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Why Denise vs Tiffany is a great fight

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Offline sinclairfan

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Why Denise vs Tiffany is a great fight
« on: August 25, 2024, 06:10:11 PM »
(DWW-202, One Spark is Enough)

1. In Denise's best fights (vs Jana, etc), she's the older fighter.  But in this one she's just 21, vs Tiffany who is 25....
2.  ....which means we get a rare look at rookie Denise.
3.  Tiffany and Denise have nearly-identically-colored brunette hair....
4.  ...(Does anyone know?  are they sisters?  If so, this is one of the best sister-fights ever filmed.).....
5.  ....but Denise's is noticeably longer; so we never lose track of who's who in the catball....
6. .....and what a spectacular near-constant catball it is.
7.  Lots of hairpulling, which is the hardest catfight move to fake.
8.  Neck-and-neck fight almost the entire way....
9.  ....with great cardio by both girls....
10.  ....and escalating animosity.