OMG!! I did it!! My first win. I forced Becky to surrender to me. My boobs outlasted hers. To her credit, she had a lot of spunk and at first she went at me hard - and her boobs really were hard. But her pink puffy nips were no match for my hard ones and I roughed hers up pretty good. Even though she pounded me hard and made me gasp and moan a few times, I kept roughing her up until she couldn't continue. It made me so proud to here her submit and tell me that my boobs beat hers. She knew that Mia beat me and I came back to win my second battle. I told her to try a smaller opponent or a mature woman with soft hangers next time and she would probably get her first win too. Thank you everyone who supported me and a special thanks to Josefa. Your advice came a bit late but it's so nice to know you cared. Next......!