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Suzane Revenge

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Offline Styraxx

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Suzane Revenge
« on: July 16, 2024, 09:57:55 PM »

"Hey, Suzane, you're glowing," her friend Laura said, peering at her over the textbook they were supposed to be studying together.
Suzane looked up, surprised. She hadn't noticed it herself, but there it was - a new lightness in her step, a soft blush on her cheeks. "Thanks, Laura," she murmured, a shy smile playing on her lips.

Suzane's days had always been filled with a gentle rhythm. She woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window and aroma of her mother's freshly brewed coffee wafting through the house.

Her last year of high school was a blur of laughter and notes scribbled in the margins of textbooks, her mind often drifting to her boyfriend, the star quarterback, Brad.
Their relationship had been the envy of many, a perfect picture of high school sweethearts.
But it was the quiet moments that she cherished most - the stolen kisses in the library stacks, the way her hand fit perfectly into Brad's as they walked down the hallway.

Her afternoons were spent in the art room, where she could lose herself in the strokes of her brush, the smell of oil paints and the soft whispers of the bristles against the canvas. The room was her sanctuary, a place where she could express the emotions that often remained hidden beneath her shy exterior. Suzane had a gift for capturing the beauty in the mundane, turning everyday scenes into vibrant works of art that made people stop and stare.

The town where she lived was small, nestled between rolling fields and a lazy river that meandered through the heart of it. Life was simple, and everyone knew everyone's.
It was the kind of place where a new face was an event, and when the moving van pulled up next door, it didn't go unnoticed.

The new neighbors were the Johnsons, a family of three: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, and their daughter, Cristal. She was the same age as Suzane, but with a body that was the talk of the town almost immediately. The way she moved, swaying her hips and batting her lashes, was mesmerizing.

The first time Suzane met Cristal, she felt an inexplicable pang of irritation. It was as if the very air around her was charged with a provocative energy that made Suzane's skin crawl. "Hi, I'm Suzane," she offered tentatively, extending a hand that was met with a limp shake. "Welcome to the neighborhood."
Cristal's smile was dazzling, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thanks," she drawled, her voice a seductive purr that seemed to be aimed at everyone and no one in particular. "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun around here."

Suzane felt a knot tighten in her stomach. There was something about Cristal that was just too... much. Her clothes were too tight, her makeup too heavy, and she had an unnerving habit of leaning in too close when she talked.

The tension between them grew with each passing day. At school, the whispers grew louder as rumors of Cristal's promiscuity spread like wildfire. She didn't bother to hide her conquests, flaunting her new "boy toys" around the hallways with a wink and a giggle. Suzane tried to ignore it, focusing on her studies and her relationship with Brad, but it was like a dark cloud hovering over her.

As the weather grew warmer, so did the competition between the two girls. Each day, it seemed as if Cristal's outfits got more and more daring, her skirts hiking up to show off her long, legs, her tops plunging lower to expose her ample cleavage. Her chest had grown significantly, the result of a recent trip to the plastic surgeon. The new additions to her figure drew the attention of every male in the school, including Brad.

Suzane couldn't help but feel self-conscious. She'd always been petite and slender, with average breasts that she thought looked great on her frame. But next to Cristal's voluptuousness, she felt like a mere shadow.

Cristal, ever the opportunist, took full advantage of this. She started to arrive at school in outfits that were less like clothes and more like artful drapes over her curvy figure. Her tops, if they could even be called that, barely contained her new, gravity-defying assets. They jiggled with every step she took, guys love it, and she knew it. The fabric was so thin that the slightest movement gave a hint of her nipple piercings.

Suzane noticed Brad's eyes lingering on Cristal's chest during lunch one day, and the knot in her stomach grew tighter. She tried to shake it off, telling herself that Brad loved her for who she was, not her cup size. But the whispers in the hallways, the knowing smiles, and the way Brad's friends looked at her made her feel like she was drowning in inadequacy.

One fateful evening, Brad's best friend, Mike, threw a party. The house was a hive of activity, music thumping, lights flashing, and hormones raging. Suzane had hoped the night would be a chance to show Brad that she could be just as fun and alluring as Cristal, but as the night progressed, she felt increasingly out of place.

Then, she saw it - Brad, her Brad, his hand on the small of Cristal's back, guiding her through the crowd and into a dimly lit room.
Her heart racing, she followed them, peeking through the slightly ajar door. There, on Mike's rumpled bed, she saw it all. Brad's pants were around his ankles, and Cristal was on her knees, her mouth wrapped around his erection. The sight was like a knife to her soul. She watched, horrified, as Brad's head fell back in pleasure, his eyes closed tightly. Suzane felt her world crumble around her as she realized the whispers were true.
Cristal looked up and met her gaze, a wicked smile playing on her glossed lips. She pulled away from Brad's cock with a pop, a strand of saliva connecting her mouth to his shaft. "Looks like you're just in time for the main event," she purred, her voice thick with arousal. Suzane stumbled back, her hand flying to her mouth to stifle a gasp. The door swung open, and Brad looked up, his expression a mix of guilt and shock.

"Suzane," he sputtered, hastily trying to pull up his pants. "It's not what it looks like." But it was exactly what it looked like. Suzane felt the last shred of her trust shatter into a million pieces. She turned and fled, her vision blurred with tears, her heart hammering in her chest.

The party swirled around her, a cacophony of laughter and music that seemed to mock her pain. She stumbled through the crowded house, desperately searching for a way out. Her friends looked at her with confusion, but she couldn't bear to tell them what she'd seen. The betrayal was too raw, too fresh.

As she pushed through the crowd, she felt hands on her waist, spinning her around. It was Brad, his eyes pleading. "Suzane, wait," he called out, his voice strained. She shoved him away, the fury bubbling up inside her like a volcano about to erupt. "It's not what you think," he tried again, but she could see the truth in his eyes, the guilt etched into every line on his face.

Suzane didn't stop running until she was outside, the cool night air slapping her in the face like a wet towel. She leaned against the side of the house, her chest heaving with sobs. How could he do this to her? She had given him everything - her heart, her body, her trust.

In the chaos of the party, she had managed to find a quiet corner to compose herself. Her thoughts were a jumble of anger and pain, but one thing was clear: she couldn't let this go. She had to face Cristal, had to make her pay for what she had done.

Her eyes searched the room until they found the object of her wrath. There she was, all smiles and fluttering lashes, surrounded by a gaggle of Brad's friends. They were hanging on her every word, their eyes ogling her every curve. It was like watching a snake charm a bunch of rabbits, and it made Suzane's blood boil.

Her fists clenched, she marched over to the group. "Cristal," she spat out the name, her voice like a whip crack. The conversation around them ground to a halt. "We need to talk."

Cristal's eyes narrowed, and she licked her lips, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Oh, sweetie," she cooed, "What could you possibly have to say to me?"
Suzane's cheeks burned with anger. "You know exactly what." She leaned in, her voice low and dangerous. "You stay away from Brad. If I see you near him again, I'll make you regret it."
Cristal's smile grew wider, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Oh, you're going to make me, are you?" She stood, her hips swaying in a deliberate challenge. "What are you going to do, Suzane? Slap me?"

The room had gone quiet, the tension palpable. Suzame's best friend Laura grabbed her  arm, trying to pull her away, but she was rooted to the spot, her eyes locked with Cristal's. "No," she said, her voice cold and steady. "We're going to settle this once and for all."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd. A fight between the quiet artist and the new seductress was the last thing anyone had expected, but it was clear that there was no turning back now. "A fight?" Brad's voice cut through the murmurs, his face a mask of shock. "You can't be serious."

But Suzane was deadly serious. She had been pushed to her breaking point, and now she was going to push back.

The room gasped collectively, and even Brad's friends looked a bit pale. Laura's grip on her arm tightened, but she didn't pull away this time. She knew that look in Suzane's eyes, the one that said she had made a decision and wasn't going to back down. "Biker bar," Suzane continued, her voice as sharp as a shattered bottle. "Tomorrow night. You and me. The winner gets Brad. And the loser... well, let's just say the loser won't be a problem anymore."

Cristal's smile never wavered. She leaned in closer, her tits brushing against Suzane's arm, and whispered, "You're on for this, sweetheart?." The crowd around them erupted into cheers and jeers, the excitement palpable. Suzane felt a strange mix of fear and determination swirl in her gut.

The next day, the anticipation at school was electric. Whispers of the upcoming fight spread like wildfire. Suzane walked through the hallways with her head held high, her heart racing at the thought of what was to come. She knew that everyone was watching her, placing bets on who would come out on top.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, she found herself standing outside the biker bar, The Rusty Chain, her heart hammering in her chest. The neon lights flickered, casting eerie shadows on the gritty asphalt. The sound of motorcycles revving grew louder as the crowd grew thicker. Laura had convinced her to wear something more... appropriate for the setting - tight black tank top and a pair of torn jeans that hugged her curves. It was a stark contrast to her usual attire, but she had to admit, it made her feel a bit more like she could hold her own.

Inside, the bar was a cacophony of noise and leather-clad bodies. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke, and the floor sticky with spilled beer. Suzane scanned the room, her eyes searching for any sign of the blonde vixen who had turned her world upside down. Finally, she spotted her, lounging on the arm of a burly biker, her tits threatening to spill out of the tiny top she wore.

Cristal caught her gaze and smirked, sliding off the biker's arm with a seductive grace that made Suzane's stomach turn. She sauntered over, her hips rolling in a way that was clearly designed to be provocative. "Ready to get dirty, little girl?"

Suzane took a deep breath, pushing down the fear that was trying to bubble up. She had to win this, not for Brad, but for herself. She couldn't let this slutty, manipulative bitch get the best of her. "Let's do this," she snarled, her voice surprisingly strong.

The crowd of bikers and townies parted as the two girls made their way to the makeshift cage in the back of the bar.
The Rusty Chain was a notorious dive, a place where the leather-clad outlaws of the town gathered to drink, gamble, and settle their scores. Its patrons were a rough bunch, used to the sight of blood and bruises, but the prospect of two high school girls fighting for the love of the quarterback had them on the edge of their seats.

The cage was a hastily constructed affair of rusted iron bars and chain link, surrounded by a sea of greasy-haired bikers and rowdy teenagers. The air was thick with the scent of testosterone and adrenaline. Suzane's hands felt slick with sweat as she gripped the cold metal, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum. She could see the excitement in their eyes, the hunger for the violence that was about to unfold.
Cristal strutted into the cage, her hips swaying with the confidence of a predator. She was dressed in a skimpy outfit that barely contained her voluptuous figure, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her eyes danced with the challenge, a smug smile playing on her lips. Suzane's fists clenched at her sides as she stepped in, the metal door slamming shut with a finality that made her stomach drop.

The biker leader who had been watching the crowd took a swig of his beer and leaned back in his chair, a toothpick wedged between his teeth. "Alright, ladies," he drawled, his voice echoing through the bar, "Let's get this show on the road. No rules, no refs, no bullshit, the fight continues until the winner is satisfied."


Offline Styraxx

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Re: Suzane Revenge
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2024, 10:14:34 PM »
Suzana and Cristal


Offline snw

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Re: Suzane Revenge
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2024, 05:49:38 AM »
I’m sitting here imagining Cristal giving Suzane a lesson that sometimes you should walk away. Cristal is thinking how excited Brad will get when he either watches or hears about what she is going to do to Suzane.


Offline snw

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Re: Suzane Revenge
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2024, 05:50:56 AM »
I’m sitting here imagining Cristal giving Suzane a lesson that sometimes you should walk away. Cristal is thinking how excited Brad will get when he either watches or hears about what she is going to do to Suzane.
At least I would think it would go but we’ll see . Either way it’s sure to be a good one.