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One Too Many: Part 5

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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One Too Many: Part 5
« on: July 20, 2024, 12:38:37 AM »
A couple weeks had passed and in that time, the girls’ research had come back with great results. There was still a lot of hard work to do but their part in it was over. I could tell that a gigantic weight was lifted off of all of their backs. They all seemed so relieved and so much more relaxed. Of course, we had to celebrate so we all went out drinking. Lydia and I figured that now would be a good time to tell them the truth about what happened. I knew that nothing could ruin the good mood these babes were in, so I agreed completely. We all packed ourselves into a large booth and once our drinks came, Lydia gave me a sly look.

“Luke, is there something you want to tell all of my girlfriends?” She asked sarcastically.

They all looked at me, curious as to what she was talking about. So, I took a deep breath and recounted everything to them. The cameras in the stuffed animals, the drink not actually being mine, the fact that turning them into raging nymphomaniacs was actually the entire purpose of the drink and not just a side effect and Felicia and her wily ways. All of it. I then profusely apologized for all the deceptive tactics. An uncomfortable silence was in the air for a few seconds before they all giggled innocently.

“I figured something was up.” Lucy said.

“I’m so relieved that I don’t even care.” Kelsey added. “In fact, you did us all a huge favor.”

“If you wanted to watch us all go at it, why didn’t you just ask?” Kate asked.

“That’s what I told him.” Lydia added.

I blew a sigh of relief.

“Well, I’m glad it worked.” I said. “All I wanted to help you all blow off steam and while this was an…unorthodox way to go about it, at least it worked.”

“I honestly don’t think anything else would have worked.” Lucy said. “We needed to get that out of our system and we would never have done so without you.”

“So, I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you, Luke.” Kate said flirtatiously.

“Kay…” Lydia said cautiously.

“What? You want a rematch already?” Kate asked. “I’ll win this time, just so you know.”

“Maybe later. Right now let’s all just relax.” Kelsey said.

We started drinking and eventually, Lydia cuddled up next to me.

“You know, babe…” Lydia said. “I still wanna go visit this Felicia chick sometime.”

“Oh, yeah.” I said, remembering.

“I wanna meet the girl who played such a big hand in introducing me to my latest addiction.” She elaborated.

“Addicted? Already?” I asked.

“I’m an “all in” kinda girl, Luke.” She said. “You of all people should know that.”

The others nodded, agreeing. It seems that sexfighting is more addictive than every substance known to mankind. Felicia already told me this herself but now I was seeing this first hand.

“How about tomorrow then?” I asked.

“That sounds wonderful.” Lydia agreed.

We spent some more time at the bar, drinking and socializing. I kept it to a minimum so I could drive everybody home. Besides, I’ll take my own creations over some bar swill any day. The girls all got really wasted. I was worried that their inhibitions would loosen to the point where they’d try and have their rematch right here and now but thankfully I kept them under control. They were so happy about their research, it seemed they could wait to settle old scores for now. I drove the other three home. Thankfully none of them lived far. I then drove Lydia and myself home and practically had to throw her into bed.

The next day, Lydia had a bad hangover, so we had to put our visit to the mysterious redhead on hold for a bit. Lydia protested, likely the alcohol talking but I insisted that she be at her best when she faced Felicia and I eventually got her to reluctantly agree. The day after that, Lydia was recharged and ready for action. So, we drove up to Felicia’s little “antique” shop for a surprise visit. It was completely empty as I had expected and Lydia looked confused. I winked at her to just play along. I stood in front of my girlfriend, deliberately blocking her from view when suddenly the woman who made all our dreams come true had emerged from the curtains leading to the back room, twirling like a ballerina, flipping her crimson red locks all over the place before she stopped at her counter, smiling at me.

“Well, hello again, Luke.” She said as she flipped her thick hair back with her hand. “I take it that my “Feminine Glory” had the desired result?”

“Yes. It certainly did and then some.” I answered. “It solved all of my girlfriend and her girlfriends’ problems. You can ask her yourself.”

I then took a step away, revealing my busty blonde brainiac girlfriend behind me as she posed confidently and smiled, flipping her own platinum blonde locks back. Felicia looked surprised and impressed.

“Ah, so this is the little genius that Lukey loves so much.” Felicia said playfully. “I’ve heard a great deal about you, Lydia.”

And I you, Felicia.” Lydia said flirtatiously. “I’m sure we both have a lot to talk about.”

I took a seat on a comfortable leather chair in the store as I watched the two Goddesses intently. They shamelessly checked one another out, shooting each other bedroom eyes, at least from what I could see.

“I would like to thank you for that drink you made.” Lydia said, breaking the silence. “It was exactly what my friends and I all needed. It really cleared the smoke.”

“Oh, you’re most welcome.” Felicia said gracefully.

Felicia then reached out and began stroking Lydia’s long blonde tresses slowly and sensually. The sexual tension in the air was palpable. I was starting to get chills. Lydia closed her eyes and practically purred like a kitten from the ASMR inducing touch before she suddenly snapped out of it and pulled Felicia’s hand out of her hair.

“I think we both know what we’re here for, babe.” Lydia said.

I’m not used to hearing her call someone other than me “babe”. It both irritated and excited me.

“Well, can’t we get to know each other first?” Felicia asked. “It adds the necessary spice after all.”

“Well…I guess you’re right.” Lydia said as she allowed Felicia to start petting her hair again.

“Luke tells me you’re very smart.” Felicia said.

“Smart enough to have caught him red handed.” Lydia bragged as she winked at me, almost making me blush.

“Is that so?” Felicia asked.

“And I should thank you for that drink.” Lydia said as she started stroking Felicia’s red locks back. “It was exactly what we all needed.”

“It’s what every woman needs. Some just don’t realize it yet.” Felicia said. “And no thanks are necessary. I live to bring pleasure and fulfillment to my fellow women in all sorts of ways.”

“Well, I honestly have to know.” Lydia said. “What was in that thing? Luke told me it was a mixture of pheromones and aphrodisiacs but there has to be something more to cause such an effect. And it’s all legal, I hope.”

“Of course.” Felicia answered.

“So, what is it?” Lydia asked again. “Some kind of hallucinogen? Inhibition lowering medication? Hormone boosters? I must know!”

“A magic woman has to have some secrets, honey.” Felicia said.

“Um….Magic?” Lydia asked with blatant skepticism in her voice.

Oh, boy. I was afraid this would happen. Lydia is a woman of science and logic and she has always looked down on those that believe in things like magic, superstition and the supernatural. This was about to get ugly.

“Yes, magic.” Felicia said in a rather defensive tone. “Surely you must believe so after what my potion did to you.”

“Potion?” Lydia asked with a raised eyebrow. “Very funny, red but I was being serious. Just tell me what the chemicals used were.”

“There were no chemicals.” Felicia denied. “I used my powers to create my masterpiece. It turns ordinary, innocent women into incorrigible nymphomaniacs. No drugs of any kind!”

Lydia laughed condescendingly.

“I think you’re the one who’s on drugs, sister. Most likely your own.” Lydia mocked.

“Well, if you’re so brilliant then why aren’t you able ro figure it out for yourself!” Felicia said angrily.

“Testing drugs on humans is both dangerous and unethical.” Lydia said with a smug hair flip. “As a scientist, I must practice restraint. The pursuit of knowledge can easily become a road to Hell.”

“Oh, you think there’s a logical explanation for everything, do you little miss know it all?” Felicia asked.

“Yes, I do.” Lydia said. “Aren’t you a little old to be playing magician?”

“I prefer to think of myself as a wiccan.” Felicia said.

“Wiccan.” Lydia said. “A follower of an old pagan religious movement dating back to ancient Britain often mistaken for witchcraft.”

“Bravo.” Felicia said sarcastically. “And like I said, I have no intention of revealing my recipe to you. I’m the only one who can be trusted with it.”

“Oh, let me guess. It would summon the boogeyman or something if I tried it?” Lydia asked mockingly.

“You snotty little…!” Felicia said before calming herself and stepping back. “No…I am above such things…At least outside of the ring.”

“About time.” Lydia said. “Also, there is one more thing we need to address.”

“What? Did you leave your chemistry set at home, Einstein?” Felicia asked mockingly.

“Luke told me that you tried to make a move on him when he first came here. Is that true?” Lydia asked firmly.

I looked away in embarrassment.

“Guilty as charged.” Felicia confessed. “I was only testing your man’s loyalty to see if he really had your best interests in mind. He passed with flying colors, by the way…And you’re welcome.”

“I’m what?!” Lydia asked with barely contained fury before calming herself. “Forget it. I appreciate the gesture but I know my boyfriend and he would take a bullet for me. No redheaded slut with delusions of grandeur could ever take him from me.”

“That sure of it, are you?” Felicia asked.

“Is the mitochondria the powerhouse of a cell?” Lydia asked rhetorically.

“Then put your money where your mouth is, Madam Curie.” Felicia said. “We’ll go to my backroom and fight. And if I win, I get to fuck Luke while you’ll be forced to watch! Let’s see if he still wants you after he gets his cock constricted by a real woman’s cxnt!”

My heart sank into my gut and I’m sure Lydia’s did the same. She turned to look at me. Her face was at first doubtful but then she visibly exhaled and nodded confidently towards me.

“Deal.” Lydia said. “But I don’t make one-sided bets.”

“Alright, what do you want if you win? Emphasis on if.” Felicia asked.

Lydia stood in thought for a while before a devious grin appeared on her face.

“I want you as a sex slave for one month.” Lydia proclaimed. “Outside of store hours, you belong to me. Your pussy, tits, tongue and ass will all be my property. Deal?”

“How original of you.” Felicia said sarcastically. “But letting me still run my store is generous of you…Alright. Deal.”

“Good.” Lydia said. “And I think we both know how to seal it.”

Without warning, Lydia pulled Felicia’s face towards hers by her hair and forcibly kissed her. Felicia fully expected this and immediately began kissing back. I watched with absolute enthrallment as the two Goddesses made out with lust and passion. They kept going for a full five minutes until Lydia suddenly stopped as she felt something at her leg. We all looked down to see a cat, all pale fur as white as snow rubbing up against their legs.

“Ah, there you are!” Felicia said sweetly as she picked the cat up and snuggled it. “Has my little Saccharine been getting into trouble again?”

“Saccharine?” I asked.

“A term meaning excessively sweet and sentimental.” Lydia defined.

“And that’s exactly what she is. Aren’t you, pretty kitty?” Felicia said as the cat purred.

“Don’t witches have black cats?” Lydia asked.

“Too cliche.” Felicia said. “Besides, Saccharine is my good luck charm. She lives in the back room, so she’ll be watching us. You have Luke and I have her. That’s fair, isn’t it?”

“I suppose.” Lydia admitted. “Now, can we get to it already?”

“Yes. Just one moment.” Felicia bounced towards the front door as my girlfriend and I eyed up her stunning ass. I swear even Saccharine was checking her out too for a second.

The perky redhead then flipped her sign to closed.

“Now then, right this way.” Felicia instructed as we all followed her into the backroom.

The girls got in through her hippie curtain first as the cat and I followed. I then couldn’t help but notice the cat looking up at me.

“What do you want?” I asked it.

Saccharine then shot me a rather…sinister expression. One that I had never seen a cat make before. I was genuinely taken aback.

“What the fuck kind of cat are you?” I asked.

“Meow.” Saccharine said.

“Babe, are you coming?” Lydia asked.

“Yeah, be right there.” I said.

I turned back around and the little white furball was gone. Weird…