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British Fight Pit: Angelina Jolie vs Kate Beckinsale rematch

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British Fight Pit: Angelina Jolie vs Kate Beckinsale rematch
« on: August 27, 2024, 12:19:32 AM »

Marie Avgeropolous had forced Ruby Rose to scream her absolute surrender and now Nina Dobrev was in the pit with Marie celebrating.  Attention diverted from the two Canadians as Angelina Jolie came in they stopped their celebration as each idolized Angelina.  Nina more than anything wanted to have a career just like Angelina

Then a feeling came over everyone a feeling that time stopped as Kate Beckinsale walked into the pit.  Avgeropolous and Dobrev looked at her then back at Angelina.  Eye went wide this was going to be special.  They lifted Ruby out of the pit where Nina decided to drop her and stand on Ruby Rose.

A rematch of Jolie vs Beckinsale was a true main event.

“I can sense them, please let me watch.”  Nina knew Ruby idolized these two as well

“Get over there, I don’t want you cheap shotting me.”

“After what just happened after that bitch….  I no longer have any desire to battle you in a fight because if she did that then what would you do.  I thought we were going to be a war but a friendship with you means more and she proved I’m no better than anyone.  Please lets watch together.”

The Crowd was going crazy, Kate Beckinsale on one side wearing tight lycra and on the other was Angelina Jolie wearing a loose-fitting black dress.  They waited almost twenty years to fight the first time a fight that ended with Kate Beckinsale destroying Angelina Jolie.  Angelina wasn’t sure if she ever wanted to try again but now with her career still in demand and Kate being relegated to TV, she needed to prove the loss was luck. 

Angelina took off the dress and was in active wear clothing.  She threw the dress in to the crowd and both women walked to the middle.  Chests six inches apart and heaving up and down.  “this was figured out bitch, 20 years of trying to get you to fight me and when we did, I proved what I always said.  Which is that you don’t measure up to me.”

“I don’t accept that”

“There may have been a short window where you’d have beaten me but for most of our Hollywood lives, I’ve been the hotter, tougher, sexier and most importantly better fighter.”

There was a silence “I started a small rumour about being here and you let everyone know you’ll show up to shut me up... Your jealousy of me, your obsession with me… One night you won but Kate you’ll never beat me again.”

“I’m here for each and every fight.  I was here when Nina Dobrev tapped out Camilla Luddington with a crazy submission I was here when Rose Leslie got the fuck up.   Don’t act like this is me this is you.  You liked what I did to you and want me to do it again well Angie I will do worst to you this time and enjoy it even more.”

“I won’t be losing, you’ll be quitting”

“Never to you”

They were face to face then took another step and started to push the other woman with tits.  They could hear the people getting more and more excited with each tit shove.

“Do something Angie.”

“I am.  I’m feeling my tits push yours down and soon enough my teeth and my hands will be ripping apart your tits.”

“You don’t have it in you anymore to go full psycho on someone like you did with Rose back in the day.”

“Look at you struggle to say that.  I’m in better shape because Marvel required it.  I did it because I needed to avenge this.  I still have that viciousness when I truly TRULY look at someone I hate.  Guess what.”

“You hate me… You hated me last time”

No, I didn’t like you or respect you last time.”

“And this time.”

Angelina faked a punch then spun quick and hit a back kick to Kates stomach sending her to the railing “I hate you…This ends with you hurt because I hate you and want to hurt you.”

Kate nodded her approval then walked around stretching and taking deep breaths “Folks don’t let it fool you.  She hated me last time now she admits it because my beating of her is what she hates the most.  This time I will do it again and again and again until you beg me to stop coming to fight you.”

Angie kept her shoulders relaxed was hopping from one foot to the other not pacing she had never prepared more for a fight.  “Twenty year wait and I lose… I haven’t felt like this in even longer.  Kate you better be half as good as you claim because I want to bleed and I want to make you bleed more.”

Angie took down her straps and let  her dress fall to the ground. She was fit, she was strong she was looking mean and then she kicked the dress at Kate “Time for the blood letting to start.”

“Making claims based on your reputation when you were coming up and everyone feared you but Rose and you put her down.  Put down so many but me you never came for and that reputation is well gone you will bleed and you will quit.”

Angelina didn’t motion for Kate to come forward and fight but to take off her clothes.  Kate gave a oh really nod look then did just that.  They threw the outfits into the crowd and would fight the rest in their bra and panties.

“Take a look Kate.. See how ready I am for you.”  Angie put her arms out and stepped forward.

“You were ready last time but look as ready as you got I stayed ready.  Always been always will be.”  Kates arms out and stepped forward.

The crowed gasped, both women’s bodies were magnificent for their age, the strong ore the defined biceps.  The crowd so many men and the women dreamed of Kate’s tits vs Angelina’s tits.

“Are they going to…”  Nina was giddy watching them get in tight

“No way they will do what we all want its not going to happen.”  Marie added.

“What do you know.”  Ruby snapped.

Angelina turned her shoulder and cracked Kate with a left hook.  Kate stumbled toward the three women “Don’t worry I’m going to …”  She never got to finish Angelina was not playing around and was pulling Kate away by the hair

Marie glanced at Ruby and smiled “They just want to beat the other.”

Kate hi the hand away from her hair then swung her arms at Angelinas shins.  That sent Angelina down face first “You wanted more bitch you have no idea what I can do and you will find out .”

Kate went to get on the back but Angelina slid out and both slowly got to their feet.  Eyes laser focused on the other that short burst showed this fight could go anywhere inside this confided space.  Both were ready for any kind of fight and to react accordingly to what was given.

Angelina smiled then tightened her scowl “I’m going to enjoy this even more knowing you will fight this hard.”

Kate bounced to get loose and to see if she could gete Angelina to look at her tits.  Jolie knew that trick and wasn’t falling for it.  Kate feinted a punch and Angelina knew it was a fake and cracked Kate with a right hand stepping in.

Kate at the punch and came up with a knee to Angelinas stomach.  Angelina grunted and swung her elbow and so did Kate.  The two went away after that exchange they were realizing both were letting all strikes happen whatever their experience said to throw they would

Kate came forward left hook first then a right uppercut was gearing for a left knee when Angelina slipped to her left and threw her right hand straight up into Kates jaw.  Not a uppercut but like a shovel.  Then a overhand left to the temple and a shift of feet Angelina went for a  head kick which got blocked.

Kate backed up two steps gave her head a quick shake to clear the punches she took.  Angelina threw another kick, Kate ate it to the ribs stepped forward and dropped Angelina with a over hand right.

Kate then went for a stomp to the back of the head.  Angelina pulled her head out and swung her leg hitting Kate in the back of the leg.  Angelina then pushed with her hand and jumped on top of Kate Beckinsale.  “I don’t care what you planned on there but you and I are.”


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Re: British Fight Pit: Angelina Jolie vs Kate Beckinsale rematch
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2024, 12:22:02 AM »

Kate hugged Angelina turned her over “And I don’t care what you think you trained for you still will lose because I’ve always been that one percent better.”

Angelina raised her hips and flipped both over “You and I never fought in our primes but trust me that wasn’t my choice.  I burst that ego of yours tonight.”

The two Hollywood long time A listers were rolling around flipping the other and ripping at skin and hair.  The crowd was going wild as neither was able to get a long time advantage.  They were fighting like young 20 year olds desperately trying to impress and move forward with their career at the expense of the other.

They got up the sports bras were pushed up and the crowd could see under tits.  Angelina pushed forward slammed Kate into the barrier got her left free and hit a upper cut to the tit.  “Old bitch you need more surgery.”

Kate leaned back and pushed Angelina away “That’s not surgery that’s strength you overrated egotistical slut bag.”

Kate hit a right haymaker stepped in with a left was stepping forward throwing each haymaker.  They were connecting with sickening thuds to Angelinas face and the crowd was gasping that Angelina was standing still.

Angelina got her arm up to block one quickly pivoted and sent Kate into the other barrier and was hitting lefts to Kates stomach.  Turning her oblique and  hip as far as it could untwisting into a punch in the stomach then after six Angie came up with a right uppercut that snapped Kate’s head back blood flying from her face

Angelina grabbed the back of Kate’s head “How did that feel bitch?  How does it feel to know what I will do to you?  Tell everyone you quit now because I will take more blood from you.”

Heres some you witch.”  Kate then spit blood in Angelina face.

“What the “  Angie said wiping the blood and Kate hit  knee to oblique and turned Angie.

Left hook to the body, left hook to the ribs the chin and right uppercut snapping Angie’s head back.  Angie turned around “How’s that feel, you got my blood and I got “ She turned Angie around but there was no  blood

“What …How I punch.”  Angie hit a in tight uppercut then grabbed the back of Kate’s neck and hit three more.

Angie turned a hip to hit a knee to the face but Kate grabbed Angie’s tits.  Kate pushed her away and backed up and just got away from the knee.  Kates lower face was bloody but she was still up.  Angie circled around the pit stretching her arms and neck. 

“Understanding your future yet.  You bloody me victorious.  I got all the skill and all the hate this time bitch you cant hurt me.”

“You may not be bleeding but I definitely hurt you physical with what I just did and I got you broken mentally.  When I beat you fair and square I did what no one else has and when I do it again.”

“You wont.”

They circled around building more rage and hate for the other.  Looking at the other wishing they could tear the skin off, hang them with their hair.  They knew going full rage would lose the fight.  It was fighting on the edge that will get this win.

“I will win, you can get your hits in bitch.  You can make me bleed; you can do a lot but you won’t knock me down.  I’m going to batter you and humiliate you and you know it.”  Kate stepped in for two jabs then threw a big overhand but Angie got her shoulder up and hand up slipped away.

Angie jumped back in with a left hook that Kate leaned back from Angie came back with the left elbow that stunned Kate “Staying on your feet, are you?”  Angie kept her left up and had it like a arm wrestle and pumped the elbow into Kate’s face then threw a tremendous right haymaker that sent Kate reeling.

“Big talk about how you can take a punch but…”  Angie was methodically trying to corner Kate who got her foot on the barrier pushed off and the two ended up on the ground.  Kate found her tits on Angie’s and slapped the second gen actress and that got a really strong push away from Angelina.

They got up traded three punches each then circled away.  Angie threw a kick to the ribs and Kate threw a kick but kept the leg in and made it a fake and hit a spinning back fist.  That rocked Angelina Jolie  and now she was a trying to get away “I told you bitch.  I told you I got your fucking number.”

Kate was able to hit punches to Angelinas side.  She went atop and somehow Angelina ducked under and slipped then pushed Kate into the barrier.  Jolie backed away and Kate turned “Show me the face of Angelina Jolie.”

Angelina slowly revealed her face to a massive bruise where the backfist landed.  “Fucking hell you aren’t bleeding.”  Kate was upset then a devilish smile “Yet.”

“Time to get it Kate.  You can’t make me bleed and you cant knock me down with a punch and you damn sure wont win this time.”

“You’re wrong on all three bitch you have always gotten it wrong with me and you always will.”

“Prove it.”

Kate stepped in then took a big step jumped for a knee to the face.  Angie moved grabbed Kates arm pulled it so Kate was at an angle.  Angie threw a big overhand right then pivoted her back foot switched the angle and threw a sick left hook that sent Kate back.  “More blood on my fist but no cuts on my fist underworld.”

Kate turned and looked at Angelina.  Over the eyebrow near the temple the fist cut her face.  The fight by strikes and comments was even but Angelina was busting up Kates face with punches and had her bloody.  “You got more blood but you wont win.”

Angie took a big step and then stopped watched Kate pivot and load the right hand.  “Not so much bitch, its more than a violent slug fest I’m going to pick you apart make you bleed, make you cry make you realize who the fuck we are.”

Angie could see she was getting under Kate’s skin.  She wanted Kate to engage first and Kate did by kicking dirt up at Angie.  Angie got her hands up blocked it but couldn’t stop the aggressive take down.

Angie hit her back hard to the dirt.  “bitch” Angie said, and Kate’s hands went to Angie’s tits “Yeah you don’t like the takedown well you wont like what I do next.”

The thumbs were on the nipples and Kate curled her thumb, so the nail was on the nipple.  She pressed in hard and began to circle the nipple like she was using her thumbnail as a scalpel cutting around the areola.  She looked and Angie’s face was tightened up she was trying to eat the pain.

“You think this was just going to be a slug fest.  First one down was the weak one, punch and strike till a knock out no bitch I hate you and I want to destroy you and I will wreck whatever you have until this time you quit or get knocked out or they stop me I don’t care I just want to beat you up.”

It had been a long time since her tits were attacked like that, but Angie would not go down toa tit attack.  She ate the pain, and it was feeling like the thumb was under the areola.  Kate was concentrating so much on offence.  Angie got her thumbs up leaned up and pressed in on Kate’s eyes with her thumbs.

Angie turned Kate onto her hip.   “You bitch you dumb bitch, I’m Angelina Jolie .  I’m the most vicious fighter in history I won that from Rose God damn McGowan.  You are Kate Beckinsale you are not in my league and I will do anything to win this… Any GOD damn THING!”

Kate kicked Angelina away started to get up and was tackled back down. “I’m the resume everyone wants, I’m the style the best replicate because I’ll do anything.”  Angelina slapped Kate with her tits

Kate pushed at one tit to bite it and Angie had it done and did this enough.  She knew she was about to be bitten so Angie pulled away tried to stand.  When she tried to stand Kate grabbed the legs and twist and tackled her back down.

Angie tried to get away, but Kate grabbed her pants and thought of attacks then looked up.  “You got my blood.”  Kate stood up and totally got Angelina Jolies pants off.  She pulled at the feet part twisting and that had Angie’s chest going on the ground “I got your pride.”

Angie turned and soccer tackled Kate’s ankles “RED CARD” Everyone chanted at that crack.  Angie quickly jumped at Kate’s yoga pants and began ripping them apart “You don’t have my pride you don’t have nothing but a second rate loser body.”

Kate batted Angie away “Loser body… Bitch please” Kate said turning then saw Angie and they were on their knees scratching at the other.  Primal urges to destroy bodies were hitting.


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Re: British Fight Pit: Angelina Jolie vs Kate Beckinsale rematch
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2024, 12:27:03 AM »

They dug in harder on the backs push away and dig in hard on tits then both acted like Vampires and bit necks. That was to far and they pushed away got up and both had bloody bodies front and back

The two legends scurried back and were resting against the pits walls  “Do you see how far we will have to go.  You wont win Kate I wont be stopped.”

“I’ve got more to take and damn sure more to deliver.  I will defend my wi  on your because I aged better and always was the tougher  since Underworld to today.  Lara Croft vs Selene I’d eat you up then even worst.”

Angies hands went to the top of the rail and she pulled up getting herself to her feet “Want to bring our big roles.... Come on and start proving your bull shit.”

Kate pulled herself up “I’ve got a win on you I proved my bull shit you need to prove that you can win.”

Angie came I with a left hook and Kate hit a right uppercut that hurt Angie.  She went for a takedown.  Kate pushed Angie away and went for another uppercut but now Angelina hit a uppercut and followed with a knee to the stomach.

Angie went for a knee to th head it was blocked and Kate grabbed Angies tits squeezed then hit a head but then three punches to the stomach.  Kate came up for a big haymaker it was ducked then Angie hit a punch to the stomach and turned her hips to hit her thigh into Kates face.

Angie then stepped back went for a body kick.  The leg got caught by Kate and Kate swung Angie then hit a left hook, right leg kick and waited and hit a right downward slashing elbow that finally opened up Angelina Jolie from the hairline.  Kate pushed Angie away and went for a fight ender but it got blocked and both women ended up on the ground

“Got your blood now bitch.”  Kate had her claws into the open wound and was clawing it making the blood flow more.

Angie’s nails went to Kate’s open wounds beginning to claw at them.  “Take my blood, take what you can but I’ll take more and I’m taking the WIN”

The crowd was amazed at how hard these two fought each other and were split on who th ey wanted to win.  This was close to what people thought a fight could be if they ever fought.  The moment Kate closed the gap and real debate began it always said they would not rest and not care about the others looks

They worked their way up to their feet left hand in back of hair twisting it around and right hand pumping uppercuts into a tit, between the tits, into the mouth and destroying a nose.  They weren’t going down from a punch though

Both women squatted down for a takedown exploded upwards and only ended up crashing bodies against the other now it looked like a superhero showdown.  “Bring your worst Jolie I will end you again.”

“If you ended me the first time I wouldn’t be destroying you this time.”  They both went for a crotch claw but it was to far and they slid away and Angie spun for a back fist.

“I will break your face, rip your tits and…”  Angelina never got to finish as Kate hit Jolie with a spinning back fist.  Both were still up  breathing hard but still on their feet.

“And lose bitch… and fucking lose end of war you can break my face, I’ll get surgery, you can rip my tits and I’ll get surgery but when you lose you fucking cant change that back.”

Agnelina turned and hit a sick round house kick her foot crashing against Kates face spinning her around.  Kate spit out blood getting people in two sections.  The force of the kick did that to her “I looked up your surgeon ready to get hurt by you because he does good work but  bitch what I break inside of you.”

Kate spun leaned down hit a wheel kick.  The bottom of her foot slapping across Angelina’s chin and Angelina spun.  Blood flying from Angelina Jolies mouth and Kate was standing there beaten more than she had been in a long time but still not down from a Jolie strike but Jolie was still standing from hers.

Angelina turned and they faced each other, faces bloodied and going down on their chests which were damaged from the attacks.  It had been years since they faced this level of a bloody battle and they weren’t in their 20s and 30s no more.

Kate put her left hand out and opened it motioned for Angelina to come forward.  Angelina did the same.  They were standing far enough apart they couldn’t strike without coming forward and the other wanted to counter.

Crowd was split and both went forward and were in the pocket trading all or nothing rights and lefts to the face, boobs and ribs.  They weren’t going down and the hits on the face hit with thunderous cracks and thudded against eh flesh on the body.

The punches were not dropping the other, nor did the kicks.  They were serious about not going down.  The legend of what happened when Janet fought Rose was going to be eliminated because these two Hollywood Alist legends went after each other even more violently.

They got both hands in the others face again and was clawing even harder.  Making the other bleed even more then they worked their way down to their chests.  Nails digging in flesh weakened so it was digging in deep causing wounds.  Kate stepped back and Angie pushed forward thinking she was about to end this.

Kate came up with a knee between Angelinas legs.  It connected and dropped Angie like the liver punch in the first fight.  Jolie was down on her knees frozen with pain.  Kate wiped her face slicking her hair back with her own blood. 

“More things change, harder you fought and you ended up in the same place bitch and I will end it the same bloody way.”

Kate got both her legs over Angelina’s trapezes.  “This time the worlds sees you quit.”  She reached down grabbed the top of Angelinas hair and pulled so the crowd could see the beaten face of Angelina Jolie.

She was about to cross her ankles and squeeze Angelinas head as she did to win their first fight.  Angelina got her arms around the legs “I blocked.”  Jolie then lifted Kate Beckinsale who realized when she threw the low blow Angelinas had hit her thigh and it reduced the impact greatly

Angelina carried Kate Beckinsale in front of Nina Dobrev, Marie Avgeropolous and Ruby Rose.  She smiled for them her face bloody but they were wide eyed wondering if Angie would do what they were thinking.  “I’m not done bitch.”

Kate tightened her legs and fell back to hit a poison ranna.  Angie grabbed the barrier then held the feet to her chest.  Kate couldn’t get away so she sat up hoping to regrip and get out.  When Kate began to sit back up Angie let go and dropped down her knees going back six inches she spiked Kate Beckinsales arms and chest into the barrier.

Everyone gasped.  Angelina stood up and looked she realized Kate wasn’t completely out and pulled her away by the back of the hair and slammed Kates face into the barrier twice then dragged Kate up to her feet spun her around and hit a sickening headbutt into Kates face sending her off the beam which bounced Kate back and into a disgusting Angelina Jolie over hand right that knocked Kate Beckinsale out and sent her face first into the dirt

“One to one.”  Kate was out Angelina was standing over her “I still feel  hate and if you don’t stop me I’m going to start to stomp the back of this bitches head.  Five seconds and the rage takes over.”

They got in and pulled her away knowing Angelina had a rage in her that could not be matched

“You want the old me you got her Kate and now you know… Now you fucking know why I’m the icon of women who want to be elite at both or just this because I’m better.  I’m nastier, I’m more vicious and if you want round three you will admit that.”

(Upcoming:  Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus 4; Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler; Elyse Levesque vs Jaimie Alexander rematch; Jessica Lowndes vs Vanessa Hudgens 4, Anya Taylor Joy vs Hailee Steinfeld)