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Offline EllenShaw

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  • I'm not done yet...
« on: September 05, 2024, 12:39:09 AM »
This is another story that features a forum buddy who has given me her permission to cast her in a pivotal role in my saga. The back story of this tale starts just before my boxing encounter with Lesley captured in the story “settling the score” but the fight takes place five weeks later, two weeks after my loss to Blake Mitchell.

Wednesday night training was over and we were getting changed in the blue corner dressing room. For the last few weeks Terri Brooks had joined me to help me train my protégés and also to help me get in shape for my upcoming boxing match against Lesley.

We were now just 10 days away from the first round of the senior wrestling tournament and my encounter with the bitch from County Cork. Nat, Lynne and Sue had already left and Riley had once again missed training so just Terri and I were left in the dressing room when Stacey walked in. Terri was drying her long hair with a hairdryer and could not be seen from the door to the chill out zone that Stacey had walked through. Stacey could hear the hairdryer but had no idea who was around the corner drying their long locks as she told me:

“Ellen, I’ve had a phone call from Terri. She says she wants to get into the ring with you. She says you owe her.”

I was confused, why would Terri do that? All I could say was: “She’s not said anything to me about it.”

At that moment, the hairdryer was switched off, and Terri appeared round the corner of the dressing room, still butt naked and brushing her waist length hair to get the tangles out.

“Terri,” I said to her, “did you phone Stacey and challenge me to a fight?”

“What? No! Not me. Why would I do that? If I wanted to fight you, I’d ask you to your face.”

“When you come to mention it,” said Stacey, “I did wonder. No offence Terri but the woman I spoke to on the phone sounded a bit posher than you…”

Terri scowled and, seeing the look on her face, Stacey quickly added: ”…and older.”

A memory came into my head and, before I could stop myself, I cried: “Auntie Terri!”

I quickly put my hand in my mouth, but it was too late. The words were out and so was my secret.

“Ellen is there something you haven’t been telling us?” asked Terri.

“I think I know who that phone call was from and yes, I do have a little secret. I guess it’s out now. Come on, let’s get a drink – I’ll tell you a story over a glass of wine.”

Terri quickly pulled on her jeans and sweater and the three of us made our way through to the chillout zone. I walked to the bar, picked up a bottle of Sauvignon and three glasses and bade Stacey and Terri to sit on the couch. I poured the wine and handed them a glass each before settling down on the chair opposite them.

“Okay ladies, it’s confession time,” I said, “a lot of this you already know but I’m going to tell you about a piece of the puzzle that has, perhaps, been missing. It’s time I came clean and told you the story of Auntie Terri and her role in my comeback to fighting.”
“I gave up fighting when I was 34. I’d had nine enjoyable years CLAWS and been the champion on more than one occasion, but I felt it was a game for young women and decided it was time to call it a day. It was Janet Somerville who persuaded me to do battle again ten years later. Not in a ring but on mats in the gym of a secondary school. Unbeknown to me at the time my former tag partner, Pauline Grainger, was the school’s headmistress. My battle with Jan was rather different to the fighting I’d done at CLAWS years before, but nonetheless it reminded me how much I enjoyed it. The next time I was at Marshalls, I stop by Erica Strauss’s office. I knew that some of the girls that I used to fight with back in the day still got into the ring occasionally, even though they were now in the late 40s and early 50s, and so I asked Erica if there was any chance that I could join them.”

“’It’s funny you should say that, Ellen’, she replied, ‘we are planning to run a senior wrestling tournament next year. A sort of round-robin thing with six girls. Five matches each and then a final round to decide who the champion is. There’s prize money for first, second and third place. Would you be interested in taking part in that?’”

“I didn’t need to think twice. ‘Yes’, I said immediately. ‘Okay, that’s decided then, I’ll put your name on the list but, Ellen, you probably want to get a little bit of training and practice in first. It’s been a while since you last fought here.’ She was right but, fortunately, I had a lead. After our fight at the school Jan had encouraged me to take up fighting again, reassuring me that, although I’d lost her, I was still a very good fighter. As I left, she handed me a piece of paper with a telephone number on it and said: ‘if you want someone to practice with just give Auntie Terri a call, tell her Jan sent you’. “

“The CLAWS tournament was six months away. Erica was right; I was going to need some training. I found the scrap of paper in my bag and decided to give this ‘Auntie Terri’ a call as Janet had suggested. I dialled the number and a woman answered. I said, ‘hi, is that auntie Terri?’ She replied: ‘Some people call me that. What can I do for you?’ I said ‘this is a bit awkward. I hope you don’t mind but Jan Somerville gave me your name. She said you could help me with some wrestling training.’”

“Her reply caught me off guard: ’Ah, you must be Ellen Shaw. Yes, I’ve been expecting you to call. Jan told me all about you. So, you’ve decided to get back in the ring, have you? Good. I’m sure I can help you with that, come over to my place, let me check you out and go through the basics with you – it never hurts to go back to your roots.’”

“We agreed a date and time, and a few days later, I found myself pulling up outside a house in a very typical middle-class suburban neighbourhood. The front door opened and I was greeted by a woman house coat and not the fighter I had expected. Theresa Cox looked like a typical middle-aged, middle class suburban housewife. Anyone meeting her at her front door would never have guessed her secret pastime.”

“It was easy to see how she had picked up the nickname Auntie Terri. She just seemed to radiate that caring older woman personality. I don’t believe she ever once called me ‘Dear’, but in my mind, it was always what I expected to hear when she opened her mouth.”

“When I first met Auntie Terri, I was 45 and I guess she would’ve been about 51 or 52. Looking at her in that house coat it was hard to imagine her as a fighter but when she led me down into her basement and revealed the presence of a 15 ft.² wrestling ring, I had no doubt she was the real deal.

As I got to know Theresa Cox, I discovered that she had been grunting and groaning with the best of the female grapplers in the UK and elsewhere for over 30 years. She was still active at the time when we first met. As well as a pro wrestler, she also took part in topless and sometimes nude fights on the underground circuit and had fought in the UK, the US and several European countries, including Germany, Austria and Poland. She was a seasoned veteran.”

All the time I was explaining this, Terri Brooks seem to be nodding quietly herself while Stacey listened with some degree of amazement. I looked across at Terri.

“Did you know her, Terri? Did you fight her?” I asked.

“Theresa Cox? Yes, I did. I fought her on a few occasions. She was probably 10 years older than me. She went by a variety of names; at the time I fought her I would’ve been Tanya Brooks not Terri Brooks. Terri Cox was a very successful fighter. She held the Gerry’s title of UK topless women’s wrestling championship three years in a row. When I won the title in 1996, she had decided not to contest it anymore and, instead, she was the referee.”

I continue to tell them the story of how Terri Cox took me under her wing and gave me the coaching I needed to get back into the ring and face the other CLAWS ladies in the senior tournament. My training sessions with Auntie Terri were often accompanied by her husband Lucas, who was also her manager and refereed our little training matches. Occasionally, we were also joined by Auntie Terri‘s friend Pamela, a stocky coloured woman with West Midlands accent.

Terri Brooks said “Pam Norton? She’s a good fighter as well. I faced her a couple of times. I think your girl Sue has faced as well, on more than one occasion.”

I went on to explain how Terri, her husband and her friend Pam between them got me match fit ready to take on the CLAWS girls. That year I must’ve gone to Terri‘s place once a week for about four or five months. I’ve lost track how many times I fought her or what the results were, but by the time we got round to Christmas, I felt confident that I could take on the best of the CLAWS girls.

A couple of years later, when Gabi and Jen decided not to contest the tournament, I invited both Auntie Terri and Jan to join us. Auntie Terri wasn’t able to take up my offer because Lucas was very sick at that stage and she was nursing him, instead Jay Marchant stepped into the breach and nearly claimed the title from me. I promised her that, if another opportunity ever came up and she was able to do it, I’d get her a place in the CLAWS senior tournament. Sadly, that never happened. Lucas passed away, Terri gave up fighting completely and the opportunity to join our little gang never really materialised.

“But now,” Stacey said, “she wants one final crack at you before you to retire, what do you say Ellen? Do you fancy taking Auntie Terri one more time?”

I didn’t really need to think about it. “I’d love to.” I replied.

“Great,” said Stacey. “I’ll set something up for after league boxing meet in a few weeks’ time, you’ll be there at already because it’s Nat’s debut against Karen.”


As it turned out I didn’t get to face Auntie Terri on February 25th – instead I boxed Blake Mitchell. It was two weeks later, after the wresting league matches, when I finally got into the CLAWS ring with Auntie Terri.

The day after my victory over Lesley I called Auntie Terri. I hadn’t spoken to her in the best part of 10 years but the voice was instantly recognisable. I explained the situation. For me the invitation to box Blake was too good to be true, I really couldn’t pass it up so my promised fight with Terri would have to be delayed. Instead of February 25th, we would get into the ring together on March 11th. 

“Ellen,” she said, “are you sure you want to fight me so soon after your match with Blake and so soon before your final fight at CLAWS?”

“Terri,” I told her, “I owe you. I promised you that we would fight topless in the ring CLAWS. It should have been some time ago and it really is a case of now or never. Without you the last 15 years would not have happened. Without you I would never got back in the ring and I have had a ball. Besides, after two boxing matches, it would do me good to get a little wrestling practising before my final fight.”

We talked a little longer. She tried to dissuade me a couple more times but my mind was made up. I would fight auntie Terri in the ring CLAWS on March 11th, 2022 and, although I didn’t say it to her directly, I would beat her, of that I felt sure. Finally, she agreed with me and the fight was on.

“Terri, I hope you have someone to train with.” I said.

“Oh yes honey, Pamela is helping me out and I persuaded Janet to give me a workout or two.”

I chuckled; it was Jan who put me on to Terri in the first place. To know that they were still friends and happy to train together was reassuring.


My encounter with Blake on February 25th didn’t quite go according to plan, my plan at least, and I took a beating. But, as they say, you win some and you lose some. Two weeks later and it was fight night again and time to take on Auntie Terri.

I arrived early at Marshall’s and found Terri waiting for me in the reception. I let her through to the chillout zone and we sat drinking tea while we waited for league wrestlers to arrive. Terri was 66 and looked fit and healthy. With her clothes on at least she could pass for a woman 15 years a junior.

One by one the league fighters arrived and made their way into the changing rooms. When all eight had assembled I suggested to Terri that we should go and join them and prepare for our bout. I indicated the red corner dressing room door to her and made my way through to the blue corner, dressing room.

I was sharing the dressing room with Bex Dunn, Jane Langford, Paige Rodriguez and Sarah Holcombe, the girl who had viciously beaten my protégé Riley Emerson two months earlier. As soon as I entered the dressing room Sarah came up to me and apologised for the way she had behaved in her match with Riley.

“Mum made me do it,” she said, by way of explanation, “I’m not normally like that but mum wanted me to goad you into fighting her.”

“I know,” I told her, “Jay explained the whole thing to me after the fight. Jay stitched me up but your mum beat me, you should be proud of her.”

“I’m sorry Ellen, you must have been so mad at her.”

“At Jay, Yes, I was, I wanted to get her in the ring and give her a good beating for stitching me up.”

“Did you?”

“No. We’re old friends and I owe her a lot. Instead, we kissed and made up.”

I didn’t tell her that we also made love in Jay’s apartment, that was an interesting night and one I wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

I couldn’t help but notice that Sarah had her long red hair tied up in a single plait, not the loose curtain of locks that shielded so much from the referee during her abuse of Riley.

She asked after Riley and whether she would be here tonight. Initially I had had my doubts about Riley. Following her encounter with Sarah she seemed to have lost interest in wrestling and stopped to turning up to my training sessions. But a few words with Peggy, her mentor back home’s best friend, had convinced her to come back to my training sessions and to continue fighting at CLAWS. She had even agreed to be my second tonight.

That said Riley had been honest with me. Things weren’t working out too well for her in the UK. She was homesick and her college course was not going well. She didn’t know if she would be staying on after the end of the year.

In the dressing room, the younger girls quizzed me about my opponent tonight. Who was this woman? What was her background? Was she any good? I told them a little about auntie Terri how she coached me back into wrestling 15 years earlier and I was fighting tonight as a symbol of my gratitude for what she done for me. Paige also regaled the other girls with stories of fights that her mother had had with Terri Cox years before even I knew her.

As I undressed and slipped into my fighting knickers, I wondered what attire my opponent would choose. Knowing Auntie Terri I had no doubt it would be something classy. I was pulling my pants on the door to the chillout zone opened and Riley walked in. Seeing her, Sarah rushed up and gave her enormous hug, apologising for her behaviour two months before. Riley grudgingly embraced the big redhead and muttered something to the effect of: “That’s okay, it was a fight after all.”

Five minutes before the start of the first bout, the six of us prepared to head out into the ring room and take our seats ringside by the blue corner. As the girls filed out the dressing room, clad in their wrestling briefs and robes, I appraised each one of the four fighters,

Bex, the newbie, a stocky brunette returning the ring after a four-year absence, the result of a combination pregnancy and the pandemic. Bex had fought in the league for four years previously but never rose above 5th in the rankings. Her return to the reduced league was an opportunity to prove herself and, tonight, she was up against the veteran Jodie Carmichael, the oldest fighter in the league.

Sarah, the tall and powerful redhead, only fighting her second fight at CLAWS but already seen to be a formidable force even if her style was a little unorthodox. Tonight she was up against Amber Preston, a league fighter for many years who, despite several attempts, had never managed to win the title.

Paige, the veteran former champion, still smarting from the beating she’d taken at the hands of young Cerys Jones, the Welsh wonder, two months earlier. I had no doubt that Paige had her sights set on regaining the title and felt sorry for her opponent today, young Zoe Barton, who would have her work cut out against her older, more experienced opponent.

Finally, Jane, the only woman fighting in both leagues this year. The 27-year-old daughter of Dr Cassy had already secured a shot at the boxing title by defeating Alma just two weeks previously and was strongly tipped to be the first joint title holder since Emily retired seven years previously. Today she would be taking on Cerys for the wrestling title. The question was whether, just two weeks after her last fight and against such a formidable opponent as Cerys, she could win her first ever title.

The blue corner fighters got off to a good start with. Bex was victorious in her comeback fight against Jodie, beating the older woman by three falls to one. Amber proved no match for the powerful Sarah, who fought a squeaky-clean fight and took just eight minutes to win by three falls to nil.

Things didn’t go so well for former champion Paige in her fight with Zoe Barton. Zoe took an early lead but Paige came back strongly, taking the second and third falls to lead by two to one at the mid-point but then she started to fade, conceding the fourth fall after 15 minutes and then the match as Zoe pinned her with just 90 seconds left on the clock.

Jane’s bid for the title also ended in disappointment when, Cerys, the Welsh wonder ran rings around her, taking the match by three falls to one in just over 10 minutes. The tall, lithe physiotherapist was no match for the small, busty powerhouse that is Cerys Jones. Watching her in action I wondered whether anyone in the league stood a chance against her.

With the league matches over it was now my turn in the ring. I climbed up as Jay announced:

“Ladies and gentlemen, our final match of the evening is a challenge match between two senior wrestlers. Introducing, in the blue corner, former league and senior wrestling champion, Ellen Shaw!”

I slipped off my gown to the applause of the audience as Jay continued:

“Ellen is 59 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighs 160lbs and measures 38D-30-42.”

She paused and then said:

“And in the red corner, fighting for the first time at CLAWS, former UK topless wrestling champion, Terri Cox!”

Terri slipped off her gown to reveal a pair of red silk panties with black lace trims, she looked stunning. Jay announced:

“Terri is 66 years old, 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighs 150lbs and measures 36D-30-38.”

Like Blake, Terri was both shorter and lighter than me. While she lacked Blake’s assets, she was still pretty buxom and her body was a good bit more toned than mine. Even with her clothes off Terri could pass for a woman 10 years her junior.

After a quick briefing from Jay, we returned to our corners to await the opening bell. We didn’t have to wait long.

The bell sounded. We walked out of our corners and locked up in the centre of the ring. For the next five minutes or so we traded moves, taking each other to the mat and getting back to our feet. Grappling with the skill that only comes with experience and the enthusiasm of women half our age. The league fighters were all watching and we were keen to give them a master class. These two ladies may be old by we’re not past it, not by any means.

As the fight progressed I was enjoying myself. There’s nothing like getting to grips with a worthy opponent and I’d forgotten how much fun I’d had wrestling with Terri back in the day. As we traded holds and fought for supremacy the memories flooded back and I was soon lost in reverie.

It was at that moment that Terri decided to remind me why you need to concentrate when you’re fighting an experienced opponent. A mistimed move on my part, a lunge, a grab, a slam and, before you know it, I’m on my back with a face full of red knickers.

Not for the first time I found myself powerless, with Auntie Terri’s arse in my face, as Jay counted the pin. The bell sounded. Terri got to her feet as I lay on the mat. She turned, offered me her hand and helped me up. We stared at each other for a moment. She smiled and said:

“Looks like I’ve still got it, Ellen.”

Before turning and walking back to her corner. I made my way back to Riley feeling slightly embarrassed. I had expected to breeze to an easy victory but, due to my lack of concentration, I was one fall down. Terri was right. She was in great shape and, when it came to her wrestling skill, she definitely still had it. I sat on my stool watching her across the ring as Riley mopped my sweaty body with a towel and Jay announced to the audience:

“Ladies and gentlemen, after 5 minutes and 40 seconds, the first fall, by a pin, goes to Terri Cox.”

The crowd applauded and Terri stood up and bowed. I scowled. Cheeky cow. She certainly knew how to rub it in. I got to my feet as the time keeper called “seconds out” and waited for the bell. 

The bell rang for the start of the second fall. We locked up and it wasn’t long before I found myself on the receiving end again as she took me to the mat in a side headlock. For the next few minutes, we tussled on the mat but the traffic was mostly one way, with me on the receiving end.

What was it with this woman? I tried everything, every trick I knew, and yet she remained in control. Every time I thought I had her trapped she broke free. Every time I got on top, I very quickly found myself underneath again. I was being treated to a masterclass in wrestling and it was quickly becoming apparent that I was no match for this old vixen. Eventually we broke away from each other and took a breather, both lying on the canvas gulping in air. Jay began counting and we both started to get up.

We got slowly to our feet as the count reached eight and stood facing each other for a moment, breathing heavily. I went to lock up again but Terri was faster, grabbing my arm and whipping me back first into the red corner. I hit the turn buckles hard. Dazed, I hung on the ropes as she clattered into me, body checking me against the turnbuckles before delivering a series of knee lifts to my pussy.

It was at that moment that my bladder started sending messages to my brain. I needed to pee. Shit! I should never have drunk all that tea before we go into the ring. I wasn’t just fighting Terri anymore; I was fighting my body urges as well.

Momentarily distracted I left myself open to her next move. She grabbed me by the back of the head and ran me forward, slamming me face down onto the mat and then dropped across me, hooking my legs into a figure four, placing a knee on my back and reaching round to cup her hands under my chin in a perfectly executed STF.

I was in agony. There was no way out. Anyway, I was desperate for a wee. I slapped the mat to indicate my submission. The bell rang. Terri released her grip on my chin and I slumped forward, face down on the canvas. The pressure on my back was released as Terri stood up and returned to her corner. I lay on the mat for a moment. I was in a world of pain but I was also desperate for a pee. I staggered to my feet, waving frantically to Riley in the corner. Being inexperienced, Riley didn’t really get the message until she saw the damp patch appear on my crotch and the agonised expression on my face as I stumbled towards the corner.

No time to get my knickers down but at least they stemmed the flow. Wee was trickling down my legs but very little went on the canvas. Once I reached the blue corner, I stood over the bucket Riley had placed between my legs, gripping the top rope either side of the corner post and sobbing gently to myself, until I’d finished peeing. That would be it for my knickers for this match. I’d be fighting the rest of the battle naked.

I slowly straightened up, grabbed the waistband of my panties and started to roll them down my legs. Once they were past my knees, gravity took over and they hit the canvas with a wet smack. I stepped out of them, bent down, picked them up and dropped them in the bucket before accepting a towel from Riley to wipe myself down. Then I turned to face my opponent over in the red corner.

Seeing my predicament, Terri showed her sportsmanship. She tucked her thumbs into the waistband of her red and black panties, bending over slightly and rolling them down thighs, mooning to the audience by the red corner in the process. As they hit the canvas, she deftly stepped out of them, flicked them with her left foot, caught them, turned and handed them to Emily, treating me to a view of her fine derrière as well.

Riley slipped a stool between the ropes and I sat down for a moment to catch my breath. What the fuck was going on? Three weeks away from my final fight at CLAWS and here I was, two falls down to a woman six years my senior. Once again, I was beginning doubt myself as Jay announced the fall:

“Ladies and gentlemen, after 8 minutes and 20 seconds the second fall, by a submission, goes to Terri. Terri leads by two falls to nil.”

Announcement over, Jay came over to check that I was okay and willing to continue.  If I’m honest, I was struggling, but I was determined to carry on. A short while later Sallie called seconds out for the start for the third fall. I was going to have to pull something out of the bag quickly if I was going to stay in the match and avoid a complete whitewash.

I looked across Terri, still standing naked in the red corner. There was no denying she had an incredible body for a woman of 66 and I couldn’t help but be slightly turned on by the vision in front of me. The bell sounded and we moved together to lock up.

I was determined to get back into this fight but I was also tired and demoralised (wetting yourself in public does nothing for your self-esteem) and it takes more than just determination to get the better of an opponent like Terri.

I did my best but she was soon wearing me down again. Move after move she got the better of me. When I did catch her, she escaped easily and turned the tables.

The end came when she whipped me into the ropes and clotheslined me on the rebound. I got to my feet and walked straight into a series of forearm smashes to my boobies that knocked me back onto the ropes again. She followed me in and delivered another knee lift to my aching crotch that sent me cross-eyed. I clutched myself and stumbled away from the ropes.

As I staggered forward auntie was waiting. She tucked my head under her left armpit, reached down and inserted the thumb and forefinger of her right hand into my nether regions in what I can only describe as a bowling ball clutch. She then hoisted me in the air and fell backwards, delivering a perfect vertical Suplex.

I hit the mat hard with my back and that was pretty much it. I screamed and agony. Terri quickly rolled on top of me and got to her knees, straddling me in a reverse face sit and pinning me. It was an unnecessary move, I couldn’t have beaten the 10 count if I wanted to, but it was a gesture of dominance. And, let’s face it; I had been well and truly dominated in this fight.

To further press home the point and humiliate me, as Jay dropped to the mat to count the pin, Terri reached forward, grabbed hold of my calves and lifted my legs in the air, spreading me for the benefit of the camera. Jay counted and slapped the mat three times and the bell rang to indicate the end of the fight. Terri remained place, rubbing her moist labia into my face. I was beaten and powerless.  There was nothing I could do but lay there. I kissed her cxnt lips gently and ran my tongue around her clit. She gently lowered my legs, leaned forward and ran her index finger down my exposed slit. I moaned softly and I realised I was soaking wet down there. She pushed her pussy into my face again and gave an answering moan. We were on the brink of getting serious when Jay tapped Terri on the shoulder and said:

“The fight’s over honey. You’ve won. Save that sort of thing for the changing room.”

Terri slowly got to her feet and stepped to one side. I found myself staring at the ceiling. She turned around, bent down and offered me her hand. With her help I stood up and we embraced.

“Never mind sugar,” she said to me, “better luck next time. Oh, and Ellen, is there somewhere discreet we could finish this?”

With that she pressed her pussy against mine before gently stroking my bum and releasing her embrace. I was dazed and in a state of disbelief. Three weeks from my final fight at CLAWS and I’d just been beaten three falls to nil by an old age pensioner, albeit possibly the sexiest old age pensioner I’ve ever met.

I mumbled something about meeting me in the chillout zone and we’d see where we went from there. Then I turned and stumbled back to my corner. My face was red and soaked in sweat. My hair was matted and clung my skin. Riley handed me a towel and a bottle of water. I poured water over my face and rubbed myself down before turning to face my opponent across the ring again.

Jay indicated to us to join her in the centre of the ring so she could announce the result:

“Ladies and gentlemen after 11 minutes and 20 seconds your winner, by three falls to nil, Terry Cox…”

The audience applauded loudly as Jay continued:

“…and your gallant loser, our former champion, Ellen Shaw.”

Typical Jay, rubbing it in. I lost. Big deal. Well, yes, it is actually, I almost burst into tears. Again, the audience applauded. Well at least I still had the support of the crowd. Two losses in a row, I just hoped I didn’t end up making it three when I took on my final opponent in three weeks’ time. I desperately wanted to go out with a bang not a whimper.

So that’s the story of my final fight with Auntie Terri. But, in case you’re wondering, Terri and Jay joined me in the chillout zone after everyone had left and Jay very generously allowed Terri and I the use of her apartment for the night. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, Terri Cox is one hell of a sexy lady, and I really enjoyed our evening together, even if I did lose the fight.