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Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right: Karen vs Stormy

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Offline IRISH

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Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right: Karen vs Stormy
« on: August 24, 2024, 05:53:26 AM »
Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right, They Make For Entertainment

It’s 2016 and the race for the presidency of the United States was heating up. The primaries were just mere weeks away and it looked like Donald Trump would be receiving the republican nomination. Ivanka was hard at work on her Dad’s campaign when she came across some startling news, it appeared that the Clinton campaign had dug up some dirt and it was about to break in the media. “Shit!” she screamed.
Punching the button for the intercom on her desk phone she shouted “Don get your ass in here right now! We have a problem!” Junior didn’t like the tone in his sister’s voice and was hoping that he was not the source of Ivanka’s rage.” He did his best to hustle down the hallway to her office. On arrival she broke the news about their father’s indiscretions.

“I have an idea!” he stated. “Let me handle this!” He made his way back to his office. Two wrong don’t make a right… but it would make for some entertainment and hopeful the problem, or in this case the problems would cancel out.

Don just needed his father’s schedule for the next few days to put his plan in motion. He pulled up images on the internet to see what his dad had gotten himself into. The blonde Stormy was OK, but Melania was hotter in his opinion. Then he brought up the picture of the other, other woman and came across pictures of the brunette, Karen. “Wow!” he thought. “Well ladies I hope it was good while it lasted.”

Donald’s schedule brought him to Las Vegas for a few meetings. Junior knew that his dad would be staying in the penthouse of his Vegas hotel and casino. This part of the plan was easy, turns out one of the women was already there, in the penthouse.

Karen and the Don had been going at it for a while. Or should I say Karen had been going at it for a while. He would pop two or three of the little blue pills which meant his erection could last for over an hour. He couldn’t though so the brunette had to take the top position and do all of the work. Donald prided himself at his punctuality for all of his business meetings. If you aren’t early you’re late! His internal clock told him it was time to cleanup and head off to his meeting.

Karen waited for him to leave before slipping back into her bra and panties and heading into the bathroom. She wasn’t in there long when she heard the electronic lock to the suite chime and the door opened. She slipped her heels back on, he loved the way she looked when she dressed like that and made her way to the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom.

Stormy was excited when she received the text from Donald about their little weekend excursion. Within the hour a package arrived containing some slinky lingerie, a plane ticket, and the passkey to the penthouse of Trump’s hotel. Trying on the lingerie it seemed a little tight. Looking in the mirror her breasts appeared even larger, looking to bust out at any moment. “That old man is a pervert, but she was sure she would enjoy the time in Vegas.

The car service picked her up at the airport but it seemed a little strange that the driver didn’t take her straight to the hotel. The driver waited for a call before he brought her to the hotel and slipped her up the back elevator. “Maybe he needed to get rid of his wife and now the coast is clear.” She thought to herself.

She stopped quickly in the bathroom to slip into the lingerie that he had bought for her and headed to the penthouse. The lock chimed signaling that it had unlocked and she opened the door and stepped into the penthouse. She heard someone in the bathroom as she set her bag down onto the couch.

Once inside Stormy looked up expecting to see Donald ready to greet her. She knew that he would be expecting sex as soon as she arrived. What she saw to her surprise was another woman standing in the doorway of the bathroom. The woman, a pretty brunette, had disheveled hair and appeared to be sweaty like she had just finished making love. Stormy recognized the look instantly. She had it seen it before in the mirror’s reflection after she had just climbed off the top of Donald. A guess that was his thing, lazy fuck! “If that old man thinks I’m having a threesome with this chick he is going to take me shopping afterwards!”

“Who the fuck are you?” Karen said breaking the silence. She had seen pictures of Donald’s wife and this blonde bimbo definitely wasn’t her.
Stormy was a little taken back by the greeting. So I guess this wasn’t about a threesome after all, although she wouldn’t mind pinning the brunette down on the mattress and having her way with her. Did the dirty old man double book his weekend fling? Oh well, if this bitch didn’t like it she could just leave!

“I’m Donald’s girlfriend, Stormy. And who the fuck are you? The chamber maid? Change the sheets and get the fuck out of my room!” Stormy threatened.

Stormy eyed the brunette up and down before Karen could speak. She looked fit, but she also looked tired after the past hour or so of extreme cardio activity. I’m going to crush her like a bug! The blonde thought to herself as she began closing the distance between the two women.
“I just got the call from Joe that he dropped off Stormy at the hotel. Did the show start yet?” Ivanka asked as she burst into her brother’s office. “I just got off the phone with him as well and I’m bringing up the feed right now.” He answered. Now neither child was interested in watching their father and his exploits, but their father’s campaign issues were about to cancel themselves out.

If you thought Karen may have looked surprised when she thought Donald had forgotten something and had to return to the room to pick it up, but instead she saw an unknown scantily dressed blonde standing before her. You should have seen her face as Stormy made her way across the penthouse.

Karen had been in fights before but this one was completely unexpected. “I’ll give you chamber maid!” she thought to herself and braced herself for what was about to go down. “I wonder if the old man is into this kind of thing. Did he set this up?”

Before Karen processed her own questions, Stormy barreled into her driving her backwards. When she crashed into the wall behind her was when she realized how tired she was and how solidly built the blonde was. “Uuuuuggghhhhh!” she grunted on impact.

Stormy could hear, and feel it as she drove all the air from Karen’s body. Her large breast completely overwhelming the brunette’s. Having things well in hand, she stepped back half a step, leaving Karen pressed up against the wall. She placed her left forearm against the brunette’s throat. She leaned in choking the former Playmate, tilting her head backwards. As Karen gasped and gagged she placed the palm of her right hand on the brunette’s taught belly and started a downward journey. She didn’t have far to travel before her fingers slipped inside Karen’s panties.

Staring directly into Karen’s frightened eyes she asked “Do you like this slut?” as she swirled her middle finger just under Karen’s hood. The poor brunette was still tender and damp from her earlier activities with Donald. “Do you?” she demanded when she didn’t get an answer right away and clamped her hand shut over Karen’s mound.

“Oh Gawd!” Karen cried out and that brought a big smile to the blonde’s face. It was at that exact moment that the brunette realized that this wasn’t just a battle over a man; this had become a fight for survival!

Stormy had Karen trapped against the wall choking her, and inflicting some serious pain to the brunette’s most sensitive area. Karen feared for what the blonde might do to her. She was grateful that both her hands were still free and she put them to use in an attempt to get the vicious blonde off of her.

With everything she had, Karen swung her hands together, open palmed, right at Stormy’s head. The dual head slap had the blonde’s ears ringing and she instantly broke contact with Karen. Before the blonde had a chance to get out of range, Karen grabbed Stormy by the shoulder and fired her knee up between the blonde’s legs.

Stormy gasped and immediately clutched between her legs with both hands. Placing each of her hands on Stormy’s shoulders, Karen gave a forceful shove sending the blond tumbling to the ground, landing flat on her ass. Karen took a moment to kick off her high heels and immediately mounted the downed porn star.

With complete disregard for any form or accuracy, Karen’s fist were a blur striking Stormy about the head and face. Some of the blows struck home causing some pretty effective battle damage to the blonde. Other seemed to be doing more damage to Karen’s fist then they were inflicting on the blonde. One thing was for sure, this was a pace that Karen couldn’t maintain for any length of time.

Stormy’s cheek was bruised and she had a fat lip. She felt the strength and accuracy of the blows slowing and she hoped to be able to withstand the storm long enough to come up with a counter to Karen’s attack. With her hands trapped under the brunette’s entire body weight, her options were limited.

Soon the already tired Playmate stopped throwing punches. She placed her hands on her knees and started drawing in deep breaths trying to rejuvenate her exhausted body. Stormy smiled… Not just at the reprieve from the attack…. But for the opportunity that just presented itself!
While Karen was sucking in air, Stormy planted her feet flat on the floor. With a sudden trust of her sturdy hips, the blonde sent the brunette flying. Karen sailed through the air incomplete disbelief before she crashed face first to the carpeting. She skipped to a stop like a fighter jet’s rough landing on an aircraft carrier having just caught the last cable of the arresting gear.

Stormy rubbed the side of her face trying to pacify the stinging pins and needles. “OK bitch! Let’s dance!” the blonde said as she rolled over on her belly and pushed up on her hands and knees. Lying just five or six feet away, the Playmate still hadn’t moved. Stormy didn’t take the time to stand; she just pushed forward at a rapid crawl. When she was in striking distance, she dove on the back of the fallen Playmate.
Karen was trying to shake the cobwebs from her head, trying to figure out what had just happened. That was things went from bad to worse for the Playmate. Just as some clarity began to enter her brain, she felt Stormy’s full body weight crash down on top of her. “Aaaaagggghhhhh!” she cried as she was pancaked against the floor.

Stormy went on the offensive immediately. She grabbed hold of Karen’s hair with her left hand and pulled the Playmate’s head back painfully. Pinned to the ground, head pulled back and off to the left, this exposed the right side of Karen’s face to attack. And unlike the Playmate, the porn star’s was a lot more deliberate in her targeting Karen found that out quickly when Stormy’s right fist smashed into the side of her face.
The blonde landed several solid blows before the brunette was able to get her hand up in a feeble attempt at a defense. Stormy saw an opportunity and released Karen’s hair. Catching Karen’s right arm by the elbow, Stormy was able to hold her opponent’s arm in place until she was able to grab Karen’s right wrist with her left hand. With a firm grip on Karen’s arm with both hands, Stormy powered it up and backwards. Stormy was able to hold it trapped in place with just the grasp on Karen’s wrist. This freed up the porn star’s right hand to go into attack mode once more.

With Karen squirming beneath her, desperately trying to break free, Stormy fired a right fist down as hard as she could. Karen wailed in pain when her tender breast was smashed between Stormy’s fist and the ground. Liking the results, Stormy fired several more blows straight down until Karen’ struggles began to diminish.

Stormy felt like she had things well in hand. Having grown tired of smashing Karen’s right breast, the blonde decided to change tactics. Stormy’s hand started up near Karen’s shoulder and slowly made its way down the front of the Playmate. Across the Playmate’s chest until she hooked her fingers into the top of Karen’s lacey bra cup. When the porn star found what she was looking for, she pulled downward on the material of the expensive bra. Soon Karen’s damaged right breast popped free when the material cleared her nipple and bunched up beneath the lovely flesh it was designed to protect.

At first Stormy just kneaded and squeezed Karen’s breast. Soon her strong, slender fingers were flicking the Playmate’s nipple. The porn star had the Playmate right where she wanted her and she was going to enjoy every moment of the brunette’s demise.  Too bad Donald wasn’t here to witness this. He surely would think twice about his choice in women.

Suddenly Stormy recalled a rumor of hidden cameras in the suite. “Hell, let’s put on a show for them just in case!” Stormy thought. Soon the blonde was grinding her pelvis against the brunette’s thong covered ass while she continued to play with Karen’s now erect nipple. Soon Stormy opened up a third front to the battle. She leaned forward, stuck out her tongue, and seductively traced the contour of Karen’s neck from the bottom up.

Karen felt Stormy’s warm breath and gentle touch on her neck. She was not enjoying herself at all as the blonde ground up against her ass and stimulated her nipple. She was completely repulsed when Stormy reached her ear and sucked her earlobe between her lips. Stormy drew in Karen’s lobe as deep as she could. It actually began to hurt the Playmate. When she grew bored she let Karen’s ear lobe slip from between her lips.

Both of Stormy’s lips were now making contact with Karen’s ear when the blonde seductively gasped into it. “Are you enjoying yourself sweetie?” she asked the brunette, never stopping the grind or the nipple twisting. “I sure as hell am!” the blonde added before she stabbed her wet tongue into Karen’s ear canal and swirled the tip. “I’m going to fucking kill you!” was Karen’s retort. “Sure baby… sure you will…” Stormy said with a broad smile.

Using all of her remaining strength, Karen was able to pull her arm from Stormy’s grasp. This caught the blonde off guard and she felt herself slip a little bit as Karen started to power up onto her knees and elbows. Karen’s spirit soared as she felt like she was about to break free from underneath the porn star. It would be then that she would show the blonde that she did in fact mean business.

The Playmate felt rejuvenated and pushed forward with her powerful legs. As soon as she had thrown the porn star from her perch, Karen was going to make her pay. Sure she was tired and her muscles burned, but it was if she had just gotten her second wind.

Stormy had other plans it seemed… Sure she slid back slightly as the brunette had caught her off guard. I don’t know if it was planned or just reflex, but Stormy lunged with her right hand and grabbed hold of Karen’s hair. The Playmate yelped at the forceful tug and felt her head being yanked backwards. Reestablishing control, Stormy swung her left arm around the brunette’s front, just under Karen’s chin. Before Karen could react, Stormy locked on a rear naked choke hold.

Karen panicked and dug her finger nails into Stormy’s forearms in an attempt to break the hold. The Playmate was surprised at just how strong the porn star was and the hold seemed to be growing tighter.

Stormy was pissed as Karen drew blood from her arms. With Karen still up on her elbows and knees, Stormy swung her legs around the Playmate’s waist and locked her legs at the ankles. With a mighty squeeze of her formidable legs, the blonde elicited a pained grunt from the brunette. Karen was in real trouble now as both the choke hold and the leg scissor just grew in intensity. Stormy couldn’t have been happier with the way things were going.

“How the fuck is she kicking Karen’s ass!” an excited Don Jr. asked his sister. Having done a great deal of “research” on both women Don looked forward to having the brunette wipe the floors of the hotel suite with Stormy. “Never underestimate the power of a pissed off blonde!” she assured her brother. “In fact I wouldn’t mind punishing the Playmate bitch myself!” by the look on Ivanka’s face, Don knew that she meant just that…

Stormy looked to end things quickly making sure that Karen wouldn’t be able to get back in the fight. Like a rabid crocodilian, Stormy went into a death roll with Karen firmly clamed in her clutches. It didn’t take more than a few trips back and forth between the sofa and the bar before Stormy felt Karen go limp in her arms.

Stormy released her holds and stood above the fallen Playmate. It was at that point she spotted the magnum of champagne in and ice bucket and a glass on the bar. “Don’t mind if I do!” Stormy said to herself as she walked over the bar a poured herself a glass. Looking back at Karen’s athletic body slayed out on the floor the blonde knew that she got lucky how things fell into place for her. The brunette appeared to be formidable opponent, but she was already spent from the top position with her love making session with Donald. The fact that she recklessly punched herself out early in the fight was a big help as well.

“What the fuck are we supposed to do now!” a panicked Don asked. “They were supposed to cancel each other out!” “Relax!” his sister reassured him. “Only after the best of circumstances was this going to play out exactly as we planned. Plan B was always that I fly to Vegas and mop up. That is why I’m on a flight in fifteen minutes. Now just sit back and enjoy the show!” she said with an evil grin. And by the look of Ivanka’s face, Don knew his sister meant business.

Stormy sipped at her champagne as she looked over at her accomplishment, the disgraced body of the Playboy Playmate. Karen’s back was to the blonde as her eyes washed up and down the prone brunette. “Such a fine piece of ass! No sense wasting it!” she said to herself. Taking her glass with her, Stormy made her way over to Karen’s fallen form.

Stormy walked around the far side of Karen and looked down at her. “Let’s have a little fun!” she said as she placed her right foot on Karen’s shoulder. With a gentle nudge, the porn star rolled the Playmate over on her back. The brunette’s arms and legs splayed out in four separate directions.

Starting at Karen’s feet, Stormy’s gaze made its way up the fallen Playmate’s body. Past the long, lean, muscular legs to the area covered by a small piece of pink lace fabric. “Yep, we will definitely explore that in a few minutes…”

Over the taught stomach muscles that were an indicator of endless, dedicated hours in the gym. “Too bad they all of that hard work didn’t pay off for you sweetie. I’ll make sure to pound them into mush to ensure it will be a while before she comes looking for revenge. Or maybe I will humiliate her so bad that she never does!”

Up the athletic torso to the lacey pink bra. One breast was still safely tucked into the bra cup. The other breast was in clear site. Earlier she had pulled the breast from its protective covering and thoroughly ravaged it. “I’ll have to make sure that both breasts match before I toss her sorry ass out in the hallway!” she mentally added to her battle plan.

Continuing north her gaze came across Karen’s angelic face. A little puffy on one side from her blows, but she definitely saw what Donald saw in the brunette. Karen’s disheveled hair hid some of her beautiful features. Stormy smiled. She knew the look having seen it in her on reflection in the mirror after having sex with Donald. He would just lay there and the women and the little blue pills did all the work.

“Yeah sweetie… let’s not waste this moment shall we?” Stormy took another sip of her champagne almost draining the glass. Almost! As she stood over Karen, straddling her near the brunette’s shoulders, Stormy tipped the glass dumping the remaining champagne down onto Karen’s face. Standing flat footed, Stormy threw the champagne glass into the fireplace shattering it. “Let’s get this party started!” Stormy said as she reached between her legs and slip her panties aside. With her vagina exposed, the blonde planned on planting her flag on the slumbering brunette’s face.

As Don Jr. stood there slack-jawed, the silence of Ivanka’s office was broken by the sound of her intercom. The time had arrived for to leave for Vegas to clean things up. And you thought Cohen was the fixer. “No you can’t come with me!” Ivanka told her brother before he had the chance to ask. “If you need something done right, you have to do it yourself!” as she turned and left Don wondered who he would be rooting for in the next clash at the hotel suite.

Stormy treated herself to a light touch of her finger tips between her legs sending a tingling sensation coursing through her body. For someone that had been in the business as long as she has, it was clear that this wasn’t the first time she allowed herself this simple pleasure. She was about to make a statement at the lovely Playmate’s expense.

Karen shook her head trying to clear the cobwebs. The champagne that Stormy had spilled into her face stung when it entered her eyes. It also seemed to bring her around. Looking up between Stormy’s legs she saw that the porn star had slide her panties aside and had started to stimulate herself. The Playmate also realized what the blonde had in store for her and it sent a shiver up her spine.

“Fuck!” she cried out. That would be Stormy, not Karen. The fallen Playmate had kicked out as hard as she could striking the blonde in the small of her back. The pissed off porn star’s hand shot to the injured area trying to massage the pain away. Karen grabbed each of Stormy’s legs by the ankles. Before the blonde realized what was going on, the brunette kicked her legs up and around the front of the porn star. Karen’s heals struck the blonde mid-thigh and immediately began powering her backwards.

In an instant the blonde was flying through the air. Well from the waist up anyway… Karen still held onto Stormy’s ankles tightly. Thud! Was the sound the porn star’s head made when it impacted the ground. Karen felt like she had been hit by a truck, but she had to get back in the fight right now or suffer the blonde’s wrath.

Stormy lay flat on her back with her eyes spinning in her head. “What the fuck just happened?” she tried to figure out through the cloud that was swirling around in her head. Karen rolled over onto her belly and forced herself up and reengage the blonde.

Rising up onto unsteady legs, Karen closed the distance between the two women. She knew that Stormy wouldn’t be down for long and she had to press the sudden turn of events. The brunette kicked the blonde’s legs apart and stepped between them. Before Stormy had a chance to react and move out of the way, Karen dropped a knee right between the porn star’s legs.

The direct hit had Stormy howling in pain. Karen crawled forward so she was directly over the fallen blonde. Stormy just clutched herself between her legs as tears welled up in her eyes. Karen wasn’t done yet, and she knew that Stormy wasn’t either. Karen dropped her ass down on Stormy’s belly, trapping her hands in the process. Karen took a moment to slow her breathing before she initiate the next part of her plan.

Ok, so maybe that was a little misleading. There was no plan! Both women were acting on pure reflex instinct, and reacting to the actions of their opponent. Stormy got off to a great start and exploited her advantage. It was now time for Karen to even things out on the proverbial scorecard.

Karen reached out and grabbed the top of Stormy’s silk lingerie. One harsh, downward tug and the material lasted as long as a paper umbrella in a monsoon. With the fabric torn away it revealed the porn star’s large breasts and having planned a rendezvous with Donald, the blonde wasn’t wearing a bra.

The Playmate paid the porn star back in spades for the earlier abuse that the blonde inflicted on her right breast when Stormy had Karen pinned face down to the ground. Flashing her nails like Wolverine flashes his blades, Karen dug into the tender breast flesh with a deep hatred for the blonde.

Stormy nearly jumped out of skin at the sudden pain being inflicted on her money makers. Suddenly the pain between her legs didn’t seem as severe. “Fuck!” she cried out as she began trashing around underneath the Playmate. She had to do something fast before the brunette completely destroyed her breasts.

The blonde bucked and struggled to toss the brunette from her perch with all her might. But Karen had dug in, and dug in pretty well. It was like she was try to ride a bucking bronco but instead of one hand grasping the reigns and the other swinging above her head for balance, she used both hands to grasp the porn star’s breasts.

The last bounce had the Playmate levitate for a split second before she came crashing back down on Stormy’s belly. But that split second was all it took for the blonde to slide her hands out from between her legs, and rotate her arms at the elbows. When Karen ass made contact with the porn star it wasn’t with her belly, her ass came to rest in the palms of Stormy’s hands.

Karen knew something was wrong in an instant. Stormy’s claws dug into the Playmate’s ass. The next buck allowed the porn star to slide the brunette’s thong aside and plunge her index fingers into Karen’s ass. The sharpened claws had a devastating effect on their target and Karen was almost levitating above Stormy at this point.

I’m not sure if Stormy bucked again or if Karen voluntarily relinquished her spot on top of the porn star. You could make up your own mind on that as the beautiful brunette sailed through the air, and crashed to the ground above the blonde’s head.

As fast as she landed, Karen made it up to her knees and spun to face Stormy. Almost simultaneously the blonde rolled onto her belly and made it up to her knees as well. On cue they charged at each other and met violently somewhere in the middle.

Their breasts impacted first with a thunderous sound on flesh impacting flesh. There was no time to lick your wounds and both women buried the hands into each other’s hair. They savagely shook their opponent head trying to gain the advantage, but this seemed like a stalemate. Suddenly Karen felt Stormy’s grip on her hair loosen and was grateful for the reprieve.

The blonde wasn’t giving up; rather she was just changing strategies. With her left hand still intertwined in the brunette’s hair, the porn star latched onto the Playmate’s left breast with her right hand. With Stormy digging her nails in, Karen was soon howling in pain. The porn star was all smiles… until the Playmate let go of Stormy’s hair with one hand and latched onto one of the breasts as well.

At first it seemed like another stalemate. But soon it looked like the pendulum was swinging back in the favor of the porn star. Both women felt this and Stormy tightened her grip and twisted the Playmate’s damaged breast. Karen’s face got pale and she swooned slightly, her hand falling from Stormy’s breast.

This was it! This was the turning point! Stormy was ecstatic. Before when she had gained the clear advantage she made the mistake of playing with her prey, like a cat plays with a mouse before the kill. But she had underestimated the tough Playmate and it cost her. The brunette had inflicted her fair share of damage on the blonde, pain that she never should have suffered. This time she would not be making the same mistake.

Karen was in a world of hurt and Stormy was punishing her for the earlier damage that the brunette had inflicted on her. Nobody was going to interfere in the fight and save the Playmate thought the porn star, now was the time to make Karen her bitch. Not only would the billionaire be hers and hers alone, but she would make sure that the Playmate would obey her every future command out of shear fear of another savage beating.

The Playmate was fading fast and needed to do something before the porn star put her down for good. Karen threw a punch in desperation up from the floor. No aim, no definitive destination, just a last ditch attempt to break Stormy’s abusive grip on her breast.

To Karen’s good fortune it was like her fist had eyes of its own. Her balled up fist passed between Stormy’s large breasts on its way to its final destination, the point of the porn star’s chin. The blonde’s teeth slammed together with a loud clacking sound. Her head was tossed back on the painful and surprising impact. Karen followed up the first blow with a left cross that impacted with Stormy’s cheek. The blonde’s head snapped to the side and her grip on Karen’s breast was broken. The final blow was a devastating straight right that flattened Stormy’s nose on her face. The porn star flew backwards with her legs still underneath her. She was out before she crashed to the floor.

With Stormy knocked out, Karen clutched her damaged breast in both hands and let out a sob. The porn star had hurt her and she feared what would have happened next. It was clear that Stormy was pissed and set on not just inflicting pain, but also wanted to send a message that the Playmate would never forget.

When Karen was confident that her shaking legs would withstand her weight, she stood and stepped over the fallen porn star and made her way into the master bedroom. Her plan, get cleaned up and get out of dodge before the blonde hellcat woke up and came looking for her. She figured she had enough time for a quick shower and she would be on her way.

Ivanka had landed just minutes ago. Flying on a private jet meant that she didn’t have to deal with the crowds of the terminal like the common folk. No, within minutes of touching down she was already in the limo and on her way to the hotel. “Pull into the garage.” She instructed the driver.
By using the garage entrance she would be able to slip into the private elevator that would bring her right up to the penthouse suite. She checked her phone for updates but there was no cell service in the concrete structure. “I’ll have to get the tech people on that!” the annoyed daughter thought. She punched the button and waited for the elevator to arrive.

As the tall blonde waited, she felt a presence behind her. She was confident that she would be able to handle the aftermath of the battle between the two vicious warriors. A third person was not in her plan. Just then the doors to the elevator opened.

Ivanka hesitated a moment when she felt a shove in her back, pushing her into the elevator. Before she had a chance to turn and confront the person behind her, she heard a familiar voice. “You take the blonde, I get the brunette!” Melania said with a heavy accent. “Cool!” Ivanka thought. “Time for a little stepmother-stepdaughter bonding! Or will it be bondage?” As a broad smile crossed her face and she pressed the button for the penthouse.

The elevator jumped to life and started their assent to the top floor. What would they find when it came to a stop and the doors opened?


Offline kevan

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Re: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right: Karen vs Stormy
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2024, 10:23:12 PM »
Sizzling hot......


Offline IRISH

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Re: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right: Karen vs Stormy
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2024, 04:38:27 AM »
Thanks Kevan!

What do you think of a Hot, HOt, HOT! story of Karen and Melania?



Offline brick1960

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Re: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right: Karen vs Stormy
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2024, 12:36:22 PM »
Melina v Karen and Ivanka v Stormy


Offline Rocko23

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Re: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right: Karen vs Stormy
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2024, 01:33:39 AM »
That was superb. Thank you so much! I'd love to see Melania v Stormy as well as Stormy v Ivanka. Or even ivanka v melania. Loved it!