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Husband Boxes Wife's Friend

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Offline Dan Zone43

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Husband Boxes Wife's Friend
« on: August 05, 2024, 09:48:17 PM »

Husband Boxes Wife's Friend
This is my first mixed fight story.  If you are not comfortable with men hitting women or women hitting men go no further.


The kids moved out of Dani and Josh's house.  Mark off to college and Megan to “find herself” in Europe.    For the first time in 23 years, it was just Josh and Dani.  The first two weeks Josh and Dani had sex in every room, up to this point their sex life was not bad but you never knew when a child would interrupt or need someone so it wasn't as often as either would have liked.  They could watch porn on the big screen TV in the living room and act on it.  Josh came home one day to Dani dressed only in baby blue thong, garters and black pantyhose.   That was a fun night.  But soon too much sex got old, and while still frequent it did slow down.  Dani decided to join a gym, she wanted to get back her 20-something body back.  Josh really liked her 40-something body.    The gym had a boxercise class that Dani wanted to join.  Dani purchased a set of boxing gloves and began to love the class.  In the boxercise class Dani met Maureen a younger lesbian black woman and they became friends.  Maureen had been boxercise class for years and sometimes taught it when the instructor was busy.  Dani would come home from class “Maureen this" and “Maureen that".   Maureen finally came over for dinner one night.   The topic of their boxercise class came up and Josh gave his opinion of it.  “It's not real boxing.  You don't really have any skills from it.  It's just like foxy boxing. “  Josh said.  Both Dani and Maureen took offense to Josh's comments.   “It may be new to me but Maureen is really good at it.  She's had 3 real boxing fights and won all of them!”  Dani told her husband.   “Yeah, bikini boxing.    Jiggle and jab.”  Josh laughed.   Finally, Maureen spoke up.  “I’m good enough to beat you Mr. Big Mouth!”   “Yeah, I’d love to see that!” Dani said.  “You can box in Mark's old room, it's empty and my gloves will fit you.  Unless you’re chicken?”   

Maureen did have her gloves in the car but no workout clothes.  “Fight in your bra and panties unless you are the chicken!” Josh laughed.  Maureen thought about it.  “Only if you fight in your underwear too!”  She countered.   Josh's jaw dropped, his bluff had been called but he agreed to bra, panties and his underwear.   Dani took Josh upstairs went into his drawer and pulled out underwear.   It was the leopard thong the guys at work got him as a joke on his 40th birthday.   “This is what you are wearing.”   Dani told him.  Josh protested.  “No way, no how!”   Dani went into her drawer and pulled out a baby blue thong and garter, his favorite.  “You wear that and I’ll wear this.” He couldn't say no.

In Mark’s old room Dani, topless in the sexy lingerie brought the two fighters in the room. 
“Well, here we have it, a battle of the sexes!  In one corner in the cute leopard print standing 5’11 and 210 pounds my husband, Josh!  And in the other corner wearing a sexy red satin bra and panties standing 5’9 160 pounds the powerful Maureen!”   Maureen looked at Dani who looked so delicious!  “What say we make a bet, big boy.”   Maureen said.  “When I win, I get to take Dani to bed and give her the best orgasms of her life!”   “Fine, but when I knock you out you have to suck a real man's cock!”   They all agreed.  They set out the rules for the fight.  Dani would referee, it would be 2 minute rounds and 2 minute rests, they would box as many rounds as necessary till someone was knocked out or gave up.   Maureen saw Dani topless, sure she was older than her, Dani had a little extra weight but Maureen thought she was sexy as hell, especially in the baby blue thong and garters.   Maureen asked Dani to take off her bra also.  Now both women were topless.   
Dani set the timer; the buzzer went off.  It was time to fight!

Josh came out from his corner gloves half held high.  “This is going to be fun!”  He said swinging a wild right at Maureen's head.  Maureen ducked.  Josh fires left hook; Maureen ducked that but when she came up Maureen shot off two jabs dead center on Josh's face!   With a double “Ooffhh!”  Josh tried to pretend it didn't hurt.  Josh thought this was going to be a walk in the park fighting Maureen, boy was he wrong!  Josh settled down, got serious.   He jabbed at Maureen twice, both caught the black woman in the face.   Yes, the jabs stung Maureen why wouldn't they?  They were thrown by a 210 pound man but Maureen shook it off and started her attack! 

Jab to the right eye, right uppercut to the man’s belly!  This caused Josh to double over holding his gut!  Left, right, left hooks to the sides of Josh's head dropped him to the floor!  It took just 2 seconds for Josh to clear his head, he pounded the floor with his gloves in frustration and a bit of humiliation.  He was up at 4 and continued to fight! Maureen and Josh clashed in the center of the ring!  Maureen fired off 2 jabs and a hook at Josh.   Josh took the hits and swung a flurry of wild hooks at Maureen's head and body.   Maureen took the blows, blocking most, ducking some a hard left hook smashed into her jaw sending her head to the side.  Maureen gave as good as she got also, most of her blows hit Josh, he had little defense!  The 2 fighters stood toe to toe trading blows until the buzzer sounded ending the round. 

There was blood coming from Maureen's lip.  A burse started to show on Josh's cheek.  Both fighters sat down in chairs and Dani attended to both until the buzzer sounded for round 2 to begin.  “Want to give up?” Maureen asked Josh.  Josh got off his chair.  “Just getting started, bitch!”   Josh said, he was breathing heavy.  Maureen got off her chair as fresh as she was at the beginning of the fight.  They met at the middle of the room gloves up, Josh's around his chest, Maureen's high and tight. 

Maureen flicks a jab into Josh's face, then another.  Josh ate both of them raising his arms to block too late.  His arms raised this gave Maureen easy shots to Josh's belly.  A right/left/left combo to the belly hurt Josh!  He was already struggling taking in air!  Both his gloved hands grabbed his belly leaving Josh's chin open for a right cross from Maureen!  Josh was hit hard!  He staggered sideways, stumbling only to be held up by a wall!  Josh was stunned as Maureen raced to him hoping to finish Josh off!  Maureen came at Josh with jabs, she came at him with straight rights and lefts, she came at him with hooks to the body!  Maureen was a well oiled machine!  Not everything landed! Josh was able to block some, some missed their mark.   Blood trickled from Josh's nose.   The buzzer sounded ending the round.  “Fuck!” Maureen cursed knowing she had Josh.    Thank God!  Josh thought to himself.  This woman is really good. 

Josh collapsed on his chair; Maureen sat on hers…that right hook Josh gave her to the ribs really hurt! Josh looked in bad shape…Dani was concerned for her husband.   “Are you ok?  Do you want to keep fighting?”   Josh tried to calm his breathing down and sipped his water.  “Well other than getting my ass kicked by a better woman, I’m fine.  I have one more round left in me if Maureen does.”   Josh said.  “Oh, I have more than one more round left in me!”   Maureen replied.  Dani took as much care for both fighters as she could when the buzzer sounded.    Maureen leapt off her chair ready to meet Josh in the middle of the room.  Josh groaned a bit getting off his chair started towards Maureen.   Maureen ran at Josh!  Jab, jab, hook, all landed on Josh's head.  Jab, jab again all in Josh's eye a mouse started to swell under his left eye!  Josh faked a left to Maureen's head, her guard raised, a straight right smashes into Maureen's tit pancaking it!  Maureen squealed in pain!  A left/right combo crashed into Maureen's head and Maureen went down!  This shocked Dani!  This shocked Josh!  This shocked Maureen!  Dani started counting.  By 3 Maureen started to stir, by 5 she was on her knees and by 7 she was up! Josh came at her hard!  Wild lefts, rights body and head, Maureen's skills allowed her to block a lot but a lot still got through!  Maureen knew she had to go on the offence now or she’d be done!  She countered with wild lefts and rights of her own!  There they stood swinging wildly at each other, blood flowing, bruises forming, skin swelling!  Josh slowed down, his breath labored, arms tired!  Maureen kept up her pace hitting Josh twice for every punch he threw, then 3 to 1.  Left, left, Josh staggered! Belly shot doubled Josh over!  He had the right hook from the corner of his swollen eye, slow motion, he felt it explode on his chin….

Josh woke up on his back, Dani and Maureen put him there with a pillow under his head.  4 nude boobs looking down at him.  “What happened?” He asked.  “I knocked you out!”  Maureen told him.   The women helped him up to his chair.   Josh was disappointed in himself but really, he didn't lose to a woman, he lost to a better fighter!  Dani cleaned both fighters up, it was decided that Josh would take a shower first, Maureen wanted to shower with Dani.  Josh spent the night on the pull out couch in the den while Maureen gave Dani a wild night of orgasms!  Maureen and Dani had sex many more times over the next few months, they eventually let Josh watch and even fucked his wife while Dani and Maureen had sex. 

Dani stared to get pretty good in the boxercise class.  Soon she wanted to have a fight herself.   

But who to fight?  Another woman from the class, maybe with the same skills as her?  Maybe Maureen?  Hmmmmm, she thought, what about boxing her husband, Josh? 

What do you think?  Let me know.


Offline ThumperAlpha

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Re: Husband Boxes Wife's Friend
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2024, 01:16:50 PM »
She should box her husband