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RQT II Qualyfying Match 1/4: Jenna Ortega vs Billie Eilish

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RQT II Qualyfying Match 1/4: Jenna Ortega vs Billie Eilish
« on: August 20, 2024, 08:18:27 PM »
The bell rang, and without hesitation, the two charged at each other.  Billie Eilish aimed a swift kick at Jenna Ortega, but the agile actress dodged the attack with ease.

Jenna retaliated with a powerful elbow to Billie's side, but the pop star deflected the blow with a well-timed block. The crowd roared with excitement as the two women circled each other, sizing up their opponent and searching for an opening to strike.

Jenna backed off, but it was not out of intimidation. As Billie watched with narrowed eyes, Jenna dropped into a boxing stance, her fists raised and ready to strike.
"Come at me, Eilish," Jenna taunted, a sly smirk curling the corners of her mouth. "Let's see what you've got."
Billie,  lunged forward, leading with a powerful right hook.

Jenna's quick reflexes allowed her to dodge Billie's initial attack and she followed up with two sharp jabs to Billie's temple.
Billie staggered back, shaking her head to clear the ringing in her ears. She knew that she couldn't underestimate Jenna's boxing skills, so she quickly changed tactics. She squared up, mirroring Jenna's stance and meeting her gaze with steely determination.
"Alright, let's dance," Billie growled, her voice low and dangerous. And with that, the two fighters began to circle each other once more, each looking for the perfect moment to strike.
They fainted punches.
The tension in the ring was palpable as the two fighters feinted and dodged, each one testing the other's defenses and looking for an opening. Billie threw a right hook, but Jenna dipped low and avoided the blow. Jenna followed up with a quick jab, but Billie managed to deflect the strike with her shoulder.
The crowd was on the edge of their seats, cheering and shouting as the two fighters exchanged blows. Every attack was met with a counterattack, and every feint was followed by a dodge. They were perfectly matched, each one anticipating the other's next move.

Jenna was focused on the fight, her eyes trained on Billie's movements, but she couldn't help but notice the way Billie's enormous breasts threatened to spill out of her bikini top with every feint and dodge. The thin straps of the bikini struggled to contain the weight of her ample assets, and with each passing moment, the odds of a wardrobe malfunction seemed to increase.
The distraction nearly cost Jenna dearly as Billie took advantage of her momentary lapse in concentration to land a solid punch to Jenna's ribs.

Billie pressed her advantage, using her breasts like a pair of natural weapons as she backed Jenna into the corner. The blonde bombshell's tits bounced and jiggled with each step, her nipples straining against the thin fabric of her bikini top.
"What's the matter, Jenna?" Billie taunted, her voice dripping with condescension. "Can't stop staring at my titties? I bet you wish you had a rack like this." She smirked, thrusting her chest forward and using her breasts to pin Jenna against the turnbuckle.

Jenna, never one to back down from a verbal sparring match, shot back, "Oh please, Billie. Those tits are the only reason anyone knows who you are. Your singing is about as talented as a cat in heat, and even if you had any real talent, you'd still just be another pair of big tits for people to gawk at."
Billie's smirk faltered for a moment as Jenna's words hit home, but she quickly recovered, her eyes flashing with anger.

Seizing the moment, Jenna channeled all her focus into a single, powerful strike. She unleashed a thunderous slap across Billie's face. The sound echoed through the arena, and for a moment, the crowd fell silent in shock.
The force of the blow sent Billie reeling, her cheek stinging and her vision momentarily blurred. She stumbled back, more from the shock of the slap than the actual pain, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Jenna wasted no time in pressing her advantage, racing out of the corner. She stopped mere inches from Billie's face, her chest heaving with the exertion of the fight.
Billie, still reeling from the slap, recovered quickly and glared defiantly at Jenna, her eyes blazing with rage. She refused to back down, even in the face of Jenna's intimidation tactics.
"You're going to regret that," Billie growled, her voice low and menacing.
Jenna just smirked in response, her expression daring Billie to make a move.

The few seconds of silence that followed the exchange of words felt like an eternity. The arena was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. But then, all hell broke loose.
 Billie lunged at Jenna, her fingers curled into claws as she aimed for Jenna's hair. Jenna countered with a swift kick to Billie's stomach, but Billie deflected the blow and wrapped her arms around Jenna's waist, dragging her to the mat in a tangle of limbs.

The two combatants writhed and thrashed, scratching, clawing, and pulling at each other's hair. The air was filled with the sound of grunts and snarls, punctuated by the occasional scream of pain.
Neither one was willing to back down, and the fight devolved into a struggle for dominance. They rolled across the canvas, leaving a trail of sweat and ripped fabric in their wake.

The crowd roared with excitement as the tangle of limbs rolled across the canvas, the women's bikini tops torn to shreds and their breasts bouncing freely in the air.
Billie and Jenna fought like wild animals, each one determined to emerge victorious. They exchanged positions, each one gaining the upper hand for only a moment before the other fought bac.The air was thick with the scent of sweat, adrenaline, and raw sexual energy, and the crowd loved every minute of it.

The fight was a blur of skin, hair, and furious motion, but certain moments stood out even in the chaos. One such moment was when Billie found herself pinned beneath Jenna, her face inches away from being pummeled by Jenna's fists.
Billie managed to wrap her legs around Jenna's waist and pull her down, smashing Jenna's face into her generous breasts. Jenna gasped for air, her eyes wide with shock as she struggled to free herself from Billie's smothering embrace.

Another standout moment occurred when Billie and Jenna, locked in a stalemate, each managed to grab a handful of the other's hair. They pulled each other into the turnbuckle corner, their bodies pressed together in a tangle of limbs and sweat.
The two women glared at each other, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they struggled to gain the upper hand. But neither one was willing to give up, and the fight raged on.

As the fight wore on, the insults became more vicious, more personal, and more cutting than ever before.

"You're nothing but a talentless hack, Billie," Jenna snarled, her eyes flashing with hatred. "You're a one-hit wonder whose only claim to fame is a pair of big, silicone-enhanced tits."
The insults were like sparks, igniting the already volatile fight into an inferno. Without warning, Jenna swung her arm, delivering a stinging slap to Billie's face.
But Billie was ready for the attack. With lightning-quick reflexes, she caught Jenna's wrist mid-swing and twisted, using Jenna's momentum to send her tumbling out of the ring and onto the hard concrete floor.

The arena was filled with a cacophony of voices, all chanting the same mantra: "Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd was hungry for more violence, more bloodshed, more primal combat.
Billie and Jenna, sensing the crowd's thirst for carnage, pushed themselves to their limits, ignoring the pain and fatigue that coursed through their bodies.

Billie launched herself over the ropes and onto the concrete floor, where Jenna lay dazed and winded.

As Billie moved to finish the fight, a sinister smile crept across Jenna's face. In the chaos of the arena, a fan had thrown a replica of the iconic Scream knife into the ring, and Jenna had caught it without Billie noticing.

Billie grabbed Jenna's hair, ready to drag her back into the ring and finish her off. But as she yanked on her hair, Jenna suddenly drove the blade of the replica knife deep into Billie's side, piercing the flesh and digging into her ribs.
Billie's eyes widened in shock and pain, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to comprehend what had just happened. It felt like her ribs had been shattered, the pain so intense that for a moment, the world around her seemed to slow to a crawl.
But despite the realistic look of the blade, it was purposely made to look sharp but actually had very dull edges, and was specially designed at the top to prevent Piercings
In her moment of agony, Billie couldn't process the fact that the blade was a replica and had been designed to prevent serious injury. All she knew was that Jenna had stabbed her and that she was in immense pain.
But as the seconds ticked by, Billie realized that despite the searing pain in her side, she was not bleeding. She looked down at the blade in Jenna's hand, and then up at Jenna's face, which was twisted into a smirk of satisfaction.
"You bitch," Billie snarled.

Jenna didn't reply to Billie's insult. Instead, she swung the replica knife again, this time aiming for Billie's face.
The blow connected with a sickening crunch, and Billie's jaw dislocated with the force of the impact. Billie screamed in pain, her mouth gaping open and her tongue lolling to the side as she stumbled backward, her hands clutching at her face.
Jenna advanced, her movements predatory and calculated. "You were never going to win, Billie," she said, her voice cold and hard. "You should have stayed in your lane."

Jenna let out a chilling cackle as she closed in on Billie, the replica knife gripped tightly in her hand. The arena was filled with the sound of her laughter and Billie's screams as she "stabbed" Billie in the arms, legs, and back, all while taunting her with lines straight out of a horror movie.
"Where do you think you're going, Billie? You can't run from me. Not now, not ever."
"Do you think anyone's going to come and save you, Billie? No one's coming to your rescue."

Billie was in agony as she crawled across the floor, leaving a trail of sweat and tears behind her. Her massive breasts swung pendulously as she tried to drag herself to safety, the skin on her knees raw.
With every inch she crawled, the sound of Jenna's taunting laughter echoed in her ears.
Jenna's eyes glinted as she watched Billie pull herself to her knees, using Jenna's waist for support. Billie's punches were weak and ineffective, her arms hanging limply at her sides as Jenna continued to hammer away at her ribs with the replica knife.
With each blow, Billie's eyes rolled back further into her head, her consciousness fading. Jenna watched with glee as the pop princess slumped to the floor, her body barely moving, her breathing shallow and labored.

"God, you're pathetic, Billie," Jenna snarled, her voice filled with venom. "Look at you, you're heavier than a fucking whale. No wonder you can't even stand up on your own."
As she dragged Billie's lifeless body to the center of the ring, Jenna didn't hold back on the insults. "And those tits, Jesus, they're fucking hideous! They're so big they look like they're about to explode."

Billie's voice was little more than a hoarse whisper as she begged for mercy, but Jenna's only response was a cold, ruthless grin. She tossed Billie onto her back like a sack of potatoes and then, with agile grace, she scaled the top rope.
Perched precariously on the top rope, Jenna surveyed the crowd, basking in the deafening chants of her name.

 Jenna launched herself off the top rope. With a single, powerful thrust, Jenna drove the replica knife into Billie's exposed pussy, the dull blade pressing against her most intimate parts.
Billie's body convulsed in pain and horror, her eyes rolling back into her head as she let out a strangled gasp of agony.

"Give up, Billie!" Jenna screamed, her voice filled with triumph and malice. "You can't beat me, you can't even stay conscious!"
Billie, her eyes rolling back into her head, managed to choke out the words "I give up" before collapsing onto her back, her body limp and still.
The ref rushed into the ring and declared Jenna the winner, as the crowd erupted into thunderous applause.
With a satisfied smirk, Jenna sauntered over to the edge of the ring, her body glistening with sweat.

Billie lay there, her body as lifeless as a broken doll. Her mind was awash with a mixture of humiliation, pain, and shame. She'd lost, and she'd lost in the most humiliating way possible.
She could feel the eyes of the crowd on her, their gaze like a brand on her skin. The realization that she was now a public spectacle, naked and with a toy sticking out of her pussy, made her want to curl up and disappear. She wondered if she'd ever be able to show her face again, or if the memory of this defeat would haunt her forever.


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Re: RQT II Qualyfying Match 1/4: Jenna Ortega vs Billie Eilish
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2024, 12:34:31 AM »
Billie is so hot!


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Re: RQT II Qualyfying Match 1/4: Jenna Ortega vs Billie Eilish
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2024, 01:22:31 AM »
Too bad it didn't help her ;D


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Re: RQT II Qualyfying Match 1/4: Jenna Ortega vs Billie Eilish
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2024, 08:06:42 AM »
Jenna is hotter!

What an impressive performance by Jenna, badly humiliating her big titted opponent. First time ever I loved the usage of a plastic blade. Great gimmick!

Truely epic match, one for the ages. Who's next?


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Re: RQT II Qualyfying Match 1/4: Jenna Ortega vs Billie Eilish
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2024, 09:35:29 PM »
Brutal match and hot. Thank you