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RQT Tag-team Qualifying match 2/4: E.Green & M. Cottilard vs MTG & L. Boebert

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Eva and Lauren circle each other, eyes locked, sizing up for an opening. The tense match will push their physical strength and willpower, leaving them bruised, battered, and exhausted.

In a surprise move, Lauren, her finely sculpted body belying her diminutive stature, charges forward, hitting Eva below the belt and taking her down to the mat in a swift move that belies her seemingly innocent appearance. The crowd lets out a collective gasp as Eva crashes to the ground, stunned by the unexpected attack. But the feisty Frenchwoman isn't about to go down without a fight. Gritting her teeth, Eva begins to struggle against Lauren's hold, her toned muscles straining against Lauren's grasp as she tries to escape the smaller woman's clutches.

The crowd erupts in a frenzy of excitement as Eva and Lauren become a tangle of limbs, each woman grappling for dominance in a writhing mass of taut muscle and feminine flesh. Their lithe bodies are locked in a death grip, Eva and Lauren roll around on the mat, their bikini-clad forms grinding against each other as they jockey for position. It's a battle of wills as the two women struggle for control, each determined to emerge victorious in this sensual clash of bodies.

The hisses of Eva and Lauren fill the arena as they fight for the upper hand. Sweat begins to glisten on their bodies, the exertion of their struggles causing their toned limbs to become slick and slippery as they seek to gain the advantage. Finally, Eva manages to wrap her long, lean legs around Lauren's waist in a body scissors, trapping the smaller woman in a vice-like grip. Lauren lets out a yelp of pain as Eva's thighs flex and squeeze, causing her to wince in agony as the pressure begins to build. But Lauren is not about to give up so easily.

With a sudden burst of strength, Lauren wrenches herself free from Eva's grip, their bodies slick with sweat as they crash to the mat in a tangle of limbs. But Eva is quick to react, throwing her arms around Lauren's body and pulling her close in an aggressive bear hug. The two women become a tangle of arms and legs, their heaving chests pressed against each other as they grapple for dominance in a passionate embrace that borders on violence. The crowd is on its feet now, cheering and jeering as the two women strain against each other in a struggle that's as erotic as it is intense.

Their lips curled in snarls, and Lauren and Eva exchanged venomous whispers, their voices low and intense. "I hate you," Lauren spits through clenched teeth, her eyes narrowed in pure rage. "And I hate you more," Eva hisses back, her French accent lending an exotic edge to her vitriol. The air between them is thick with hostility, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they strain against each other's bodies. They squeeze tighter and tighter, their bikini-clad bodies pressed together in a frenzy of animosity and desire, each woman desperate to assert her dominance over the other.

They twist and turn, seeking the upper hand, but neither can break the deadlock. Sweat and adrenaline fuel their efforts, but neither woman is willing to back down The crowd is mesmerized as Eva and Lauren roll and grapple across the mat, their bodies locked in a brutal ballet of hate. The two women are a blur of motion, their legs scissoring and their arms entwined as they struggle for control.

.As Eva and Lauren roll towards the edge of the ring, MTG sees her opportunity and pounces. Climbing off the apron, she grabs a fistful of Eva's long, dark hair and begins pummeling the back of the French actress's head with a barrage of vicious blows. Eva cries out in pain, her body going limp as MTG rains down her fury on the helpless woman. Lauren, sensing her chance to gain the upper hand, quickly scrambles to her feet and delivers a brutal kick to Eva's ribs.

Marion, seeing her tag team partner in peril, charges across the ring like a wildcat, launching herself into the air with a double jump kick that sends Lauren sprawling to the mat. Lauren's chest reverberates from the impact, her bikini-clad breasts jiggling as she tumbles off the ring and lands on top of MTG with a sickening thud. The crowd goes wild at the acrobatic display, their cheers echoing throughout the arena as Marion stands over her fallen opponents, her fists raised triumphantly in the air.

Seizing the moment, Marion climbs the ropes with the agility of a cat, her lithe form silhouetted against the arena lights. From her vantage point, she sees MTG and Lauren begin to stir, their bodies shaking off the pain as they slowly clamber to their feet. But it's too late. Marion launches herself into the air. Her body collides with theirs, sending them crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and lycra.

 Eva remains in the ring, her body slumped in the corner as she gingerly feels the back of her head for any signs of injury. Meanwhile, Marion, MTG, and Lauren lie in a heap outside the ring, their bodies entangled. Sensing her chance to even the score, Marion grabs Lauren's long blonde hair and hauls her back into the ring, her body limp and vulnerable. As she tosses Lauren to the ground, Eva pounces on her; Eva hoists Lauren into the air in a top rope vertical suplex, the smaller woman's body arcing gracefully as Eva holds her aloft. For a brief moment, Lauren hangs suspended in mid-air, her body twisting helplessly as she struggles to break free.

As Lauren dangles helplessly from Eva's grip, Marion scales the top rope. Leaning forward, she brings her hand down hard on the back of Lauren's head, her palm stinging from the impact. "Bonne nuit, Lauren," she hisses, the words dripping with contempt. Lauren lets out a pained cry as her body collapses, her spine folding in on itself as Eva brings her crashing down to the mat in a brutal suplex.

As Lauren's body hits the mat with a resounding smack, her shapely butt jiggles violently, the force of the impact almost causing her cheeks to clap together like thunderous applause. Eva, seizing her opportunity, hooks one of Lauren's legs and bridges backward, her taut body straining with the effort of the pin. The referee slides into position, counting off the seconds. "One...two..." The arena holds its breath, the silence punctuated only by the slap of the referee's hand on the mat.

She kicks out.

Eva grins her eyes gleaming with the thrill of the fight as she turns to Marion, still perched on the apron. The Frenchwoman grins back, their eyes meeting in a shared that says I was so close to putting this bitch down

 I know, right?

As Eva's smile morphs into a sinister leer, she and MTG lock eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. With Lauren still dazed from the suplex, Eva grabs her yanks and her upright, the smaller woman wincing in pain. Without breaking eye contact with MTG, Eva tags Marion into the ring with a sharp slap on the shoulder. "Your turn, mon amie," pushing Lauren towards Marion like a sacrificial offering.

As Marion steps into the ring, she and Eva waste no time overwhelming Lauren with their combined strength. Like a pair of schoolyard bullies, they shove the smaller woman back and forth between them, their hands digging into her flesh with brutal precision. Lauren's body is pushed and pulled in all directions, her arms and legs flailing helplessly as the two women toss her around the ring like a ragdoll. The crowd jeers and hollers, their shouts blending into a noise that only serves to fuel the frenzied assault.

MTG fumes at ringside, her fists clenched in impotent rage as she watches Eva and Marion unleash their final act of humiliation on Lauren; Eva tears Lauren's bikini top from her body, exposing the smaller woman's breasts to the leering eyes of the crowd. Not to be outdone, Marion yanks down Lauren's bikini bottoms. Lauren's face turns crimson with shame and humiliation, her protests lost in the roar of the crowd as Eva and Marion hold up their spoils of war, the tattered bikini floating through the air like a flag of victory.

MTG can only watch in mounting fury as Marion and Eva take turns tormenting Lauren, each woman delighting in her brand of sadistic glee. The two tag in and out, their fluid teamwork keeping Lauren trapped in their corner, her attempts to escape cut off at every turn. The crowd howls with delight as Marion and Eva unleash a relentless barrage of kicks, punches, and submission holds on their hapless victim, their sensual bodies pressing against Lauren's exposed flesh in a twisted game of cat-and-mouse. MTG can do nothing but seethe, her frustration mounting with every passing moment.

As Marion and Eva continue their erotic onslaught against Lauren, their attention laser-focused on their prey, MTG seizes her opportunity. She slinks around the ring, her eyes darting back and forth as she searches for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing Marion distracted, she pounces, her powerful frame barreling into the Frenchwoman from behind and sending her crashing into the ropes. With Marion still reeling from the surprise attack, MTG hoists the Frenchwoman onto her shoulders with ease, the crowd gasping at the sudden turn of events. Before Eva can intercede, MTG sends a well-placed kick to her midsection, the force of the blow sending the French actress sprawling to the mat. MTG heaves Marion into the air, her muscular frame rippling with power as she brings the smaller woman crashing down to the mat with a devastating slam.

MTG's rage knows no bounds as she tears off Marion's bikini bottoms, exposing the Frenchwoman's titties to the leering crowd. Her boot rains down mercilessly on Marion's pussy each stomp driving her further into agony. Meanwhile, Eva tries to intervene, but MTG dismisses her with a single shove, sending her tumbling out of the ring and onto the unforgiving floor. Lauren, taking advantage of the chaos, clambers to the top turnbuckle, her naked body glistening with sweat as she leaps off in a desperate attempt to inflict more damage on Marion.

The crowd erupts as Lauren's nude form crashes onto Marion, her battered body unable to support any further action. She slumps over Marion, her unconscious form draped over the Frenchwoman's like a limp rag doll. The referee caught up in the pandemonium, slides into position and begins the count, but it's clear that Lauren's pin is more of a last-ditch effort than a deliberate strategy. Still, MTG cheers from the sidelines, her joy at seeing her teammate finally gain the upper hand palpable.

As the referee's count reaches the critical moment, the crowd holds its breath, eager to see the outcome of this dramatic showdown. But just as the referee is about to smack the mat for the third time, Marion summons a last-ditch burst of energy, kicking out of Lauren's lifeless pin. The arena roars its approval, the cheers mingling with Lauren's ass cheeks still clapping together with each movement. Outside the ring, MTG jumps up and down in frustration, her muscular ass cheeks jiggling and bouncing with each stomp. This match is far from over.

The sudden turn of events has rekindled the flames of competition in both women. Like two wounded animals crawling towards their dens, they struggle to gain the upper hand in this race to tag in their partners. Marion, her body battered and bruised, grunts as she claws her way across the canvas, desperation etched on her face. Lauren summons her remaining strength and starts to drag herself towards MTG. 

MTG and Marion lunge towards the ropes, their fingertips straining to make contact with their partners. The crowd's cries echo through the rafters as the wrestlers screech in anguish, their bodies contorting with effort as they struggle to reach each other. With each passing moment, the distance seems to stretch out before them, taunting them with the possibility of failure. It's a race against time, a battle of wills, as they fight tooth and nail to reach their teammate and tip the scales in their favor.

Lauren pauses in her quest for the tag and turns to face Marion. She rises to her feet, her bruised and naked body quivering with rage. The crowd gasps as Lauren stalks towards Marion, her every step filled with the promise of pain. MTG, her face twisted in frustration, is powerless to intervene as Lauren closes the distance between herself and her opponent.

"You think you can beat me, bitch?" Lauren snarls as she reaches out a hand to grip Marion's hair.

As Lauren forces Marion down to the mat, MTG, her fists clenched so tight that her knuckles turn white.

"This stupid bitch,"

Lauren straddles Marion, her thighs pressing against the sides of the Frenchwoman's face as she grinds her pussy against Marion's unwilling mouth.

MTG's screams echo through the arena, her face contorting with frustration as she implores Lauren to end her misguided vendetta.

"Tag me in, idiot!" MTG shouts.  But Lauren is deaf to her partner's pleas, her eyes glinting with cruel pleasure as she rides Marion's face like a prize stallion. "She needs to learn her place," Lauren snarls, ignoring MTG as she grinds herself against Marion's mouth with increasing force.

 Lauren rises from Marion's prone body, her face flushed. "I hope you learned your lesson," she hisses, tearing off Marion's bikini top as a final insult. Her eyes blazing with a cruel hunger, Lauren drags Marion towards her corner, shoving her towards MTG like a discarded toy.

As Lauren finally relents and allows Marion to slump to the mat, MTG seizes the opportunity, her hand slapping against her partner's as she enters the ring. The tag is far from graceful, more a frenzied scramble than a strategic maneuver, but the referee signals it legitimate, and MTG wastes no time and rains down brutal blows on the weakened Marion, her fists landing with sickening thuds against the Frenchwoman's unprotected body.

MTG's rage knows no bounds as she tears off Marion's bikini bottoms, exposing the Frenchwoman's most intimate area to the leering crowd. Her boot rains down mercilessly on Marion's sex, each stomp driving her further into agony. Meanwhile, Eva tries to intervene, but MTG dismisses her with a single shove, sending her tumbling out of the ring and onto the unforgiving floor. Lauren, taking advantage of the chaos, clambers to the top turnbuckle, her naked body glistening with sweat as she leaps off in a desperate attempt to inflict more damage on Marion.

The crowd erupts in a cacophony of cheers and jeers as Lauren's nude form crashes onto Marion, her battered body unable to support any further action. She slumps over Marion, her unconscious form draped over the Frenchwoman's like a limp rag doll. The referee, caught up in the pandemonium, slides into position and begins the count, but it's clear that Lauren's pin is more of a last-ditch effort than a deliberate strategy. Still, MTG cheers from the sidelines, her joy at seeing her teammate finally gain the upper hand palpable.

As the referee's count reaches the critical moment, the crowd holds its breath, eager to see the outcome of this dramatic showdown. But just as the referee is about to smack the mat for the third time, Marion summons a last-ditch burst of energy, kicking out of Lauren's lifeless pin with a desperate surge of strength. The arena roars its approval, the cheers mingling with Lauren's ass cheeks still clapping together with each movement. Outside the ring, MTG jumps up and down in frustration, her muscular ass cheeks jiggling and bouncing with each stomp. It's clear that this match is far from over.

The sudden turn of events has rekindled the flames of competition in both women. Like two wounded animals crawling towards their dens, they struggle to gain the upper hand in this race to tag in their partners. Marion, her body battered and bruised, grunts as she claws her way across the canvas, desperation etched on her face. Lauren, bloodied and beaten, summons her remaining strength and starts to drag herself towards MTG. The crowd roars with anticipation, willing their favorite wrestler towards victory.

The tension in the arena is palpable as MTG and Marion lunge towards the ropes, their fingertips straining to make contact with their partners. The crowd's cries echo through the rafters as the wrestlers screech in anguish, their bodies contorting with effort as they struggle to reach each other. With each passing moment, the distance seems to stretch out before them, taunting them with the possibility of failure. It's a race against time, a battle of wills, as they fight tooth and nail to reach their teammate and tip the scales in their favor.

Lauren, her eyes blazing with a newfound ferocity, pauses in her quest for the tag and turns to face Marion. She rises to her feet, her bruised and naked body quivering with rage. The crowd gasps as Lauren stalks towards Marion, her every step filled with the promise of pain. MTG, her face twisted in frustration, is powerless to intervene as Lauren closes the distance between herself and her opponent. "You think you can beat me, bitch?" Lauren snarls, her voice dripping with venom as she reaches out a hand to grip Marion's hair.

As Lauren forces Marion down to the mat, MTG seethes with fury, her fists clenched so tight that her knuckles turn white. "This stupid bitch," she mutters, her voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd. But Lauren is beyond reason, consumed by a fiery hatred that drives her to humiliate and degrade her opponent. She straddles Marion, her thighs pressing against the sides of the Frenchwoman's face as she grinds her sex against Marion's unwilling mouth.

MTG's screams echo through the arena, her face contorting with frustration as she implores Lauren to end her misguided vendetta. "Get out of there, you idiot!" MTG shouts, her voice cracking with anger. "We need a fresh wrestler in the ring if we're gonna win this thing!" But Lauren is deaf to her partner's pleas, her eyes glinting with cruel pleasure as she rides Marion's face like a prize stallion. "She needs to learn her place," Lauren snarls, ignoring MTG.

As Lauren finally relents and allows Marion to slump to the mat, MTG seizes the opportunity, her hand slapping against her partner's as she enters the ring. The tag is far from graceful, more a frenzied scramble than a strategic maneuver.

MTG's muscles strain as she hoists Marion's limp body into the air. The crowd gasps in awe at the sight of her immense strength, her 5'3 frame packed with rippling muscle. She holds Marion up for a moment, savoring the anticipation, before slamming her opponent down to the mat with a thunderous jackhammer. All of Marion’s air explodes out of her chest, her body folding in on itself as the impact sends shockwaves through the ring. MTG knows its over.

 Marion manages to kick out of the devastating move, her legs writhing in protest as she refuses to stay down.

 " BITCH.” MTG screams, delivering a brutal stomp to Marion's ribs as she scrambles to keep her opponent pinned. But Marion is made of tougher stuff, and she somehow manages to summon the strength to roll to the side, breaking that pin as well.

MTG's anger has reached a boiling point, her frustrations with Lauren's impulsive decisions and Marion's refusal to stay down fueling her rage. She stalks around the ring, her eyes flitting back and forth between the two women, as though trying to decide which one deserves her wrath the most. Finally, her gaze settles on Marion, and she unleashes a flurry of kicks and punches that rain down on the Frenchwoman with merciless precision.

MTG's assault seems to have awoken something in Marion, who finds a last reserve of strength from somewhere deep inside herself. The Frenchwoman rears up on her knees, her knuckles white from the effort of staying upright. She launches herself at MTG, her fists flying like deadly missiles. The blows land with surprising force, each connecting with MTG's torso with the sound of flesh striking flesh. MTG staggers backward, her arms coming up in a futile attempt to block the flurry of punches. She is caught off guard, her ego underestimating Marion's will to fight, but MTG regains her footing and counters with a flurry of strikes of her own, her anger driving her to match Marion's intensity blow for blow. The two women trade punches, the impact of their fists echoing through the arena like cannon fire. But Marion is undeterred, her body a blur of motion as she weaves and dodges, slipping past MTG's defenses to deliver a devastating uppercut. MTG staggers backward, her eyes rolling back in her head as she collapses to the mat.

As MTG lies on the mat, helpless and exposed, Marion seizes the opportunity to punish her rival for her earlier humiliation. With a quick, vicious motion she yanks MTG’s shoulder out of socket. MTG screams, but Marion is not finished yet. She tags Eva, who steps into the ring with a wicked grin. In a cruel display of teamwork, Marion and Eva each grab hold of one of MTG's arms; Marion shoves MTG’s dislocated shoulder back into place and Eva dislocates the other one.

Lauren, still on her knees, watches in horror as the scene unfolds, her face draining of all color. The half of the crowd that cheers is a testament to the cruel nature of this spectacle, while the other half is too shocked to react.

Eva takes control of the helpless MTG, dragging her limp body to the center of the ring. She positions herself behind MTG, seating herself on MTG’s dislocated shoulder. With a slow, deliberate motion, she wraps her arm around MTG's wrist, pulling it upwards and back, bending the arm to an unnatural angle. The sound of tendons and ligaments tearing is audible, even over MTG's screams.

The referee bends down to check on MTG's condition. Her eyes are closed, her breathing shallow, her body limp. Satisfied that she is out cold, the referee calls an immediate end to the match.
Eva rises, a victorious smirk on her face as she and Marion join hands, raising them in triumph as the crowd roars. "NEW WAVE!" the referee announces, "Winners by knockout."

Lauren's body, already pushed beyond its limit, finally gives out as she collapses onto the mat, exhaustion and despair washing over her. The sheer brutality of what she's witnessed, coupled with her defeat, is too much for her to handle. She sits there, staring blankly into space, her mind reeling from the realization that her team will not be advancing to the RQT Tournament. As the ring announcer makes the official declaration of 'TNew Wave's victory, the crowd erupts into a frenzy of cheers, drowning out the sound of MTG's labored breathing as she lies motionless.


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A late, huge thank for this tale. Great to see the different fighting styles and the shifting tides. The strong MTG, the brave Marion, Lauren going crazy. Epic!