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Debi's Story

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Debi's Story
« on: July 27, 2024, 06:44:50 AM »
Hello everyone,

After months of begging and pleading Debi has agreed to share her story with us. I am so grateful to her as I am with all the ladies willing to share. To me this story read like a fantasy and I absolutely loved it. When the ladies bring their stories up, I always ask questions to pull out extra detail to suit my own twisted likes. This one prompted tons of questions and poor Debi must have felt like she had been through an inquisition by the time I was done. I accept full responsibility and apologize in advance as the story you are about to read was written to answer my questions. Please blame me and not the writer for any unnecessary detail you find.  I guess I was really hoping some of you might like it too. As always, I struggle to find the words to adequately thank my ghost writer Shelby for her help in getting another story written up. Now please enjoy,

Debi's Story 

Hello everyone, my name is Debi and I have been asked to share my story with you. I met Shelby through a mutual friend and when I heard her story I knew I had to share mine. I had an eerily similar experience a few years ago. Now thanks to Shelby and my new circle of friends, I have come to realize if it happened to one then it has happened to 100 more. It feels like I have joined a support group and I am now ready to share the story I was certain I would be taking to the grave.

My story takes place in 2018 when I was 24 years old and found myself in a physical altercation with an 18 year old girl. I am more than a little embarrassed to admit this happened but hopefully when you read the history behind it you will understand my position. My story is made up of a series of altercations and it is important that I describe these incidents as each one is a chapter that brings us a step closer to the final confrontation. I beg your patience and I will make every effort to be brief and respectful of site guidelines.

When I was 20 years old I took an apartment in a very nice building not far from downtown. I had blonde hair, brown eyes and stood 5 feet 5 inches and weighed about 125 lbs. A few weeks later I met the girl in the suite right next to me. Her name was Abby. She was a 22 year old brunette about the same size as me and one of the sweetest girls I had ever met. We became fast friends and started hanging out together immediately.

In the spring of 2015 I was turning 21 years old and Abby told me she had the perfect guy for me. Shortly after she introduced me to the man of my dreams. His name was Garrett and Abby had known him since childhood. Their parents were close friends and they grew up practically as cousins. Abby knew we were perfect for each other and decided we had to meet.

I was immediately attracted to Garrett. He was two years older than me, about 6 feet tall with dark hair and eyes. Garrett was attentive and romantic with a killer smile and I was swept off my feet in a very short time. Abby was thrilled to hear everything was going so well but she knew I would fall hard for this great guy that would treat me like a queen.

Garrett was very close with his family and on weekends often visited his ancestral home where his parents and younger sisters lived. A couple of months after we met, he started inviting me to come with him. I loved his family. They were all so welcoming and wonderful and his parents always made me feel so at home.

Garrett had two younger sisters, Alex was 19 and studying to be a nurse. She was simply gorgeous with dark hair and eyes like her brother. She stood 5 feet 8 inches with a slim figure.  Kami was a 16 year old high school sophomore with chestnut hair and brown eyes. She was about my height and 120 lbs. Just looking at her you would know Kami broke hearts everytime she left a room. When I commented on how beautiful his sisters were, I heard Garrett often claimed to have a big stick at the front door to warn off the guys. He told all his friends when they looked at his sisters they would look with respect or not at all. This melted my heart and I knew I was with the right guy. I bonded quickly with both the girls and I know this made Garrett very happy.

Kami became the little sister I never had. We became very tight and I would often take her out for some shopping, a movie or just a little girl time. I was impressed and very proud of Kami as she was ambitious and highly motivated. She was always working hard to achieve her goals. The same could be said for all of Kami’s friends. They were very much a positive influence on each other and the kind of girls every parent dreams their child would hang out with.

About a year later when Kami was 17 and in the latter half of her Junior year, she introduced me to a new friend. Her name was Jessica and she was a 16 year old sophomore. Jessica was a gifted athlete and played several sports on school teams. She had dark hair and stood about 5 feet 4 inches and weighed about 120 lbs. Unfortunately, a five minute conversation is all it would take to know Jessica did not belong in this group. She had no respect for rules or authority and it was plain to see her middle name was ‘Trouble’. Kami and her friends all knew this but as nice girls they did not have the heart to run Jessica off.

Garrett and I arrived for a visit a few weeks later on a Saturday afternoon. We found Kami and several of her friends at the house. The girls apparently had some sort of arm wrestling tournament which Jessica had won. She was now bragging up a storm about being the youngest one there but, here she was, champion of the group. All the long faces told me the girls were very unimpressed by all the bragging so I felt compelled to offer my two cents,

“You know, arm wrestling is as much about technique as it is strength.”

Jessica looked at me like she was smelling onions and offered a very disrespectful,


She went on to challenge me to demonstrate my technique to show everyone how it is done. I made it known that I was no arm wrestling expert but I would give it the old college try. I met Jessica at the island in the kitchen and stood across from her. All the other girls gathered around anxious to see what would happen. Jessica placed her elbow on the counter top and held her hand out while making eye contact with me. I stepped up to the island and placed my elbow down while gripping her right hand with mine. I could feel the strength in her grip and instinctively knew I was in trouble. I was six years older but I was terrified of what was about to happen.

Kami made sure our hands were centered before giving us the signal to begin. Jessica proved to be very fast. She turned her whole body and put her shoulder into it and I was half way down before I could respond. I held on for as long as I could knowing there was no way I was coming back. A few seconds later she took me down and began an obnoxious celebration.

You could have heard a pin drop in the room. Everyone went completely silent and I hoped against all hope that it did not look as bad as I thought. I was thinking it was all over when I became aware of Jessica challenging me to go again with our left arms. What could I say? I wanted no part of it but I could not refuse without looking worse than I already did so I returned to the island and offered my left hand. Jessica met me there smiling confidently while Kami set us up for the left handed rematch.

This time I tried to use her own technique against her. On Kami’s signal I quickly turned my body to the right and put my shoulder into it. I managed to do a little better but Jessica slowly pulled me down again. She had now beaten me with both left and right arms and I did my best to hide my shock and humiliation. I tried to be gracious and congratulated her on her superior technique and she responded,

“Yeah right, it was all technique.”

I did not reply mostly because I had nothing to say.  It was all I could do just to process the humiliation I was feeling. I could not believe how fast she had taken me and I knew I was not the only one feeling this way. I just wanted to crawl into a corner and disappear because I knew Kami and her friends were counting on me to put Jessica in her place and I had failed miserably. Even though I admitted I was not an arm wrestler, Jessica had bettered me physically and that was all she cared about.  Seemingly amused, she asked me how old I was and I was forced to admit I was 22. The look on her face told me everything I needed to know.  All I could do was take solace in my own words. Technique was a large part of success in arm wrestling and Jessica obviously had superior technique. I could not allow myself to read too much into this.

Over the next few months it became obvious that any respect Jessica may have had for me was gone. She began to show her disrespect in her actions and the way she would speak to me. Jessica often made reference to her superior strength and would belittle me in front of Kami and the other girls. She always made it seem like she was just teasing and having a little fun with me but I knew better. During our visits it was not uncommon for her to come in and try on my jackets or footwear without permission. It became evident that wearing my clothing was her way of asserting her dominance over me. I was very aware she was doing this to get a rise out of me and it was working. I was rapidly coming to a point where I had reached the end of my patience with this girl.

On one particular visit it came to a head. Some of Kami’s friends arrived at the house and came in to say hi. Jessica took an extra couple of minutes to come in. When she did I noticed she had come across my unoccupied Italian leather ankle boots and wore them into the house to show me. I tried to be cool about it and even complimented her on how good they looked with her jeans. She responded with,

“Yeah, they do look good don’t they. Maybe I’ll just have to beat you up and take them.”

I thought I might bring her down a peg when I told her,

“Oh honey, I think you put too much stock in arm wrestling.”

She responded simply with,

“Do I?”

It became obvious the conversation was making the room uncomfortable so I decided to drop it right there. I continued to have a very bad feeling about this girl and could not shake the feeling we were on some sort of collision course.
This went on for several months so I was relieved when the girls all just stopped hanging out with Jessica during their senior year. It appeared everyone was moving on but unfortunately the relationship between Jessica and the girls soured and became somewhat adversarial. Jessica, although a year younger, began threatening Kami and her friends with physical violence. In the latter half of her senior year, Kami confided in me that she was terrified of Jessica but she did not want anyone to intervene as she believed that would only make things worse. We came to the conclusion that in a few short months Kami would graduate and she would not have to worry about it anymore.

Finally, the school year came to an end and Kami graduated and moved on. In the fall of 2017 she started university at the local campus while Jessica started her senior year of high school. Although she did not have to see Jessica on a daily basis, they continued to cross paths on occasion. Jessica found new ways to make Kami’s life a living hell by making these interactions as uncomfortable as possible. This was a difficult time for all of us, especially her family. The only thing harder than watching someone you care about in pain is coming to the awful realization that there is nothing you can do about it. At this point, like everyone else,  I just wanted to throttle Jessica.

A few months later In February of 2018, there was a slight altercation at a local mall. It became known as the ‘fight’ for lack of a better term. After a morning of shopping, Kami and I had stopped at the food court in the mall for lunch. As we were leaving we ran into Jessica and another girl. Kami told me the other girl was Jessica’s 16 year old cousin Sarah. Sadly she was already following in her older cousin’s footsteps. Like Jessica, Sarah was causing problems at school and in the community. Of more immediate concern, Sarah was now helping Jessica harass and humiliate Kami. As we walked by Jessica looked at Kami and said,

“I see you still need a babysitter. You know one day I WILL catch you alone.”

I had pretty much reached my boiling point with this girl so I turned and replied,

“Well that won’t be today. If you want to get to her you’ll have to come through me first.”

We started to walk away and I could hear Jessica telling me,

“That's not even a small problem bitch. l’lI come through you anytime.”

Kami and I kept walking and I could hear Jessica say,

“Don't walk away from me bitch.”

I did my best to ignore her and we continued moving. The whole time, in my mind, I was daring her to hit me first. Suddenly I felt a push from behind. As I turned around Jessica was right there. She shocked me by going right to the attack and we came together in a clinch, twisted around and fell. I hurt my elbow as we hit the marble floor and I grabbed for it. At this point I noticed several male customers making their way over to break it up. They were yelling at us to stop so I just laid still. Jessica used this opportunity to move into a more dominant position on top of me. As the men arrived they pulled her off and helped me up. They checked to see if Kami and I were ok while maintaining separation from Jessica and Sarah. A few minutes later, security arrived and began a short investigation. In the interest of keeping the peace, security guards escorted us to our car to ensure there would be no further issues. I was embarrassed beyond description at being escorted off the premises but moreover I hated how this looked like a total retreat on my part.

To make matters worse, over the next few months, Jessica was bragging about how she ‘beat the shit’ out of me at the mall. I was constantly forced to entertain questions about it and of course I would deny being beat up. My argument has always been that the so-called ‘fight’ was broken up before it even started while Jessica argued she was on top and in control when the men showed up. This only served to generate considerable interest in what would happen if we were allowed to finish it. I was becoming somewhat concerned by the number of people that seemed to believe Jessica would present a challenge for me. I was upset to learn the odds were almost dead even on who would win.

In May of 2018, Alex completed nursing school and Abby and I were thrilled to be invited to her graduation. We were both moved to see the pride on the faces of her family as Alex crossed the stage. After the commencement ceremony Abby suggested we visit, “Maggie’s”, a popular coffee bar that we both frequented often. It was a short walk from the hall we were in and they had specialty coffees and incredible desserts there. The parents opted out but it was an easy sell for the rest of us so even though we were completely over dressed we agreed to stop in and enjoy the best desserts in town.

As we entered we felt a little out of place in the casual atmosphere. Garrett was in a suit and tie while the ladies were in blouses and skirts with nylons and heels. We sat down and were enjoying some of the delicious desserts when to our disappointment, Jessica and some of her friends arrived. I was disappointed to see her there but Maggie’s was a very popular spot in town.

The second we saw Jessica we were all anticipating trouble. It was almost comical how we all felt it necessary to announce that she was now 18. Jessica spotted Kami and immediately started with her usual bullshit accusing her of hiding behind bodyguards. Alex was fed up with Jessica and her crap and went right into protection mode. I had never seen Alex so angry and I remember being very relieved I was not the one she was mad at. She kicked her heels off and moved toward Jessica and her group but Garrett stood up and blocked her path. Jessica looked over and started to laugh which did not sit well with any of us. I moved over to back Alex up and Jessica watched me pull off my heels and ask,

“Is there a problem here?”

Jessica just looked at us with her arrogant, cocky smile and said,

“Oh sit down. You aren't gonna do shit.”

Alex let her know in no uncertain terms,

“And neither are you.”

At this point, Garrett announced authoritatively,

“Look, nothing is going to happen here tonight so the way I see it you have a couple of choices. You can continue trying to start something and make a fool of yourself or you can walk away and enjoy what’s left of the evening. Your choice.”

I felt bad because while Garrett was working so hard to diffuse the situation, Alex and I were not helping. We were giving Jessica and her friends the stink eye and our body language was daring them to do something. This was in stark contrast to Garrett’s insistence that nothing was going to happen.

Jessica looked right at me and said,

“It's a good thing your boyfriend is here to protect you tonight or I would have to kick your ass again.”

I said,

“When did you ever kick my ass? In what fantasy did this take place?”

Jessica smiled and said,

“Let's go outside right now and I’ll show you.”

As staff members moved in, Garrett stepped between us and prevented anything further from happening.

At this point one of the managers came over and told Jessica and her friends they would have to leave. They had apparently caused problems before and the staff was not prepared to tolerate any of their behavior on this night. Jessica tried to argue but the manager stood firm and told her they could come back another time but tonight they would have to leave. As they left the building Jessica and her friends were flashing obscene gestures at us while we waved goodbye. Some of the staff hung around to make sure nothing further developed.

Shortly after Jessica left, several other customers stopped by and offered their support. We all had a great laugh when an older woman in a mobility scooter stopped by our table and said,

“If you ever decide to step into that little bitch, do yourself a favor and sell tickets. You’ll never have to work again.”

It seemed Jessica was making friends and influencing people everywhere she went. It was obvious her confidence was growing and she was pretty sure of herself. I came to the rather uncomfortable conclusion that she had every reason to be confident given our history. I told Garrett it took every ounce of strength I had to just leave it alone as I was really feeling the need to prove myself. At this point Garrett confided in me that he was worried. He did not want me to go after Jessica as he was concerned for my safety and reputation. He reminded me that I was older so more was expected from me. Believe me, no one knew better than me that I needed to distance myself from this whole thing but who could blame me for being angry. Yes, she was only 18 but she was very clearly coming after me.

Garrett had heard enough about fighting and suggested we call it a night. We all recognized we had been through an intense and stressful situation and needed to bring things back down. While everyone was taking this opportunity to calm down I noticed Alex had developed a bad case of the church giggles. It was very contagious and we could not even look at each other without laughing. We all agreed to call it a night and started making our way back to the cars. Along the way Alex lightened the mood when she said to Garrett,

“Aw c’mon Garr, let Debi beat the shit out of her so I can practice some first aid.”

When we all started giggling Garrett said,

“Can we just go now you assholes?”

With that he finally broke and started laughing and shaking his head while the rest of us dissolved into hysterics.

Now that we knew Jessica was also a frequent visitor, Abby and I came to the sad realization that Maggie’s would have to be off limits for a while . It just made sense to steer clear of trouble so for the next few weeks we stayed away. Eventually we decided we did not have to let this girl dictate where we could or could not go and we resumed our regular visits.

Finally the fateful evening came. It was a Saturday and Abby and I decided we would enjoy a well deserved night out. It was late July and we were dressed casually. I wore a light blue jacket with a short sleeved top and dark denim jeans. Abby wore white denim jeans with a tee shirt and light jacket. We decided to take the train to avoid parking hassles and perhaps we could even enjoy a drink or two. We had dinner and made sure to save room as Maggie’s waffle bowl sundaes were sure to be calling our names. 

They say if you tempt fate enough times it will eventually come back to bite you. Well that is exactly what happened on this night. We were enjoying our sundaes when we noticed Jessica and her entourage enter the building. I remember taking notice of how attractive Jessica was. She was actually a beautiful young woman and it was unfortunate that she did not have the personality to go with it. She wore a light jacket with black wide leg pants and a pair of high heeled boots. She looked elegant and older than her 18 years. I noticed her look my way and we made eye contact. Suddenly there was that arrogant smile and she started making her way toward us. I looked at Abby and said,

“Here we go.”

Jessica walked up and asked,

“What, no boyfriend tonight? Who's gonna protect you then?”

I said,

“I guess I just don't see anything I need protection from.”

She laughed and replied,

“Oh that’s right, because the mall never happened.”

I said,

“I never said it didn’t happen, I said it didn’t finish.”

Jessica slammed her hand on the table making a loud noise and then yelled,

“Well then I’ll tell you what bitch. Let's finish it.”

Now that we had the attention of the room, Jessica lowered her voice and continued,

“Enough of this shit. I’m so sick of your lame ass excuses. Next time I see you I’m gonna beat your ass and there'll be no denying it.”

Staff started showing up at the table and began ushering Jessica and her group to the door. They knew the drill so they did not put up a challenge and left willingly. When they got to the door they were all smiling and waving at us and Jessica said,

“See ya later Debi.”

Just like that she was gone and Abby and I were left to contemplate our situation. In spite of all my tough talk now that Jessica had stood in front of me in the flesh stating her intentions I found my confidence taking a bit of a hit. I had waited for this day for so long and now that it was here I began to consider the relevant facts before me. Jessica and I were very close to the same size. I was marginally taller and heavier but not enough to offer me any real advantage. When it came to training and experience I came to the conclusion that I knew very little about Jessica. I on the other hand had no training and you could count on the fingers of one hand how many fights I had been in. The last one was 10 years ago. I was six years older than Jessica but that had certainly not proven to be an advantage to this point. Although I was not concerned about facing Jessica one on one, Abby and I were concerned about her friends. We were vastly outnumbered and knew this could very definitely be a problem.

We hung around for at least an hour before we decided it was time to face the music. I was now questioning what seemed like a good idea a few hours ago. Taking the train afforded us some flexibility in our activities but now getting home left us exposed. We had to walk several blocks to the train station and then we had a twenty minute ride followed by another four blocks to our building. There was no telling where Jessica might be so we began our walk with some trepidation but we were not prepared to back down. I will admit we were hoping to get home without incident but we were both determined to deal with whatever came our way.  A short distance into our walk, we had to pass the sports bowl where university teams played outdoor sports. We noticed a crowd around the fountain and spilling onto the sidewalk. From the middle of the crowd, out came Jessica and a couple of her friends. They blocked our path while Jessica pointed at me and said,

“Hi Debi, I told you I would see you later. Like I said earlier, enough of this shit, it's time you and I settled our little problem. No excuses.”

I replied,

“You know Jessica, from where I am standing you're the one with the problem.”

Jessica practically exploded,

“No, you're the one with all the excuses. I’ve been beating your ass since I met you but there's always an excuse with you. It was all technique or we didn’t finish or your boyfriend saves your ass! Well not tonight bitch, you’re all out of excuses.”

I made my position clear,

“Listen Jessica, I really don’t want to fight with you. It won't solve anything but know this, I will accommodate you as far as you want to take it.”

Jessica was pretty fired up and shot back,

“Of course you don’t wanna fight. You're a chicken shit! Well I don’t care what you want, this shit ends tonight.”

Those words began bouncing around in my head. What shit was she talking about? The shit she put Kami through or me or any of Kami’s family. Suddenly I found the fire burning inside me again. I would be lying to say I was not nervous, of course I was, my heart was pounding but I remembered what started all this and I knew Jessica was right. This shit ends tonight and I told her,

“Well if that's how you want it, suit yourself but this is between you and me so your friends stay out of it.”

She said,

“Like I need friends, alright everybody stay out of it. I’ll destroy this bitch on my own.”

With that said she turned and walked back onto the grass motioning me to follow. Abby grabbed my arm and turned me around and asked,

“Are you sure about this?”

I said,

“Absolutely. She’s right, this ends tonight.”

I continued to follow Jessica as she moved further onto the grass. I watched her remove her jacket and give it to her friends before stopping and turning to face me. I removed my jacket and dramatically tossed it aside as I continued toward her. I could see Jessica’s friends were now helping her get her boots off while she pointed at me and said,

“Shoes off.”

I said,

“Excuse me?”

She said,

“I’m not fighting in heels so if I’m not wearing shoes neither are you. Now take em off.”

I realized I was wearing a pair of my favorite shoes. They were black leather with a buckle on the front and a small zipper on the side. I could not just slip them off so I told her,

“Well that’s your choice isn’t it.”

Jessica slowly looked up at me and flashed that arrogant grin and said,

“Oh you chicken shit little bitch. That’s gonna be your excuse isn’t it.”

The worst part of this is I knew I was being manipulated while it was happening but before I could stop myself I was unzipping the shoes and pulling them off. I tossed them aside and turned and faced Jessica. She just laughed and said,

“That's better.”

Eager to get started Jessica motioned me to come toward her and said,

“Ok bitch let’s see what you’ve got.”

As I am sure you can all understand, I do not remember every detail of the fight but I will walk you through the parts I do remember as best I can.

We stood facing each other when Jessica started advancing toward me throwing punches. Surprisingly enough I could not bring myself to swing on her so I just backed off and did my best to avoid her blows. I knew I had to come out of this mentality quickly when Jessica started landing a series of punches and slaps. I moved toward her but she grabbed a handful of hair and began slapping me repeatedly in the head. After a few slaps she spun me around by the hair and literally tossed me aside. I stumbled and went to the ground but returned to my feet quickly. It was now obvious to me that Jessica was a much more experienced fighter.

I realized I was going to need to take her down to gain any control over her. With this in mind, I advanced toward her fully intending to take her off her feet. I lunged ahead and ate two or three punches coming in but I managed to wrap my arms around her waist and I wrestled her to the ground. After securing a position on top of her I knew the real test would be finding a way to control her. At this point I noticed a group of girls had pushed Abby back deeper into the gathered crowd to make sure she could not interfere and I was concerned for her safety.

Meanwhile, Jessica proved to be quite the handful. Even though I was straddling her and had her on her back the slippery little shit kept finding a way to roll onto her stomach. I did manage to roll her back over each time but not without considerable effort. I was getting very tired when Jessica managed to roll to her stomach again. She pulled her knees up under herself and tried to stand up but with all my weight on her back she was unable to do so. She did manage to rise to a kneeling position while I did my best to force her back to the ground. Somehow she managed to swing her elbow back in my direction and clipped me in the side of the head. This gave her the separation she needed to get back on her feet.

Jessica charged ahead at me and grabbed a handful of hair and began swinging with her right hand. Although I was backing away I finally found myself swinging back delivering some hard slaps. As we came to a stop Jessica pulled me by my hair and began kicking me in the stomach with her right leg. After several kicks I managed to catch her foot and pulled it towards me. This pulled her off balance and she went down on her back. I took full advantage of the situation and pounced on her. I straddled her and managed to gain some control when I pressed her right wrist into her chest and held it there while I began furiously slapping her with my right hand. I felt confident I was now in control until Jessica lifted her hips and rolled causing me to fall over on my side.

We got to our feet and I moved toward Jessica but she kicked me in the upper thigh with the top of her foot. It really hurt and I realized she may have had some training. I moved forward again and took another kick to the leg and then a punch to the head and down I went. It seemed inconceivable to me but for the first time I had to consider the possibility I could lose this fight. As I picked myself up I scanned the crowd for Abby but did not see her anywhere. I did see several faces I knew from Maggie’s which gave me renewed inspiration.

Jessica proved to be very fast and ready for almost anything I brought her way. My new strategy was to get in quick, land some blows and get away from her. This proved to be a very bad plan. Jessica was ready for me every time and she fended me off with leg kicks or punches. She knocked me down several times before I made the mistake of getting angry. How could I not, this girl was beating my ass and everyone knew it. My fury made me feel invincible so I moved toward her again and when I got too close, Jessica buried her fist deep into my belly and I felt the air being forcibly removed from my lungs. I dropped to my knees and wondered if I would ever breathe again when Jessica pulled me up by the hair and began delivering hard slaps to my head and face. She finally let me go and I collapsed into the grass. Jessica left me alone while she posed and showed off for her friends. I used this time to look around for Abby but I could not see her anywhere and I was becoming more concerned.

Finally after I had recovered sufficiently, I got up and approached Jessica again. Unfortunately she was ready for me and delivered a couple of punches taking me down again. I was now face down and Jessica straddled my back and began punching me on the right side of my head. I managed to protect myself by covering my head with my arms but her punches still hurt like hell. Hoping to get her off of me, I pushed myself up and rolled over which only succeeded in making my situation worse. She was still straddling me but now she had me on my back. Realizing I was in serious trouble, I lifted my hips and rolled to my left which caused her to fall over and I began slapping at her until she kicked me away and got back on her feet.

Slow learner that I am, I approached Jessica again and she responded with two lightning fast punches to my stomach and I dropped to my knees again. Jessica was good enough to help me up by the hair and delivered another brutal punch to the belly and down I went again.

I was trying desperately not to make any sounds as I lay there curled up in a ball trying to catch my breath. The moans and whimpers escaping my lips were every bit as humiliating as the beating I was taking in front of these witnesses.I looked over and to my horror I saw a group of the girls had wrestled Abby to the ground. One of the girls was sitting on top of her while the others gathered around to make sure Abby did not get up.

I looked over to see where Jessica was and saw she was walking my way. I began to scurry away from her while on my back which made her smile. She looked at me and said,

“Where do you think you're going? Oh no,no, no, it's time to finish you off.”

She walked over and stood astride my prone body before dropping to her knees straddling me. Her butt landed with significant force on my mid section and I struggled to catch my breath. As I became aware of our respective positions I knew this was it. This is where Jessica will make good on her threat to finish me off. I covered my face with my hands while Jessica began feeding me a series of slaps and punches that hurt like hell. My face was numb and tingling and I became aware I was bleeding from the nose.

It was all over and I knew it. This girl had been kicking my ass for two years and I still have no idea how I did not see it while it was happening. Now here I was flat on my back looking up at this 18 year old girl that was currently in charge of my life. She would decide when she was finished with me and then allow me to leave. I took a few more slaps as she called me ‘weak and pathetic’ and I struggled to breathe while she bounced on my stomach.I heard some voices yelling out,

“Alright that’s enough. She’s done, leave her alone.”

I saw one of Jessica’s friends move in behind her and gently put her hands on her shoulders and say,

“Yeah, c’mon Jess, she’s had enough.”

Jessica looked back and then down at me and said,

“Well I need to hear that from her. So how about it bitch, are we finished?”

The words were rancid in my mouth as I spit them out,

“Yes I’m done. Please, I've had enough.”

Jessica raised her arms over her head and yelled,


There were no excuses or denying it, I was beaten and everyone there saw it. She was still on top of me so I laid still waiting for it to be over. As if I had not been through enough, at this point she leaned in close, stuck her finger in my face and delivered the final word,

“Now that we all know I can kick your ass anytime, here's how it's gonna be. If you ever play the ‘bad bitch’ role with me again you will find yourself right back here and believe me you don’t even want to think about what’ll happen to you if I have to do this again.” 

She finally got up off of me and celebrated with her friends. Abby came over and helped me up and all I could think of was finding my things and getting away from the area as fast as my legs could carry me. I started looking for my jacket and shoes but they were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly I noticed Jessica storming toward me. She yelled,

“What are you looking for bitch?”

I said,

“I’m  just going to get my things and leave.”

She told me,

“There’s nothing of yours here. Anything you aren't strong enough to keep is mine.”

I became aware I was backing away from her and I absolutely hated it. I finally stopped when she backed me into a corner and I said,

“You can’t just keep my things.”

Jessica replied,

“I can do whatever I want. I won so I make the rules. ”

I just stood there incredulous, Jessica went on,

“I wonder if you see anything you need protection from now. This is where all your tough talk and excuses got you. Well I'll bet you have nothing to say now do you.”

I answered,

“You kicked my ass. I admit it, what else do you want me to say?”

Jessica said,

“That's the point, I don't want you to say anything else. We finished our business tonight and you lost. Am I right?

I said,

“Yes, of course you're right.”

Jessica abruptly ended our conversation,

“Ok then SHUT UP!”

I could not believe she was speaking to me like this. My mouth desperately tried to form a reply but what could I say. Jessica had me on all counts, she was absolutely right and everyone there  knew it. Arguing the point would only make me look foolish, so without another word, I exhaled sharply, shut my mouth and fell silent. As humiliating as you can imagine this to be, trust me when I say the reality was worse.

Jessica stood there looking pleased with herself before saying,

“Good girl. Now if you wanna leave you are free to go but you leave just as you are.”

It was clear there was no point in arguing further so Abby put her arm around me and gently led me away. Battered and beaten, we decided to make our way back to the train station. To add insult to injury I would now have the pleasure of making the journey without a jacket or shoes.

We had traveled a short distance when Abby stopped me so we could clean up a little. With both of us shaking and highly emotional, Abby used some napkins and tissue to clean my face as best she could. There were still  another 4 blocks to get to the train station and then a twenty minute ride home. We were attracting a great deal of attention in our current state but we bravely carried on. I tried to watch my step as my feet felt every pebble on the concrete sidewalk through my thin navy blue socks. I considered losing the socks for all the good they were doing but then decided they would at least provide some protection from the sticky disgusting floor of the train.

We managed to get home without any further problems and did our best to forget what happened. In the coming days I heard about some shoes being fished out of the fountain in front of the sports bowl. Some of my friends and colleagues that knew the story suggested I head over and check to see if they were mine. I decided as much as I loved those shoes, I really did not want them back. They had spent how many days in the fountain and heaven only knows what else had happened to them. Instead I bought a replacement pair and got on with my life but Jessica was not finished with me yet. I am sorry there is an epilogue to my story.

The fate of my missing property became clear one Saturday afternoon three weeks after the fight. I was coming home on the train and as I was leaving the station I felt the pain of an adrenaline rush. There in front of me was Jessica with several friends including her cousin Sarah. They were standing at the base of the steps and I could see Jessica was wearing my missing jacket. Given their position I would have to walk right through the group  to get home. I was alone and trying desperately not to panic. I decided to try to move and blend in with the crowd but Jessica noticed me and said,

“Oh, please tell me you weren't going to walk by without saying hi.”

I said,

“Look, I don’t want any trouble”

This got the whole group giggling before Jessica looked around at her friends and replied,

“Oh she doesn’t want any trouble. Well see that’s good cause we already established, you aren’t any trouble.”

I knew I had no  argument to her claim so I did not respond. After a long pause I said,

“I don't suppose there’s any chance you’re here to return my jacket.”

She responded,

“And I hope you’re not being a smart ass.”

The situation was already volatile enough so I elected to remain silent. When I did not respond, Jessica continued,

“You know if I were in your shoes, I think I might talk less and listen more ”

At this point Sarah piped up and said,

“But Jess, you ARE in her shoes.”

Jessica feigned a look of surprise. She looked down at her feet and then back at me pulling up her pant legs and there on her feet were my missing shoes. Jessica then replied,

“Thank you Sarah. You're right, I am in her shoes so she better start taking me seriously.”

 I was not sure where this conversation was going so I remained silent. Jessica looked at Sarah and asked,

“These fit you too didn't they hun.”

Sarah replied,

“Yes they did and I really, really liked them.”

Jessica looked back at me and said,

“Oh, well there you go, sounds like Sarah here wants to be in your shoes too so here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna give up another pair right here right now.”

I said,

“You can’t be serious.”

She said,

“I’m dead serious, now shut up and lose the shoes.”

Jessica looked at me hard with a very intimidating look. Our eyes locked and I knew she was trying to stare me down. All I could think of was how this girl beat the shit out of me three weeks earlier and I knew she was more than willing and able to do it again. Trapped in fear I was unable to hold her gaze and I averted my eyes downward. I did my best to control my emotions as I unzipped the shoes, pulled them off and looked in Sarah’s direction.

Sarah was smiling and nodding while extending her left hand and waving all four fingers toward herself beckoning me to give them up. When she saw I was looking at her she ordered my silence by holding the forefinger of her right hand vertically on the center of her lips.

I knew there was nothing I could do or say to change my situation so with my right foot I pushed the shoes in her direction. She eagerly swapped out her beat up sneakers with my black leather replacement shoes while I could only watch. If Jessica had a good side, I suppose I was appealing to it when I asked,

“What am I supposed to wear home now?”

At the very least I thought they might offer me the sneakers but Jessica, thoroughly enjoying my situation, looked me up and down and said,

“Oh honey, I guess you’ll just have to go and ruin your pretty little white socks.”

Words have yet to be discovered that could adequately describe my humiliation as I was forced to walk shoeless through this crowd of girls insulting and taunting me. I willed myself not to cry or show any emotion as I walked away and made my way home. When I got there I went straight to Abby’s and collapsed in her arms as I told her what had just happened.

Never in a thousand years would I have believed this was possible. Right up to the night of our final showdown I knew I could take Jessica. I will admit all the previous incidents with her were indicating otherwise but I somehow found a way to ignore the facts in front of me. How many times did I talk myself out of going after Jessica because it would cause me more trouble than it was worth? Now  I found myself wishing I could have done so one more time. I wondered how many more of these encounters I would  have to endure before it was over. Fortunately for me this was the last one. After this Jessica honored her word and as long as I did not get aggressive with her she allowed the truce to stand. Other than some cruel taunting I did not have any serious issues with her again. The silver lining to the whole story was Jessica completely left Kami alone after this so something good did come out of it.

I am so sorry I said I would try to be brief and then wrote a novel.

Thank you so much for reading


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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2024, 11:10:24 AM »
Thank you so much for sharing your story Debi and as always thank you for Pinnerdown for providing a platform for it. I am sorry you took such a beating and got humiliated by Jessica. I hope writing and getting it off your chest makes you feel a little better. I hope you don't mind but I would like to ask a few questions. First did either of you have long nails and if so what color were they painted? Did either of you wear rings and if so did they hurt when Jessica smacked and punched you with them? Was your face marked from Jessica's slaps and punches and if so for how long? Finally how many times would say she slapped you and how many times did you smack her, and you said you smacked her face hard did she wind up with any welts scratches or handprints on her face? If you wouldn't mind adding those details I would really appreciate it. I just wanted to add that I loved your story and find your writing style to be magnificent. I hope you, Shelby, and Pinnerdown have a great day. Thank you Shelby for ghost writing such an excellent story.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2024, 11:18:10 AM by catfightfan24 »


Offline tommyfighter

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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2024, 02:53:00 PM »
Wow, she must have had some training. She had some focus on your belly. I bet it was sore the next day.


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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2024, 04:46:08 PM »
Debi should have confronted Jessica in private somewhere.  And much sooner.


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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2024, 06:17:38 AM »
I’m curious to know what your husband had to say when he found out. His reaction to hearing you talk about the fight with Jessica? If you told him that is. Also have you been around Jessica when your husband was there after the fight and did she say anything to him or taunt you in front of him?


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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2024, 04:29:45 AM »
Thank you so much for sharing your story Debi and as always thank you for Pinnerdown for providing a platform for it. I am sorry you took such a beating and got humiliated by Jessica. I hope writing and getting it off your chest makes you feel a little better. I hope you don't mind but I would like to ask a few questions. First did either of you have long nails and if so what color were they painted? Did either of you wear rings and if so did they hurt when Jessica smacked and punched you with them? Was your face marked from Jessica's slaps and punches and if so for how long? Finally how many times would say she slapped you and how many times did you smack her, and you said you smacked her face hard did she wind up with any welts scratches or handprints on her face? If you wouldn't mind adding those details I would really appreciate it. I just wanted to add that I loved your story and find your writing style to be magnificent. I hope you, Shelby, and Pinnerdown have a great day. Thank you Shelby for ghost writing such an excellent story.

Hello everyone,
I am sorry for my late response but I wanted to give Debi a chance to come over and see how well her story is doing. Now that she is here I will get her cute little butt in this chair and she can start to answer some of these great questions.

Hello Catfightfan24,
Thank you for taking the time to read my mammoth story and for your thoughtful response. I do feel so much better after sharing the story with friends. The response from all of you has really helped and I am so grateful.

It was very sweet of you to acknowledge Shelby. None of us could have posted our stories without her. She is an amazing writer and just has a way with words. I sat down with her and told her my story and she found the words to perfectly describe what happened and how I was feeling about it. Anyway, I promised to be brief so no more novels or Ally gives me hickie tickie torture. As the most ticklish person alive I am terrified of her so on to your questions.

It is interesting you would ask about nails. Jessica and I both had long nails and I broke two on my right hand in the fight. One was very painful as it broke low in the nail bed. It was so depressing because this meant I had to cut them all back to even them out. As far as color goes, my nails were not painted and although I could not swear to it in court, I am pretty sure Jessica's nails were painted red.

After careful consideration I am sure I wore rings and again I could not swear to it but I am also certain Jessica did too. My face was pretty banged up afterwards but I attributed this mostly to how hard Jessica hit. I can’t say with any degree of certainty how much the rings would have contributed to the damage but I can say they certainly did nothing to lessen it.

I suffered a great deal of swelling around my eyes and chin. My bottom lip was swollen on the right side and I had cuts inside my mouth. As I mentioned in the story, I was bleeding from the nose and also from some minor cuts on my face. There were quite a few abrasions on my face and neck. I was sporting a black eye for what seemed an eternity and it took pounds of foundation to cover it up.  As mentioned in the story, I did land some hard hits so Jessica was also marked up a bit. Although she was not bleeding anywhere she did have red blotches on her face and I did detect some swelling around her right eye. It was also bloodshot so I am sure I caught her with a good shot. I don’t know about Jessica but my face took over a week to heal.

May I take this opportunity to say you sound like such a sweetheart, always so kind and respectful. Thank you again for all your flattering comments and I wish you all the best. I hope I was able to answer your questions.



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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2024, 04:32:05 AM »
Wow, she must have had some training. She had some focus on your belly. I bet it was sore the next day.

Hello Tommy fighter
Thank you for reading my super long story and for your sympathetic reply. You are correct it seems Jessica did have some training although I don't know how much. She figured out early on that my belly was a good point of attack and she used it to her advantage. You are right again and would have won that bet, my belly was bruised and sore for several days.



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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2024, 04:34:08 AM »
Debi should have confronted Jessica in private somewhere.  And much sooner.

Hello Sinclairfan,
You are right, in a perfect world it would have been preferable to have confronted Jessica in private to avoid the public humiliation. It would also have been best to do it when the disrespect started. Unfortunately at that time she was a 16 year old girl but waiting almost two years only made things worse.

Thank you for your reply



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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2024, 04:58:07 AM »
I’m curious to know what your husband had to say when he found out. His reaction to hearing you talk about the fight with Jessica? If you told him that is. Also have you been around Jessica when your husband was there after the fight and did she say anything to him or taunt you in front of him?

Hello snw,
Thank you so much for your interest in my story.

I did not have to tell Garrett anything, he knew what happened and who did it the second he saw me. It was exactly what he was afraid of all along. Garrett knew I was no fighter which is why he asked me not to go after Jessica. He told me it was obvious that Jessica had more fights this week than I had in my life and he knew she would give me a beatdown. He was very upset and hung on every word as I told him what happened. He was angry but very supportive and I believe he would have strangled Jessica if she were in front of him at that moment.

We did run into her a couple of weeks after she humbled me for the second time. She apologized to Garrett for doing what she had to do but told him that as long as I muzzled my mouth when she was around it would not happen again. Garrett was so angry but used his steely self control and told her to make damn sure it does not happen again.

Interestingly enough it was Alex that put the fear into her. Jessica ran into Alex and started with her crap and Alex told her if she caught her wearing anything of mine she would reclaim it by any means necessary. Jessica apparently stood there with this painted on smile but she did not say a word. It was clear she wanted no part of messing with Alex but that is a whole different story. 

Thanks again



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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2024, 08:19:55 AM »
Thank you so much Debi for taking time out of your day to answer my questions. Those details really helped paint a clearer picture and made the already wonderfully written story that much more vivid. Also one more question if you don't mind I apologize for not asking earlier but did either of you have a tan? Once again thank you all for sharing these stories always brighten up my day and this one in particular was a real gem.


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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2024, 02:29:47 AM »
Thank you so much Debi for taking time out of your day to answer my questions. Those details really helped paint a clearer picture and made the already wonderfully written story that much more vivid. Also one more question if you don't mind I apologize for not asking earlier but did either of you have a tan? Once again thank you all for sharing these stories always brighten up my day and this one in particular was a real gem.

Hello again catfightfan24,
Wow you really are a charmer. You know just how to make a girl feel like a bazillion dollars. Thank you for taking time out of YOUR day to send me all these ultra flattering messages. I really didn’t want to post this story but you have all been so nice I am glad I was talked into it. 

Please don't apologize you have been so sweet and it is such an easy question. Jessica and I were both very tanned at the time of our little skirmish.

Thank you again for your interest in my story, you are such a sweetheart.

Thanks again


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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2024, 11:04:54 AM »
Hey Debi, thank you once again for replying to my questions and you are quite welcome, I appreciate so much that you wrote this excellent story and being called charming means the world to me.


Offline tommyfighter

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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2024, 01:33:59 PM »
Reread that amazing story. Did you ever have any run ins with Sarah?


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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2024, 03:57:05 AM »
Hey Debi, thank you once again for replying to my questions and you are quite welcome, I appreciate so much that you wrote this excellent story and being called charming means the world to me.

Hello again my little charmer,(catfightfan24)
Please feel free to ask all the questions you like. Your replies made me feel so good so I am happy I could return the favor.



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Re: Debi's Story
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2024, 04:01:50 AM »
Reread that amazing story. Did you ever have any run ins with Sarah?

Hello again tommyfighter,
Thank you so much for rereading my story and for the ‘amazing story’ comment. You are all way too nice.

There are some additional chapters that I did not go into because I was sure most of you would have had your fill of me by now. The short answer to your question is yes I did have more than one run in with Sarah.

The first one occurred at a local shopping mall where I ran into Sarah and a few of her friends. Right away Sarah began getting aggressive with me and I was just not going to allow myself to be goaded into anything with a 16 year old girl. I pushed past her and kept walking while her friends asked questions like,

“Is this her?”

“Is this where you got your shoes? “

Sarah confirmed that yes I was the one and then she began showing off for her friends. She began threatening me and telling her friends what she would do to me if she got me alone. I kept walking while Sarah called me names and told me how I had better keep moving.

I didn’t know this at the time but it seems Sarah was receiving all kinds of compliments on her new shoes at school. She was apparently telling all her friends how she kicked my ass and took them from me elevating her to local legend status. I was somewhat insulted that they all believed her but my inaction at the mall made her version of events seem credible, sending her reputation into the stratosphere.

Once I found out what was going on I really wanted to stick a pin in her balloon so I vowed I would not be so passive next time. Out of respect for site guidelines I can’t describe what happened next but suffice it to say Sarah was not going to give up her reputation without a fight.

Thanks again for your interest in my story
