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Question about uploading stories.

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Offline Kino

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Question about uploading stories.
« on: July 18, 2024, 09:55:33 PM »
So i just want to know about how do i properly post a story? Do i use the attachment icon and upload a pdf/doc? Or do i have to like copy past the story into the text box?


Offline tr0tz

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Re: Question about uploading stories.
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024, 10:48:07 PM »
So i just want to know about how do i properly post a story? Do i use the attachment icon and upload a pdf/doc? Or do i have to like copy past the story into the text box?

The common and preferred way is to copy and paste the text into the text box - this is also the most readable way as you can directly read it in your browser, on your phone or computer. For longer stories, you need to split a story due to the size limit of the text box.

PDF is nice if you've got photos as part of the story. does not offer any upload function. You'd need to upload it somewhere else (i.e. )and then put a link into the text box. For uploading, please choose PDF instead of doc/docx/... as it's more easy to open and read. And doc files may contain viruses ...


Offline Kino

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Re: Question about uploading stories.
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2024, 12:29:56 PM »
So i just want to know about how do i properly post a story? Do i use the attachment icon and upload a pdf/doc? Or do i have to like copy past the story into the text box?

The common and preferred way is to copy and paste the text into the text box - this is also the most readable way as you can directly read it in your browser, on your phone or computer. For longer stories, you need to split a story due to the size limit of the text box.

PDF is nice if you've got photos as part of the story. does not offer any upload function. You'd need to upload it somewhere else (i.e. )and then put a link into the text box. For uploading, please choose PDF instead of doc/docx/... as it's more easy to open and read. And doc files may contain viruses ...

Thank you and do you know what the text limit is? Because before uploaded this post i tried uploading a story in catfight section,  i did not get a prompt saying i was over the limit but i found parts of the story was removed after i had uploaded it.


Offline CoffeeMug

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Re: Question about uploading stories.
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2024, 05:41:52 PM »
I copy/paste from a Word doc on my laptop. I've had stories run over 7500 words, I'm sure (too lazy to check, but my usual is like 5500 now, and I'm definitely not writing more, so surely I've hit 7000+ in the past), and I've never had a problem with things getting deleted for going over.


Offline Nutmeg

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Re: Question about uploading stories.
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2024, 08:44:26 PM »
No text limit that I am aware of. You should always preview what you are posting because spacing for paragraphs is an issue copying from text. Namely you will likely need two lines instead of one for a proper paragraph break. Also it is possible your clipboard didn't pick up everything and preview lets you make sure you have everything.

I also think doing it in Word and saving it there helps for editing and for easy changes. Like discovering you started calling one girl Sally and somehow she became Molly by the end and using replace is far easier than going through the whole document by hand. Plus then you also have a copy somewhere yourself rather than just on the site.
The world would be a better place if men had the same fear of sexual violence that women live with. My condolences to the families of 90 percent of male catfight fans.