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Twins vs Cousins

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Offline jozzan22

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Twins vs Cousins
« on: August 14, 2024, 02:34:30 PM »
Twins are a pair of 24yo and one of them got humiliate on a previous catfight. They come now as a pair looking for someone to take their frustration on.
The Cousins (right) have a mixed record in their fights with the taller one winning most of them and the short one losing on single matches.

Near the pool bar, the Cousins where laughing and commenting on how pathetic the Twins look. The mocking was heard by the Twins who rush in and push the smaller of the Cousins to the floor. After that was a all out rumble.

Which pair wins?
Twins are a bit older, Cousins do have more experience on singles matches.



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Re: Twins vs Cousins
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2024, 07:51:44 PM »
  Cousins win the fight, but the twins are sooooo hot.