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Mine.....All Mine

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Mine.....All Mine
« on: August 24, 2024, 05:50:07 AM »
"Mine...all mine", that simple phrase alone seemed to light my husband's fire. My husband Joe enjoys it so much that I started using it frequently, teasing him at the end of every message between us. Something playful like:
"Have fun on the business trip dear.  Although your eyes may wander, keep your hands to yourself ;)
Xoxo, Lacey
PS - Remember Joe, You're Mine...All Mine"
As a couple we've always had a passionate sex life.  Perhaps it's being married in our mid 20s, both in our physical and sexual prime.  Going to the gym together has become our favorite foreplay ritual.  Perhaps it's the pheromones that leave us unable to keep our hands off each other.  And then there's the sticky sweaty ravaging he gives me after.....
My husband always jokes that he's sculpted me into a "body built for the bedroom".  I once asked him why he likes my body so strong, to which Joe replied, "to withstand the pounding".  He always made me shiver when he said something so imposing and dominant.
Joe has this magnetic quality to him.  Something about his quiet, confident demeanor that draws gazes. The way he walks upright, his posture, deep voice, the look of a man always in control. Of course, with that comes plenty of female attention.  My favorite game is watching the reactions of women walking by, lowering their sunglasses in a double-take, swooning as they look him up and down, a wry smile while grooming their hair, or raised eyebrows between female friends as they notice him.
Naturally Joe is completely oblivious to all of this. But not his loving, territorial wife. I always make eye contact with these women; with a knowing glance as if to say, "hands off, he's mine". Call it a way to mark my territory. Little did I know how close I was to hitting the mark.
Amongst our favorite cast of characters at the gym is a bubbly blonde named Heather, who I've befriended... sort of. More like kept her close where I can watch her. Joe calls her the Head Cheerleader because of her enthusiasm as she wears her hair in pigtails on the gym floor. 
Heather is one of those insufferable attention seeking women who dresses way too provocatively for the a time where gym attire has gotten incredibly revealing.  I've never actually seen Heather lift a weight or use a machine, only making her rounds, prancing for all the admiring men.
There's a sauna in the women's locker room where Heather would wear one of those ripped up t-shirts with ample underboob hanging out and midriff showing. Something right out of a 1980s Van Halen video. While alone with her in the sauna, I caught myself comparing bodies with Heather's, our tanned slick skin dripping with sweat.  Both the same height, long flowing hair, juicy round ass and beautiful double D tits.  I laughed to myself and thought "wouldn't Joe love to see this scene unfolding with his wife Lacey and frenemy Heather".  Again, little did I know....
In fact, we have Heather to thank for our "Mine...all mine" motto.  One day I came out of the women's locker room to find the 'Head Cheerleader' with her hand on my Joe's muscular arm, getting way too cozy and flirty with my husband. I overheard "wow such big strong arms you have, Lacey must love these". 
Heather didn't see me behind her but Joe did.  I pouted in defiance, hands placed on hips and tilted my head to the side, appearing unimpressed while playing up the situation for Joe's entertainment. I looked Heather up and down while shaking my head to his amusement.
Having heard enough, I brushed past Heather's shoulder and grabbed Joe's other arm. I chimed in "yes Lacey is sooooo lucky to have this stud as mine, all mine". The two of us ladies each holding one of his arms as if we were lionesses refusing to share their prey. You could cut the tension with a knife as the three of us shared an awkward laugh. 
Of course Heather was wearing her official gym uniform with underboob and pigtails on full display. "What a slut!",  I thought to myself, as I made a note to wear that for Joe around the house as a surprise. I wasn't the least bit worried that Heather would actually try something.  She had this insatiable appetite for approval from men like Joe, but then again, so did I. Perhaps she was testing my boundaries in a game of "I could have your husband if I wanted to".  In fact, Heather's demeanor didn't change despite being caught in the act; her head held high, hands on hips with an air of sultry arrogance on display. I took this as Heather issuing an unspoken challenge to me. Well challenge accepted Heather.
As we parted, I gave Joe a seducitve wink and whispered to him "mine...all mine" yet again in the sultry voice that Heather used, not fully understanding the effect it had on him. But little did I know.....
You see.... I'm not a jealous person. I am however very territorial, especially when it comes to my man. And I used the Heather incident as an opportunity to mark my territory. I wasn't going to mention the incident in the car ride home but Joe was uncharacteristically quiet, yet I could see him sweating and sense his heart racing. Perhaps he was replaying it in his mind. I finally broke the silence with "our favorite Cheerleader was wearing that same outfit in the sauna", to which he replied "Oh I didn't notice her attire at all babe", as we both burst out laughing.
Sensing the tension release, I ran my hand up his thigh; not the safest distraction while driving. Joe finally prodded "what was your reaction when you saw Heather coming on to me?". I thought carefully before answering, not wanting to seem jealous, but instead displaying an assertive confidence that drives him wild. "I wanted to pull her hair by the pigtails" I said in the slowest sexiest manner, holding eye contact with him.  Joe abruptly shifted in his seat to readjust his gym shorts from hearing that innocent little response.
Eyeing the bulge in his shorts, I slid my hand over it while seductively saying "Oh you liked that answer, didn't you?", not realizing the bullseye I had just hit in Joe's daydream. "Remind me to tell you about me and Heather in the sauna" I said as I squeezed the outline of his cock in the shorts.  I was torturing my husband at this point by adding "actually I'll tell you that story when my mouth isn't so full".  I tugged at his gym shorts, pulling just the tip of his swollen cock out of the waistline.  I leaned over the seat as he clutched me by the hair, flicking my tongue across the head of his cock as he gasped.  I could feel him trying to push my head all the way down on his cock, but I resisted.  I just love making him wait for more...besides I wasn't done telling him about my time with Heather.
We barely made it out of the car and into the front hallway of our home before Joe's hands were up my tiny little skirt. He lifted my body up like a rag doll and pinned me against the wall. I loved the feeling of being overpowered by this large hulking man.  Pulling my panties aside, he slid his thick hard cock into my waiting wet pussy.  I bit down on his shoulder, tasting sweaty salty skin as I took each one of his deep thrusts.
Joe tossed me over his shoulder with my legs flailing in the air, carrying me to our bedroom.  He literally threw me on the king-sized bed as we animalistically clawed at each other. It makes me so wet when he overpowers me, but I haven't seen this level of intensity from him before. Joe grabbed a handful of my hair which stung with just the right amount of pleasure and pain, tossing me on all fours, spanking me so hard that it left a red handprint on my ass.
My husband clutched the flesh of my hip as he pulled me into his throbbing cock, while the other hand grabbed a fistful of my hair, making my back arch. You could hear the audible smacking of flesh as of bodies collided in ecstasy. I came all over his cock three times, each time calling out his name.  Joe was insatiable as if something primal had been triggered inside him. We love dirty talk in the bedroom and I considered myself a quite skilled filthy orator.  But curious enough, what finally made him cum so big that third time was something I withheld until just the right moment. 
"Does Heather know you're mine?  Your cock is all mine Joe". Hardly the filthiest thing I've ever said to him, but did that ever set him off. Joe forced my head down into the bed and let out a deep guttural grunt as he pulled out his cock and exploded his cum all over my back. We both breathed heavily in the ecstasy of giving all of ourselves to each other's bodies, sealing it with a kiss. "Now you've marked your territory too babe" I quipped, as we both collapsed in exhaustion.
As we fell asleep, Joe admitted that was the hottest sex we've ever had, as he was completely drained. "You better refill before my little surprise waiting for you in the morning" I teased.  "Thanks again...Heather" Joe said as we shared a laugh and I playfully punched him.
The cool breeze of the next morning came through our window as I rolled out of bed.  Joe was still sleeping, so I decided to let him rest before putting him to work again. I noticed Joe's laptop open in his office and decided to check my email.  As I opened my inbox, I was excited to see a note from a college roommate, Mackensie.
And boy do I have some stories about Mackensie.  She was my closest friend through all four years at school.  In fact, we resembled each other so closely that fellow students called us "The Twins".  We weren't sure if that was a reference to our similiarities or to our ample endowments however.  From behind, there was no telling us apart, both statuesque brunettes at about 5'9" with long legs, a tiny frame and curves in all the right places.  One time Mackensie's boyfriend Brandon came up behind us and accidentally smacked my ass instead of hers.  We both gasped as we turned around to find her boyfriend there who apologized profusely. 
Or so I thought it was an see, Mackensie had this wild side that only few knew. After being friends mere weeks, we found ourselves in Cancun, Mexico on spring break.  Mackensie had met a club promoter on the beach who invited us to his private cabana in the most exclusive nightlife spot in Cancun.  Both of us 'twin' knockouts wore a tiny white tank top, bandana and skimpy daisy dukes that drew attention from men and women alike.  As I walked up to the club, I couldn't help but notice the marquee sign that read "Wet T-Shirt Contest: Grand Prize $5,000".  Mackensie and I immediately locked eyes and I said "don't you even think about it" as Mackensie returned a devilish smile. 
"So this is why we're here, huh Mackensie?" I asked rhetorically while rolling my eyes.  "I might have let that part slip my mind, but five thousand dollars would pay for our trip three times over.  Now watch me strut my stuff on stage and cheer me on Lacey." Mackensie said.  "Wait a minute" I thought to myself, "who said I was playing the role of innocent bystander Kensie?  Unless you're afraid of a little competition"?  Mackensie grabbed my hand and replied "I knew a little vanity would make you fall right into my trap.  Now let's introduce this crowd to 'The Twins' in a show they'll never forget"  Why that manipulative little bitch.............
We walked onto the stage together, holding hands as the crowd went wild.  Mackensie pulled my body into hers, pushing her tits up against mine as the emcee dumped a bucket of water onto our waiting bodies, to the delight of the raucous cheering crowd.  I lost all inhibitions as nothing was left to the imagination, our tight white tank tops clinging to our curvaceous bodies. We both flipped our wet hair back in slow seductive motion. 
The emcee asked the crowd to determine the top three, as we lined up on stage to crown a victor.  Next to us was a spicy hot latina who was absolutely stacked in all the right places.  She might have won on any other night, but it was just her luck that The Twins showed up to outclass her.  "Good luck ladies" she said in the cattiest way as she exited the stage, clearly unhappy with being upstaged.
Now came the moment of truth between the equally endowed final two contestants.  As he raised my hand, the emcee said "is your winner Lacey?" to a deafening roar.  I smirked confidently, satisfied that response would guarantee decisive victory.  "And how about Mackensie" he asked as the crowd cheered loudly, but not quite to the level I had received.  "Well I think we have a winner, the new Spring Break Wet T-Shirt Queen is.......", but the emcee's voice quickly cut out. 
Mackensie now held the microphone......"I wasn't quite done with the competition", as she tore off what was left of her soaked t-shirt, helicoptered it over head and threw it into the delirious crowd.  Mackensie cupped her perfect double D tits together, playfully jumping up and down while they jiggled and shimmered in the neon lights.  The crowd reacted with such fervor that I didn't even have a chance to respond.  The emcee raised her hand and crowned her "Miss Wet T-Shirt Cancun", placing a sash over her shoulder, a crown on her head and presenting her with a large check for five thousand dollars.
"What in the hell just happened" I thought to myself.  I knew Mackensie was manipulative, but this one really hit at my ego.  I put on a big smile and gave her a giant hug, all the while it was eating away at my competitive side.  The crowd clearly wanted Lacey, I had her beaten before that little stunt.  Either way, I claimed it as a silent victory in our little rivalry, despite finishing in second place. 
Mackensie and I left that night with soaking wet hair and five thousand dollars richer. We had agreed to split the prize money no matter who won.  Mackensie tried to joke "don't worry, you'll get 'em next time champ", to which I smiled but silently stewed.   She even wore her crown all night back at the cabana as patrons congratulated her like some sort of conquering wet t-shirt queen.  I overhead her chatting with the handsome club promoter named Brandon, "my friend Lacey over there finished second", as she held up two fingers and gestured in my direction.  That bitch......
Months went by and Mackensie started long-distance dating Brandon, who would visit campus.  The first time I ever met him was the spanking incident, which was quite the introduction.  That night at our dorm we laughed again over the "spank heard 'round campus", Mackensie asked if that stung when Brandon smacked my behind.  "It definitely did.  I was hoping it was from a cute guy and sure enough it was" I said with a smile to get under Mackensie's skin.  "Why you little bitch" she replied as she jokingly punched my arm.  "Well then you should know he told me privately...'wow your friend Lacey has the most perfect tight ass, no wonder I thought it was yours babe'". 

I blushed as I wondered what devious scheme Mackensie was concocting.  Although we had become quite close over the past year, there was this deep seeded validation that she sought after.  To put it simply, Mackensie had to be number one, the center of attention, whether it was by her own prowess or by subtly digging at others to claim her rightful place.  Replying to her comment on my ass I finally said, "Well you tell me Kensie, you've left your handprint on it quite a few times". 
"Listen, I have a confession to make...I kinda set up  Brandon to spank you, just to see your reaction.  You seemed to like it Lace, and I think we're intimate enough friends that I can ask a favor of you?", Mackensie left her words hanging.  "I'm listening" I replied with serious skepticism, fully prepared to hear any crazy idea she proposed.  "Well it's Brandon's birthday coming up and....."..... I stopped Mackensie right there "No no no...I won't be your play toy in a threesome.  I'm not into it, plus It will ruin our friendship and your relationship".  Mackensie chimed in "Whoa whoa slow down there, I didn't say anything about a threesome Lacey.  Just hear me out". 
I'm certain that is what Mackensie was suggesting but sensed her shift to Plan B.  I heard her out anyway for my own amusement.  "I was thinking we'd surprise him with a little photoshoot, something playful and sexy, but only suggestive.  We wouldn't be hooking up, only wearing lingerie while we pose for the camera.  Think of it like a boudoir-style pictorial".  Hmm I thought to myself.  That was far more innocent that I initially thought and actually could be quite sexy and fun.  I had always wanted to glam it up for the camera, although I always pictured it being me solo. 
"Please... you're my best friend and the only one I feel comfortable asking this of.  Plus you're super hot and Brandon will lose his mind when he sees us in the pictures together".  As I pondered it I asked "and what exactly am I getting out of this, besides a set of pictures I can look back on and remember how hot we were"?  Mackensie laughed and right there she knew I was leaning towards saying yes.  "Oh Lacey, I'll owe you a huge favor.  Pinky swear with me, and you can redeem this favor at any just tell me when Lace".
"Well....there is this sexy dark red corsette with stockings and a garter belt that has been sitting in my closet, with no one to wear it for.  This might be just what the doctor ordered".  "So you'll do it?" Mackensie excitedly asked.  "I will have to buy that same lingerie set, I want us to look like the twins we are".  "Yes Kensie...anything for you".   Little did I know that this little investment would pay dividends years later for my husband Joe.
After this little daydream reminiscing about our wild party days, I realized Mackensie wanted to reconnect in person.  She was coming into town on a business trip so I naturally invited her to stay with us, as any close friend would. I couldn't wait to hear about the most recent 'Adventures of Mackensie' and what that little slut had been up to lately (or who she'd been under).
Mackensie had sent some old photos, in fact she attached the first picture we ever took together at a party in our dorm freshman year.  Also included was the photo of her being crowned at Spring Break in Cancun, it was the same old Mackensie.  And lastly of course, the hottest picture of the us on all fours from the lingerie photoshoot with a caption from her that read "Rememer this Lace?  How hot were we?".  I chuckled to mysef as I went to save the photos on Joe's laptop.  The folder defaulted to ""Lacey" which made me blush. My husband had kept all kinds of photos of me over the years, neatly organized in chronological order.
As I clicked around, I found pictures of our Hawiian honeymoon.  My most fond memory of our wedded bliss was that we couldn't keep our hands off each other.  I perused further to find these steamy sexy photos we took after too many Rum Tropical Punches at the Tiki Bar.  These completely slipped my mind but thought to myself "damn, do I look hot".  There I was in a skimpy bikini bent over the bed, looking back over my shoulder at the camera.  "I wonder if he jerks off to these when I'm not around" I chuckled. 
As I got to the end of the album, my eyes widened.  There I was on my knees with a sexy little pout, making eye contact for the camera as I looked up at Joe with his cock in my mouth for a nice POV blowjob.  I remember this scene vividly because Joe issued a "no hands allowed" challenge, which I happily accepted.  He promised to delete the more scandalous pics, but he likely couldn't resist this one.  Perhaps it might be time to take new photos for hands allowed.
As I was about to close out of the folder, the sidebar caught my attention with a folder named "Other" which naturally piqued my curiosity.  Joe keeps meticulous files with important documents, tax returns, etc. However.... I was completely caught off guard by what I saw......


Offline Dan Zone43

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2024, 04:00:53 PM »
WHAT? WHAT? What did you see?  Awwww, man, you're going to make us wait...


Online dalton

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2024, 06:45:17 PM »
Part 2 (continued)......

There were hundreds of pictures, of which I'm happy to say I was in each one of them.  Curiously, each picture was essentially a split screen, with me on one side wearing a sexy outfit.  Either a sexy elegant black cocktail dress, a skimpy g-string bikini or very risque lace lingerie.  On the other half was another woman wearing an almost identical outfit to me.  You could understand my confusion at finding so many of instances of these photos with all sorts of various women.  I didn't even recognize any of them, were they from his past?  Did he know these women at all?  Again, I didn't think he was having an affair, but apparently, he was quite the daydreamer. 

But what did this all mean?  Was he imagining a threesome in his fantasies in different scenarios?  Then it struck me....just like the Heather-induced foreplay yesterday,  Joe somehow got off on comparing me against other women...or at least I think that's what's going on here.  I scrolled down further to some older pictures and finally recognized a face. 

On the left side of the picture, I was in a skimpy bright yellow bikini I bought on our honeymoon in Hawaii. To the right of me was this sexy local named Leilani, both with hands on our hips, a flower in our hair and shimmering skin covered in baby oil.  The irony is that I remember taking this photo, in fact it was part of a larger group photo but the three other women in between us had been cropped out.  The edited version was simply Leilani and I standing next to each other.  Hmm....

At the resort over drinks one night, we had befriended four other couples also on their honeymoon.  We hit it off so well that all the ladies made plans to go shopping the next day while the five men played golf.  I can remember the specific surf shop where Leilani and I both laid eyes on that sexy yellow bikini.  I think Joe even snapped the group picture of us at the luau the next night, that is....before he edited the picture to his liking for his private collection.

Shaking my head at a glimpse into Joe's inner thoughts, I continued to scroll down only to find other familiar faces from our past.  There was Rebecca, our next door neighbor in the Manhattan highrise building we lived in while dating; both of us in tight red dresses at a New Year's Eve party.  Then there was Alina, his sultry european coworker in a classy business suit, pencil skirt, eyeglasses on and me in a similar costume I wore for Halloween. And even...GASP.....Heather the Head Cheerleader....I knew it!  As a streak of jealousy shot through me, I look at us in our yoga pants and cropped workout top standing side by side for comparison. 

I had no reason to suspect these women of any wrongdoing, it was a mixture of jealousy and intrigue that propelled me to understand more about my husband's fantasies.  But my detective work was only beginning as I continued to click away at his private collection.  I came across other folders with abbreviated names using only initials...."CF", "OW", "LW", etc.  Where these the initials of other women he was seeing or fantasizing about?

I took a deep breath as I dove into this new treasure trove of his spank-bank material.  My eyes widened and I let out "what the hell....." in a sort of relieved expression.  After getting over the intial shock of the visceral contents, I was left with no doubt of my husband's innermost desires.  Turns out "CF" was short for Catfight....which was the central theme of his private collection, consisting of thousands of pictures and videos I estimated. "So that's what my Joe is into" I wondered out loud, immediately realizing he's imagining me taking on the women opposite me in those edited pictures.

I scrolled through to find various scenarios of stunning women clawing at each other.  There were subfolders titled "Blondes versus Brunettes", "Naughty Nurses", "Secretary Showdown" and "Fightin' Foxes".  Curious enough, these photos seemed to be staged photoshoots, not actual physical fights.  The women really played up their facial expressions for the camera.  Glaring at each other in a catty staredown, posed in statuesque confident stances, each one certain of their superiority over their rival.  When locked in combat, they feigned a look of anguish while struggling; their mouths wide open pretending to wince in pain while their hair was tugged.  The "Secretary Showdown' photoset was situated in an office setting, with the two women tearing at pantyhose with one hand while they clutched each other's hair with the other.  Hmm... I wondered if this is what he imagined between me and that European tramp Alina from his office.

In fact, he seemed to be particularly fond of hairpulling, which seemed to be a common theme in his catfight collection.  But then again, who didn't love a little hairpulling? I know I do during sex.  Come to think of it, Joe got so intoxicated when he took me from behind and clutched a handful of my hair. There was something so sexy about him tugging on my locks, manhandling me as he uses my body to his pleasure.  Sometimes he would grab two handfuls, wrapping my hair around his fists like handlebars in total control of me.  Since his hands were no longer on my hips, I had to back into him, fucking myself on his cock with deep thrusts.

But I haven't known my Joe to be particularly into bloodlust or violence.  I was curious to know exactly why this turned him on so much.  Perhaps all handsome men with a healthy ego have a similar fantasy?  Was it that he enjoyed two foxy women competing over him just so long as no one actually got hurt?  The pictures on his computer were more girly-girl catfights that any man might imagine in a dream sequence of a movie, something like a pillow fight at a slumber party. I would have to confront him about this fetish that he'd kept hidden from me.  Perhaps he was ashamed of what I would think?  All the pieces of the puzzle started coming naturally I began plotting to use every bit of this forbidden knowledge to relentlessly tease my loving husband.

As I perused over the thousand of pictures and even videos, I tried to note specific things he might enjoy about this fetish.  I noticed the confident, proud posture of these women as they engaged in a staredown, so close that their ample chests pressed against each other, with hands on their hips, neither giving any ground or backing down in a prelude to their battle.  In the videos, it was the way they emphasized certain words with catty arrogance and air or superiorty, both certain of victory.  In the end one would be left humbled by their rival as the winner taunted the loser.  I imagined his reaction if I could catpure the very essence of his catfight fetish just perfectly. I would have to get creative but that's the fun part....wasn't it?

I clicked on yet another folder, "OW" which was apparently 'oil wrestling' consisting of dozens of slippery oiled up women, tiny white tank tops clung to their bodies, rolling around trying to get a grip on each other.  I though to myself "oh Lacey, now this might be fun to try...but with who?".  My eyes lit up as I came across a video he marked 'Favorite'. I opened it to the title of "Battling Blondes in Oil" with two stacked golden bombshells on their knees in their respective corners of a shiny blue tarp.  They both gave the 'fuck me' eyes to the camera, putting on a show as they poured the hot oil all over their body, tilting their heads back in ecstasy as they rubbed it into their tanned slick skin that shined in the neon lights.  As the bell rang to start their slippery showdown, they slithered over to each other in the most seductive way, grappling to get on top on their opponent. 
This was less of a fight and more erotic performace art as they panted and pouted their way across the tarp. Both taking turns feigning struggle saying "let go of my hair" with a desperate cry. Their skimpy tank tops had no chance of staying intact as each ripped off their opponent's, ending up topless, wearing only a tiny g-string bottom. Finally one of golden blondes mounted the other in a full body pin, tits pressed against tits, arms pinned above her head as the defeated blonde lay squirming underneath the winner.  The victorious blonde refused to let her up, preferring to savor the moment by blowing kisses to the raucous crowd.  "That would definitely be me coming out on top" I purred to myself.

Still searching his archives, I came across "TF", another personal favorite of his apparently. What could TF be?  Oh I should have guessed...Tit Fights.  Actually that might be my specialty given his love for my voluptuous 32 double Ds.  I clicked on an image to find two stunning lingerie models with their hands behind their backs, their busty flesh pressed into each other in heated competition. "Hmmm this one I could easily do for him too" I thought to myself......Maybe I'll hint at this scenario next time Joe and I got hot and heavy in the bedroom.

His tastes went on and on...."Muddy Maidens", "Buxom Boxing Babes" and "Lingerie Wrestling", with the last one reminiscent of the photoshoot with Mackensie for her boyfriend....."Oh wait....Mackensie!" I shouted remembering the spicy favor to be redeemed and her timely business trip. I imagined Mackensie's reaction when I painted the scenario to her.  How instantly would that slut agree to whatever devious scenario I came up with?  In fact I wanted her creative input so we can put on the best show possible for my Joe.  I had to laugh at what a unique fetish my husband had, and I was left in blissful ignorance all these years.  Did I miss all the signs?  Maybe I won't confront him immediately, but instead plan a surprise that will blow his mind...and his load.  Actually....the entire fantasy idea of competing over him with another woman, not just any woman, but my physical equal and sometimes rival Mackensie, was kind of turning me on........

I had been snooping around Joe's laptop for too long at this point and thought I'd better get back to bed before he got suspicious.  But not before a quick detour to change into a skimpy lace thong, that tiny crop top with the underside of my tits hanging out, all while braiding my hair into tight pigtails.  I snuck back into our bedroom to find Joe still sleeping, so I woke him up in the only way I knew how.  I snuggled up beside him, softly whispering "oh Jooooeeee" into his ear.  "Wake up my Joe, I have a special treat for you" as I rubbed his stiffening cock through his boxer briefs. 

Joe shook the cobwebs out of his eyes, still unaware of what was happening....that is until he felt my warm wet tongue on his balls, moving upwards, licking the entire length of his shaft to the tip.  A big grin came across Joe's face although he had yet to open his eyes.  "Honey, would you mind holding my pigtails while I take your cock all the way down?  And did I mention it's all mine....I can remind you's all mine, not Heather's...only mine".  Joe instantly sprang up hearing those words, taking a deep gasp as his heart raced and he clutched my pigtails, pulling me down. 

Now I had his attention.  As he gazed upon me, firmly grasping him in my hand, smacking his heavy cock on my tongue, I winked and asked "you like my outfit and pigtails baby?" to which he emphatically nodded his head.  "I was wondering if you'd like it after seeing the Head Cheerleader wearing it at the gym.  Can you tell me....who do you think looks better in it?"  Before he could answer, I took my husband deep down my throat, all the way to the base of his cock.  He let out a loud moan as I deepthroated him for as long as I could, feeling his pulsating cock throbbing for me. 

As I came up for air I quipped "Can't decide, can you?  Did I mention Heather and I were all hot and sweaty in the sauna together?" as I slowly stroked his stiff cock in an upward motion.   "You know, Heather and I are just about built the same...I was looking her tanned glistening body up and down.  Have you noticed that Joe?"  Another suck of his cock before he could answer left him speechless.  "I think you might have noticed dear, just call it a hunch.  Don't you think our tits are virtually the same size?" I teased as I slipped his cock between my waiting tits, leaving my tight crop top on so that it squeezed them together, engulfing his cock. 

Joe was beside himself with pleasure and a little curious at this line of questioning.  "Was Lacey onto me?  Did she think I was involved somehow with Heather?" he thought to himself.  I poured some lube down my shirt so that my tits became ultra slippery, his thick cock gliding between them in ecstasy.  "Who do you think has the hotter body between me and Heather, tell me babe", I left the question hanging as I picked up the pace of the titty fucking.  "No...better yet, tell me who has the better tits.  Do you think Heather could take care of your cock like this" as I pushed my tits together, capturing the entirety of his manhood.

"I know babe, Heather and I are equally endowed.....if only we could know whose tits were better in some sort of competition......a tit fight I think it's called?  Would you like that babe? Maybe we'll press them together while you watch?  Oh.....we can grab each other's pigtails like I promised you" I said with a wry smile.  That last visual was enough to send Joe over the edge, as his warm sticky load covered my tits, inside my already sopping wet top.  My husband was so drained that he could only lay there, his eyes closed again, unable to move or form a thought.  "Mmmm, I knew you'd like that one babe" I purred as I finally released his still stiff cock from its restraints.  "And thank you yet again...Heather.  We really owe her one, don't we babe?" 

"What was that" Joe thought to himself in disbelief, still reeling from this morning's ambush.  It's as if Lacey was reading his innermost desires.  If he only knew....

Later that afternoon, my cell phone rang. "Hello....oh hey Mackensie".  We had so much to catch up on and unbeknownst to her, devious scheming to plot.  After catching up on old times and an update on her romantic life I said "Yes I'm so excited to see you in town next week.  Oh and by the way...." I left the sentence hanging in the balance.  Mackensie finally broke the silence with "Lace, you only draw things out when you're too shy to share spill it!". 

I coyly announced "Well.....I have one extra special coupon to redeem with you Kensie.......if you recall".  "Oh my God, after all these years Lace" she laughed maniacally, "I was starting to think you had forgotten all about it, did those pictures in my email refresh your memory?" she smiled wryly.  "You know I'd never miss out on all the fun.  Count me in Lacey...I'm ready for anything."

"Anything?" I dragged out the word raising my eyebrows, "Are you sure Kenise?  Wait until you hear all the scandalous details I have in mind"  I warned her, purposely withholding the devilish details to pique her interest. "Well....tell me already Lace!" Mackensie pleaded.  "I'll have to show you in person over drinks, trust me we'll have fun with this one sweetie" I replied to her.  "Show me? Or you mean tell me?" Mackensie laughed, dying to know what she was getting herself into.  "Well both really....the visual will help explain but that's all I'll reveal for now honey" I said leaving her curiosity unfulfilled.   

Mackensie sighed in disappointment but finally chimed in "Remember what you said to me all those years ago....'Anything for you Kensie'?  Well ANYTHING...and I mean anything for you Lacey".  Just as I fell into her trap all those years ago, Mackensie had walked right into lucky was my husband Joe?


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2024, 10:18:59 AM »
Really detailed and hot build up. Hope that there's a catfight with Heather!


Offline rocknrick22

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2024, 05:09:27 PM »
Excellent story great writing. Great rivalry building. Building intensity and gradually escalating perhaps bridging into multiple confrontations and forms of competition to establish the alpha woman...


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2024, 05:44:18 PM »
Really detailed and hot build up. Hope that there's a catfight with Heather!

Amen.  Heather feels like the most potentially bitter rival.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2024, 05:49:49 PM »
This story is incredible! I'm squirming as I read in anticipation! The build-up is perfect and extremely sexy! This is right up my alley! I love the scenerio of a wife who will enthusiastically propel herself into fulfilling her husband's fantasy!

I feel like I am "Joe" as I read this hot story. Lacey is amazing. I'm hooked on her! I'm ecstatic for the rest of the story to be posted!

I keep imagining Lacey and McKensie...
Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2024, 06:16:14 PM »
I really hope "Lacey and Joe" stories will continue to populate the story sections. I'm reeling just from the first two sections of the build-up.

I agree with other readers about Lacey taking on Heather at least once, but I think Lacey having MacKensie "redeem the coupon" should lead to future sexy combat to both Joe and MacKensie's romantic interests. After all MacKensie craves be the center of attention!

Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2024, 07:03:13 PM »
What happens if Kenzie is still the center of attention afterwards?


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2024, 07:18:07 PM »
I guess if that happens, then Dalton will let us know. Lacey is full of inner strength, and won't fail to fight for what is hers! She'll have a grip on any rivals' hair if it calls for that!

Dalton, I think we are beating the table for the continuation of what looks to be a top-tier story!
Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2024, 07:30:44 PM »
Part III, sorry for the delay.  I probably should have finished the story before posting in parts
I greeted Joe at the front door as he got home from work.  I could tell his was still reeling from the fucking, and mind-fucking, I gave him this morning.  He opened the door, smiled at me with his head shaking, apparently still in disbelief.  "Something bothering you babe?" I asked my husband.  "Not at all Lace, although I was never so distracted at work like I was today" he said exasperated. 

You see....I had followed up on this morning's session by sending him a few nasty notes, timed perfectly with his daily meeting.  I only wish I would have seen Joe's face as he opened the messages in the board room.  I better be careful I don't get him fired actually.  "I'm going to need to know more about this picture specfically honey" Joe implored.
He opened his phone to an image of his lovely young wife bent over the bed in the aforementioned sexy red corsette.  "Do you know I almost fell out of my chair when I opened this in the meeting babe?  When was this?  And who exactly is THAT?".  He pointed to the edge of the picture, where clearly it had been cut off.  Next to me on the bed was another perfect round ass bent over doggystyle, accentuating the sexy arch over her lower back; wearing a white frilly lace garter belt with straps attached to sexy stockings and high heels. Her long brunette hair was cascading down her shapely figured as if she had just flipped it back.

"Oh that was just a wild night in college with one of my sorority sisters babe.  It's nothing to worry about, actually I meant to crop her out. I was hoping you noticed me instead."  I 'accidentally' forgot to crop out Mackensie's curvaceous figure and sexy legs.....or did I?  This kind of sensual torturing of my husband was just too much fun. "Oh I see now babe, I would have killed to be that cameraman" Joe said excitedly.  "Who knows, one day you might get your chance" I purred seductively at him. 

Joe was now giving me those eyes.  The eyes he made right before manhandling me.  Apparently he did have something left after this morning's draining session.  I knew I was pressing all the right buttons on him, but the slow burn of this tease was only just beginning.  "Actually speaking of my college years, my best friend and college roommate is visiting town two weeks from now babe.  I made dinner plans with her and I hope you don't mind, but I invited her to your birthday party.  Come look at this picture of me and Mackensie".

I watched his reaction only to see his eyes light up in delight.  I had carefully chosen a picture of me with Mackensie in formal black evening gowns, standing side by side, our arms around each other in embrace.  "Wow you two could be sisters" Joe exclaimed excitedly, his thoughts clearly wandering off to fantasy land.  "Actually in college, everyone called us The Twins.  Can you see why?" I teased.  "I think I met the Twins this morning babe" he smiled. 

"Anyway, I've told Mackensie all about you and what a wonderful husband you are.  She can't wait to meet you.  Now let's get changed for the gym where I'll share more college stories...if you can handle it babe".  But little did he know what awaited him......
About two weeks later, the night finally came where Mackensie was to arrive in town.  We planned on meeting at this swanky bar inside a fancy steakhouse in town where we were sure to get a lot of attention.  Joe had a weekly poker game with the boys, so we skipped our usual post-gym dinner in lieu of a protein shake.  "You can make one in the blender or I can whip one up for you babe" he insinuated without much subtly.  "Actually, I will take you up on that offer when you get home from your poker game. Maybe I'll search for the red corsette somewhere in that back of my closet" I teased, trying to get him home earlier so I could have his cock again. 

As I watched Joe pull away in his beloved Porsche, I put the finishing touches on my makeup and outfit, choosing a sexy but classy light purple dress that showed off my curves without revealing too much.  Mackensie was always one to be overdressed and I was not about to upstaged by her, especially on my home turf.  Suddenly, a curiousity came over me, more like an itch that needed to be scratched.  Walking into Joe's office, I immediately opened his laptop and navigated my way to his treasure trove of fantasy inspiration.  I clicked through, finding the "Other" folder again but interesting enough, the "last saved date" was as of yesterday.  "Oh new material from my Joe" as I rolled my eyes at how predictable he was.

Sorting by the most recent files, I clicked on a thumbnail only to guessed it....Lovely Lacey standing side by side with his new muse Mackensie.  "Jackpot" I thought, I had him hook, line and sinker. Joe proved to be quite resourceful tracking down her pictures on social media.  In this particular matchup, Kensie and I both wore skimpy g-string bikinis.  There we were kneeling next to each...or edited to be kneeling next to each other....on sandy beaches, tanned sunkissed skin and salty hair blowing in the sea breeze.  Hmm...was Joe imagining us rolling around in the surf over him, wet sand clinging to our bodies under the moonlight?  "What a hot visual, I'm beginning to understand his fetish" I thought to myself.  The question is...who did he imagining winning?  It had better be his dear wife of course.

I wonder how long it took him to fantasize about our subtle rivalry, was it immediately after laying eyes upon my friend's picture?  Perhaps he was imagining his initial encounter with Mackensie, while his bemused wife looked on.  The art of tease was best played as a long game, and I was already planting the seeds in my husband's mind, warning him of her flirtatious tendencies.  "Back in college, Mackensie would always flirt with my dates" I confessed to Joe in one such tease, fluttering my eyelashes while pouting my lower lip to him.  On the flip side, Mackensie would be happy to make their initial encounter a memorable one when I gave her all the sordid details. 


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2024, 08:05:58 PM »
Oh, yeah! Saucy, sexy Kensie will be ready and willing to make this a memorable "encounter!" I love the suspense! Joe is Lacey's home turf, so she will not be outstaged!

It's really hot that Lacey is open to MacKensie giving ideas, and then willing to share in performing an erotic competition for Joe! What a birthday!!!
Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2024, 09:24:08 PM »
Excellent character development on the relationship between Joe and Lacey...and background buildup. Dalton has written Lacey so smokin' hot it is going to be interesting to see if he can pull it off with the other women in the story.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2024, 10:44:39 PM »
Part IV:

When I arrived at the restaurant, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.  I was incredibly pleased with my ensemble tonight, "Dressed to kill Lace...." I thought to myself, turning heads as I made my way over to the crowded bar area.  This particular hot spot was a well-known market for well-dressed men of means and stunning women on the prowl.  There wasn't a single open seat available at the bar, so I decided to wedge my way between three handsome gentlemen in suits, who would of course give up their seat to a lady.  I placed my hand on the shoulder of the tallest man, who turned and smiled warmly to me. 

We had a brief intense moment as we locked eyes, a moment of instant attraction that made me quiver with excitement.  I raised an eyebrow as I gestured towards getting closer to the bar.  Before I could even thank him for allowing my passage, a familiar voice rang out "Lacey!".  I hardly even laid eyes on my old friend before Kensie had her arms around me, squeezing me tight with joyful exuberance.  Mackensie finally took a step back and asked "How are you? So good to see you darling", when I finally got the chance to lay my eyes on her. 

Kensie looked as delicious as ever, in fact she was wearing a very similar dress to mine, only a slightly darker shade of purple.  "I swear she knew somehow and wore that intentionally" I projected.  We didn't exactly plan on wearing nearly identical dresses, but we clearly have similar tastes.   As she approached me for a second embrace, I looked her up and down, marveling at confidently she carried herself, I had almost forgotten. 

Of course not much had changed with her thirst to be the center of attention.  Mackensie had been holding court with the three gentlemen, sharing stories of equal parts truth and fiction.  It was almost certainly the fictional parts that caught their attention.   Almost immediately the tall man pointed out "you two resemble each other so closely, you could be sisters, even twins", to which Kensie and I locked eyes and giggled to ourselves. 

"Actually everyone in college knew us as The Twins, but that is a story for another time" Mackensie teased as she adjusted the top of her dress, cupping her chest as she emphasized the word "twins" to him.  I had forgotten how effortlessly Kensie opened her bag of seductive tricks.  "Our table is ready but you gentlemen have a great night". She grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the swarm of suits in our way, but not before stopping suddenly in front of the tall gentleman.  Mackensie playfully grabbed his tie, adjusting the knot and ask "what was your name again honey?". 

"Paul" the tall man replied, as he took the business card from Kensie's hand being offered to him, clearing displaying his wedding ring.  "Well Paul, looks like you're taken...what a shame, but you have my card" she teased playfully walking away but holding eye contact over her shoulder.  Mackensie was indeed a pro with these sensual tactics.  Paul smiled back and said "a shame indeed", clearly game for flirting and fond of the attention.   

I widened my eyes at Mackensie as if silently asking her "what was that?".  She smirked back innocently and remarked "What?  The single men are no fun.....but the married that is where the challenge lies".  "Oh my god you homewrecker" I joked while lightly slapping her arm away.  We laughed all the way to our table, parading along as if our friendship hadn't missed a beat from all these years apart.  The truth was I loved flirting too, innocent flirting of course, as I'd always been faithful to my Joe.  But I won't lie, the attention of handsome men made me feel alive inside, just the same as Mackensie. "You've still got it Lace" I told myself, replaying the moment with him in my head.

And tonight specifically, Paul or whatever his name was....was mine.  Mine to flirt with from the moment we locked eyes, mine to pry open with enchantment, mine to see if, in another life, we might have dated...or fucked. Of course Mackensie immediately noticed the heat between us instantly springing into action, or at least that's the story I told myself. For all I know, she had set eyes on one of the other two men before dear Lacey showed up.  That stunt she pulled handing Paul her business card was intentional and to remind me of my place. Naturally this got my competitive juices convenient for what I was about to share with her over dinner. 

After we sat down at our corner booth, the stiff drinks started to flow; which meant excitement...or trouble, was ahead, possibly both.  "Don't look now but he's staring at me from the bar" Mackensie tried to say subtly.  Not one for subtly, I immediately turned over my shoulder, only to lock eyes with Paul yet again, sending shivers up my spine.  He held his gaze long enough with a knowing glance before turning back to his friends.  "I told you not to make it so obvious" Mackensie chimed in, we both laughed, reverting to our old schoolgirl level of maturity.  As I opened the menu, I hid my smile from her, confident that Paul was looking over at me, not Mackensie, despite what she may claim. 

After an appetizer and two glasses each, we were both feeling frisky from a nice wine buzz.  Not that it took much alcohol for us to be our devious rebellious selves.  Mackensie clamped down on both my wrists "Oh my god, I nearly forgot....tell me.  Tell me everything.  What did you find? What do you have planned? I have been dying to know". Finally she asked...I was wondering when the focus would turn away from Mackensie for a moment.   

"Haha slow down honey. I will start from the beginning and you'll get the entire story."  I debated whether to ease Mackensie into this fantasy world or just blurt it out.  Who was she to judge anyway?  Imagine the fantasies this slut has fulfilled for men in her time, it must be far more novel than Joe's egotistical desires.  "Well.....let me start with a visual", pulling out my phone with visual evidence to explain the situation.  I had saved a dozen or so of the split-screen pictures with myself and the other women in various states of undress off Joe's computer.  Mackensie held the phone and did a double-take as if she didn't understand the implication.

"Actually it would be more fun if you took a guess at where this is going Kensie" I challenged her.  Mackensie laughed as she scrolled through the pictures and said "Lace, I remember your answer to a threesome was clearly no, but is it possible that you're coming around on the idea?  And you're asking me to do the honors with you and hubby?".  "Guess again Kensie, not a threesome but you're in the right ballpark" I replied, drawing out the intrigue in her.

Bewildered by my response, she pondered "Hmm not a threesome, but clearly it's something with his wife and another woman, right? Is he just into watching?  I think that's it but never took you as being into women Lacey.  I've warned you before what you're missing out on, there's no harm in experimenting a little".  I had watched Mackensie make out with other women, usually on a dance floor beyond 3AM somewhere. I never asked whether she took things further, I could only assumed she had.  I smiled back at her, shaking my head slowly side to side, "wrong again Kensie but definitely getting warmer.  No lesbian fantasies in his head that I'm aware of, could say it is woman on woman". 

Mackensie even more flabbergasted now said, "Now you've lost me Lace, no girls hooking up but 'woman on woman' as you put threesome, so no sharing....I can't quite".....I took the chance to interrupt her train of thought with "definitely NO SHARING", emphasizing the words slowly and succinctly for her.  I enjoyed having this power over Mackensie, with her left in the dark about my intentions. 

"But here, let me spell it out for you". I took my phone back having drawn this out long enough and opened yet another picture.  I smiled devilishly at Mackensie and said "remember, you said anything...anything for you Lacey".  In frustration, she grabbed it the phone from me replying "oh give me that" as she finally laid eyes upon this puzzle she'd be struggling with.
" Lacey, am I seeing this clearly? I'm not sure I underst....".  I leaned over to her, whispering into Kensie's ear..."Catfight" I said in the most seductive way possible, pulling away from her with a wry smile on my face.  Mackensie did another double-take, viewing my phone again and zooming in for a better look.  She sat back, her eyes widened with pleasant surprise...."ohhhhh....woman to woman, no sharing" with a look of revelation on her face.    

Mackensie readjusted in her seat and excitedly giggled "Oh my god Lace, you were right.  This could be so much fun".  The initial photo was situated in an opulent hotel suite where two lingerie clad beauties kneeled opposite each other on a king sized bed.  One blonde, one brunette, their long limbs entwined in a battle for supremacy, clutching at each other's lace garter belts.  The brunette held the advantage with a handful of the blonde's hair, having pulled her head back with an expression of anguish on the blonde's face.  Mackensie scrolled through the entire photoseries comprised of about ten pictures, each time raising an eyebrow and then looking up at me with sheer delight.  "Naturally the brunette won" she exclaimed, reaching the end of the pictorial. 

"I really had no idea where you were going with this but now I can say.....this is a welcomed surprise....what a lucky motherfucker your husband is.  Yes, I'll do it." Mackensie insisted.  Astonished at her bravado, I replied " What do you mean 'yes I'll do it'?  I wasn't asking, you already signed up for it bitch!" to which we both cackled in laughter. Just at that precise moment, the waiter interrupted and asked us about another round of drinks, to which we happily agreed. 

"I'm pretty sure the waiter saw that last picture" Mackensie realized out loud, "He must be wondering what sort of kink we're into" she quipped as we clinked our glasses together in salute, howling with delight.  As I polished off the remaining wine, I felt eyes set upon me from across the room, only to find Paul glaring at me yet again, this time with a brief smile.

"I have so many questions" Mackensie broke my train of thought.  "He didn't share this with you?  You stumbled upon this how?".  The waiter arrived with our third round of drinks and I used this opportunity to slip away to the bathroom.  Maybe it was the trendy scene, my renewed acquaintance....or the alcohol, but I had this incredible feeling of power and self-confidence as I freshened myself up in the mirror.  "Damn, I look hot" I thought to myself, realizing I haven't had this much fun in a while. 

Afterwards, I found myself in a long darkened corridor on my way back to the dining area, lined with patrons waiting for the bathroom.  A familiar face appeared just up ahead; it was Paul making his way along the narrow hallway, stepping back and gesturing that he'd made room for my passing.  Paul didn't, however, leave me much room at all.  I took the opportunity to claim what was indeed mine, maybe just for that night perhaps. 

Mouthing  the words "thank you", I slowly turned my back to him, tilting ever so slightly at the hip and brushing my lithe body against his physically imposing one. My luscious ass made contact with his suit pants, I looked back over my shoulder to make eye contact, sensing the bristles of his beard in my hair as I could feel him breathe me in deeply.  "No Mackensie, he was looking at me" I thought to myself in silent satisfaction. 


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2024, 04:38:07 AM »
Am I understanding that this is an invitation to fight for a sexual encounter with Joe?
Life is boring without adventure.