in her previous match. Octavia, ever the shrewd competitor, takes note of these subtle tells, and a wicked gleam enters her eye as she begins to formulate a plan of attack.

Tatiana, refusing to be intimidated by Octavia’s calculating gaze, responds with a taunt of her own.

 "Two can play that game," she says, her voice dripping with defiance.  "I’m going to rip your arm off and beat you with it."
The threat hangs in the air, and for a moment, the two women are locked in a fierce stare-down. Then, without warning, they lunge toward each other, the match erupting into a flurry of fists, kicks, and hair-pulling as both wrestlers try to gain the upper hand.

In the heat of the moment, all thoughts of strategy and tactics are forgotten as Tatiana and Octavia give in to their primal instincts. Punches fly, kicks land, and hair is pulled as the two women fight with intense energy. The match spills out of the ring and onto the entrance ramp, with the combatants rolling and tumbling down the incline, locked in a furious struggle.

The fans, sensing the shift in the match’s tone, cheer even louder, their voices echoing through the arena. As the fight continues, Tatiana and Octavia move back toward the ring, using whatever they can get their hands on as weapons. As the match descends into chaos, Tatiana and Octavia begin to focus their attacks on each other's weaknesses. Tatiana targets Octavia’s injured arm, wrenching it behind her back or slamming it against the ring’s steel steps, causing the older woman to cry out in pain.

Not to be outdone, Octavia retaliates by attacking Tatiana’s bruised ribs, driving her shoulder into the younger woman’s side, or hitting her with hard objects like chairs or barricades. Each blow causes Tatiana to gasp and wince, but she refuses to give in, instead returning Octavia’s attacks with a vengeance. Frustrated and in agony, Octavia reaches her breaking point. "You bitch!" she yells, as she unleashes a series of vicious punches to Tatiana’s back with her good arm.

 Tatiana tries to defend herself, but the onslaught is too much, and she eventually collapses to her knees, gasping for air.
Octavia, not satisfied with simply taking Tatiana down, continues to hammer away at her opponent’s back, punctuating each blow with another insult. "You’re a pathetic bitch, Tatiana!" she screams, her anger fueling her attacks. The fans watch in awe as Octavia seemingly loses control, determined to inflict as much pain as possible on her rival.

The blows are brutal, each one sending shockwaves of pain through Tatiana’s body. She tries to crawl away, desperate to escape Octavia’s wrath, but the older woman is relentless, following her and continuing her assault. Eventually, Tatiana’s strength gives out, and she can no longer even attempt to crawl away. Instead, she curls into a ball on the floor, turtling and trying to protect her battered body as best she can. Octavia stands over her, chest heaving and eyes blazing.

As Octavia looks down at the battered and bruised Tatiana, she can’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. After all, she was never even supposed to make it this far.
 Octavia hoists Tatiana’s limp body back into the ring. The younger woman is barely conscious, her face a mess from the beating she’s endured. Octavia shows no mercy, however, and continues her assault, slamming Tatiana’s face against the canvas again and again.
Tatiana, for her part, can do nothing but endure the punishment.

Octavia rolls the younger woman onto her back and delivers one last brutal shot to her already battered ribs, causing Tatiana to cry. Satisfied that she’s done enough damage, she drops down and hooks Tatiana’s leg, going for the pin. The ref slides into position and begins to count: “One…two…”
Tatiana’s resilience is truly something to behold!  Despite the punishment she’s endured, she manages kicked out of the pin attempt at the count of two.

“You’re tougher than you look,” she snarls, before pulling Tatiana to her feet and delivering a hard chop to her chest. Tatiana stumbles backward but manages to stay on her feet, her expression grimly determined.

Tatiana’s desperate attempt to gain the upper hand backfires, as Octavia easily swats away her weak slap and knocks her to the ground. The older woman then mounts Tatiana’s side, pinning her to the mat and cutting off any hope of escape.

Octavia’s expression is cold and calculating as she presses down on Tatiana’s bruised ribs with both hands

 “You should have just stayed down when you had the chance,” she growls.

Tatiana tries to squirm out from under Octavia’s weight, but it’s no use. The older woman is too heavy and too strong, and Tatiana is quickly running out of options.

Octavia continues her relentless assault, standing up and then dropping ass first onto Tatiana’s bruised ribs with all her weight. Tatiana’s body convulses with each impact, and she lets out a weak, desperate cry.

Her mind races with thoughts of how everything has gone so wrong. She’d been so confident that she could take Octavia down, but now she’s the one being humiliated and beaten. She feels a surge of anger and frustration, but it’s quickly replaced by a sense of despair. How can she possibly come back from this? Is it even worth trying?

As Octavia continues to throw down punishment on her battered body, Tatiana closes her eyes and braces herself for the worst.
Just when all hope seems lost for Tatiana, she finds a moment of clarity amidst the chaos. As Octavia begins to stand up once again, Tatiana grabs her injured arm, yanking her back down to the mat, and puts her in a Fujiwara armbar, applying pressure to her already damaged limb. The older woman thrashes and struggles, trying to break free from the hold, but Tatiana is not letting go. As the cheers rain down on her, Tatiana grits her teeth and pushes through the pain in her ribs, hyper-extending Octavia’s elbow with all her strength. The older woman is in agony, tears streaming down her face as she struggles to escape.
Tatiana refuses to let up. She pulls even harder on Octavia’s arm, feeling the satisfying pop as the joint begins to give way. Octavia’s screams grow even louder, echoing through the arena as she realizes that she’s about to lose the match in a humiliating fashion.
Octavia’s world is a sea of agony as Tatiana continues to mercilessly target her injured arm. Each wrench and twist sends shockwaves of pain coursing through
her body, threatening to overwhelm her senses.

The fans in the stands watch on in stunned silence as Tatiana relentlessly assaults Octavia’s arm, pulling and twisting it in ways that make it seem like she’s trying to snap it clean from the shoulder. Octavia’s screams have become a constant background noise, punctuated only by Tatiana’s grunts

Despite the excruciating pain and the feeling of hopelessness creeping in, Octavia’s survival instincts kick in, and she begins to drag herself towards the ropes. She clings to the slim hope that she can reach them and force a rope break, giving her a much-needed reprieve. Tatiana’s injured ribs make it harder for her to maintain the hold, and Octavia can feel the grip loosening ever so slightly. With a burst of energy, she manages to inch closer and closer to the ropes, her arm still locked in Tatiana’s grasp. Finally, she reaches the ropes and grabs hold of them, signaling the referee to break ...

Both Tatiana and Octavia lie on the canvas, utterly spent and barely able to move. The match has taken its toll on them both, and it shows in their faces and the way they gingerly nurse their respective injuries. Tatiana clutches at her ribs, gasping for breath and trying to will away the pain that threatens to consume her. Octavia, meanwhile, cradles her injured arm, grimacing as she tries to alleviate the throbbing ache. For a few moments, the arena is silent, save for the sounds of their labored breathing. Both women know that they’ll have to dig deep and find the strength to continue if they want to emerge victorious.

Octavia grips the ropes tightly with her one good arm and begins to pull herself up to her knees. It’s a slow and painful process, but she’s determined to return to the fight; Tatiana, refusing to stay down for long, starts dragging herself across the mat using only her legs. She’s still clutching at her injured ribs, her face twisted in pain, but she’s not giving up either.

The fans, start to cheer and shout encouragement to their favorite wrestler. Both Tatiana and Octavia are giving everything they have to this match.
As they finally make it to their feet, they stumble towards each other. Octavia swings her good arm in a wild clothesline attempt, but Tatiana ducks under it. The momentum of Octavia’s missed attack spins her around, leaving her momentarily disoriented. Before she can regain her bearings, Tatiana lunges forward and delivers a vicious headbutt right into Octavia’s face. The impact sends Octavia staggering backward a dazed look in her eyes.

Despite her damaged ribs, Tatiana manages to unleash a barrage of punches on Octavia, each one landing with a sickening thud; Octavia grabs Tatiana and yanks her into a side suplex hold, lifting her up and over the top rope. Tatiana flails and kicks, trying desperately to break free, but Octavia’s grip is too strong; she launches Tatiana out of the ring, sending her crashing rib-first onto the unforgiving floor below. The impact is brutal, and Tatiana screams.
As Tatiana lies on the ground outside the ring, struggling to breathe through her pain, Octavia collapses against the ropes. She looks down at Tatiana, a smirk playing on her lips as she watches the younger woman bawl and writhe in agony. Octavia knows that she’s won the match, but there’s no joy in her victory—only a cold, calculating satisfaction.

The fans, meanwhile, are torn between cheering for Octavia’s impressive performance and booing her ruthless tactics. But one thing is clear: this match will go down in AGW history as one of the most intense and brutal contests the fans have ever seen.

 She rolls out of the ring and drags the younger woman towards the announcer's table, a malicious glint in her eye. But just as she's about to unleash her fury, Tatiana manages to grab a stapler from the table and swiftly jams it into Octavia's arm. Octavia screams in pain as the sharp metal prongs pierce her flesh, momentarily stunning her and giving Tatiana the opening she needs. Seizing the moment, Tatiana begins to viciously beat Octavia's arm with the stapler, each blow sending a wave of pain coursing through the older woman's body.

Desperate to regain control, Octavia grabs hold of the stapler, her good hand gripping it tightly as she struggles to wrestle it away from Tatiana. The two women engage in a fierce tug-of-war, their injured bodies trembling with the effort. The battle for the stapler takes its toll, as both Octavia and Tatiana wince and grimace in pain. Their injured arms quiver and shake, threatening to give out at any moment. The fans watch on in awe as the two wrestlers pour every last ounce of strength and determination into this intense struggle. It's a war of attrition, with each woman determined to come out on top, no matter the cost to their battered bodies.

Octavia uses her injured arm to deliver a powerful punch to Tatiana's already damaged ribs. Tatiana involuntarily loosens her grip on the stapler.
 Octavia snatches the stapler away and begins jabbing it into Tatiana's ribs like a blunt object. Each blow sends agony through Tatiana's body, and she collapses to the ground, her back pressed up against the announcer's table.

Tears stream down Tatiana's face as sweat drips from her forehead, her body trembling with pain and exhaustion. 

Despite her injuries and exhaustion, Octavia manages to limp back towards the ring, kicking away Tatiana's feeble attempt to grab her ankle. She can feel Tatiana close behind her, crawling and dragging herself in pursuit, but she refuses to look back, determined to put an end to this match once and for all.
Both women finally make it to the center of the ring, their bodies a mess of bruises and sweat. They stare each other down, panting heavily as they try to catch their breath. The fans are on the edge of their seats, watching in awe as these two warriors continue to battle.

 Tatiana manages to be the first one to her feet, using the ropes for support as she struggles through the pain in her broken ribs. She pushes aside the pain and delivers a barrage of punches to Octavia's body, each blow punctuated by her labored breathing. She grabs hold of Octavia's injured arm, hoping to use it to her advantage. But Octavia uses the momentum to pull Tatiana into a tight bear hug.

Both women scream as the move puts pressure on their respective injuries—Tatiana's ribs and Octavia's arm. They struggle against each other..
Octavia, feeling the pain coursing through her body, struggles to stay on her feet, but the agony becomes too much, and she sinks to her knees along with Tatiana. Determined to end this match once and for all, she tightens her grip and continues to squeeze with all her might. Tatiana groans and struggles, but it's clear that she's reaching her breaking point. Her body trembles, and she lets out a frustrated cry as the pain becomes too much to bear. Finally, Octavia feels three taps on her shoulder, signaling Tatiana's submission. She releases her grip, and both women collapse to the mat, utterly spent and barely able to move.
The crowd erupts into cheers and applause as the referee announces Octavia as the winner and the first one of the night to make it to the Ring Queen Final.