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British Fight Pit: Marie Avgeropolous vs Ruby Rose

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British Fight Pit: Marie Avgeropolous vs Ruby Rose
« on: August 15, 2024, 02:44:53 PM »

Time for the main event and it was a fight that both women wanted.  Ruby Rose wanted to shut Marie Avgeropolous up. Marie wanted to prove to everyone that Ruby was no different than any other actress in Hollywood.

Ruby decided to enter first as she walked toward the pit the crowd was behind her cheering for her.  Ruby got to the entrance soaked in the atmosphere then took off her leather jacket. Ruby planned to fight in a tank top and jeans.  Ruby got in and shadow boxed for stretching getting her footwork down.  She turned as she heard the oohs and aahs of Marie coming down and behind Marie was Nina Dobrev.

“Well Well Well.. Now that Marie has to back up all her horse shit, she realizes she can’t and brings Nina.”

“Realized you have played this mind game with her for months.  You aren’t above what you do.  We both thought you’d like to have her out here send a message to her but I told Nina that you’d be intimidated by the two women capable of kicking your ass.”  Marie was already in her tank top and jeans.

Ruby was looking at Nina and Nina was staring through Ruby.  Ruby had started something there that both intended on finishing.  Their friendship was on indefinite hold, they had to settle up and there were feelings inside Ruby she couldn’t explain.  It was more than just punching she wanted to do to Nina.

Marie could see it she could see the veneer crumbling.  It was what Marie wanted and why she brought Nina.  “Ruby you are no better than the rest of us, at some point in this fight you’ll be desperate and go for my hair… Just like every woman does.  You’ll go for my tits in a violent manner and do all the things women do in fights that they don’t dominate.  After you do those things then and only then will I put you out and I’ll be the winner in so many ways.”

Marie was in the middle and took her hair out of a ponytail.  Marie freed her hair, her long beautiful hair.  Marie wanted Ruby to have full access to her hair.  “You will do it and you know it.  Don’t worry losing to me won’t diminish Nina’s desire to make you pay for betraying her.”  Marie took off her top and was going to fight in her bra “Time has come for you to fight and lose to me Ruby Rose!”

Ruby smiled at the sight of Marie’s skin “Amazing body” Ruby took off her tank top and threw it at Nina “When this is over you’re going to regret all the talking”

“Love your ink.  Think I’ll aim punches for that so when you go back to Batwoman the bruises I gave you will be hidden.”

“You never fought anyone like me.  I’m going to knock you out cold and you can go for my hair because I’ll punch you when you do.  You can try and claw at my tits because I will elbow you when you do.  I’m going to pick you apart and make you sorry for ever thinking you can do any of those things to me.”

The two women circled each other “I already see that I’m in your head you usually start boxing stance.  Hands up tight looking through and then you start to relax.”  Marie shoulder feinted twice then faked a punch which made Ruby get the hands up

“I know you got some talent so I’m taking you almost as serious as Nina.”  Marie watched ruby when she was saying that.  Watching the eyes especially and knew what was going to happen. She said Nina’s name and a quick glance.  Marie saw it and just as quick hit a right upper cut that put Ruby down on her ass

“I am disappointed… I thought your jaw would be much better I mean like you tell everyone… You DID THIS SEMI PRO.”

Marie then got to the middle and Ruby was up “Nina that much of a distraction or is she that much of an excuse for you when you lose that you want to make it obvious.”

Ruby was up moving left and right.  Shoulder moving and head.  She would fake a kick and Marie just wasn’t biting.  She stayed there hands down and smiled “I see that anger in you.  I know what you’re going to throw.”  Ruby put a jab out there to guage distance then a over hand right which Marie slipped outside hit a kick to the stomach then a cross to the ear and grabbed Ruby by the hair and threw her across the pit

“When did I tell you I wont be going dirty from the start.  This is a fight and I’m here to kick your ass but I also will send a message with the ass kicking I give that eventually you are going to crack.  All that ego.”

“What is your fucking issue with me.”  Ruby said getting up threw three punches and Marie blocked each then stepped in and scratched Rubys face hit a knee to the stomach and a gut wrench suplex

“I know what you are bitch… I know how you treat your castmates how you treat the crew.  When I’m done with you are done with the CW.  I take it all from you.”

“You don’t know what youre talking about.”

Ruby rushed in throwing sharp, precise punches but Marie was backing slowly away aand blocking watching Ruby.  No fear as she moved left arm up to block, right arm then on the fifth punch Marie Jumped the side ninety degrees and the upper cut really missed and Ruby ended up chest first on the railing in front of Nina.  Ruby turned her head They made eye contact and Marie slapped Rubys ass.

“You are so overrated and toxic… I am going to remove the toxicity from the CW by beating you and taking your reputation away.”

“you’ll do nothing”  Ruby said throwing a backfist

Marie easily leaned back from it but kept her feet planted.  She then cracked Ruby’s face with a right shovel hook that was perfectly thrown and dropped Ruby onto her ass.  “So predictable.” Marie faked a soccer kick and Ruby bit tried to block ended up having Ruby jump down for a cross body and rub the heel of her hand on Ruby’s face then stand up back away.

“I’m not done because I haven’t proved you are a ego maniac who is fake as fuck.”

Ruby got her back to the barrier and looked up.  “Ok you got skills but I’ll just open up more.  I don’t do the dirt and I don’t need to.”

“You will be because you are no better than anyone and all the actresses who do… the best strikers, best grapplers, big titted wrestlers who want to smother… none are as vile as you for what you’ve done on that set.”

“You need to shut your mouth you don’t..”

“I certainly do and I wont shut my mouth unless you shut it.”

Ruby got up jumped for a knee and Marie easily got away “Oh you..”  Ruby said but the speed of Marie Avgeropolous.  She could see the knee stepped back knew the speed needed and Rubys ego would mean she would say something.

Marie hit Ruby with two punches she was not prepared for “Canadian style time.”  Marie said grabbing the shirt with her left pull Ruby then hit a right and still hold shirt shed throw jabs while bunching the shirt. 

She let go of the front of the shirt grabbed the back pulled it over Ruby’s head.  “Hockey fight style.”  Uppercuts then threw Ruby across the pit and held onto the shirt.  “Now Ruby Rose lost her shirt and soon whether its her grabbing my tits, pulling my hair or go low… After that I knock this bitch out and make her pay for the hell on that set.”

“I have high standards and you CW need to step up your game.”

“I’m the game stepping up and when I step up you get put down.”

“I’m so tired of you.”  Ruby had a tight guard and was knocking down some jabs and then hit her own “You wanted this.”

Ruby faked a jab and h it a big right and that stepped Marie back “You have no idea what I am capable of.  One thing I’m not capable of or don’t need is that dirty shit you think I will do.”

Ruby went for a kick but the leg was blocked pulled and dragged putting Ruby down on her ass.  Marie then stepped on Rubys stomach “You will do what I said and you are not anywhere near as good as you think.”


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Re: British Fight Pit: Marie Avgeropolous vs Ruby Rose
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2024, 02:48:45 PM »

Marie walked around was hitting high fives with people “Hey bitch.”  Ruby got up “We  here to fight or….”

Marie faked a flying knee and Ruby protected against it instead Marie hit a punch right direct in the middle of the stomach.  Marie then back body dropped Ruby Rose but held her on her shoulders “Grab the hair or get tossed.”

“I don’t …”  Marie never waited faked the back body drop which Ruby was preparing to counter.  Marie sent her forward for a Alabama slam.  And a jump double foot stomp to the stomach drop to her knees and Marie had her knees on Ruby’s tits and grinded then got up and walked away.

Ruby got up rushed, threw a left which Marie blocked with her left elbow Marie then moved her right and hit the right wrist of Ruby Rose who was throwing overhand punch.  Marie then hit a left back hand and tied up Ruby making sure Ruby hands were near her hair.  “I got you.  The rage grows and soon the desperation will be there… Do it… Do what your instincts are saying.”

Marie could feel the hands open pull away go back into her hair.  A minute of this and then Ruby pushed away.  She tried to push away as Marie grabbed Ruby’s hair flipped her over a hip dropped on her stomach and gave Ruby’s tits a twist before getting up.

Marie spit in Rubys face then got up.  “Bitch.”  Ruby punched the ground and got up then took a deep breath.  Marie stepped in hand on Ruby’s face and pushed her down then legitimately kicked dirt on Ruby Rose.

Ruby got up “Enough.”  Haymakers blocked dodged then flipped over a hip.  Knee on stomach and mushed the lips of Ruby Rose and up again.

RUby stayed down tried to get her rage back and Marie stepped up and put her foot down on Rubys pussy “Mad is you… Get up and go down again.”   

Marie backed up, Ruby got up tried to stay calm then Marie took her down.  Marie hit a picture-perfect leg scissor takedown.  Marie Avgeropolous could end the fight with a number of leg locks but instead chose to spank Ruby Rose then give her a wedgie then yank her hair “You don’t have my skill or my meanness.  I will make an example of you and I haven’t even begun to do that.”

Ruby reached and scratched the inside of Maries leg.  Marie slid away on her knees got up and Ruby was pushing forward.  She slammed Marie into the rail and hit elbows then did she reached grabbed Maries tits “FUCK YOU!!!!!”  Ruby Rose dug in her nails into the tits and ripped down ripping the shirt off.

“bitch, you bitch you want to embarrass me… do you know who I am.”  Hand now in the hair pulling to her left and hitting right hands into Marie’s smiling face.  “I’m Batwoman , I’m Ruby fucking Rose and what I do on my set is none of your concern.”

“I’ll wipe that smile off your bloody face.”  She went for a knee and Marie caught it and stepped in and lifted Ruby up and dumped her down.  Marie had her hair grabbed and went down as well she didn’t care and began rolling around laughing.

They got up and Marie powered Ruby hard into the railing “End game now bitch.  Those bull shit complaints on your back being bad I’m going to make them real.”  Pull and slam.

After three times Marie pulled Ruby away lifted her up turned ans spiked Ruby Rose down with a perfect Double A Spin buster.  “I’m going to destroy your back and take you off the network.  You will apologize for how you treat people.”

“You want to wreck mental health and then bitch about you back.  I’ll break your fucking back just like I broke your fucking reputation.”  Marie pulled Ruby up by the arm and hit a spine buster where she used Rubys momentum hand between the tits lifted Ruby up in the air over her head and spiked her down.

Ruby bounced and Marie was not stopping now and slammed her foot down on the stomach and began to grind “You want to complain about a bad back… You will get  your bad back this is the CW bitch and you damn sure don’t need the Queen to do this I will.”

Marie picked Ruby up again, got her in a gut wrench position and jerked Ruby up onto her shoulders.  Marie jumped up and down further torturing Rubys back, Ruby had to hope she could find a place to counter all this and put in her offence.  She reached for Maries hair to flip Marie when Marie threw her face down.

Except that wasn’t what Marie was doing.  When she was jumping she was leaping forward and then all the power in her abs, shoulders and arms Marie power bombed Ruby Rose on the railing.  Rubys back hit just below the shoulder blades.  Marie watched people were readying to step in and stop her.  Marie got her head between Rubys legs pulled back dropped down for a power bomb with her knees up and that was what Ruby landed on Marie Avgeropolous knees.

Marie tried to stretch Ruby there but it was to hard so she kicked her away.  Marie got up grabbed Ruby Rose by the hair “Want me to stop… Tell them everything you did on Batwoman is truth not rumour and leave the show.”

Ruby did nothing so Marie swung her around and threw Ruby back first into the barrier.  She heard a whimper of ‘My back.’

Marie pulled away and swung Ruby even harder to the other side.  The crash was sickening “Did you create a toxic work environment? Are you a toxic overrated bitch?”  Marie had a badly injured Ruby Rose on her feet and only thing holding up Ruby was Marie.

“I’m not done.” 

Marie grabbed her arms around Rubys waist in a reverse gut wrench and lifted and spun Ruby in a tilt a whirl and dropped Rubys back on her knee “Yeah bitch you are.”  She changed her grip one hand behind the head and one between the leg and lifted Ruby up and slammed her across a knee again then stretched at Ruby “You are done say it.”

“No please you won don’t make say itttttttttt”  Marie pressed down on the chin adding extra pressure on Rubys back

“Its all TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.”  Marie looked up and saw it everyone realized how toxic Ruby Rose was on Batwoman.  She harassed co-stars, she made the lives of crew a living hell.  Now she also lost the reputation of how tough she was and how she was not like every other woman.  Marie pushed Ruby off of her and put her foot on Ruby Roses head and flexed

“I never lied, I beat her just how I said he would and proved what she truly is deep down and that’s toxic now you are off the show.”

Marie looked around and was hearing something.  Another fight was coming in and it had everyone excited then Nina eyes went wide hearing what was going to happen

(Upcoming:  Angelina Jolie vs Kate Beckinsale rematch; Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler; Elyse Levesque vs Jaimie Alexander rematch; Jennifer Walcott vs Sara Jean Underwood; Anya Taylor Joy vs Hailee Steinfeld)