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Earth 32767 Karen Page v Elektra Natchios

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Offline MikeHales67

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Earth 32767 Karen Page v Elektra Natchios
« on: August 26, 2024, 11:52:24 AM »
Finished two stories at the same time. This one was started later, but was a lot easier to write. It's set on a fictional muliverse where all of the Marvel characters don't have superpowers because otherwise an Elektra / Karen Page scrap woud be over in milliseconds.

Anyway enjoy.
Many thanks to Rock02 for the suggestion.

Earth 32767 Karen Page v Elektra Natchios
It's more than a linear path,
It's a prism of endless possibility.
Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities.
Creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.
I am the watcher.
I am your guide to these vast new realities Follow me and ponder the question.
What If...

Consider Earth 32767
A world without superpowers.

In this reality Matt Murdock was still blind, he just never developed superpowers. He met his best friend Foggy Nelson in college and after they graduated, they opened their Law Firm Nelson and Murdock in Hell's Kitchen. They were both fired by their sense of injustice at the poverty all around them. They hired their first and only employee Karen Page, as the company secretary. They became increasingly alarmed at the rise to power of Wilson Fisk, a man known as the kingpin of organised crime in New York. They started to form a plan to get the evidence that could put him away stored under ultra-security in his mansion.[/i]

 "Fucking Cocksucker!", the blonde shouted as she slapped the raven-haired girl hard across the face, sounding out like a gunshot across the elegant ballroom, the guests stopped their conversations dead as they turned to look, and some started cheering.

 "He's mine!"

 "Only if you can keep him!" the dark-haired girl's backhand spun the blonde backwards into the arms of two men. Seeing the blonde entangled, the raven-haired girl moved forward to give her the good slapping she felt she deserved when she felt two powerful hands on her shoulders.

 "What is going on here?" Wilson Fisk enquired; he already knew the answer.

 "Whore tried to steal Matt". The blonde complained.

 "Stupid slut thinks she owns him" The dark-haired girl snarled back.

 "It seems like you two have some differences to sort out"

He threw up his arms, the crowd waited expectantly.

 "Ladies. and gentlemen it seems like we have two young ladies with unresolved anger issues, and you know how we hate unresolved issues".

"In this corner in green, we have".

"Karen Page". The girl answered. She was a blonde in a figure-hugging green dress, medium sized-breasts with nipples that stood out proudly, her skirt slit up to her navel, proudly showing off her killer legs.

 "In this corner, in red".

"Elektra, Elektra Natchios". She had raven-coloured hair, and larger breasts with nipples that jutted out just as proudly as her foe's.  Her red skirt was a double-slit showing off her not-unattractive legs. She answered proudly. "I've always loved to fight!". Pausing for a couple of seconds and seductively eyeing Matt, she went on,

"And, after I've been in a fight, I'm ready to start fucking." She licked her lips at Matt, who couldn't see what she was doing, anyway,  she was doing it for Wilson.

"Yes, we all remember Elektra from her vigorous discussion with Maya Lopez last time".

Indeed, they did. The crowd cheered at the memory.

It had all started when two girls at one of Wilson's soirees had gotten into a heated argument. Instead of pulling them apart, on a whim,  he allowed them to fight to the finish on the dancefloor. The results were impressive, and he gave the winner ten thousand dollars. After that, girls would often attend his parties and fight just to compete for the cash and the honour of being crowned the winner by New York's most powerful mob boss.

"Okay, ladies the rules. Heh, there are no rules!"

 "The winner is the last girl standing and gets ten thousand dollars".

He released Elektra and gestured to the men holding Karen to release her as well.

Maybe I shouldn't have picked Elektra Nachoes as my dance partner tonight, Karen grimly thought. That bitch slapped hard, and this was just the teaser. Who was fighting was normally determined in advance, but Fisk liked it to seem spontaneous, hence the little dramatic play. Elektra was Fisk's PA. After a protracted battle, she defeated the previous PA, Maya Lopez, to become her replacement, making her eat her out in front of an appreciative audience. What a bitch! But this was the only way into Fisk's mansion, crusading poor lawyers for the downtrodden don't have many connections with the people Fisk hung around with. The only way in was as a recruit for fight night, they'd gotten Fogwell to vouch that she'd put on a good show. And they needed to get in.

 "Ladies you may begin, Miss Page, Miss Natchios, may the best girl win".

Putting her whole body behind it, Elektra's slap rang out like a thunderclap, and Karen's body snapped to the side as she sprayed spit all over the dancefloor. Elektra slapped the other way sending

Karen, reeling, stumbling on her feet until she eventually fell to the padded floor.

(Padded Floor on a Ballroom? Yes, Wilson Fisk had invested in a rather interesting Floor design from Stark Industries. Able to change from a hard Dancefloor to a padded surface at the flick of a switch. Wilson had spent a small fortune on this when a fall to the ground during a prior fight had concussed both combatants. Cutting short a promising evening.)

Watching the blonde lying on her back legs akimbo, Elektra thought she had the skank.

 "Hope you like sushi!" she teased, charging in to continue her attack.

 "You're the one who's gonna get fucked!". Karen countered as she swiped her long legs to the side catching Elektra in the face, sending her spinning. Karen scrambled to her feet and dived for the stricken Elektra, tackling her down to the ground.

They rolled and rolled, releasing a chorus of squeals, yelps, gasps, and venomous curses, nothing skilful, just brawling. The women had to be untrained. Fisk didn't believe any of this 'Kung-Foo Chop-Suey shit' as he referred to it. 'Let Women Fight Like Women' was his motto.

They came to a stop with Elektra finding she was lying on top of her prostrate enemy, she tried to sit up with the blonde's head caught under her crooked right arm. Interlacing her fingers and spreading apart her shapely legs as an aid to leverage, she started to put on the pressure. Croaking as the choke made itself felt, Karen scrambled and hit her captor's back. She grabbed at the back of the red dress wrenching it apart down, but Elektra held on determined, to squeeze any resistance out of her foe.
Karen started scratching, she did not have long nails, but she was still tearing bloody tracks down Elektra's back. The pain from the assault caused Elektra to loosen her hold on the neck. Before her arm could be tightened again, the blonde rotated her head until her face was pressed against the perspiring mound of flesh exposed by the damage to the dress. Feeling the constriction being reapplied, she opened her mouth and bit. Feeling the teeth starting to close on the tit, Elektra squealed and parted her hands, snatching herself free and bouncing away on her arse. Cursing, her fingers checked that the skin of the breast had not been broken.

Thrusting herself into a sitting posture the moment she was free, the blonde shuffled after Elektra. She curled her hands under the dark-haired woman's armpits and, failing to grasp the bare breasts as planned, got Elektra in a full nelson. In their separate efforts, one to apply pressure and the other seeking escape, they pulled themselves to their feet. Drawing her torso forward, Elektra jerked it back, so her buttocks rammed into Karen's stomach. The attack got a pain-filled croak, and the encircling arms were unwound hurriedly as her hands clasped at the point of impact.

Twisting around as soon as she was free, Elektra grabbed the sides of the blonde's dress with her hands. Falling over backwards and hauling Karen after her, Elektra brought up her right foot as her shoulders reached the floor. Subjected to a thrust against her stomach, the blonde was pitched in a half somersault through the air over her attacker, landing with a thud on her back on the padded floor, her dress left in the hands of a smiling Elektra. She rolled over to rise and attack the bitch happily twirling her dress, livid that she was now in just her green thong.

The top of Elektra's left ankle lashed around to catch Karen under the chin. Jerked into a kneeling posture, she received a second kick to the body which sent her rolling across the floor. Then her hair was seized, and she was hauled erect by it. Subjected to a left hook into the guts, she was folded onto the right fist which rose to meet her descending jaw. The blow not only straightened her out but drove her onto her back. Luckily she managed to roll clear before Elektra hurtled after her in a plunging dive landing with a thud on her breasts.
Karen leapt on top of Elektra's back. Pinning her arms and yanking her head back by the hair. Then with her other hand, she reached for Elektra's breasts. Fumbling blindly, she searched the nipple, her target, grasping it between thumb and forefinger she squeezed.
Elektra could barely stifle the scream as Karen's nails tried to puncture her skin.

 "I grew up in Hell's Kitchen don't you think I've fucked up my share of bitches" Karen whispered into her ear.
Elektra's sobs and moans grew louder, while Karen started cackling. Elektra gritted her teeth. No, she had worked hard, fought hard to be here, and she was not going to let some jumped-up blonde fucking secretary beat her. No not like this. Not to her. She tried to move her hands, the slut was pining for them, sure, but each time she pulled on her hair, she bounced, and each time she bounced the pressure reduced, and each time the pressure reduced, her arm moved, just a little bit, just a little bit...


Elektra screamed as her arm came free, she rolled on top of the bitch, and her hand went for the blonde's face she screamed out in fear, her eyes! Karen's hands tried to hold the claws away. Good. Elektra's other fist slammed into Karen's solar plexus, that bit in the centre of the torso, and above the navel where all the fucking nerves are! The bitch's scream of fear turned into a sob.
Her turn to cackle, Elektra moved forward, determined to pound the blonde's face into hamburger.
Karen's fist crashed between her legs. Elektra sank to her knees gasping. Karen slapped her face, forehand and backhand, Elektra's face flew from side to side, spraying spittle. She pushed Elektra off her and rose, as Elektra lay there gasping Karen shimmed for the audience in her little green thong.

Getting down on the floor with her, Karen wrapped her legs around Elektra's waist and squeezed, the muscles standing out on her shapely gams. Elektra gasped as Karen squeezed her innards, the agony so intense. Elektra grabbed Karen's nipples and twisted. Karen moaned, but squeezed harder,  not wanting to let go until she heard a rib crack. They stared into each other's teary eyes their faces beet red. Karen would squeeze and then Elektra would double down on the tit torture, twisting and trying to pull each breast down to her navel. Then changing tactics she bunched her hands into fists, bringing each fist down heavily on Karen's breasts pancaking them out.


Karen's mouth opened in a silent scream of agony.


The pain seemed to shoot through every nerve in her body as she tried to maintain her agonising hold.


It looked like Karen's eyes would burst out of her head, each blow was slow and heavy until Karen could take no more.


Screaming Karen released her scissors kicking Elektra away. They both rolled away and then rose slowly, with murder on their faces. They looked at each other as Elektra tore away the tattered rags that once were her dress, standing only in a red thong. The crowd were cheering wildly, but neither fighter cared, all that existed was the destruction of the bitch in front of them.

They stood, their sweat-covered bodies glistening in the light. They were both breathing heavily, chests falling and rising, both exhausted, they wanted it to end. But it would not end until one of them lay defeated, broken at the other's feet.

The impasse was broken when Elektra suddenly drove her knee up into the blonde's belly, pounding the breath out of her. As Karen stood there, gasping, clutching her aching belly,  Elektra took the chance to wrap her powerful arms around her rival and squeeze her in a bear hug, pouring every ounce of her remaining power into this effort to crush Karen into defeat, as their breasts mashed together, she could feel her larger breasts overwhelming the smaller pair, she was crushing this bitch, she pulsed her grip, Karen gasped, more like a wheeze.

 "You're done for, whore!" Elektra snarled.

Karen threw her head back and let out a piercing howl from the pain, which washed over her so powerfully that her body was unable to obey the commands of her mind telling her to fight back.
Marshalling every last iota of willpower she had, the blonde swung her arms up, slamming her palms into the ears of her tormentor. Elektra let out a sharp yelp as her arms flew open and she stumbled back.

Knowing she had only one chance left, and precious little power to spare, Karen threw a kick up, smashing her foot squarely into Elektra's groin, sending her collapsing to the floor with an agonised gasp. Dropping down to the floor above her adversary's head, the blonde snaked her steely legs around Elektra's head, locking on a figure four head scissors.

Crying out, Elektra thrashed wildly with all her remaining strength, her hands clutching and slapping at her rival's legs, but it was in vain. Karen just gritted her teeth and growled as she tightened her legs, her whining victim's face turning ever-deeper shades of red.

One minute passed...then two. Astonishingly, Elektra was still resisting, but too feebly to escape. The muscles on Karen's legs stood out like steel cables, tears streaming down her face as her body was in agony from the effort to destroy her nemesis, Karen kept hissing,

"Fucking die, bitch! Die!"

Then, it happened, with a sob, Elektra's eyes fluttered shut and her body went limp. With great effort, Karen uncoiled her legs and stood, unsteadily. The audience went wild applauding her on her victory. One more thing…

 "I promised you a fucking, didn't I?". She sneered.

Smiling, Karen sashayed out her thong, presenting her marvellous naked body to the audience. Who wondered what was coming next. Bending down she straddled Elektra in a schoolgirl pin, tightly tucking both of Elektra's arms into the crooks of her knees to prevent her from fighting back.

Waving her sweaty dirty green thong panties over her head, Karen shoved them into Elektra's mouth, stuffing them as far down her throat as she could with her fingers, the crowd applauded and cheered.

 "No biting!" she admonished; unconscious or not, no way was she trusting that bitch to eat her out.

While her foe was still unconscious and at her mercy, Karen wasted no time; she slid forward and began grinding her crotch against Elektra's face. Karen writhed, ground, rubbed and slammed her unshaved crotch scouring Elektra's face until she just got the right position, and then she rubbed, slowly at first, then faster and more frantically, her tits bounced and jiggled wildly as she face-fucked the beaten woman, high on the humiliation she was dealing out until she could feel herself...

"…Ohmy..." (Faster)

…she felt...  (FASTER!)

"…OhMyGod..." (DON'TSTOP!)

…she felt...  (CAN'TSTOP)


The orgasm hit her like a freight train, Karen finally stopped and slowly slid back to sit on Elektra's stomach. Triumphant, in a cloud of triumph, ecstasy and achievement. The win was exhilarating in itself, but now the act of debasing the bitch in front of the crowd was even sweeter.

A sweaty red-faced Fisk came over to declare her the winner, asking her to come round tomorrow about the new job. Everything happened in a blur, like a dream, nothing seemed real. Every fucking nerve in her body seemed to fire at once. She walked out in a daze, through the crowd, with Matt, his coat covering as much of her naked body as it could.

Their limo pulled up and they stepped inside.

They saw Foggy's grim face reflected in the mirror.

"Good News. You put on quite a show. The security guards were glued to their screens. I didn't even have to sneak past."

"But…", there's always a 'but' isn't there, Karen thought.

 "…Bad news, it’s a Siegel and Shuster electronic lock. It's gonna take Melvin Potter a while to figure out a workaround. It's gonna take another visit".

 "That's okay…" Karen beamed, "…meet Wilson Fisk's new PA".

 "You?" Foggy queried.

 "Yeah, the old one got fucked, shame that". Karen giggled.

 "So, we've got access to the place?" he asked.

 "Even better, I'm probably gonna get the fucking combination, we may not even need to break into it."

 "Well, once we get the drive that's in the safe, there is enough evidence to put Mister Fisk away for quite a while. It may be the fruit of the poisonous tree but once we get this to Ben Urich at the Bugle…".

Happy, Karen stared out of the window God she needed a good bath, tomorrow she'd start her new, hopefully temporary, new job and then…

"…I wonder who my next dance partner will be".
Consciously Imcompetant.


Offline Pinnerdown

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Re: Earth 32767 Karen Page v Elektra Natchios
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2024, 06:33:27 PM »
Interesting concept,
A whole new universe for you to explore with that vivid imagination.


Offline Rocko23

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Re: Earth 32767 Karen Page v Elektra Natchios
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2024, 01:31:20 PM »
Superb catfight. Loved the trash talk and the scenario. Karen was awesome and use of leg scissors and those gams was great! The humiliation was superhot especially Karen's thoughts!