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AGW RIng Queen Final 1/1:

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AGW RIng Queen Final 1/1:
« on: July 19, 2024, 02:37:18 AM »

The ref’s voice continues to echo through the arena, “4… 5…”. At this point, Suni’s still as motionless as a statue. It’s almost like she’s given up, resigned to her fate as the runner-up. Or maybe she’s just unconscious, blissfully unaware of the chaos unfolding around her.

Meanwhile, Octavia’s struggling to keep herself from collapsing like a stack of Jenga blocks. Every fiber of her being is screaming in pain, begging her to just give up and call it quits.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Suni wills herself to her feet, fueled by nothing but sheer adrenaline and stubbornness.

Octavia stares in disbelief, her mouth agape. She can’t believe that after everything Suni’s been through, she’s still standing.
Octavia’s not taking any chances here! After witnessing Suni’s incredible resilience, she’s pulling out all the stops. With the chair firmly wedged around Suni’s damaged hand, Octavia’s ready to do some serious damage. The crowd is silent, holding their breath, anticipating the carnage that’s about to unfold.
From the top rope, Octavia’s like a sniper, her sights set on Suni’s hand. There’s no hesitation, no mercy.

Octavia's crack smashes into the unforgiving edge of the chair, sending her into a ragdoll-esque flip, landing in a crumpled heap on the mat.
The crowd winces in sympathy, while Suni looks on with a mix of shock and grim satisfaction. Octavia’s not moving, and it’s clear that this attack has done some serious damage.

 With Octavia out for the count, Suni rolls on top of her.

The ref slams her hand on the mat, “1… 2… 3!” The bell rings, and the crowd explodes into cheers and boos. Suni lies there, exhausted. Suni’s pulse is racing as she watches Octavia, The ref starts the count, “1… 2… 3…” Suni silently pleads for Octavia to stay down, to just give up already. But Octavia’s a force to be reckoned with, and she might just have one last trick up her sleeve.

The tension in the arena is palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife. Suni’s face is a mask of hope, fear, and sheer adrenaline, as she watches Octavia battle against her broken body. The ref calls out “9…” and Octavia’s still on her knees, straining with every fiber of her being to get up.
Suni’s legs are trembling, her lips quivering. Just one more second, she begs silently. If Octavia can’t get to her feet, the crown is hers.
Octavia pushes herself up and falls back against the ropes, propping herself up. The ref glances between Octavia and Suni, unsure of what to call. A hush falls over the arena, the ref weighing her options. Is Octavia still in this fight, or has Suni won by the skin of her teeth? The silence is deafening.

The pendulum of victory swings violently in the opposite direction! Suni’s premature celebration is cut short as the ref announces that Octavia just made the ten-count. Suni’s face falls, and her shock and disbelief are palpable. She can't believe that Octavia is still standing, even if it’s more like leaning against the ropes.
The crowd erupts into a frenzy, cheering and booing as they process this dramatic turn of events. Suni's still in shock.  Octavia’s grin is a mix of pain and triumph, her eyes locked on Suni as she unleashes a tirade of expletives at the ref that would make a sailor blush. The ref stands stoic, unfazed by Suni’s verbal assault. It’s just another day at the office for her, dealing with these exhausted, angry women. Suni’s still fuming, realizing her celebration was a bit premature.
The ref is unmoved by Suni’s tantrum, standing firm in her decision. Suni’s eyes are wild. She’s pointing and screaming, completely losing control, when suddenly Octavia takes advantage of the distraction.

 Octavia drags her down to the mat by her damaged hand and destroys it on the steel chair. Her relentless assault on Suni’s already damaged hand is savage. Suni’s in a world of pain, her eyes rolling back into her head, her body writhing.
Octavia twists Suni’s hand with a sickening snap, and Suni finally submits, just moments away from passing out.
She never answered the ten-count.

 Octavia, the AGW Ring Queen, collapses, her body still trembling from the exertion, adrenaline, and sheer emotion. She’s won, but it’s clear that the journey to get here has taken its toll.

The ref offers her the crown, but Octavia won’t even look up. Her shoulders shake as she sobs into her arms, overcome with the gravity of the moment.
As the sound of the crowd slowly fades into the background, Octavia remains curled up on the mat, still unable to face the momentous occasion. But, her shaking fingers slowly reach out, gently brushing against the crown before finally closing around it. She clutches it to her chest, the metal cool against her skin.
In this moment, with her head buried, Octavia allows herself to feel what she’s accomplished. The fight of her life, the brutal struggle… it was all worth it.


   As Suni enters the ring, her bandaged hand a testament to the grueling battles she’s already fought, the crowd goes wild with cheers and anticipation. The tight navy blue bikini she’s wearing accentuates her toned, agile body, and her expression is one of fierce determination; Octavia strides into the ring with a look of steely resolve, her one-piece swimsuit keeping her bandaged waist secure and ready for the fight. And it’s ON! There is no waiting around for formalities in this high-stakes, no-holds-barred match. As soon as Octavia and Suni are in the ring, they start jawing at each other like a pair of prize fighters, the trash talk flying as fast and furious as the insults. The crowd roars with excitement as the tension in the ring reaches a fever pitch.
As soon as the bell rings, Octavia immediately goes for Suni’s, shoving her face into her giant black tits.
Feeling the sharp jabs to her ribs, Octavia knows she’s got to keep up the pressure or risk losing ground. But Suni is wily and relentless, managing to get in a few good punches to Octavia’s vulnerable ribcage.

Octavia might have thought she’d knocked Suni down for the count, but Suni’s not going down that easily. She’s got heart and a whole lotta grit. As the ref starts the count, Suni digs deep, finding the strength to push herself up off the mat.
Octavia can’t believe it. She thought she had this in the bag. But Suni’s not just some lightweight gymnast.
 As Octavia charges forward, Suni does a mid-air flip, her feet smashing into Octavia’s chest with a thud that echoes through the arena. Octavia collapses to the mat like a felled tree, the wind knocked out of her.

But Suni isn’t done yet.

 Suni shows off her superior gymnastic skills, turning Octavia’s back into a human trampoline, flipping and tumbling across it with ease. Octavia’s ribs must feel like they’re about to crack under the pressure.
The crowd is going wild, some cheering Suni on, others shouting words of encouragement for Octavia to fight back. But Octavia’s down for the count, the pain in her ribs too much to take.

! Despite the pain in her ribs, she manages to grab onto Suni’s ankle, desperate to stop her from making it to the corner turnbuckle. Suni’s caught off guard by the sudden move, stumbling and struggling to break free from Octavia’s grip.
The two women are locked in a battle of strength and will.
With a fierce mule kick to Octavia's face, she’s showing she’s got some serious fighting skills. The impact of the kick sends Octavia reeling. Octavia may be hurting, but she’s not about to let Suni break free. Suni, on the other hand, is like a wild animal trapped in a snare, thrashing, and fighting to escape Octavia's hold with Octavia dragging behind Suni like a stubborn anchor, refusing to let go. Suni is struggling to inch her way forward, using whatever limbs she can to move towards the corner.

The crowd is on the edge of their seats, cheering and shouting as they watch the drama unfold. Octavia grunts and groans with exertion, her body protesting the strain of holding onto Suni’s ankle.
Despite taking a barrage of kicks to her body, she’s hanging on like a pitbull with a bone, refusing to let go no matter how much it hurts.
Suni’s frustration is palpable. She’s kicking and thrashing with every ounce of strength she’s got, but Octavia’s grip is unyielding. But Suni’s got a few tricks up her sleeve.

 Using her incredible strength and balance, she executes a jaw-dropping one-handed handstand and wraps her legs around Octavia’s waist. In a flash, Suni flips them both over, hitting Octavia with a devastating Scorpion Death Drop!
The impact reverberates throughout the arena, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Suni, seeing her chance, crawls out of the ring, her body aching from the intense battle.
But she’s not done yet. With a determined glint in her eye, Suni sets up a ladder in the ring, ready to escalate this fight to new heights.
 Octavia, despite being in agony, managed to pull off a last-ditch effort to save herself from Suni’s aerial attack by grabbing the bottom rung of the ladder and pulling. Suni’s body crashes into the mat like a rag doll, the impact echoing throughout the arena. The crowd is stunned into silence, the sound of Suni’s broken body hitting the mat still ringing in their ears.

Octavia lies motionless on the mat, her ribs feeling like they’ve been pulverized. But she knows she can’t rest yet.  As the ladder collapses, its metal frame comes crashing down onto Octavia’s motionless body with a sickening thud. The crowd winces, some shielding their eyes from the gruesome sight.
Octavia’s body is completely pinned beneath the ladder, her battered ribs taking the full force of the impact. Her face twists in agony, and for a moment it seems like she might pass out from the pain.  Despite the brutal ladder crushing down on her, she’s definitely the one in better shape right now. Suni, on the other hand, looks like she just went skydiving without a parachute. Her body is a tangled mess,
Octavia somehow manages to crawl on top of Suni’s mangled body and score the three-count.
.Meanwhile, Suni is just a crumpled heap on the mat. It’s a miracle she’s even breathing, let alone conscious.
Octavia rolls off Suni’s body and begins the agonizing process of pulling herself up. She looks like a newborn giraffe trying to walk for the first time, wobbling and swaying as she tries to find her footing.
The ref’s voice echoes through the arena, “1… 2… 3…”, as she starts the 10-count. Octavia grits her teeth, willing herself to stay upright, refusing to let all her
hard work go to waste.

The ref’s voice continues to echo through the arena, “4… 5…”. At this point, Suni’s still as motionless as a statue. It’s almost like she’s given up, resigned to her fate as the runner-up. Or maybe she’s just unconscious, blissfully unaware of the chaos unfolding around her.

Meanwhile, Octavia’s struggling to keep herself from collapsing like a stack of Jenga blocks. Every fiber of her being is screaming in pain, begging her to just give up and call it quits.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Suni wills herself to her feet, fueled by nothing but sheer adrenaline and stubbornness.
Octavia stares in disbelief, her mouth agape. She can’t believe that after everything Suni’s been through, she’s still standing.
Octavia’s not taking any chances here! After witnessing Suni’s incredible resilience, she’s pulling out all the stops. With the chair firmly wedged around Suni’s damaged hand, Octavia’s ready to do some serious damage. The crowd is silent, holding their breath, anticipating the carnage that’s about to unfold.
From the top rope, Octavia’s like a sniper, her sights set on Suni’s hand. There’s no hesitation, no mercy.
Octavia's crack smashes into the unforgiving edge of the chair, sending her into a ragdoll-esque flip, landing in a crumpled heap on the mat.
The crowd winces in sympathy, while Suni looks on with a mix of shock and grim satisfaction. Octavia’s not moving, and it’s clear that this attack has done some serious damage.
 With Octavia out for the count, Suni rolls on top of her.
The ref slams her hand on the mat, “1… 2… 3!” The bell rings, and the crowd explodes into cheers and boos. Suni lies there, exhausted. Suni’s pulse is racing as she watches Octavia, The ref starts the count, “1… 2… 3…” Suni silently pleads for Octavia to stay down, to just give up already. But Octavia’s a force to be reckoned with, and she might just have one last trick up her sleeve.

The tension in the arena is palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife. Suni’s face is a mask of hope, fear, and sheer adrenaline, as she watches Octavia battle against her broken body. The ref calls out “9…” and Octavia’s still on her knees, straining with every fiber of her being to get up.
Suni’s legs are trembling, her lips quivering. Just one more second, she begs silently. If Octavia can’t get to her feet, the crown is hers.
Octavia pushes herself up and falls back against the ropes, propping herself up. The ref glances between Octavia and Suni, unsure of what to call. A hush falls over the arena, the ref weighing her options. Is Octavia still in this fight, or has Suni won by the skin of her teeth? The silence is deafening.

The pendulum of victory swings violently in the opposite direction! Suni’s premature celebration is cut short as the ref announces that Octavia just made the ten-count. Suni’s face falls, and her shock and disbelief are palpable. She can't believe that Octavia is still standing, even if it’s more like leaning against the ropes.
The crowd erupts into a frenzy, cheering and booing as they process this dramatic turn of events. Suni's still in shock.  Octavia’s grin is a mix of pain and triumph, her eyes locked on Suni as she unleashes a tirade of expletives at the ref that would make a sailor blush. The ref stands stoic, unfazed by Suni’s verbal assault. It’s just another day at the office for her, dealing with these exhausted, angry women. Suni’s still fuming, realizing her celebration was a bit premature.
The ref is unmoved by Suni’s tantrum, standing firm in her decision. Suni’s eyes are wild. She’s pointing and screaming, completely losing control, when suddenly Octavia takes advantage of the distraction.

 Octavia drags her down to the mat by her damaged hand and destroys it on the steel chair. Her relentless assault on Suni’s already damaged hand is savage. Suni’s in a world of pain, her eyes rolling back into her head, her body writhing.
Octavia twists Suni’s hand with a sickening snap, and Suni finally submits, just moments away from passing out.
She never answered the ten-count.

 Octavia, the AGW Ring Queen, collapses, her body still trembling from the exertion, adrenaline, and sheer emotion. She’s won, but it’s clear that the journey to get here has taken its toll.

The ref offers her the crown, but Octavia won’t even look up. Her shoulders shake as she sobs into her arms, overcome with the gravity of the moment.
As the sound of the crowd slowly fades into the background, Octavia remains curled up on the mat, still unable to face the momentous occasion. But, her shaking fingers slowly reach out, gently brushing against the crown before finally closing around it. She clutches it to her chest, the metal cool against her skin.
In this moment, with her head buried, Octavia allows herself to feel what she’s accomplished. The fight of her life, the brutal struggle… it was all worth it.