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Topless female pro wrestling: Sonja's open challenge - NicoleWrestles

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Topless female pro wrestling: Sonja's open challenge

Sonja's a big tit wrestler who's been undefeatable for quiet a while in DWF. She was previously challenged by male athlete but he got his ass whooped. In this video Sabrina who is one of the local wrestlers calls out to Sonja and tells her if she's a disgrace to DWF. Sonja tells her to come and speak like that to her face which Sabrina does, but the host asks her out if she is willing to accept her challenge and Sabrina agrees to do so.

Sabrina steps up to the big tit pro wrestler for the single fall match. Will she be able to defeat the big Sonja or would she get her ass whooped just like last time.

Find out in this video.

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