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RQT Qualifying match (3 or 4)/4 T. Swift vs A. Palicki

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RQT Qualifying match (3 or 4)/4 T. Swift vs A. Palicki
« on: September 03, 2024, 11:09:01 PM »
I spelled Adrianne Palicki's name about a dozen different ways--I didn't care enough to go back.

Locked in a stalemate, Taylor and Adrianne push and shove, grunting as they strain against each other. Their sweaty bodies slide against one another, and their bikinis begin to slip, revealing even more of their toned, muscled physiques.
Taylor tries to gain leverage by wrapping her legs around Adrianne's waist. Still, Palicki slips out of her grasp, spinning around and locking her arms around Taylor's neck in a chokehold. Taylor gasps for air, her face red, as she tries to break free.
Taylor desperately grasps for the ropes, but Adrianne's chokehold is too tight, and she refuses to let go! Adrianne, now piggybacking Taylor with the chokehold still clenched, drags her around the ring, mocking Taylor's feeble attempts to break free.
Taylor's gasping becomes ragged, and her face turns an alarming shade of red. Just as she's about to pass out, she reaches behind her to deliver a swift kick to Adrianne's shin, causing the brunette beauty to stumble and drop her.
Adrianne hits the mat with a thud, momentarily stunned by the blow to her shin. Taylor, seizing the opportunity, rebounds off the ropes with her sights set on delivering a punishing blow to her opponent. But she hesitates—a wicked glint in her eye—and instead grabs Adrianne's leg, lifting it high and slamming it back onto the mat with a sickening crack.
Adrianne howls, clutching at her injured leg. Taylor watches her writhe on the mat, clearly relishing her newfound advantage.
Like a predator stalking its prey, Taylor circles Adrianne, her eyes gleaming with sadistic delight as she watches her adversary squirm in agony. Adrianne tried to crawl away, but her movements were sluggish and uncoordinated.
"Not so tough now, are you?" Taylor hisses, her voice dripping with contempt. "Maybe you should just give up. Save yourself the embarrassment."
Adrianne, her jaw clenched, glares up at Taylor.
"Not a chance," she spits back.
 Taylor steps on Adrianne's injured shin, pressing it into the mat with all her weight. Adrianne screams in pain, her face contorting as she desperately tries to squirm out from under Taylor's boot. But the blonde songstress is relentless, grinding her heel into Adrianne's shin with increasing pressure.
"You should've known better than to fuck with me," Taylor sneers, her lips curling into a cruel smile. “Now you're going to pay for it."
For the next few minutes, the match devolves into a brutal display of torture, as Taylor relentlessly goes after Adrianne's injured shin with surgical precision. She stomps on it, twists it, and even uses her shin to grind against Adrianne's, eliciting shrieks of agony from her opponent.
Adrianne thrashes about on the mat, tears streaming down her face as she fights to stay conscious. The crowd, at first horrified by the gruesome display, begins to chant Taylor's name, caught up in the savage thrill of the moment.
With Adrianne now reduced to a whimpering, broken shell of her former self, Taylor takes her time, savoring her victory as she bullies her opponent around the ring. She slaps Adrianne across the face, spits in her hair, and mocks her with taunts and insults.
"I'm not done with you yet," Taylor growls, her voice low and dangerous.
Seemingly out of nowhere, Adrianne finds a reserve of strength, and she manages to reverse Taylor's attack, hurling her into the turnbuckle. Taylor's back slams against the corner with a resounding thud, and before she can recover, Adrianne is on her like a rabid wolf. She unleashes a torrent of knife-edge chops, each strike landing with a meaty smack that echoes throughout the arena.
Taylor, her face a mask of pain and shock, can do nothing but take it.
Despite her injuries, Adrianne is a woman possessed, her eyes blazing with fury as she pummels Taylor. But Taylor, gathering her wits, uses her long legs to kick and shove Adrianne away.
She charges at Taylor like a bull, plowing into her with all her might and sending both women crashing to the mat. They struggle against each other, limbs tangling, fighting for dominance.
As Taylor desperately tries to regain the upper hand, she grabs Adrianne's injured shin. Adrianne grits her teeth and holds onto the ropes for dear life and she kicks out, smashing her shin into Taylor's face.
 In the aftermath of her vicious kick, Adrianne finds herself clinging to the ropes for support, her injured leg trembling beneath her. Taylor lies motionless on the mat, unconscious from the brutal blow.
Adrianne's fans are on their feet, screaming and waving their hands, urging their champion to turn around and seize her chance to claim victory. But Adrianne, her breath coming in ragged gasps, seems unable to hear them.
Adrianne manages to drag Taylor's limp body away from the ropes, leaving her sprawled and vulnerable in the center of the ring. With the crowd's roars of encouragement filling her ears, Adrianne battles her way to the top rope, her body trembling with exhaustion.
Despite the brutal beating she's taken from Taylor, Adrianne finds the strength to balance herself on the top rope, her muscles tensing in preparation for the final move.
Adrianne launches off the top rope, Her bikini-clad form crashes down onto Taylor's body, flattening her against the mat in a thunderous impact.
Adrianne stays on top of Taylor, her chest heaving as she presses her weight down, pinning her opponent to the mat. The ref drops to her knees, hand poised to start the count.
Adrianne slides an arm beneath Taylor's long, creamy leg and pulls it up, using the leverage to keep her opponent pinned to the mat. The crowd's cheers are deafening as the ref's hand slaps the mat—once, twice…
 The giant TV suspended above the ring catches the perfect angle, zooming in on Taylor's cute little ass cheeks jiggling from the impact of Adrianne's pin.
The ref's hand stops mid-air, just short of making contact for the third time. The crowd cheers and groans convinced that Adrianne has secured the win. But the ref shakes her head, signaling it was only a two count.
Adrianne's disbelief flashing across her face scrambles to keep Taylor pinned, her body slick with sweat and adrenaline. The match is far from over, and both women remain in the fight.
 Taylor, stunned and humiliated, lets out a yelp as the bikini bottoms are ripped, exposing her toned but petite rear end. Adrianne's hand crackling across Taylor's cheeks echoes throughout the arena, and Taylor's face turns a shade of red to match her sunburned ass.
Adrianne, fueled by the crowd's reaction, tightens her grip around Taylor's head. Taylor, still reeling from the initial slap, tries to struggle free, but Adrianne's strength is too much for her. Adrianne's hand comes down on Taylor's already-reddened ass with a smack, over and over again. The crowd counts each strike like a drumbeat, and Taylor's feeble attempts to squirm away only seem to egg Adrianne on. Adrianne's hand starts to sting from the repeated impact, but she doesn't let up, determined to break Taylor's spirit.
Adrianne's smacks become increasingly brutal, each one seemingly harder than the last. The sound of skin-on-skin fills the arena, and Taylor's cries of pain turn to sobs. Adrianne's mocking words ring out, amplified by the PA system. "What's wrong, princess? Can't handle a little spanking?" she taunts, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe you should stick to singing about your failed relationsips instead of stepping into the ring with a real woman!"
Taylor refuses to give in to Adrianne's brutal onslaught. With each slap, she grits her teeth and clenches her fists, determination, and stubbornness etched on her face. Her ass is a mass of angry red welts, the pain searing through her body, but she won't let Adrianne have the satisfaction of seeing her break. The crowd is hushed, leaning forward, watching intently as Taylor's resolve is tested.
The jumbotron shifts its focus to Adrianne's backside, and the crowd gasps as Taylor's hands grip the fabric of Adrianne's bikini bottoms, yanking them up with a savage jerk. Adrianne, caught off guard by the unexpected retaliation, lets out a sharp gasp of pain as the thin fabric digs into her skin. But she quickly regains her composure, redoubling her efforts to punish Taylor. Her hand becomes a blur of motion, pounding Taylor's already-sore ass with punishing force. The crowd watches in rapt silence, unable to predict which woman will crack under the intense pressure first.
The impact of Adrianne's relentless slapping sends shockwaves through Taylor's body, setting her pert breasts jiggling wildly within the confines of her bikini top. Adrianne's chest bounces with each strike. The crowd is mesmerized by the sight, their eyes following the sway and bounce of the two women's bodies. And with every slap, the firm, round globes of Taylor's ass cheeks quiver and shake, each one bearing the marks of Adrianne's brutal assault.
Adrianne's slapping finally slows, her hand sore and aching from the prolonged beating. Taylor, sensing Adrianne's exhaustion, seizes her chance. With a sudden burst of strength, she pulls Adrianne to her feet, only to toss her aside like a ragdoll. Adrianne crumples to the mat. Taylor, her legs wobbling and her body drenched in sweat, staggers to the ropes, using them to hold herself upright. She leans against the ropes, gasping for breath, her chest rising and falling with each desperate inhale.
Taylor, determined to take advantage of the moment, collapses onto Adrianne's prone form, hooking one of her legs. The ref, who's been staying out of the way as instructed, slides in for the count. "One... Two..." she shouts, her voice carrying through the silent arena. But just before the three count, Adrianne manages to get a shoulder off the mat, breaking the count and keeping herself in the match. Taylor, frustrated but undeterred, rolls off of Adrianne, resting for a moment before rising to her feet.
Seeing her chance to exploit Adrianne's injury, Taylor wastes no time in seizing the leg with the injured shin. She twists and contorts Adrianne's leg, wrenching it in a painful leg grapevine hold. Adrianne tries to resist, but the pain shooting through her leg is too much. She screams out, her voice echoing throughout the arena, as Taylor applies more and more pressure to the hold. The crowd watches as the battle of wills and bodies rages on.
Adrianne, every muscle tensed and twitched as she fought the searing pain in her leg. She feels like the leg is being ripped from her body, the pain almost unbearable. But her pride and determination won't allow her to submit. Her teeth are gritted, and sweat drips from her brow as she stares at the arena lights, willing herself to hold on. The crowd is riveted, unsure how long Adrianne can last in the excruciating hold.
Trapped in the leg grapevine hold, Adrianne realizes that the only way to break the hold is to drag herself, and Taylor, to the nearest ropes. The effort seems almost impossible, but Adrianne knows she has to try. Gritting her teeth, she starts to inch across the mat, using her arms to pull herself forward. Taylor, sensing Adrianne's movement, adjusts the hold, trying to keep her from reaching the ropes. But Adrianne, driven by sheer force of will, continues to drag herself and Taylor towards the safety of the ropes.
As Adrianne drags herself and Taylor towards the ropes, her bikini bottoms, stretched and strained by the exertion, finally give way. The thin strings snap, and the small scrap of fabric comes loose, fluttering to the mat. The crowd lets out a collective gasp as Adrianne's bare ass is exposed, her pale, perfect cheeks on full display. But Adrianne is beyond caring about modesty. Her focus is singular, her eyes fixed on the ropes that offer her a way out of the devastating leg grapevine hold.
Adrianne, with her last ounce of strength, reaches out, her fingers trembling as they brush against the ropes. She's so close, but the distance between her and safety feels insurmountable. Taylor, seeing Adrianne's progress, redoubles her efforts, twisting and bouncing the grapevine hold, trying to break Adrianne. But Adrianne won't give in. She claws at the mat, dragging herself and Taylor those final few inches. At last, she manages to grasp the ropes, relief flooding through her body as the ref calls for the break.
Exhausted and spent, the two women collapse to the mat, still entangled in the grapevine hold. Adrianne, her leg throbbing and nearly numb, can't even muster the strength to kick Taylor off of her.
Taylor pleaded with the ref, tears streaking her sweat-streaked face. "Please, make her give," Taylor begs, her voice raw and broken. "She can't go on like this. She'll never make it."
But the ref, true to her instructions, remains silent, letting the match play out.
Adrianne, her spirit still unbowed despite the pain and exhaustion, manages to summon enough energy to turn her head and glare at Taylor. "Fuck you, bitch," she coughs out, her voice hoarse. "You think I'm gonna give up now? You're delusional."
Taylor, refusing to give up on her ruthless tactics, reaches down and tries to force her fingers into Adrianne's vulnerable pussy. But Adrianne, still defiant, manages to squirm and twist, fighting off Taylor's assault. "Get the fuck off me, you psycho!" Adrianne shouts, her eyes blazing.
 "I swear to God, I'll make you regret this.” The crowd watches, transfixed, as the two women continue to grapple, their bodies slick with sweat and their bikinis long forgotten.
The two women struggle to their feet, using each other for leverage and support. They grapple and push, their movements becoming more frantic and wild. The arena is a frenzy of noise and color, the crowd on its feet, screaming and cheering as the two warriors battle it out in the center of the ring.
Taylor, exhausted and desperate, lunges at Adrianne with the last of her strength, but her legs give out as she swings her arm in a futile attempt at a clothesline. She collapses against Adrianne, her weight supported by the ropes that keep them both upright. Adrianne, staggering under the sudden impact, groans in frustration. "You've got nothing left," she hisses, her voice low and dangerous. "You're done."
Adrianne's leg, injured and throbbing, finally gives way, causing her to crumple to the mat. As she falls, Taylor, still leaning against her, becomes tangled in the ropes, her body draped awkwardly across the top rope like a limp ragdoll. The two women are silent. They lie motionless on the mat, their bodies battered and bruised, their once-beautiful faces now distorted by pain and exhaustion.
Taylor Swift, naked and exhausted slumped against the ropes, trying to regain her strength. Adrianne Palicki, also naked and panting, slowly gets up off the mat, her body covered in sweat. She grabs Taylor's arm and pulls her off the ropes, sending her crashing to the mat.  She collapses on top of Taylor, using her last bit of energy to keep her down. The ref drops to her knees and begins to count. "One... Two,” As she reaches the final count, Taylor finds the strength to reach out and grab the bottom rope with her foot, breaking the count at the very last second. Adrianne adjusts her position and hooks Taylor Swift's leg, going for another pin. The ref drops down and begins to count once again. "One... Two..." But just before she can reach three, Taylor kicks out with her other leg to break the count by reaching the ropes again. Adrianne looks up at the ref in disbelief. She grabs both of Taylor Swift's legs and wraps her arms around them, going for the pin again. The ref drops to the mat and begins to count. "One... Two..." But Taylor rolls through the pin and stands up, hoisting Adrianne Palicki onto her shoulders in a power move. Adrianne, despite her leg giving out, reverses the tombstone piledriver, dropping Taylor neck-first onto the mat. She flops on top of her, and the ref counts to three. The bell rings; the crowd explodes.
Taylor lies motionless on the mat. Adrianne has secured her spot in the tournament.

But at what cost?

« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 11:09:28 PM by whatever. »


Offline tr0tz

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Re: RQT Qualifying match (3 or 4)/4 T. Swift vs A. Palicki
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2024, 12:49:22 AM »
Taylor  :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

What a battle!


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Re: RQT Qualifying match (3 or 4)/4 T. Swift vs A. Palicki
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2024, 12:54:07 AM »
Yeah. That's why they have the matches. Pretty competitive though, right?? :D


Offline Jimi

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Re: RQT Qualifying match (3 or 4)/4 T. Swift vs A. Palicki
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2024, 12:48:48 PM »
Great fight! Awesome work, Whatever. I enjoyed the battle, your writing is always fun. Poor TayTay.

Although, it would be remiss of me to not point out... that GIF is of Emmanuelle Chriqui. I recognise her anywhere.   ;)


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Re: RQT Qualifying match (3 or 4)/4 T. Swift vs A. Palicki
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2024, 01:41:35 PM »
I KNEW I had the wrong person!  ;D
 and now it's stuck there.


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Re: RQT Qualifying match (3 or 4)/4 T. Swift vs A. Palicki
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2024, 04:57:09 PM »
That GIF would have come up in a Palicki search because she is the one in the chair receiving a dance from Emmanuelle. Lucky girl.

Either way, great story! Looking forward to more.