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Mine.....All Mine

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Online dalton

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2024, 03:12:45 PM »
Got to keep this one going. I want one of the “bad” girls to win at least one with Lacey so bad. I’m sorry Heather and Kensie are freaking hot with the trash talk. I know for sure the pics are awesome on top of the great set up for whatever unfolds. Kensie vs Lacey id pick Kensie. in a poll.  In a Heather and Kensie poll I’d pick Heather. I don’t know why but the use of Heather is expertly used so far. Please by all means don’t let me hold you up. Best story I’ve read in a while.

Thank you working on the next installment. Hopefully won't keep you waiting too long


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2024, 06:11:40 PM »
You are an expert at doing sexy build-ups!  Really hot chapter!
Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2024, 05:01:28 AM »
It's funny, the previous post was the one where I felt like the buildup had stalled and the action needed to start really soon, but this last one was so good that I could wait a few more now.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2024, 05:55:06 AM »
It's funny, the previous post was the one where I felt like the buildup had stalled and the action needed to start really soon, but this last one was so good that I could wait a few more now.

Hah, sorry for such a long build up.  I originally started the story with someone reading it as erotic audio, and perhaps that format works better with the build up.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2024, 09:48:41 PM »
Just got around to reading this story and it's very well written  :)


Online dalton

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2024, 07:17:26 AM »
Part VIII (continued):

Later that afternoon, I invited Mackensie over to tour our home before a shopping trip for our "uniforms" as we called it.  Of course I didn't give Joe any advance warning, preferring to catch him off guard with more surprises.  "Expecting company?" Joe asked hearing a knock outside.  My husband swung the front door open to find Mackensie looking as hot as ever in a tiny sundress.  "Well aren't you going to invite me in?" Mackensie implored, giving him a wink as Joe stood there dumbfounded.  Naturally, I had to match Mackensie's outfit with a sexy sundress of my own, not to be outdone in my own home in front of my dear husband.

Mackensie slithered passed him, sliding a hand across his chest, as she made her way into the kitchen to greet me.  After a big hug, Kensie whispered in my ear intentionally for Joe to see.  We both giggled, "Oh honey, I forget to mention we are going to the mall to do what we do  I hope that's ok" I said with the poutiest little expression, batting my eyelashes at him. "Anything for you dear" Joe quickly agreed, imagining the visual of our shopping trip.

"What a lovely home you have" Mackensie exclaimed wandering around the expanse of the open concept kitchen into the living room with a vaulted ceiling.  "Come on, let me show you around" I grabbed her wrist as we headed towards the backyard patio.  I proudly showed off the new pergola and kitchenette we had built next to our infinity pool.  "Wow, all this luxury and a stud for a husband?  Lacey, you really hit the lottery" Mackensie purred at us.  Joe couldn't hide the giddy smile on his face, but quickly caught his composure in an attempt to change the subject.

"So Mackensie....things got pretty intense today at the gym" he suggested, moving on to this favorite topic.  Mackensie and I made eyes at each other, raising our eyebrows.  "Oh that little confrontation with what's her name?  She's a clearly a pretender.  I knew a girl just like her in college.  Lace, do you remember that sorority girl Carolina in Alpha Phi?" Mackensie steered the topic.  I was unsure of where this story was going, but Kensie was certainly an expert in improvisation.  "Actually I do remember her, the tall curvaceous brunette?  Easily the hottest girl in her sorority.", without an inkling of who this woman was.

"That's the one Lace.  Do you remember the charity fundraiser both of our sororities participated in?" Mackensie asked, winking at me as if to play along.  "Sure I do....but remind me of the details" I replied sarcastically, fascinated with what fairy tale she'd come up.  "Well Joe" she said slowly, touching his arm "Lacey and I had the bright idea of a charity mud wrestling event between rival sororities".  I immediately spit out a gulp of the cocktail I had just sipped, partially from shock, partially from being impressed with Mackensie's imagination.

You see....I do recall the fundraising event.  I remember it fondly because I won first the annual campus bake sale for charity.  The event was hardly the picture Kensie painted in Joe's head of scantily clad co-ed babes rolling around in a mud pit.  In fact, I had raised the most money with a chocolate pudding cake I baked.  Actually that might have made a better substance for wrestling, plus this story would have had some semblance of truth to it.  Still, mission accomplished by Mackensie.

"Actually I do remember that event Kensie. Didn't you and Carolina wrestle in the main event in front of hundreds of rowdy fraternity boys?" I added, going along with her tall tale.  We laughed while Joe's eyes lit up, eager to her more in excruciating detail.  "The crowd demanded that the two hottest girls in each sorority take each other on, to decide which house was superior" Mackense said confidently.  I furrowed my brow a bit at that subtle dig, knowing full well that I was as hot, if not hotter than my friend here.  But I went along with it for the sake of the story, trying to be a good soldier. 

Joe sat on the edge of his seat demanding to hear more, and I didn't have the heart to tell him it was fictitious.  "There we were on our knees in the mud pit diagonally from each other before the wrestling match started.  Carolina tried taunting me by slinging mud in my direction, but I ignored her and played to the crowd instead by lathering up my body with the mud."  I rolled my eyes at the level of detail...and deceit, but had to admit I was impressed by Mackensie's creativity.  "Ready to be pinned down in front of the entire university?" Carolina cattily asked her.  "How humiliating it will be to beg for mercy" Mackensie returned with her own venomous remark.

"The referee then quieted down the this corner, from Alpha Phi...she's a spicy little pepper...the Carolina Reaper" Mackensie relived the moment, sort of.  I rolled my eyes yet again but chimed in, "Oh yes I remember, and in this corner, from Chi Omega.....Marvellous Muddy Mackensie" I mocked her recollection.  The referee then signaled the start of the showdown with his whistle.  The crowd went ballistic as these two heavenly bodies collided, initially grabbing each other's arms as they struggled to gain control of their opponent. 

"Carolina forcefully pulled me down with her into the mud.  We went rolling back and forth, with each of us mounting the other at least three times." Mackensie claimed, having watched that sequence in one of the videos I shared with her.  "Eventually, I ended up flat on my stomach, lying there helplessly with Carolina sitting on my back.  She tugged at my hair so hard, grabbing a fistful" Mackensie continued, demonstrating by grabbing her own hair and holding her head as if it was yanked backwards.  Joe gave an audible "Ohhh" as she gripped her own locks, hairpulling was one of his favorites after all. 

"Oh yes, I remember the look on your face when you tapped out Kensie" I chimed in with a sly smile, insinuating how much I enjoyed the idea of Mackensie losing for once.  "You do Lace?" Mackensie said not quite amused that I had interrupted her story.  "Then I remember Carolina taunting you Kensie, saying she thought you'd put up more of a fight" I added. Mackensie regained control of the storytelling,  "Well Joe, even though Carolina took the first round, with cheap tactics I might add, I got so upset that I vowed revenge. In fact, I won the second round in exactly ten seconds, tossing her down into the mud and sitting on her chest so that she couldn't move.  The referee counted to five, although I stayed on top of Carolina for nearly a full minute" Mackensie said animatedly, again having seen the tactic in one of the videos.  "Not so hot now, are you sweetheart?" Mackensie taunted her in return.

"And the final round" Joe asked eagerly.  I took the opportunity to jump in again, "By the third round, the girls were nearly indistinguishable in all that mud.  I couldn't tell which body to cheer for".  The two combatants were exhausted and breathing heavily before the start of the decisive third round.  "I went over to Mackensie's corner and toweled off her face, then I told her she can't let the sorority down" I helped with the details.  As the third round began, the battle had taken its toll on the very skimpy tops each wrestler was wearing, not that they had much structural integrity in the first place. 

"Carolina reached for my tank top, pulling it apart and stretching it until it tore.  I can recall how much the crowd enjoyed that part." Mackensie remarked amused with herself.  "Why is it always about tits with Mackensie" I silently stewed to myself.  "Then she used my top to pull me down, while she rolled on top, straddling me" Mackensie continued, making it sound more like a sex position.  "But I fought back valiantly, by clutching her shirt and tearing it apart until her tits were as free as mine." she said as if she were some conquering war hero. 

"I guess you could say it was topless mud wrestling, isn't that your new favorite sport Joe?" she said giggling.  I rolled my eyes again, seeing Joe completely fixated on this fable.  "We rolled around some more, body to body, struggling for control.  In the end, I mounted Carolina, trapping her beneath me as she squirmed to break free.  I eventually made her submit by smothering her face with my tits" Mackensie concluded in a way that only she could.  "And that is the story of how Chi Omega gained it's reputation for having only the hottest sorority girls on campus, all thanks to you Kensie" I said gleefully.  "Oh...I also started dating Carolina's boyfriend right afterwards.  As if defeating her in front of the entire campus wasn't enough" Mackensie deviously stated.  " homewrecker" I thought inwardly for the second time in a matter of days.

After the poolside fun and storytime had concluded, I took Mackensie up the spiral staircase to the upstairs level.  Entering the large master bedroom, Mackensie couldn't help herself but blurt out "so this is where it's all going down?", not realizing my husband had silently followed us up the stairs, likely gawking at our perfectly plump asses.  "Where what's going down?" Joe asked with intrigue.  Mackensie and I made eyes at each other as I playfully slapped her arm for almost giving away our plan.

"Nothing let's go to the kitchen for coffee....we need help picking out photos from today's shoot" I said, as part of our plan unfolded.  "I already have a few favorites set aside" Joe proudly said, having given away too much.  "Oh you do?" Mackensie playfully shook her head at him, "would one of the favorite pics be me raising my arm in victory?". She was meticulously executing our script as I pretended to grow frustrated with her insinuation of triumph. "For the second time Kensie, you can't win a staged boxing match, with only photos no less". 

"Actually there is one pic of you two with Heather in the background, as she's walking into the boxing studio", Joe said, unable to help himself bringing the blonde up.  "Oh...Heather" Mackensie rolled her eyes, "I would easily take her down.  If anyone deserve to be knocked out, it's Blondie".  "Oh stop Kensie" I intervened, "you're strong but not strong enough to knock out Heather. On the other hand, I would make quick work of her".  Joe's eyes darted quickly back and forth between us as the debate raged, unsure if he had drifted into some other parallel universe as the world's luckiest man. 

Now completely flabbergasted, Mackensie breathed in, "Lacey....sweetheart, we both know you're not as strong as me.  You're just exaggerating in front of your husband".  I laughed and replied "Mackensie....darling, if you think you're so strong, why don't we arm wrestle right here and now to settle this?".  My thoughts flashed back to dinner at the steakhouse, where Mackensie had suggested a test of strength.  Without a word of response, Mackensie pranced her way over to the kitchen island, bent over seductively at the hip, placing her elbow down on the table as an invitation for me to join her. 

Joe turned to look at me, anxious to see my response to this brazen challenge from Mackensie.  Also without response, I walked over to the kitchen island to meet her, interlocking the fingers of my right hand with her's.  We focused intense gazes at each other in a staredown, neither blinking or batting an eye at her opponent.  Of course, we had drunkenly rehearsed this charade over dinner, not having gone through with the actual contest, only the sexy build up.  Mackensie and I never discussed the actual competition, perhaps neither wanting to admit defeat.

Joe walked over for a better view after the initial shock wore off.  "May the best woman win" I finally broke the silence, having stolen the line from one of Joe's catfight videos. Mackensie and I sprung into action, clenching our grips for supremacy as we struggled to a stalemate initially.  Both of us played up the panting and pouting, letting Joe know how badly each of us wanted to taste victory.  Leaning my body for leverage, I was able to gain a slight advantage, budging Mackensie's hand merely inches from being pinned. 
Her pride and competitive nature kicked in, squeezing my hand tight and making up the ground she had lost.  Locked in yet another stalemate, my arm burned with an intense fire as my stamina began to fade.  Sensing the advantage, Mackensie reached for whatever strength she had left in her gas tank, slowly budging me to the brink of defeat.  I managed to hold off her onslaught momentarily....that is until I succumbed to the mounting pressure of panic.  Mackensie emphatically slammed my hand down, like a final bell sounding in dramatic victory.

Naturally Mackensie celebrated with a little dance around the kitchen, swaying her hips side to side, holding her arms overhead in victory.  She taunted me in front of my husband, "who's the better woman now Lacey?" looking directly at Joe, which really got my blood boiling.  This was supposed to be staged and for fun, but of course our competitive nature had gotten the best of us.  "Perhaps you've forgotten Mackensie...but your old friend Lacey.... is left handed" I replied, placing my left elbow on the countertop for an immediate rematch. 

If there's one weakness Kensie has, it's her ego.  That immeasurably large ego had gotten her into trouble before, with no end in sight.  Without hesitation, Mackensie returned to the kitchen island, "Right arm....left doesn't matter when I'm simply stronger than you Lace", teasing me playfully.  "Whenever you're ready Kensie, unless you're afraid you can't win again" I said mocking her in a serious tone, not at all amused at being defeated and taunted by her in my own front of my own husband.  Joe gave the signal to start the rematch, but this time I got a quick jump on my rival. Although she gave token resistance, the entire altercation lasted roughly five seconds, with me slowly overpowering Mackensie in a steady yet forceful fashion.  The panic I had felt merely moments ago was now in her eyes, unable to stem the tide of defeat.  I stared directly at her, savoring my moment of dominance over her.

"Well....looks like I'm the better woman now Kensie", having snapped back from my intensely competitive temporary insanity.  "I don't know about that Lace, seems we are just about equally matched" Mackensie countered.  "Despite me winning so easily just now? I seem to recall a spirited battle with your strong arm Kensie" I retorted. We both shared an awkward laugh, shaking out our arms that still burned with exhaustion, satisfied with our draw....for now.
"Ok...who is ready for the decisive third round?" Joe posed the question lingering in the air.  "Oh shut the fuck up Joe....we need to get shopping before the mall closes".


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2024, 08:13:14 AM »
Ugh, I’m with Joe on this one. Round 3 please. I like Kenzie, A lot!!


Offline emmaduncxn

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2024, 05:07:43 PM »
this is one of the best in this site in a very long time.

a three-way catfight is inevitable. can already imagine Heather, Kensie and Lacey having a hand in one another's hair. likely in matching outfits and pigtails.


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2024, 04:15:36 AM »
I am dying to read the account of two of these sexy ladies getting into a catty wrestling match, or maybe a tit fight!  By now, I have imagined a mix of competitions... Lacey vs. Kensie, Kensie vs. Heather, and Lacey vs. Heather!  Of course, like Joe, I have a menu of hot competitions that I would like to see these ladies perform!
Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2024, 04:31:06 AM »
Dalton, your story is fantastic!  The suspense has been torturing me, though.  My impatience has led to me writing another story.  My story picks up after the wrestling matches at the swingers' club, while on vacation. Anyone can find the story in the "Wrestling" story section.  It's titled, "Swinger Club Vacation."  The new story will be posted here in the "Catfighting" story section.  I have most of it written, and am working on it, now! 

Now to Dalton: I'm dying for Lacey to get wild in a show for Joe!
Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2024, 11:33:16 PM »
Part IX (Continued):

Mackensie and I endured an awkward silence on our drive over to the mall.  Perhaps she was daydreaming the same as I was, both of us savoring the unexpected thrill from the heat of competition, especially from such an equally matched rival.  "Where should we start" I finally broke the silence, "department store, shoes.....lingerie?" I asked raising my eyebrows.  Mackenise immediately perked up, shopping being our shared guilty pleasure.  "Nothing like a little retail therapy Lace....or in this case, retail fantasy?" she responded.  The Twins shared a laugh, our friendly demeanor restored, having broken the icy tension between us.

"Cocktail dresses, let's start there.  Something elegant yet sexy for his surprise birthday party" Mackensie suggested.  In our brainstorming session over dinner, Kensie and I agreed that Joe's upcoming birthday was the perfect opportunity to make his fantasy a reality.  Being his dear wife, I would take Joe to a ritzy downtown hotspot for a romantic dinner.  Since we'd be in Manhattan, I'd suggest us spending the night at our penthouse apartment, for some steamy birthday surprises.  If he only knew.....

Mackensie and I continued to strut our way through the mall, running the gauntlet of gawking male admirers, their jealous wives looking us up and down.  Mackensie relished turning heads, making eye contact with anyone staring too long.  It was her way of acknowledging the uptight outclassed women in particular, her way of saying "I'm hotter than you honey" through body language alone.  Kensie returned a smirk at the upstaged wives in the most condescending way.  "This is my favorite boutique shop, we'll find just the right uniform here...I mean dress" I corrected myself.

Immediately Mackensie and I were drawn to a simple yet sexy black cocktail dress, one that would frame our figures perfectly.  The classic simplicity of the design would be perfect for a romantic evening on the town with my Joe.  Of course, our devious planned called for Mackensie to appear at the surprise afterparty in our penthouse apartment wearing the same exact dress.  I could imagine Joe's reaction when he saw us side by side, a full-on comparison in the flesh to ignite his desires.  Mackensie and I would feign shock over the coincidence, agreeing that we have similar tastes, and of course capturing the moment by asking Joe to take our picture.

The Twins slipped into the dressing room together, which wasn't nearly big enough for two.  The custom taper of the cocktail dresses clung to our nearly identical figures, while leaving just enough to the imagination.  Kensie and I stood side by side, peering into the mirror, pleased with the visual before us.  Naturally, Mackensie being Mackensie, cupped her tits together, boosting them up to enhance the amount cleavage spilling out of her top.  Taking notice out of the corner of my eye, I made a similar adjustment to match the amount of skin on display.  "Hey Lace, is this too tight on me or have my tits gotten bigger?" Mackensie asked, knowing the answer full well. "Always with the tits" I subtly shook my head in silence.

"These are just perfect, just look at us" Mackensie exclaimed as she grabbed my waist, pulling me into her as we posed for the mirror, "but now let's get to the fun part", as we both slithered out of our dresses.  Putting the merchandise aside in the meantime, Kensie and I exited the dressing room hand in hand, having too much fun with our retail therapy session.  Just as the dressing room door opened, we came face to face with a tall well dressed handsome man, around his mid forties.  "Oh...hello" Mackensie purred seductively, almost in the form of a question.  She immediately sprung into action, caught off guard by the handsome gentleman who unknowingly ambushed us.  "Hello" he smiled back in a low baritone voice that stirred a primal excitement in both of us.

"Honey....where are you?" a high pitched irritated voice called out from across the boutique shop.  An impeccably dressed statuesque blonde in her mid thirties pranced over, noticing her husband stopped in his tracks by two brunette beauties.  "Excuse me" the man politely said, holding his gaze with Mackensie as he walked away.  I immediately made eyes at Mackensie who couldn't have been more excited with her new target for conquest.  A devilish smile crossed her face, the kind that looked like trouble.  "Don't even think about it Kensie" I said giggling to her.

I have to admit, the blonde wife was super hot, a bit older than us but definitely kept herself in great shape.  Blondie must have been an absolute knockout in her twenties, about on par with our beauty and would have made a worthy rival.  As we made our way through the lingerie section, I caught the couple out of the corner of my eye, the handsome man catching an earful from his shrew of a wife.  Apparently she wasn't amused with the small moment he shared with Mackensie right outside the dressing room.  The man kept hunching his shoulders, pleading his innocence to his wife.  "She must be so much fun in the bedroom" Mackensie stated in a sarcastic way, to which we heartily laughed.  "She deserves a slap across the face" I added.  "By me or her husband?" Mackensie replied, apparently already in character for the catfight starring role.

After deliberating the various lingerie options, Mackensie and I were in agreement on three sets to try on, consisting of various combinations of a corset, garter belt, stocking, etc.  "I have an idea" Kensie stated, getting that look of determination in her eye.  Grabbing a handful of hangers with the lingerie for us to try on, she paraded her way towards the dressing rooms, but not before a detour in the direction of Blondie and her husband.  The couple hardly noticed Mackensie's stealthy approach from behind.  "Oops" Mackensie shrieked, accidentally dropping the merchandise on the floor with a loud bang.....or was it an accident, essentially landing on the handsome man's shoes.

Mackensie slowly descended to her knees without losing eye contact with the husband.  She practically revealed the coming attractions of what sucking his cock would look like, in another brilliant display of seduction.  Mackensie spent an uncomfortably long amount of time retrieving the lingerie on the floor, her sundress hiked up because of her kneeling at his feet, her face hovering just below his belt buckle.  As she slowly ascended from the submissive position, slithering upward like a snake, she changed her gaze over to Blondie.  The wife was clearly unamused at this dramatic tactic, returned a catty stare to Mackensie, holding her hands on her hips as if to mark her territory.  Mackensie responded with a glare of her own, her chin held high and rolling her eyes as if to say "I could have your husband in an instant sweetheart".  "Sorry, I'll be more careful next time around this one" Mackensie gestured at him, then flirtatiously turned to walk away, looking back over her shoulder at the husband. 

I covered my mouth in laughter, but Mackensie and I couldn't keep the giggling silent for long.  As we slipped back into the dressing room, we laughed at how devious Mackensie could be "Kensie, you have done it again my friend" I exclaimed.  Without missing a beat, we slid out of our sundresses yet again, excited to see the various combinations of lingerie for the surprise birthday party.  I placed stepped my heels on the elevated bench, showing off my sexy long legs while slipping on lacey frilly panties and fishnet stockings.  Mackensie followed suit, then fastened the straps of her sexy garter belt to the stockings.  We took turns tightening the corset laces which highlighted our voluptuous figures.

Turning to face the mirror, my mind flashed forward to Joe's surprise.  What would be his reaction to seeing these goddesses standing side by side before him, dressed in the sexiest lingerie.  "Or was it two warriors dressed in ceremonial armor to do battle over his cock?" I wondered internally, making note of that line, to be used at some point in the heat of the moment.  Mackensie looked herself up and down, incredibly proud of her appearance.  She radiated an aura of complete arrogance, with good reason.  Turning her body for a side view, Mackensie checked how the lingerie accentuated the curves of her back into her perfect ass.  I followed in turn, maneuvering myself towards the mirror until our asses were next to each other, briefly touching for a moment.  "Good luck on deciding Joe" Mackensie blurted out loud, sending us both into a fit of laughter again.

"Lace...quick, give me your phone" Kensie grabbed for my cell without permission.  "Kensie, what the hell are you doing?" I protested, that is until I realized another stroke of her genius.  Mackensie handed me one of the silk robes hanging on the door, as she donned the other.  "Here, put this's Joe's lucky day....again" she said.  "Oh I like where this is heading Kensie" I answered, excited for another impromptu photoshoot for my husband.  "Let's start tame....for now" Mackensie winked at me.  Pointing the cell at the mirror, she and I stood close as she snapped the picture.  The first few photos didn't quite reveal our faces just yet, "let's drag this tease out" I suggested, "we don't want to show him everything all at once". 

My loving husband was of course at home in his office, boxer shorts around his ankles and lube in hand.  Joe was waiting for some privacy so he could peruse over his new collection from the foxy boxing pictorial.  He opened the first picture and took a deep gasping breath, trying to contain his excitement.  "Can you imagine?" he thought to himself.  Oh...but his dear wife could imagine.
Although it was tough to distract Joe from his ritualistic daydreaming, a subtle vibration of his cell phone caught his attention.  "Probably Lacey asking if she can buy something expensive" he thought to himself.  That is, until he opened the text that read "Miss you honey, wish you were here.  P.S. - Remember, mine....all mine" Joe smirked as he read it.  He turned back to the foxy boxing pictorial, unable to believe this scene actually played out in the flesh. 

Another buzzing from his cell phone and a text that read "Ahem....I said, mine....all mine".  This time Joe noticed the unopened attachment that escaped his attention initially.  Silky robes draped the shoulders of two brunette beauties, with one holding up a cell phone snapping the picture.  The robes weren't tied at the belt however, revealing the ample cleavage of these curvaceous beauties.  "Lacey?" he said to himself, unable to make out their faces but recognizing his wife's perfect double D tits anywhere.

"Oh my God Lace...what are you trying to do to me?" he shot back a text.  "I was just thinking of you.  Mackensie and I wanted to show you the fruits of our shopping labor" I cackled with Kensie reading along with me.  Each successive picture we sent him revealed more skin, with layer upon layer being peeled back.  "You're going to give me a heart attack babe....but actually, perfect timing" Joe responded.  "Oh really...need a hand?" I wrote back to him.

With the silk robes now laying on the floor, we strapped up our corsets yet again. Mackensie positioned herself behind me tightening the laces and snapped a picture, still without revealing our faces to the camera.  "Oh he's going to like that one" Mackensie said with excitement.  She then turned the video setting on, panning up and down,
showcasing our tight lingerie-clad bodies for the camera.  I arched my back in a sexy way, leaning forward at the hips while Kensie stood behind me again.  This time she tugged a handful of my hair, grabbing it from the root so that my head tilted back.  "Ugh" I let out a high-pitched shriek, pouting as if Mackensie were actually hurting me.  "Oh my god Lace...perfect" Mackensie said, pressing send on the text to Joe.

Back at his home office, Joe was beside himself with excitement, saving down each of the dressing room pictures that came his way.  His eyes widened when he noticed a large video file coming through.  "Lacey....that last video did the trick.  You're gonna get it when you get home." he responded.  Mackensie and I were so pleased with ourselves, "I hope he didn't get the keyboard all sticky" she suggested as we continued our fun afternoon.  "Wait, I'm not done" Kensie put on the devilish smile yet again.

Peaking her head out of the dressing room slightly, Mackensie waved down the handsome man, who appeared to be dying of boredom while waiting on his wife.  Kensie made the quiet sign with her finger against her mouth, "Shhhhh" and mouthed the words "come here" silently.  As he got close enough, Mackensie yanked him by the wrist, pulling him in front of the ajar door to the dressing room. Believing his eyes were deceiving him, he did a double take with his mouth wide open, unable to believe the scantily clad brunette beauties on display for him.  The handsome man quickly darted his eyes around, looking for any signs that his wife might catch him yet again.  "Can help us with something?" Mackensie asked in the most innocent pouty way. "Do you like these outfits on us?  We're having trouble deciding" Kensie purred at him.

Unable to withstand the mounting pressure, the man quickly evaded the question, fleeing the scene with his hands in his face, as if trying to wash away the sultry visual.  "Mackensie, I have known you a long time, but never realized how evil you really are...until today" I admonished her playfully.  "What....I was innocently asking his opinion, don't you want a man's opinion on lingerie?" Mackensie defended herself.  Carefully placing our lingerie ensemble back on hangers, we packaged up our bounty and finally left the dressing room.

Of course, it was my treat on the "uniforms" since Mackensie was indeed my guest, and helping me out with this little fantasy endeavor we'd concocted.  "Thanks Lace, this will be money well spent...I promise" Mackensie hinted at the coming events.  Noticing her victim still in the store, this time with Blondie next to him again, Kensie immediately headed in their direction.  His wife was rummaging through clothing racks, distracted just enough that a window of opportunity opened. 

Mackensie slithered behind the handsome man, subtly handing her card to she had done in the restaurant.  "This must be her signature move" I thought to myself.  "Call me" she mouthed to him silently, parting with a wink. When we finally left the store, the first thing out of my mouth was "Homewrecker" with a smile to Mackensie.  She looked at me not so innocently, "What...can't a girl have a little fun".


Offline orangemoose

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2024, 02:16:06 AM »
The anticipation is really building. I hope the birthday party is very soon!


Offline snw

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2024, 06:19:46 AM »
I want Kensie to have ALOT of fun. I thinking Lace may have no idea what’s in store for her or Joe. How Heather fits in is a huge bonus on top of that. I can see Kensie inviting Heather to the birthday party  as a surprise for Lacey. Keep building as you’ve done so far. I know I commented that it takes time to write such a good story but I’m thinking a little quicker can’t hurt that much can it.  Anyway nicely done again.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #43 on: September 11, 2024, 08:52:05 AM »
banger after banger after banger. we want more!


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #44 on: September 11, 2024, 10:42:21 PM »
Part X (continued):

"How is my big birthday stud this morning?" I sounded my warm breath into my husband's ear.  Joe had yet to open his eyes and only returned a smile, after all life was good for him lately.  "I was thinking of your first a day full of surprises" I smiled devilishly at him.  Joe perked up, "It's been a while Lace, but how about a No Hands Challenge".  "Ohhh...just what I had in mind dear, challenge accepted." I replied kissing my way down his body and feeling for the thick protruding bulge in his boxer briefs.  With my face now hovering at his waist line, I raised my eyebrows "Wow, someone is already excited, this will be quite the challenge".  Joe loved when I teased him, particularly when I insinuated how big he was and that I'd struggle taking him all in.  If he only knew it would be a birthday full of challenges for his lovely wife.

I pulled his boxer briefs down just enough to free this tip of his cock.  Using my tongue to swirl around the head, I fixated my eyes on him.  Joe loved the eye contact part of me worshipping his cock.  "Lace, the way you hold your gaze with my cock in your mouth, it's the sexiest thing I've ever seen" he once told me.  "You just wait darling, you're about to top the sexiest moment in a few short hours" I told myself silently.  "Did you enjoy our little dressing room photoshoot babe?" I took a break from flickering my tongue on the tip of his cock.
Joe lurched his hips upward hearing that last question I posed, freeing the rest of his hard cock from the restraints of the boxer briefs.  I held my eye contact as I licked the length of his shaft slowly in an upwards motion, starting from his balls all the way to the tip.  "What was your favorite picture babe? Or was it the hairpulling video?" I teased him mercilessly.  Joe clutched my hair and forced my head down, with the length of his cock hitting the back of my throat.  Good thing for Joe his lovely wife didn't have a gag reflex.  My husband kept me down there longer than I was comfortable with, but after all it was his birthday.

"Oh my god Joe" I panted in an act of distress while trying to catch my breath.  "Your cock is just too big and thick for your poor little wife" I batted my eyelashes at him in a pouty way.  I reached for him with my hand but Joe quickly grabbed my wrist.  "I said no hands Lace" he threatened in the most dominant sexy way, his voice sending shivers down my spine.  Breaking the restraints of his hands around my wrists, I cupped his balls in defiance.  "You said no hands allowed on your cock babe" as I massaged his full balls in my hands.  A smirk crossed his face in satisfaction as I tugged on his balls, almost using them as a handle to swallow his cock down even deeper, inch by inch. 

A surge of animalistic urgency coursed through his veins, watching his lovely wife perform the slutty sloppy blowjob he'd been craving.  I felt his rugged hands lift my body by my hair alone, "On your knees" he demanded, tossing me to the ground as if I were his little fucktoy.  I assumed the kneeling position, completely subservient to this gorgeous man towering over me.  The birthday favor ceased to be a blowjob, taking a turn towards an utter mouth-fucking that I had coming to me.  Joe pumped his hips into the opening as if I were bent over the bed doggystyle, showing no quarter to his lovely wife's mouth.  Allowing me a short reprieve, he tapped his thick cock on my tongue and then my big tits.  I asked "Am I being punished babe?  Are you punishing your little fuck doll of a wife?".  Without response, he forcefully shoved his cock back down my throat to silence me, grabbing my hair on both sides like pigtails, as if he had heard enough questions.

"This is what you get for teasing me so much Lace" he reprimanded me, sliding his cock back and forth so that his balls slapped against my chin.  Affording me another break from the vigorous mouth-fucking, I asked "You do know your cock is mine?  All mine Joe?  You do know that, right"?  Admittedly, I used that line because I wasn't sure how much more I could take.  Whatever the case, those questions seem to do the trick yet again. 

Joe grasped my hair, yanking my head backwards in the process.  Holding his swollen cock in hand, he stroked it long and slow until the largest load of cum I've ever seen exploded into the air.  I continued asking "your cock is all mine, right Joe?" as multiple streams of cum landed on my face, in my hair and between my tits, covering me as if he were marking his territory.  I pushed my sticky glistening tits together, rubbing the cum into my skin while I cleaned off the rest from his cock, greedily savoring every last drop with my tongue.  "Ohh...happy birthday baby...your surprises are just beginning" I purred to him.
I spent the rest of the day texting back and forth with Mackensie, putting the finishing touches on the events planned for tonight.  "Don't get stage fright now Lace" Mackensie messaged me with a friendly taunt.  "Oh don't worry honey, no backing out of our deal.  Unless you're the one who is....scared?" I responded, questioning her bravado while smiling to myself.   "Scared?" Mackensie answered, "Haha, I've been looking forward to performing this wild fantasy from the moment you shared it with me.  Tonight we settle up on the favor I owe you Lace.  See you later tonight honey xoxo". 

Since Joe was out all afternoon with the boys, I took the opportunity to snoop through his laptop yet again, in case of any last minute inspiration struck me. "Hmmm....latest saved files, updated yesterday afternoon, what could this be?" I wondered, clicking away.  Raising my eyebrows in surprise, I came across a large video file with the title "Dedicated to Joe".  Taking a deep breath, I played the video, mentally prepared for just about anything at this point. 

The opening scene was a beautiful blonde and brunette standing in silk robes, with their arms around each other's waists, breaking the fourth wall by directly addressing the camera.  "Hey Joe...we're so happy to perform this custom video for you" they cheerfully announced, waving to the viewer.  "The script you sent us was easily the sexiest one we've ever read, and we're so excited to act out 'Mine, All Mine' for you" the brunette added.  "By the way, I'll be playing the part of Lacey" the brunette continued.  "And I'm Heather" the blonde responded, "enjoy the show stud".

"What in the hell....?" I said out loud.  My pervert of a husband was so pent up that he wrote a script, entitled with our favorite phrase no less, and then paid to have it acted out for him? I wasn't sure if I should laugh or be furious with him.  "And Heather the Head Cheerleader again!" I gritted my teeth.  At least as a consolation, yours truly was starring in the video, but now curiosity caught up to me....exactly how did he imagine this catfight going down?  And  more importantly, who did he imagine winning in his fantasy?  "Let's find out....Joe" I said in a bratty way.

First however, I searched his files for the aforementioned script.  Locating the word document, I perused over the meticulous details, "He must have spent hours, days and weeks on this" I thought to myself.  The story contents included not only well written erotic fiction, but visual aides of exactly how he imagined certain scenes.  I panned down the document and came across notes that read "This scene please ladies, with the dialogue performed exactly as written", noticing multiple paragraphs highlighted for their attention.

Returning to the video, it cut to the next scene situated in a sprawling backyard of an opulent mansion.  There was an inground pool with beautiful landscaping surrounding the well-maintained property.  "Just how much did he spend on this custom video?" I thought with irritation, justifying that I opted for the most expensive lingerie on our shopping trip.  The opening scene featured the blonde portraying Heather sliding open a screen door on her way to the pool.  "Heather' wore a long silk robe, her hair up in a ponytail, stylish sunglasses and high heels. "You know, just your basic outfit at home alone by the pool" I rolled my eyes. 

The camera zoomed in on the blonde's voluptuous body from behind as the robe cascaded down her lush bronzed skin, ultimately landing on the floor.   The tiniest g-string bikini hugged her curves as Heather lathered herself up in baby oil, taking in the sweet smell of coconut, her slippery body glistening in the sunshine.  Satisfied that she had covered the entirety of her curvaceous figure, Heather laid back in the reclining pool chair, her arms over head as she sighed soaking up the sun.

I had to laugh at the absurdity, astounded at the lengths Joe was willing to go with this fetish.  The side gate to the backyard swung open with a creaking noise, as "Lacey" entered the backyard in similar silk robe attire and sunglasses.  The brunette stopped dead in her tracks, only now aware of the intruder laying reclined in her pool chair.  "Just what the hell are you doing in my......Heather?" the brunette portraying yours truly asked in confusion.  Heather only slightly sat up, appearing completely unbothered by the situation unfolding, nudging her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose for a glance at Lacey before settling back into her comfortable chair.  Her body language suggested 'how dare you interrupt my sunbathing' as if she had every right to be in Lacey's home.

"Excuse me...Heather, but I'll ask again.  What in the hell are you doing in my backyard exactly?" Heather swung her sexy long legs around and stood to meet my avatar.  Lacey looked her up and down, still questioning while the stacked blonde from the gym was wearing a microbikini and oiled up beside her own pool.  "Oh....hello Lace...we weren't expecting you to be home so soon" she said in the cattiest way.  "We?  Who is we exactly? And where the hell is Joe?" Lacey asked, her frustration and anger mounting by the second. 

"Oh Joe didn't tell you?  He agreed to give me private boxing lessons, but the gym won't allow him to coach me there.  So I suggested.....your home" Heather purred, clearly revealing her intentions to claim Lacey's territory.  My eyes lit up reading this story, if Joe couldn't have the real life showdown between myself and my gym rival, he was going to have it acted out for him.  "And this is your boxing uniform Heather?" Lacey gestured at the tanned glistening blonde in high heels standing before her.
Lacey approached Heather, both women now standing with their hands on hips, their body language suggested confrontation was imminent.  "You suggested boxing lessons here....did you?  Why do I find that hard to believe Heather?" Lacey challenged her story, then subtly brushed the silk robe against the bikini top Heather was wearing, their eyes locked in a staredown. 

Then it occurred to me....the script, the video...this was a virtual cheat sheet for the show Mackensie and I would put on or Joe tonight.  As I resumed the video, I found myself intrigued at how the confrontation would unfold.  The women portraying Heather and myself were super hot, although they seem to lack the acting chops.  "I would execute this scene so much better" I thought confidently, and as luck would have it, tonight I'd get the chance to. 

"You can believe what you want Lacey" Heather rolled her eyes, "I thought I'd show Joe what a real woman looks like".  A shot of anger coursed through my body, as if the scene was actually playing out in front of me.  Without responding, Lacey confidently slid the silk robe off her shoulders, matching the string bikini that Heather donned before her.  "Heather, you know you can't compete with this body.  Let me remind you that Joe is my husband....all mine." Lacey gave a catty response.

"Oh but I can compete with your body Lace" Heather retorted, "In fact, why don't we compete right here and now?" as Heather tossed the bottle of baby oil over to Lacey.  "Oil wrestling, huh? " Lacey answered, impressed with Heather's suggestion.  Ohhh...Joe did love oil wrestling I thought to myself, realizing where his script was going with this. "I thought you'd never ask Heather" Lacey responded but walked away.  "Running scared already Lace?" Heather taunted her rival.  "Actually no, I'm setting up this tripod camera that Joe left out by the pool.  I want him to watch you pinned underneath me, begging for mercy in the end" Lacey taunted back. 

The two slippery goddesses walked over to a large patch of lawn, rubbing more oil into their skin in ceremonial preparation for conflict.  Both women positioned themselves on their knees, primed to pounce on their opponent.  "It's not too late to leave Heather, you don't have to be embarrassed on video for Joe to watch.  Actually he and I will watch it in bed together tonight" I taunted her mercilessly.  Breaking the fourth wall yet again, "Lacey" turned to the camera on her knees, "enjoy the show baby....and may the best woman win".  I took note of exactly how the actress version of me delivered that last line.

Sliding their way towards each other, their slippery bodies in imminent collision, I was startled by the sound of the front door slamming shut.  "Oh shit....Joe is home" I silently stewed as I paused the video, closing out of all his files to hide any evidence.  Ironically in a reversal of roles, I wanted more alone time to see where the story went.  "What has gotten into you Lace?" I wondered, "was I developing the same catfight fetish as my husband"?

Joe entered the office surprised to find his lovely wife there.  "Everything okay with you Lace?" he asked curiously, "your complexion is flush red, are you too hot in here?" The truth is it was too hot in his office, partially from excitement, partially from frustration at being interrupted.  "Yes babe, I was just having the hardest time deciding on what to wear for your birthday dinner tonight...won't you help me decide?" I suggested coyly.  "Oh fashion show, I like the sound of that" Joe exclaimed.  "But hey, what exactly were you doing on my laptop just now babe?" Joe said raising his eyebrows at me, not entirely believing my story. " know, research" I shakily responded without confidence, caught completely off guard by his intrusion. 

"Research you say?" Joe began to creep closer to me.  "Lacey...I've told you before, don't peek at the Amazon wishlist or you'll ruin all the surprises" my husband said playfully.  Bless his angelic little heart, Joe had no idea what was about to hit him.  Altering the subject quickly, I said "Follow me to the master bedroom, you have a fashion show to attend", grabbing his tie and dragging him away.

After finishing the fashion show, Joe settled on the sexy black form-fitting cocktail dress, which I naturally steered him towards picking....all part of the devious plot unfolding, unbeknownst to him. In the aftermath, I drained my husband's balls for the second time today, this time by riding his cock both facing him and with my back turned.  The smacking sound of flesh and the visual of my perfect round ass bouncing up and down on his cock proved to be too much for him to withstand.  "I better be careful to save your energy for tonight babe" I tease him, completely satisfied by the deep fucking he gave me.  "Actually Lace, think I'll take a nap now, sounds like I will need it for tonight's festivities" he said.  If he only knew..................

Confident that Joe was already down, I raced to my cell phone, finding Mackensie's latest message.  "Hey Lace, ready for tonight's main event?" she wrote.  "Oh have no idea how ready I am for this showdown.  And won't believe what else I found".