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Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter

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Offline Dicey_Kate

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Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« on: September 07, 2024, 11:21:44 AM »
“Ugh I think this is the last one” I say; As I carefully hand over the last of my packing crates to Franky from Ajax removals. Franky nods with acknowledgment and carefully passes the crate to Harry for final loading onto the removal van. With the first part of our business concluded today; my eyes wander and I glance down for a final survey of Franky’s rather sweet behind. While I could never see myself dating a man like Franky; I have to admit that as eye candy he was hard to beat. As I indulge in voyeuristic fantasy I’m joined by Heather and Suzy.

“Hmm he does have a sweet ass. I wonder if he’s taken?” Says Suzy

“I will tell you later Suzy when I give him a call” replies a very satisfied looking Heather.

“Omg Heather; you slut!” Replies an annoyed Suzy.

“Oh Suzy…are we really going to do this on Kate’s last day with us?” Says a cool and defiant Heather. But before Suzy can respond; I intervene and cool the temperature…a little.

“Heather not today; you promised to behave and so did you Suzy. Come on this is our last day living together. Let’s end it the right way…please?”

Suzy and Heather nod in agreement and take turns to hug the stuffing out of me; which I enjoyed immensely.


The sound of Franky shutting the van’s doors startles us three friends and with clipboard in hand; Frankly approaches me. While a disheveled looking Harry gets behind the wheel and starts revving the engine. I quickly review and sign the receipt of goods record in triplicate and check the delivery address.

“Yes, this all seems right Franky. Apartment 111B - Perfect. Now I get the keys at 10:00am; so can you have everything unloaded by say 10:30am?”

“Not a problem Kate; no problem at all. I will see you at 10:30am”

Franky treats us girls to a final smile and then runs over to the van. A collective sigh from us three spectators…followed by a giggle lightens the moment. As we watch Franky’s sweet ass depart with the van that contained all my worldly goods. I turn to Heather and Suzy and I give them both a tearful a quick peck on the cheek and take my turn to hug the stuffing out of them. We chat and reminisce together and then 20 minutes later my taxi finally pulls up.

I take a second to have a final look at my old apartment and gaze fondly at Heather and Suzy.

“Bye girls and please behave without me and if you don’t. You better message me later and tell me who won?” I say with a devilish smile plastered across my face. Neither Heather or Suzy reply to my comment but their eyes tell me everything. I climb into the taxi and lower the window as I wave to my friends:

I shout out to them: “I’ll call you later once I’m settled - Byeeee”

With that my taxi pulls away and I glance over my shoulder at my old home. I shake my head and smile as Suzy and Heather begin to push each other. I smile as I think to myself:

“I’m going to miss those bitches.”

The trip over to me new apartment was much longer than I had planned. Once again the city were digging new pot holes in the road; rather than filling the ones that already existed. Temporary traffic lights seemed to be everywhere and to make matters worse; it was starting to rain.

The journey seemed to last forever and to my horror It’s closer to 11:00am when my Taxi finally pulls up and out front on the kerb I see far too many identical looking packing crates and with no van in sight; it was clear Franky had already departed. I quickly pay the Taxi driver and jump out into the rain. Some of the packing crates I definitely recognise as mine. Others might be mine? And some were definitely nothing to do with me.

“Fucking Franky!” I exclaim in anger; as the rain keeps on falling. But then I notice a paper delivery note from Ajax; I grab the note and proceed to hastily read it:

“Kate; sorry about the clusterfuck. But the building’s manager would only allow me to place your electrical’s and high value items in reception. It seems another tenant is moving in today and she needed the space for her electrical’s etc. I tried to reason with him; but he would not allow me to take your stuff directly to your room. Really sorry things turned out like this Kate. Best of luck - Franky”

Flustered but relieved that my valuables were inside, I scan the combined pile of packing crates. I think to myself:

“Fair is fair; at least my valuables are safe and whoever else is moving in today. That poor bitch is in the same boat.”

Then suddenly I recognise four rain soaked packing crates and my heart sinks and my soul turns a poisonous shade of black:

“My wardrobe…FUCK!!! Franky…my dresses! How could you!” I squeal in horror.

Now in a state of full panic I run inside and sign for my apartment keys. As I do so the building manager makes it clear that no more packing crates are to be left in reception. I hastily nod along as the pedantic building manager decides now’s the appropriate time to lecture me about all the buildings regulations. Now frustrated beyond any level I’ve ever experienced; I bite my tongue; before grabbing the keys out of his hand and sprinting outside to the kerb. As I run out my shoulder’s brush lightly against some blonde woman running into the manager’s office. Neither of us pay any attention to each other; as clearly we both had more important things to deal with.

Outside I reach down to grab a packing crated filled with my precious dresses. However placed on top of my packing crate; was a similar packing crate with handwriting I did not recognise. I scan the nearby area but between muddy grass and water logged gutters; I saw no appropriate space. In the end I place the box labelled Versace onto the muddy grass and retrieve my own precious packing crate. With crate in hand I run to the elevator and once again my shoulder’s brush against those of my fellow tenant who was hastily heading to the kerb.

Inside I frantically hit the call elevator button.

“Come on; come on will you!” I mutter to myself. Eventually the elevator comes and I leap onboard and press the button for the eleventh floor. But as the doors close I’m sure I hear a female voice behind me?

The elevator seemed to take forever to reach the eleventh floor but finally it arrives. As the doors open I run down the hall to my apartment 111B. I place my packing crate outside my apartment and I try the lock…but to my dismay the key would not turn. I try again and again! Still the door would not open. It is at this moment I examine the keys and see 111A.

FUCK!!! I exclaim; as I run to the elevator. Seeing the elevator was on its way down; I reluctantly run down 11 flights of stairs to the building manager’s office. He takes the keys and looks rather embarrassed; as he explains:

“Sorry Kate; I gave you the wrong keys. I suppose Erin has yours. I suggest you wait here for Erin to realise the mix up. Anyway how about a nice cup of tea while we wait?”

A nice cup of tea while we wait…those words cut me deeply; while my precious dry cleaning only gets ever more wet. I lean against the wall in the building manager’s office; as I hold my head in despair and impatiently await your arrival.



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2024, 05:47:54 PM »
The day arrives, it's a day i've been looking forward to for....well ages really. You see, my life hasn't always been easy. You look at me, a reasonably pretty 26 year old sometimes blonde sometimes brunette and you think, this girl can prolly get whatever she wants whenever she wants. But you'd be wrong. Purely by chance, blasting through my Apple airpods into the deeper recesses of my mind is the Bonnie Tyler song *Total Eclipse of the Heart*

I used to live with my girlfriend, yes i did say girlfriend, guys are not for me. I tried one once but i didn't like the aftertaste. Anywhoo, I lived with my girlfriend name of Carys. Year younger than me, 5'8" and a curvy 36-24-36. Red head...and a total bitch. Now, course i didn't know what a big bitch she was when we hooked up, she was sweet as apple pie but a few months in she turned bitter as a lemon meringue pie minus the meringue. Bitch cleaned out my bank account, turned out she hadn't been paying the rent on our apartment either even though she eagerly took my half of the money.

I got back from work one day to find the apartment stripped, cleaned out of every stick of furniture. I just stood in the middle of the room with tears rolling down my cheeks, i had hit rock bottom and kept on going. When you get to the bottom though there is only one way to go and that's back up.

So after agreeing a payment schedule with the landlord and passing Carys details to the local fuzz i went and hired a caravan, a rather old delapidated caravan. In a way i was lucky, not so long ago i passed my BSc and got a job working for the NHS. Not overly well paid but it was a job where i actually felt useful. So i had a roof, a bed, enough cash to keep myself fed and clothed and as time passed i managed to save up a tidy sum. Main aim, get a decent apartment.

And that dear readers is exactly what i got, apartment 111A in Bayside Towers. I hired a removals company to pack up all my stuff. Yes i had managed to replenish my furniture, clothes and my odds and ends so by the time all my goods were boxed i had quite the pile of boxes. It's ofter said you don't realise what you have till you come to move and i reckon that's true.

So you see dear reader, this was the start of my new life. I hopped into the removals van, no i hadn't yet managed to buy a car, a decent place to live being far more important. We arrived just after 10.15am. The weather was overcast, the sky a threatening grey, the wind was picking up, most definately not the sort of day you want to be hanging around outside. We started unloading the van only to be confronted by the most miserable sour faced, two bit no good concierge you could have the displeasure of meeting. "Oh you can't bring all those boxes into the foyer little miss" and i swear he even smirked as he said it. "You'll have to leave them outside till you can take them to your apartment" I considered a swift kick to his man vegetables but decided this prolly wasn't a good idea, however he did relent and let me bring the electricals inside.

At this point my removal van scarpered and another one turned up. I heard the poor excuse for a human being tell the driver he had 10 minutes to empty the van and clear off and at this point it began to rain. So rather like mine he allowed the electricals to be dumped in the foyer. This is when this...this...this bitch i now know as Katie turned up in her pretty car and gawd did this bitch have an attitude, i could see we were going to get on well...NOT!!

She spent a few futile minutes argueing with the doorperson (Staying woke here, but it won't happen again) then she started running in and out and i swear she bumped shoulders with me every chance she got. Give her the benefit and all that, but she seemed to take some pleasure out of it. Anyway, i grabbed the lift and hauled some of my boxes up to room 111A only to find that the key i was given was clearly the wrong one. Blowing out my cheeks i opened the box i brought up to get a towel to dry myself only to find it wasn't my box at all, it must be hers. I was sorely tempted to toss the whole thing over the bannister, but being a nice person i carried it back down in the lift and dropped it by her feet. Now it seems she had already been to her apartment as she was in a fine state, she had my key, i had hers. She was leaning against the wall in the managers office drinking a tea with her pinkie pointing up like some right snobby tart. I could see we were heading for a confrontation, but not right now. I tossed the keys at the doorman, got my keys in return.."Idiot" i mumbled as i grabbed a box, MY box and back up in the lift i went. Now by nature i'm a peaceful soul but this Katie had got well and truely under my skin, so i wedged the lift door open so she couldn't get it back down and with a lil giggle i let myself into apartment 111A


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2024, 11:32:03 AM »
It felt like I waited an eternity in the building manager’s office; while I have to admit he knew how to make a good cup of tea. All I could hear was the rain getting heavier and heavier outside.

“Fuck where is this bitch!” I murmur to myself; as I begin to clench my right hand and dig my nails into my palm. Then suddenly there was a flash of light outside and seconds later a clap of thunder reverberated through the air. This was the exact moment you arrived in the office; you drop a box of my possessions by my feet. While the contents within was hardly anything I would care about; the way you handled my property is an issue we will discuss!. Yet despite my annoyance; I have to concede that there was a presence about you. I had no doubt that when you enter a room; that presence ensures you take command and that people would gravitate towards you.

This is a trait I actually admire and it’s one I also possess. Under different circumstances I would be thinking about inviting you over for drinks and a cosy evening filled with flirtatious and seductive fun. But alas this outcome is now extremely unlikely; you could say it’s deader than the dodo. The sad reality is that in our first meeting we’ve both already said far too much to ever be friends. And I know what you’re thinking - Kate, you and Erin barely said a word to each other. How can such enmity already exist? But we did speak; in fact we spoke a lot. In terms of time our conversation took seconds but the amount of discussion and commentary exchanged between us was immense. The discussion took place right after our swift and efficiently conducted exchange of keys. If you blinked you would of missed it; you would of missed the moment our eyes locked.

You see in life there are two types of girl talk; one is very well known and recognised. It’s the fiery and poisonous verbal exchanges that feminine feuds are known for. But then there is another more subtle type of girl talk - one that uses the language of the body. Body language is not a new concept and people devote their lifetimes to the study of it. However I believe and I’ve yet to be proven wrong but one bitch; can always understand another. So when our eyes briefly locked myself and Erin most definitely had a little girl talk. Our conversation was clear; neither of us would be intimidated and if I was to summarise our would be:

“Fuck with me at your peril…Bitch!”

Then as quickly as you arrived; you left and once again a flash of lightning and clap of thunder reverberated through the air. It really did feel as if I encountered today something unholy; a real fucking bitch!

Now normally at this point I would quickly leave and attend to my possessions; however I could not resist speaking my mind and finishing this quite excellent cup of tea. With only the building manager in earshot I said:

“What a fucking Bitch!” The building manager’s palms and brow begin to sweat; as he stutters:

“Kate; I don’t want you causing trouble for Erin now.”

I acknowledge my warning with a wry smile; I finish my tea and proceed to leave his office and head to the kerb. Quickly I grab a box of my possessions and head to the elevator. But no matter how many times I press the call button; it remained on the 11th floor. With only one course of action available to me; I run back up the stairs and go to my apartment. This time my keys work and I’m able to store away the box I brought with me and the one I left by my door. I quickly scan the room and think to myself:

“Kate you made it!”

But with that brief moment of personal satisfaction over; I head towards the elevator and find why it would not come. Instinctively I knew you did this; I knew it was you who jammed open the door. But revenge is a dish best served cold and now is not the time.

Two hours later I had retrieved everything of mine from the kerb and the boxes left in reception. I even took the box you Erin kindly delivered to the managers office. Thankfully my apartment came almost fully furnished; so there was no heavy furniture to carry and while some of the decor was dated. I was confident that I would have this place looking perfect within two weeks. It was at this moment nature gave me the most beautiful surprise; the rain clouds parted and a rainbow lit up the now blue sky. I casually begin to stroll around my apartment; as I attempt to justify ditching the unpacking but alas I could not. I did think about having a little fun at Erin’s expense; but ultimately I decided that can wait.

I did however make time to check in with Heather and Suzy and as I expected both of my dear friends had very different opinions about how their day turned out. While I was interested in their day; the events of mine left them both stunned:

“Kate…what the fuck! You go and give that whore Erin a good slap right now?” Demanded Heather. While Suzy exclaimed:

“What’s gotten into you Kate? Where’s the bitch who in secondary school tricked her best friend into dying her hair green the day before prom? Just because you wanted to ensure you were voted prom queen?”

I instantly giggle as the memory of Jessica and her green hair washes over me; I smile with satisfaction. But soon my smile begins to exhibit a sinister tint; as I reassure my friends:

“Oh don’t you worry…Erin’s time will come. But it will be on my terms! That bitch really don’t know who she fucked with! Anyway goodnight Heather, Goodnight Suzy. Love you both”

And with that I work late into the night and finally at around 2:00am; with everything unpacked I go to sleep. Well everything except one box which clearly belonged to Erin; it was marked “Precious memories”.



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2024, 03:42:55 PM »
Alone in apartment 111A. All my boxes stacked in the hallway. First things first, find the kettle, the teabags and milk and have a lovely mug of the warming brew while i run todays events over in my mind. The concierge i will deal with at some point, his stupidity caused some of my boxes to be soaked through and there was clearly plenty of room in the foyer to accommodate both my boxes and the boxes of that stuck up bitch Katie. Which brings me to a more pressing lil problem, how to deal with said Katie.

After warming myself with the tea and turning up the central heating i start to unpack my boxes. This, as you might imagine takes quite some time and then it hits me, figuratively speaking that there is a box missing, a box i had marked as "precious memories" A frown creased my forehead, must have forgotten to bring it up with the rest of my boxes. So i leave my apartment and see that the blockage to the lift doors has been removed. I smirk, i do hope it was that Katie that found the blockage and that she realised it was my doing. I'll teach that cow not to bump shoulders with me. And that moment, oh yes there was a moment where our eyes met in the managers office. Our dislike for each other couldn't have been clearer if it had been writ large in capital letters on the wall of his office.

However, i digress, down in the lift i go searching for my missing box. The manager by now had locked up and gone home, saved him getting a verbal kick in the plums from yours truely. I looked around, nothing, peered in his office through the window, again nothing. Hmmm, thinks i, i bet i know where it is, in that bitch Katies apartment. I look at the clock on the wall, 12.30am.

Showing an unusual amount of restraint i go back up to the 11th floor and stand outside her door. I listen for any movement but hear nothing. Nah, i'm not gonna create a scene, afterall it could be a genuine mistake if she has got my box, they were afterall very similar and some identical. Who am i kidding, of course she has my missing box and of course she knows it's mine.

But still i decide it can wait till the morrow. I'm tired after a very busy day and not in the mood for a confrontation right here and now, so i return to my apartment and turn in for the night.

Morning comes, i'm an early riser. I settle down for a slice of marmite on toast and a glass of orange juice while i read about the buildings facilities. Of course i knew what was available to residents prior to renting out my apartment, but it never hurts to refresh my memory. I see the gym in the basement opens at 7.00am and the pool is available 24 hours a day cept for a Wednesday when it opens later to allow for cleaning.

Well today ain't Wednesday, it's Tuesday and i have the whole week off and i fancy a swim. Glancing at my phone i see it's 6am. My thoughts turn once again to Katie. She will keep, for now.

I make my way up to the top floor and the pool. The room is warm and i quickly strip down to just my red swimming shorts, i say shorts, truth be told they are not much more than a thong. I have never been afraid to show off my curves. It's then i see a sign on the wall. "NO TOPLESS BATHING" Well i should have known, more rules, i like the freedom i feel when my breasts are bare.
But not to make too many waves on my first full day in Bayview Towers my tiny red bra, which covers not much more than my nipples goes on and i pad out to the pool.

Did i mention there is also a sauna for residents? no? my bad, well there is and i have plans for that sauna later as you will find out. I spend half an hour relaxing by doing lengths of the pool. It's only a small pool, 20m at a guess so i deon't get out of breath. I'm a naturally fit girl, 5'6" or thereabouts, close to 120lbs and 34C 24 35. It's while i'm doing these lengths of the pool my mind turns back to the bitch Katie. She too is quite athletic looking and she is clearly not the sort of person who backs down from a confrontation.
If the circs were different i could be attracted to her, but the circs are not different and there is certain to be a confrontation between the two of us in the not to distant future, especially if she has my precious box secreted away in her rooms. I start to plan my first move and it's a plan she isn't going to enjoy


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2024, 05:28:00 PM »
“Ugh go away…I’m too tired”


Slowly my eyes open and I lean over and look at my alarm clock.

“6:00am…what am I doing up at this ungodly hour” I complain to myself. But the damage was done and I was awake. While I’m not unaccustomed to an early start; I was definitely more of the proverbial night owl and that suited me just fine. So without further protest I drag myself out of bed and proceed to make breakfast. I make myself a fresh blueberry smoothie and then proceed to have my customarily breakfast of Apple and Cinnamon oats:

20g Rolled oats
3 tbsp plain natural or Greek yogurt
1 Apple, finely sliced
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tbsp nut butter (I use Almond or peanut butter)

1. Add the oats and yoghurt to a bowl and mix together.
2. Slice the Apple and cover in with cinnamon.
3. Place the Apple and nut butter on top of the oat mixture and enjoy :)

(Yes this is a real recipe and it’s delicious - highly recommend it)

With breakfast made and enjoyed; my mind wanders as I debate what to do next?

“Run or Swim, Run or Swim” I mutter to myself. In the end the thought of a cool morning swim wins out and I decide to slip into my favourite red bikini and in which I look amazing. Well considering my profession was that of personal trainer; taking care of my body was one of the few aspects of life that I took extremely seriously.

I make my way over to my apartments door but before I leave; I run to my wardrobe and grab my white bathrobe and towel. The last thing I wanted was all the men in the building gawking at me; the women however is another story however ;)

At 5ft 6” inches I was not the tallest of ladies but I was most certainly one of the fittest. My breasts were a modest 34B; yet for what they lacked in size. They more than made up for in firmness; firmness which had seen them triumph from time to time when the occasional titfight was warranted. As for my age; I recently turned 29. However my friends all said I looked younger and if I have my way; this is a life trend that will continue. My weight was a steady 120-121 lbs but what would you expect from a personal trainer; a very personal trainer I should add. However aside from my beautiful smile and luscious hair; it was my perfectly sculpted legs that got all the attention and I loved the attention.

Anyway as I step into the corridor I think about Erin’s box of precious memories. I consider my next move and in the end I knock on her door and attempt to return them. However with no answer I assume that the pig is still asleep. So with a clear conscience I leave Erin’s box in my apartment and proceed to lock my door and make my way to the pool area.

Three minutes later I was stepping outside onto the apartment buildings roof; the fresh air and sunshine felt fantastic. To my my surprise I could hear someone doing laps in the pool.

“Mmm maybe not everyone in this apartment is a lazy pig like Erin?” I wonder to myself.

Anyhow ignoring my early morning companion I walk over to some chairs arranged near the pool and slip out of my robe and place it on the chair; along with my towel. With the early morning sun shining on my body; I proceed to begin my stretching exercises. It is at this moment I see who is in the pool. We exchange glances; bitchy and cold glances! We definitely left an impression on each other yesterday. The silence and tension between us was almost suffocating; one of us had to say something. In the end it was me:

“Good morning Erin; nice day for a swim isn’t it?” I say politely…before adding.

“It’s good to see you like swimming; that will definitely help you improve those calves of yours”

« Last Edit: September 08, 2024, 05:51:27 PM by Dicey_Kate »


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2024, 12:33:29 PM »
I have just about completed my swim when a movement catches the corner of my eye. Is it a bird?, no, a vulture, well yes but not the feathered variety, tis in fact my newly minted neighbour, the bitch Katie. Now it's rare i take against someone on first meeting them but for Katie i can easily make an exception. Still, it's a new day, i'm relaxed and not looking to get into a disagreement with her right now.


"Just the person i wanted to see" i purrr as i stand up in the shallow end, the water cascading from my hair and body. My ex used to love the rivulets of water that flowed down into my cleavage after a swim. Before i get chance to express my thoughts the bitch comes out with a somewhat snarky remark regarding my calves. Now i'll be the first to admit i'm far from being a muscular girl but everything about me is in proportion. I have no desire to have the calves of a power lifter. My left eyebrow lifts as i gaze over at you, it promised to be such a lovely morning...*sighs* oh well

"Thank you for your concern but my calves have zip to do with you, i did want to see you though. Do you by any chance have a box of mine in your room?"

By now i have travelled over to the steps and i'm easing my way out of the water. Now if she replied i must be going deaf because i didn't hear one.

I make my way over to where the bitch is stretching, a tiny smirk plays around with the corners of my mouth as you bend touching your toes. I of course am getting the rear view which is not totally repulsive but it takes all my self control not to drop kick her straight into the pool.

I reach out, tap her on the shoulder.." Don't you ignore me you snooty cow, i asked you if you have a box of mine in your room?"


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2024, 01:37:56 PM »
The cool breeze and warm early morning sunshine combine to reinvigorate my body; as I continue my morning stretch routine:

“Mmmm; Arhhh yes..that feels good! My left calf is definitely a little tight this morning”

However as I hear splashing coming from the pool; my ears perk up. I carefully listen out for every sound; as a bitch like Erin is definitely the sort who would jump someone from behind. Soon I hear what at first sounded like a dog in distress; but in fact it was you:

“Just the person i wanted to see"

I ignore your bitchy tone…I simply roll my eyes and shake my head dismissively.

But then I hear that bitchy tone again:

“Thank you for your concern but my calves have zip to do with you, i did want to see you though. Do you by any chance have a box of mine in your room?"

I feel my self control being tested by your snark and soon I hear you get out of the pool and walk towards me. I stop my stretches but still with my back against you; I listen intently for what seemed like an eternity; when in reality only a few seconds had passed. You tap my shoulder and once again in that bitchy tone which I already despise you coo:

“Don’t you ignore me you snooty cow, I asked you if you have a box of mine in your room?”

With that last utterance my patience was exhausted; I stand up straight and pivot on my left leg as I turn to face you - woman to woman. In fact you were so close that as our eyes locked our breasts bounced against each other’s.

Suddenly I take one step forward and invade your personal space aggressively; my sudden movement catches you a little off guard and you stumble backwards a step.

I casually and dismissively I flick my hair with my right hand and shake my head before once again locking eyes with you and saying:

“Yes I have your box Erin; in fact I tried to return it this morning but clearly you were out. I tell you what…why don’t I go back to my room and return it to the kerb. As frankly I’m not really in the mood for a swim now”.

I make a pointed effort to look over your right shoulder and cast a gaze at the pool; before once again locking my eyes with yours and purring:

“As honestly the pool looks like a disgusting piece of shit has been floating in it all morning!”



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2024, 09:23:02 AM »
I can see you are not partial to be called a snooty cow, but that is exactly what you are, anyone can see, if they take the time to watch our interactions that you look down on me, you think i'm inferior in some way. Well maybe in some ways i am. I didn't have it easy the last few years, the break up, if you could call it that, with my girlfriend, the loss of all my belongings. I've had to struggle and scrap my way back to some sort of place where i can have respect for myself and let me tell you, it hasn't been easy. The best bit of luck i've had recently is the local fuzz managed to track down Carys and managed to retrieve many of my possessions. Most if not all of these are in the box i now know is in your room. Pictures of my grandma and gramp, long since departed this life, letters from them and my mum and dad. My high school wrestling trophy, i could go on.

Finally i get through that icy exterior of yours and you spin around, eyes ablaze, there is no doubt at all in my mind you'd like to punch me out, right here, right now. You start to speak, your words like over sweet icing dripping from a sickly cake. We are almost nose to nose, forehead to forehead, what we definately are is breast to breast. I can feel my nipples beginning to stiffen and not because i fancy you, oh no, it's because i often get turned on by fighting and it's clear, if not right now but certainly in the very near future, you and me are gonna have one epic, magnificent fight.

You press against me, i take a small step back and spread my feet to get a good firm balance, you casually flick your hair back over your shoulder, you are soooo dying to fight me, you can almost taste it and, truth be told, so can i

"Yes i have your box Erin" the rest is just a jumble of words as you threaten to dump it back outside on the kerb. You then look over my shoulder at the pool, you think i'm not alive to the thoughts swirling around in that oh so superior head? More insults spew from your mouth, comparing me to a disgusting piece of shit.

I take a couple of steps back, a sneer painted on my face, then i turn away from you fighting my desire to beat you up right here, right now. Thing is though i've never been that good at fighting my desires. I suddenly spin around back to face you and as i do my right hand comes snaking out and slams into your left cheek.



Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2024, 04:10:18 PM »
This was the spark!

“As honestly the pool looks like a disgusting piece of shit has been floating in it all morning!”

And you absorb every syllable of my words. I can see the visceral anger and hatred in your eyes; it mirrored perfectly by my own. The seconds after this comment were intense beyond words as we glared at each other. Will Erin attack or will I attack her? This is the thought that consumed me. These are the moments I live for; as to put frankly catfighting is my raison d'être. I live for the moment I hear my victim scream in horror and agony as I claw her face or rip out a handful of hair. If I was to describe that moment in one word it would be: Delicious!

As if you were to look deeper; see past my beautiful exterior…you will find what burns inside me is the heart of a sociopath. I have a raging lust for catfights; I love inflicting and seeing the damage accumulate. Even when it’s my dress being ripped or my hair being pulled on until it breaks…it thrills me like no other experience. I’ve tried sex; oh lord how have I tried to use sex to satisfy my desires. But alas It just doesn’t have the damage and risk that I crave. Oh I like affairs; I love them in fact. My most satisfying catfights have been against a scorned wife or girlfriend. But even these encounters have in recent years failed to feed and satisfy my desires.

So when I stand here looking into that fucking cxnt Erin’s eyes; I see a little bit of myself in her. And I wonder…I wonder if Erin shares my lust for catfighting? Does Erin get excited by the possibility of a catfight which results in mutual destruction? Or does she just want to crush her opponent mentally and physically? I don’t know the answer to these questions; but one day perhaps I will.

However in the here and now we just continue to glare at each other. I watch intently as a bead of water slowly slides down Erin’s forehead; it’s truly amazing the details you can find yourself fixated on in these moments. But then you take a couple of steps backwards and it feels as if I’m being washed over by a tidal wave of disappointment. Is this bitch really going to back down?

But then I begin to hear the sound of male laughter and it’s getting louder. It seems like us girls will not be alone for too much longer. It is at this moment you suddenly turn and lash out with your right hand. Your fist slams into my left cheek and I tumble to the right and crash into the chair where I placed my bathrobe and towel.

“Fucking Bitch!” I snarl at you…but soon that anger is replaced by a playful giggle. I smile and lick my lips. My left cheek is reddened and stings…but then:

“Mmm oh yes!” I moan quietly; yet excitedly. Before I scream out:


Breathing heavily and smiling I get up and as soon as our eyes meet. I lunge towards you and tackle you; as I attempt to launch us both into the swimming pool. Meanwhile alerted by my scream; the approaching group of men quicken their pace.



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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2024, 09:23:49 AM »
I don't think even you could deny you deserved that slap, well maybe YOU could but any interested bystander would agree with me. The slap stings my hand and as you slump over the chairs and tables i shake my hand ruefully. You have a real hard head, but i kinda knew that.

You shout some profanity at me, calling me a "FUCKING BITCH"  tsk tsk, there goes the image right there, not so snooty now are you.
Your look of pain slowly turns into something close to a grin which makes me frown, why is the cow smiling. Then it occurs to me, you actually like pain. You desire it, covert it even need it. Well that's good cos i'm more than ready to serve it up to you with a side order of crushed hooters.

You get back on your feet trying to appear all tough and unconcerned that a slap would deck you, but i know...and yes, you know there is now that niggling little doubt floating around the empty chasms of your head.
Now many women wouldn't come right back looking for more, but you do. Eyes ablaze you surge towards me, a bit taken by surprise at this i attempt a quick sidestep so i can hammer my fist into your gut. I'm not quick enough however and a gasp of dismay tears out of my mouth as your arms wrap around the tops of my thighs and you drive us both into the pool.

I think i hear approaching voices but it's only a fleeting impression before we both vanish under the water. You have me held tightly, your arms stopping my legs from kicking out at you. I throw a punch towards your face but the water negates whatever impact this may have had. I thrash about with my arms and try to force my legs from your grasp. Getting a lil panicy, surely the cow doesn't mean to drown us, or me.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2024, 11:31:38 AM »

The speed of my attack catches you off guard and we both break the surface water together. The situation we find ourselves in is both frantic and dangerous; but this girl does love her danger. However even I have my limits…unfortunately! We both thrash about under the water for a couple of seconds before I find myself releasing you.

Unhindered from each other we both instinctively make a break for the relative safety of the shallows. We break the surface at almost the same time and we both take a few seconds as we gasp for air. However neither of us can rest to long and soon we’re racing against each other as we complete our swim to shallows. It does not take us long to reach the shallows and soon we find ourselves standing in the water; facing each other. With the water now at a level that was an inch below our bikini tops; we were finally in the position I hoped for when I forced us to take the plunge.

Our chests heaved as we both breathed heavily as our eyes began to sting due to the over chlorinated water. I instinctively wiped my hair back out of my eyes as I stared you down.

“Erin you bitch; I fucking hate you” I scream into your eyes; however you remain unfazed by my words and I’m awestruck by the intensity I see in your eyes. The intensity in your eyes was raw and fiery; if I could articulate what I saw it would be:

“Try me bitch!”

“Try me bitch!” I think to myself…not a bad fucking idea. And with that our pause is over.

I reach out with my hands and grab hold of your oily slick hair and begin to pull. I pull your hair straight down your back and bend your neck backwards. During this motion I find myself stepping into you and our red bikini tops press together. Through gritted teeth I continue to pull; as I snarl at you:

“Gonna rip your hair out bitch!”



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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2024, 06:17:13 PM »
I'm not sure if i managed to make you release my legs or you did so by your own volition, but right now i don't really care. My head bobs up above the surface of the water and i cough and gasp for breath. It wouldn't have been so bad if i was expecting a dipping but i was totally caught by surprise and not only didn't manage to take a breath but i didn't manage to shut my mouth....something that will not surprise some of my friends in the slightest.

As my vision clears i see you, also just back on the surface and also looking a bit flustered. We then seem to have the same thought at exactly the same time and we both make a lunge to get to the shallow end of the pool.

Looking up as i get my feet firmly down on the pool bottom i see there are a few guys round the pool now, no doubt enjoying the view. "Like what ya see do ya fellas?" i hiss and i stick up two fingers at them to make sure they get my contempt. Then my focus turns back to you and just in time too. You almost throw yourself at me, bodily. You snatch at my hair wrapping some strands around your slim athletes fingers, then you start to haul back, forcing my head back, my gaze now up towards the blue sky. I let out a low scream.."Let go of me you horrible bitch"

Somehow i think me ordering you to let go won't have the desired effect, which is a shame...for you. Although i can't exactly see what i'm after i can feel it. I stretch out my right arm, my fingers they find your throat. They close around your windpipe and start to squeeze, my nails, although not long and sharp like a cats are nevertheless quite able to dig into your flesh and that they do as i look to force you to release my hair to deal with this hold, either that or you are going back under that water.

As we stand in what is not quite a life or death struggle i hear wolf whistles coming from the assembled guys. I can't see them but i'm pretty sure there are a few bulges in a few shorts up there, it'd take more than a V sign to put them off


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2024, 07:21:40 PM »
I feel my nipples getting harder as my girls continue to press into and rub aggressively against your own. Not because I find you attractive; my arousal comes solely from the thrill of our catfight. But as I pull on your oily hair; I feel as if we’re being watched. I quickly glance over my shoulder and I see the men I heard earlier; clearly the sight of myself and Erin having a catfight was an early morning pick me up they were not expecting. Yet judging by their smiles and bulges it was a welcome start to the day and who am I to deny them this pleasure? As long as they don’t interfere; I really don’t give a fuck what they do. But as I continue to pull on your hair; you snarl at me:

“Let go of me you horrible bitch"

I snarl back:

“Fuck you Erin; you dirty slag!”

Are struggle continues for a few more seconds and during this moment you shout out to our audience:

"Like what ya see do ya fellas”

The men roar with approval.

But then I shout out to them:

“This bitch Erin is a slut boys. She will gladly suck cock for a Burger King kids meal! She’s a cheap and nasty hoe!”

Once again the men roar with approval; they’re clearly loving the show and are now totally invested in the outcome of mine and Erin’s friendly discussion.

However in the pool I continue to pull on your hair but as you had chosen not to take a grip of my hair. I was extremely open to attack and amongst the splashing and trashing you snake a arm between mine and grab hold of my throat. While not overly long your nails are hard and sharp and you joyously dig in your nails and squeeze my throat. The pain was instant; as was a sense of real fear which again excited me. I begin to choke as you start to close off my airway and the situation was made worse; as water splashed into my mouth.

Yet between frantic coughing fits I snarl:


“Let go of me you fucking bitch!”


Yet even as those words came out of my mouth; I knew you would not. Reluctantly I release your hair and I plant the palm of my right hand over your left eye and dig my nails into your forehead; as I desperately try to push you away from me. While with my left hand I dig my nails into your right shoulder and rake my nails down your arm.

The wolf whistles grow louder and more frequent.



Offline Wicked

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2024, 03:38:43 AM »
Thank you Erin and Kate for what is starting out to be an epic battle! I'm looking forward to see where this leads.


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2024, 09:55:10 AM »
My grip on your throat grows tighter, my nails dig into your flesh and even though you are ripping my hair from my scalp i'm really enjoying hurting you.

You cough and choke but still manage to swear at me, this seems to get another positive reaction from the guys by the pool. Finally though you are forced to let go of my hair and a smile curls the edges of my mouth, seems i like pain too, who'd a thunk it?

As you release my hair you are quick to follow up by covering my left eye with your hand, you try to dig your sharp nails into my forehead and rake your other hand down my shoulder.
"You dirty skank" i scream...which again gets a loud round of cheering from the guys.

In no way will i allow you to get away with this so i ball my right fist and drive it hard at your exposed tummy. Now i'm no Claressa Shields but i do pack a decent punch.

Anticipating this might bend you over somewhat i'm waiting with my right knee and thigh poised to hammer them up into your breasts should the opportunity arise.