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Quasi una fantasia, Moonlight Sonata

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Offline man-of-sea

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Quasi una fantasia, Moonlight Sonata
« on: July 22, 2024, 06:34:28 AM »
Here  is a new one I have been working on it's different hope you enjoy it.

Quasi una fantasia, Moonlight Sonata

Mariana's fingers danced over the piano keys, a silent ballet of ivory and ebony. The room was bathed in soft light, the curtains drawn to a delicate twilight that kissed the edges of the grand piano. She was lost in the melody, her eyes closed, her breath in sync with the rhythm of the music. Her heart swelled with each note, and the crescendos and decrescendos were a silent conversation with her soul.

In the doorway, Janna leaned against the jamb, her eyes wide and a slight smile on her lips. The scent of sweat and gym mats lingered faintly around her, starkly contrasting the fragrance of sheet music and polished wood that filled the air. She watched her sister, her mind a whirlwind of emotions: envy, pride, and a hint of sadness that their worlds differed. Yet, at that moment, the only sound was the piano; the only story being told was Mariana's, and it was a tale of passion and pain that resonated deep within her.

Bobbie, noticing Janna's absent-mindedness, followed her gaze to the pianist. She nudged Janna gently. "You know, you could learn to play," she whispered.

Janna snapped out of her trance, glancing at Bobbie with a smirk. "What? Me? Play the piano?" She chuckled, shaking her head. "That's Mariana's world, not mine."

Mariana's eyes opened, catching her sister's skepticism. She turned on the piano bench, her expression curious. "Why not?" she asked, her voice as gentle as the notes she had just played.

Janna looked at her sister. "Fighting is my world, not  music, right, Bobbie." Looking for a moral backup.

Bobbie shrugged, her eyes twinkling. "Well, I've seen you play the air piano after a good match. You've got rhythm."

"Hey Marianna, could you play that special sonata? It's been a rough day," giving her that sisterly smile.

Mariana nodded, understanding the unspoken words behind Janna's request. She turned back to the piano, her eyes scanning the music sheet as she began to play again. The melody of the sonata filled the air, a gentle lullaby that seemed to melt away the tension from Janna's muscles.

The notes grew more muscular, more intense, echoing the pounding of a fighter's heart in the ring. The contrast between the softness of the music and the power in Janna's physique was profound. As the sonata unfolded, the room transformed into a sanctuary where the two sisters could connect despite their disparate paths.

As Marianna finished her practice, she joined her sister Janna on the floor.” It’s been a Rough day, uhh, I could sense it," she said as she patted Janna's shoulder.

Janna sighs, "Yeah, it was intense. The coach had us doing some new drills." She pauses, wincing slightly as she flexes her hand. "I might have broken a knuckle."

Mariana's eyes widen in concern. "Janna, you should get that checked out."

Janna shrugs it off with a laugh. "It's just part of the job. Besides, I can't miss tomorrow's sparring session."

Bobbie joins their conversation. "Hey girl, I notice how relaxed you get when listening to your sister. Why?"

Janna nodded, her eyes still on the piano. "It's's like she's speaking my language in a way I can't. It's beautiful, but it's not for me."

Mariana leaned back on her hands, her expression thoughtful. "Music can be a battle, too," she said softly. "Every piece has its struggle, its victory."

Janna looked up, her gaze searching Mariana's face. "I never thought of it that way," she admitted.

Mariana's eyes lit up with a spark of understanding. "It's all about passion, Janna. You're expressing something deep inside you, whether music or fighting."

Bobbie smiles, "I'm amazed at you two—how different but  how alike you are." Janna smiles, "Bobbie, where did you learn to be so observant?"

Bobbie shrugged. "I've seen enough brawls and Beethoven to know that it's all about the passion, right?"

Mariana nodded, her eyes still on the piano. "Maybe you should come to one of my concerts, Janna. You might find that we're not so different after all."

Janna raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

Mariana stood, her posture as elegant as the notes she had played. "When I'm up there on stage, my heart races just like it does when you're in the octagon. The adrenaline, the anticipation, the connection with the audience—it's a fight of a different kind."

Janna pushed herself off the floor, her powerful legs flexing as she rose. She looked at her sister with newfound respect. "I guess I never saw it that way."

Mariana extended her hand, her eyes filled with excitement. "Come, let me show you."

Janna hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in her sister's. "Okay, I'll give it a shot."

Mariana led her to the piano, her eyes shining with excitement. "Here," she said, gesturing to the bench. "Just press down on the keys like this."

Janna sat tentatively, her rough, calloused hands hovering over the smooth ivory. She glanced at Mariana, who nodded encouragingly. With a deep breath, she pressed down firmly on a random key, the sound echoing through the room. It was jarring and discordant, but it didn't deter her.

Mariana sat beside her, placing her hand over Janna's. "Feel the vibration," she said. "Let it guide you."

Janna's eyes closed as she listened, her breath shallow. The sound was unfamiliar yet strangely comforting. She began to press down on the keys, tentatively at first, then with more confidence as she felt the vibrations resonate through her. It was a clumsy melody, but it was hers.

Mariana watched, her heart swelling with pride. "That's it," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din. "Now, let's find a rhythm."

Janna nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. She felt the vibrations of the piano, the way each note built upon the last. Her movements grew more deliberate, the sounds more harmonious. It was as if she was in the octagon, feeling the flow of a fight, the anticipation of the next move.

Mariana's hand guided hers, and together, they played a simple tune that mirrored the rhythm of a boxer's footwork. Bobbie watched from the sidelines, her heart swelling at the sight of the two sisters connecting through music. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered emotion that transcended their usual banter and competition.

The door creaked open, and their mother stepped in, her eyes misty. She had heard the music from the hallway and couldn't resist the urge to peek in. Seeing the two of them playing together brought a warm smile to her face. She had always hoped they would find common ground despite their different pursuits.

"That's beautiful," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "It's like watching two sides of the same coin."

Mariana's eyes lit up. "Mom?"

Their mother nodded. "You both have such a gift for expressing yourselves. It's just in different ways."

Bobbie chimes in, "Exactly, even your Mom sees it."

Janna felt a lump in her throat, and she swallowed hard. "Maybe I've been too focused on our differences," she murmured.

Mariana squeezed her hand. "We all have our battles to fight, Janna. Yours happens to be in a cage with gloves on."

Bobbie thinks and then gets a big grin. "Hey, isn't it a full moon tonight?" looking at the sisters expectantly.

Mariana's eyes widened, and she nodded. "Yes, it is. What does that have to do with anything?"

Bobbie's grin grew. "Well, you know what they say about a full moon and crazy things happening."

Janna rolled her eyes, but a smirk played at the corner of her mouth. "What crazy thing do you have in mind?"

Bobbie looked at both. "Well, I have an electronic  piano I have been playing with, and I was thinking, let's get on the roof tonight and have your sister here play the moonlight sonata while we spar."

Mariana's eyes widened with excitement. "Under the full moon?"

Janna raised an eyebrow, a glint of challenge in her eye. "Alright, you're on."

Mariana's cheeks flushed with excitement. "Really? You want to spar while I play?"

Bobbie nodded, her grin unwavering. "Why not? It'll be a unique experience for all of us. Plus, I've always wanted to see how you two match up in a...less conventional setting."

The evening air was cool and crisp as they set up the electronic piano on the rooftop. The full moon cast a silver glow over the cityscape, painting everything in a serene, almost ethereal light. Mariana's fingers hovered over the keys, anticipating the night's unorthodox performance.

Janna, dressed in her sparring gear, faced Bobbie in the center of the makeshift ring they had created with flashlights and tapes. The tension was electric, yet there was an underlying excitement and camaraderie.

Mariana took a deep breath and began to play. The haunting melody of the "Moonlight" Sonata filled the night air, mingling with the distant sounds of the city. Janna's eyes narrowed, her fists clenching and unclenching as she found her stance. The music washed over her; each notes a gentle wave that seemed to bolster her resolve.

Bobbie, with a nod from Janna, took the first step forward. The two fighters began to dance around each other, their movements a silent counterpoint to the sonata's melody. Mariana's music grew more muscular and intense, mirroring their sparring match's increasing speed and ferocity.

The first strike was thrown; a swift jab met with a deft block from Janna. The sound of skin against skin resonated with the sharpness of the piano's treble notes. The rhythm grew faster and more complex as the sisters' hearts pounded in unison with the piece's crescendo.

Mariana watched, her eyes darting between the sheet music and the shadowy figures of her sister and Bobbie. Each note she played was a silent cheer for Janna, a declaration of support in this battle of rhythm and strength. The music grew more passionate, the melody swelling like a heart racing in the heat of battle.

The fight grew more intense, the sound of fists and feet striking the mat punctuating the sonata's rhythm. Sweat glistened on Janna's forehead, and she could feel the moon’s power above her, charging the air with an unspoken energy. She moved with a grace that surprised her, the music guiding her like an invisible force.

Marianna saw her sister sparing her fingers and the notes, which brought images of Beethoven and his struggles to write this sonata. She felt a kinship with him in that moment. Her sister's rhythmic dance of combat was the same as her rhythmic dance with the piano keys.

As the sonata reached its climax, so did the sparring match. Bobbie's punches grew more muscular, but Janna's defense remained unbroken, her movements swift and precise. Each time she blocked or dodged, the music seemed to swell around them as if the notes shielded her.

Mariana's fingers flew over the piano keys, the music a physical manifestation of the struggle she knew her sister was facing. The city lights twinkled like stars around them, the urban symphony of sirens and distant laughter starkly contrasting with the intimate battle playing out under the moon's watchful gaze.

As the sonata ended, so did the sparring match, with Janna catching Bobbie with a good, proper uppercut that sent her to the mat. Both fighters panted heavily, their eyes alight with exhilaration. Mariana's music had been their silent coach, pushing them to their limits and beyond.

Bobbie, lying on the floor, looked up at the moon and took a deep breath. "Well, that was unexpectedly... amazing."

Mariana's laughter, as light as the melody she had played, filled the air. "You guys are incredible. I've never seen you spar with such...harmony."

Janna offered Bobbie a hand up, her heart still racing from the adrenaline of the match. "It's all in the music," she said, her voice a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration.

Bobbie took the hand, her smile mirroring Janna's. "I never knew playing the piano could be such a workout," she joked, rubbing her jaw.

Mariana's eyes shone with joy. "And I never knew fighting could be so...beautiful."

Janna rolled her eyes playfully. "Don't go getting all poetic on us, Marianna."

Mariana just shrugged. "Can't help it. When you two move together like that, it's like watching a ballet of shadows."

Bobbie chuckled, dusting herself off. "Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm not ready for Swan Lake just yet."

Mariana stood up, her adrenaline pumping from the intense performance. "But you guys are amazing. It's like you're speaking your language through your movements."

Janna looked over at her sister, her eyes glowing with a newfound respect. "You know, Marianna, maybe we're not so different after all."

To be continued…
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.


Offline MikeHales67

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Re: Quasi una fantasia, Moonlight Sonata
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2024, 01:13:38 AM »
Very interesting and different. Can't wait for part two.
Consciously Imcompetant.