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RQT Tag-team Qualifying match 1/4: J. King/ K. Dever vs H. Solo/ J. Michaels

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Offline whatever.

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The arena is buzzing with anticipation as the fans cheer and jeer. The spotlight shines on the ring, where four bikini-clad ladies prepare to face off. Joey King and Jillian Michaels stand shoulder to shoulder, while Kaitlyn Dever and Hope Solo wait in their corners. The referee signals for the bell, and the crowd erupts in excitement. With her ripped physique and fierce determination, Jillian approaches the center of the ring, staring down her opponent, Joey.

Jillian extended her arms with a smirk, inviting Joey to a test of strength. Jillian's muscles bulged with anticipation, but Joey remained unfazed. She stared back at Jillian with a calm and confident expression, refusing to be intimidated by her opponent's physical prowess.

Caught off guard by Joey's sudden charge, Jillian is knocked off her feet and finds herself flat on her back with Joey King mounted on top of her. The crowd is in a frenzy as Joey unleashes a flurry of punches, pummeling Jillian's face and torso with ruthless precision. Jillian grunts and groans, struggling to fend off the relentless attack.

Meanwhile, Kaitlyn Dever and Hope Solo watch with contrasting emotions. Kaitlyn beams with pride, pumping her fist in the air as she cheers on her partner's ferocious assault. Despite the barrage of punches, Jillian manages to clear the haze of pain and regain her focus. She knows she can't let this pint-sized powerhouse
humiliate her any longer. With a burst of adrenaline, Jillian summons her strength and bucks her hips, throwing Joey off balance. As Joey staggers to the side, Jillian rolls onto her hands and knees, ready to strike back. Her eyes narrowed and her lips curled into a snarl, she thinks, "This little bitch is about to die. Time to show her why I'm the queen of fitness."

With lightning-fast reflexes, Jillian seizes the moment and delivers a devastating axe handle smash directly onto the crown of Joey's head. The impact is like a thunderclap, reverberating through the arena. Joey crumples to the mat like a ragdoll, her limbs twitching from the brutal blow. The crowd gasps in shock as Jillian towers over Joey's prone form, her expression morphing from anger to grim satisfaction. "That'll teach you to mess with a pro," she mutters under her breath.

Energized by the crowd's reaction and Hope's bloodthirsty cries, Jillian turns her attention to Kaitlyn Dever. The two women lock eyes, their gazes burning with defiance and determination.Jillian sneers, relishing the opportunity to shut Kaitlyn up once and for all.

"You're next, sweetheart," she taunts, cracking her knuckles menacingly. "And trust me, you won't be as lucky as your friend over there."

Kaitlyn's expression remains resolute. "Bring it on bitch."

 But as the match continues, Kaitlyn watches in growing horror as Jillian manhandles Joey with brutal efficiency. The young actress is flung from corner to corner, battered by a series of clotheslines, suplexes, and spine-jarring slams.

Despite Joey's valiant efforts to fight back, her movements become slower and more labored. Blood trickles from her nose and mouth, and she can barely keep her eyes open as she's pummeled into submission.

Kaitlyn's knuckles turn white as she grips the ropes, willing her partner to find a way out of this nightmare.

Jillian sidewalk slams Joey half a dozen times. Jillian knows she should go ahead and pin her for the three count but she's having too much fun
Jillian is in the zone, fueled by adrenaline and the thrill of domination. She hoists Joey up for yet another sidewalk slam, practically dragging the limp actress across the ring. With each impact, Joey lets out a guttural groan that's barely audible over the deafening cheers and jeers of the crowd. Jillian's face is a twisted mask of sadistic glee, her eyes flashing with a predatory gleam. She knows she could end this match with a pinfall, but the rush of power coursing through her veins is too intoxicating to resist. With a flick of her wrist, Jillian flings Joey's lifeless body over the top rope like a sack of potatoes. The crowd lets out a collective gasp as Joey tumbles helplessly out of the ring and crashes onto the hard floor below. Jillian leans against the ropes, panting heavily, savoring the moment.

Kaitlyn, emboldened by her need to defend her partner, charges around the corner, but she's met with a swift kick to the face that sends her reeling backward, her head colliding with the floor in a sickening thud. Dazed and disoriented, Kaitlyn stares up at the bright arena lights, a high-pitched ringing echoing in her ears. She tries to sit up, but her body feels like it's been turned to jelly.

Hope grabs Kaitlyn by the straps of her bikini and begins to brutally batter her head against the unforgiving steel of the ring apron. Kaitlyn's limp body is reduced to a mere ragdoll in Hope's iron grip as she delivers blow after blow, seemingly deriving sick pleasure from each impact. She lifts Kaitlyn one final time before smashing her onto the floor.

Kaitlyn's petite breasts jiggle in a grotesque parody of their former allure. The once-proud actress is now reduced to a heap of disheveled limbs and tattered fabric, the aftermath of Hope's vicious assault. Both ladies descend upon Kaitlyn's prone form, tearing her bikini into ribbons as her muffled whimpers are lost in the frenzy of fists that rain down upon her back and forth, each strike jarring her body with bone-rattling force.

"That's right," Jillian growls, her fist connecting with Kaitlyn's abdomen like a wrecking ball. "Take every single bit of your ass beating you little bitch."

 Jillian and Hope hoist Kaitlyn's limp body into the air like a sack of feathers, unleashing Kaitlyn's battered form over the barrier, and sending her through the crowd barrier.

Like a discarded piece of trash, Joey's battered body is unceremoniously flung back into the ring. The once-vibrant actress now lies motionless on the canvas, her long limbs splayed out. They strip the young actress of her last remaining shreds of clothing, baring her nude body for the salivating crowd.

Jillian tags in Hope then hefts Joey's limp form across her shoulders like she's holding a stick with a pail at each end. Hope, wasting no time, ascends to the top rope before launching herself into the air for a massive leg drop.. She crashes down onto Joey's neck, the impact reverberating through the ring.

As the referee drops to the canvas, her hand smacks the mat with three deafening counts. The sound of the bell rings out, a final exclamation mark on Jillian and Hope's brutal victory.

Jillian leans against the ropes, her arms crossed. Hope, meanwhile, rises to her feet. The two women stand over Joey's broken form like conquerors. They have made it into the RQT: TAG-TEAM DIVISION and have zero doubt about being the last team standing-- No matter who they face.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2024, 07:59:52 AM by whatever. »


Offline whatever.

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Offline tr0tz

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A tag-team division!!! Awesome! So many more possibilites with four women in the ring. double teaming, failing tags, double humiliation for the defeated team.

And what an impressive win by Jillian Michaels and Hope Solo. This is a strong, strong team, a menacing force.


Offline whatever.

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You ain't kidding.

"Jillian Michaels, you're already claiming you and Hope the RQT: Tag champs. Why?"

Jillian: "Because I said so."
« Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 08:50:22 PM by whatever. »