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Jenna Dewan vs Megan Fox Rematch

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Jenna Dewan vs Megan Fox Rematch
« on: August 07, 2024, 05:44:14 AM »

(Fight took place when Jenna was married to Channing and Megan to Brian Austin Green)

Jenna was waiting for the bitch… “I’m going to fucking kill her this time.”

“No, you won’t”

“I fucking hate that no talent egotistical bitch and she …. She wants this to happen it’ll fucking god damn well happen and I’ll kill her.”

“Oh, you’ll beat her but you’re not risking time away from your children to kill Megan.”

“Fuck her.  Fuck that bitch wants …  We’ll hide the body” She smiled “But I’m going to…”

“Get your only famous cause of who you married ass kicked.”  Megan showed up with her husband Brian Austin Green.  She was being stopped from going straight after Jenna

“Calm baby, remember you’re under her skin” He kissed her “Remember you are here to prove you are the better woman and she got lucky.” 

“I will and you should leave because I will fuck both of them and I’ll make her watch every fucking minute of it and if she tries to close her eyes I’ll stop and beat her until she opens them.”

Brian left and Megan took off her shoes and tried to stay calm “Come on Fox, when this is over the sound a fox makes is a guttural scream of quitting.”

Megan stayed where she was just death staring Jenna who had the same stare.  She took every loss personal, but this was different this was a woman who had all her tools and beat her.  A woman she matched up terrific with, but people liked her for a true personality.  Saying this woman had a better personality then her and was physically better was a insult she had to rectify. 

For Jenna she never liked Megan Fox, always thought Megan used her sexuality to get her way because she had no talent.  The day they finally fought she proved she was the better woman.  When Megan was on her game, she was one of the best a few years ago and she was still a damn tough out but Jenna knew there was nothing overly special about Megan unlike Jessica Lowndes who she couldn’t beat… She was motivated more than ever to truly break Megan Fox

“Enough talk” Megan tore off her shirt

“Finally, we agree” Jenna tore hers off as well and they ran at each other bodies colliding they were hitting rights to the face and let the other dig into the opponent tit followed by ripped bras.  Megan threw Jenna to the ground after that.

“They like mine m….  “Jenna hit the ground spun and threw herself at Megan tackling her and the fight was on the ground

Jenna got her fingers on Megan’s chest “Do you two like seeing her naked.  Shame if someone” Arm pressure down nails digging into the skin and a downward motion.  Megan screamed but it was so early she was able to easily buck Jenna off her.

They both got up Megan Fox’s chest with deep scratches and Jenna smiled “Think they likes em more now.”

Jenna couldn’t prepare for how fast Megan closed the distance hitting right and left shovel hooks.  Each clipped Jenna’s jaw and her balance was being lost which was when Megan grabbed Jenna’s tits and pushed her into the wall “Does he like yours or is this why he left you because you’re a loser”

Megan raked her nails down Jenna’s chest and got a scream “I can see why you left her.  What weak tits” Megan then just threw her chest into Jenna’s’ and stepped back watched Jenna drop.  Megan flicked her hair to a side “See how she falls to a real woman”

“And why were you with her… Such a pathetic excuse for a woman.”  Channing was having a hard timed watching this but knew the rules here he had to stay and old he new man o say as well.  This area was created by both he and Jenna with the rules.  Now they had to watch as Megan hit a kick to Jennas ribs

Jenna turned on her stomach so Megan grabbed her by the back of the bra and lifted her up so she was on all fours.  Megan sat on Jenna’s back and hauled her hair “come on horse face ride me around here.”

“FUCK” Channing nodded he knew that wasn’t a shout of pain but anger.  Jenna grabbed Megan’s leg pulled It and brought Megan down then spun and felt her bra snap off, but she was now on top of Megan

A scream came from Megan as it was clear Jenna had her hand on the inside of Megan’s tit and was digging the nails in then brought it outward and got caught in the bra.  That distraction of being trapped was enough for Megan to grab Jenna’s hair and turn her

Hands went from hair to face, and Megan was a true pro at this an slammed Jenna down.  Megan took a quick look at the hand trapped in the bra and smiled.  That was luck and with those breaks you had to capitalize and capitalize quickly

Megan scooted her knee up and got it on that bicep then hit some punches.  Jenna’s hand finally got out of the bra revealing one of Megan’s tits.  Megan went for a full mount she ended up on her face.  Jenna had gotten her other arm under Megan’s leg and pushed as Megan pushed forward.

Megan got up quick as did Jenna and again Megan knew her range for what she wanted and hit two snap jabs and went for a takedown which Jenna blocked and threw Megan away.  Jenna then went for a kick but megan got out of the way then rolled further away to get up to her feet where she took her bra off then threw it at Jenna

Jenna was taking hers off and was throwing hers at Megan.  The bras fell to the ground then they kicked the others bra back at them “come on with it Megan..  Oh the great overrated fox..”

“Ill show you what I’m rated!”

“I already know!”  they were leaping at each other when they said that

Right fists hit to the ear and then Jenna hit a left knee to the ribs which made Megan go “Steel”  then Megan hit her own left knee to the ribs of Jenna.  Megan hit a uppercut and was about to say something when Jenna hit her own uppercut “Iron jaw”

They grabbed as much hair as they could Megan’s thicker hair made it easier for Jenna, but Megan was able to haul Hair out easier from Jenna’s head.  They were going around the room trading knees which landed to the side or right on the belly button

They tried tripping each other and were able to outstep and hair was being ripped out and Megan tore to much and ended up with her hands out of Jenna’s hair Jenna was able to step to the outside of Megan’s right hip and throw her at the men watching

“What Megan? What?  Did you think it was a fluke I beat you?  I don’t like you I don’t respect you and there is no woman on this planet I want to hurt more than you because I think you’re gross.”

The chairs were vacated, and Jenna made it close only for Megan to throw one of the chairs at her.  Jenna moved away and then got hit with a kick to the tits putting her down.  Megan then began kicking at Jenna’s thighs as Jenna tried to cover up “I think you got lucky.  I don’t respect your win I don’t like people saying I avoided you.”

Megan saw the opening moved and raised her foot to stomp Jenna’s stomach “Time for the hurt to start.” 

The movement allowed Jenna to get her hands up block the stomp.  She rolled on her hips getting her legs between Megan’s.  Pulling she got a takedown and moved to lock in a kneebar.  Skills were there but not elite and Megan could sense that she had more time to escape this.  She was getting her counter ready as Megan mechanically tried to transition into a the knee bar.

Jenna was finally able to secure a angle to hurt Megan’s knee when Megan was able to move and kick her in the chest.  They both rolled away got up ran and collided chests and were hitting punches to the sides

Megan tried to lift one of Jenna’s legs but Jenna was keeping her leg down then got the other inside of Megan’s and pulled at the calf sending both women down with Jenna on top.  Jenna pressed her tits down hard on Megan’s “My tits beating yours last time did a number on that empty head of yours didn’t it.”


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Re: Jenna Dewan vs Megan Fox Rematch
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2024, 05:47:55 AM »

Megan got her legs wrapped tight around Jenna’s calf grabbed the hair and with her might turned Jenna over.  Now Megan was grinding her chest onto Jenna’s “Yeah it did but not as much as people around saying you won the fight.”

“I need the god damn world to know you got lucky” Megan lifted her chest up and slammed it down on Jenna’s “When I fuck your husband you will know…”  She went for it again went higher up to slam harder, but Jenna got her hand into the jaw and pushed Megan away

Both up Jenna went for Megan’s hair.  Megan felt it pull and push downward then hit three punches to Jenna’s stomach, so Jenna started clubbing Megan in the back of the neck.  Megan reached grabbed the pants and fell back sending Jenna over her

Jenna got up and was hit with a jumping knee where Megans thigh hit into her chest sending her back against the wall.  Megan then took a step and left her feet and hit a over hand slap between Jennas tits

“I watched so much in preparation for what I wanted to do to you for the crime of getting lucky.”  Megan then hit a knife edge chop across the chest then a left punch to the jaw.

Megan switched stances and hit a knife edge chop with the left and Jenna prepared for a right to the face and got hit with a over hand right slap just above the nipple that made Jenna gasp then Megan hit a left uppercut to the stomach and a right uppercut to the tit.

Megan locked in a front headlock “I don’t know if you are worth all my tools but you’ll see so many and how much I like to mix it” Megan lifted Jenna up for a suplex Jenna twisted her oblique and fell down behind Megan and clawed at Megan fox’s back.

Megan arched her tits forward and ass back from that.  Jenna reached grabbed Megan by the chin then drove her down to the mat.  Jenna stomped Megan fox stomach then went for a tit but Megan caught the foot and drove her foot between Jennas legs.  Jenna slowly backed away after that low blow.

Megan got up grabbed Jenna by the back of the hair ‘Bring whatever skills you think you have because I got them as well except sharper but what I have you don’t.”  Megan began hitting right and left knees to Jennas back.  It was like muai thai knees but rather than pull the neck down and drive them into stomach and face.  Megan pulled the neck back and was hitting them to the spine.

Jenna let her body go limp, so she was pulled down and that caused Megan to double over slightly at the shock of pulling Jennas head back.  Jenna kicked her legs up and hit a bicycle kick or pele kick to the back of Megans neck.

“You jump me and cause Lacey pain, you want to break me… Whatever you think this is and who you are I’m here to tell you.”  Jenna was floating around Megans back not letting Megan know where she would end up. 

Megan ws waiting for where she would end uptand when Jenna got into a position for a Anaconda joke.  Megan grabbed the arms and pulled her head out rocked back and was holding Jennas arms.  Megan wanted to stretch Jenna but Jenna pulled her arms out.  And both got on their feet.

“Walk away Megan just walk away.”

“Not til I fuck you up physically then I fuck you mentally for life.”

Jenna threw punches and Megan lifted her arm ate the punch on the elbow turned into the other so it hit the shoulder and released her hips.  Megan cracked a tremendous punch then faked a uppercut to make Jenna cover.  Megan threw a spinning back kick to the stomach

Megan quickly grabbed the hair of Jenna as she was doubling over and threw her face down to the mat.  “I think its time Channing got the nudity he built this for.”

Jenna prepared to have the rest of her clothes ripped off instead she felt something on her stomach.  She looked past her tits and it was Megans pants then she got hit with Megans panties.  Jenna slid back and got up and standing there hands on hips was a fully nude Megan Fox staring her down looking so amazing and strong.

She waited and watched for Megan to look at Channing.  It wasn’t happening “Im not here for him its just what happens at the end.  If it was for him then it would be Olivia here kicking your ass and that’s who he built this for now look at him and tell me if I’m lying.”

She did and he looked like a cat who got he canary “This was built so you could fuck Olivia MUNN!  You wanted her to beat me up and fuck her!”

Megan saw the attention waver to Channing, and it was fully on that crumbling marriage she waited.  Jenna stormed toward Channing and got hit with a left to the stomach then a right uppercut.  Megan knew it and so did Jenna this fight was now over.  Megan hated having to go to mental checkmate, but that bullet needed to be used she found out Jenna was very much her rival on all accounts, and she came her to win and break the bitch.

Megan hit two knees to Jennas stomach backed up hit a straight kick then a crescent kick and a spinning back kick to the tits.  Jenna got against the wall and Megan lifted her on her shoulders and hit a old school death valley driver spiking Jenna on her head then removed all of Jennas remaining clothes

Megan was picking Jenna apart “You won she had enough.”  Megan though had a lost to this and had worked the entire body and head with all eight points of contact let Jenna drop and tied Jennas feet with Jennas pants then trapped Jennas arms with hers.

Megan had Jena on her knees and was holding back Jennas head so she could look up at her.  “Look at you trying to escape. I haven’t looked at him yet, I want you to say you lost and you want me to fuck your husband.”

“End me if you can.”  Jenna was still defiant.

Megan began pumping right hands between Jenna’s eyes “I’m like a sniper bitch.”  The blood was starting.  “I hit what I am at.  Just tell me to go fuck your husband”

“End me bitch.. End me.”  Megan could see the defiance and defeat in Jennas eyes she wanted to be knocked out cold so she never had to witness what was going to happen

“You mean that.. All I want is for you to say it and you want me to end you.  Only one of us gets what we want.”  She looked back at Channing “It wont be him, its going to be me.”  Megan threw Jenna down onto her back.

Megan stood over Jennas face “I can reverse face sit you and make you take in all that’s in me.  A smell you will claim is terrible but has never been complained about.  Jenna I’m here to beat you and make you admit I beat you then enjoy what happens next by watching you so I don’t want you knocked out.”  Megan dropped down on Jennas chest her ass went under the chin.

“Alright if you ever want to use this again and be with someone who.”  Megan was hitting hard hammer fists then dropping elbows on Jennas pussy “Appreciates the mediocrity you have here.  You quit now and acknowledge your lucky win.”

Megans hands slid down “I’ll claw the living hell out of this and no man will.”

“You win you fucking win ok.  I’m tied up I cant get out and I’m done go fuck him
But that’s all you will get from me whore.  I hate you I fucking hate you and the score is one to one.  You take that fucking you bitch.. here that bitch you come and fuck Megan.”

“Ok so where we…”  Channing stopped and Megan was putting Jenna against the wall sat up against it her arms and legs still bound. 

“I’m watching her watch me get fucked by you.  This is over bitch.  The moment I see it in your eyes that you know who is better then I know we are fucking over.”

Which is exactly what Megan fox did.  She watched Jenna the entire time she was destroying her marriage.  She wanted to see the defeat the utter and complete defeat in Jenna Dewan.  That never happened.  She saw a settling her marriage was over but this feud was not.  Megan didn’t care what Channing did or said she just wanted to see Jenna break.

Megan kept allowing Channing to fuck her but she never broke Jenna.  The tears were about her marriage ending.  Megan came one last time but it was on Jenna’s face “Don’t come looking for me unless…It will be a worst beating.”  Megan Fox then hit Jenna with a kick knocking her out

(Upcoming:  Jennifer Walcott vs Sara Jean Underwood; Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler; Anya  Taylor Joy vs Hailee Steinfeld; British Fight Pit;Elyse Levesque vs Jaimie Alexander rematch)


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Re: Jenna Dewan vs Megan Fox Rematch
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2024, 09:39:17 AM »
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