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Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter

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Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2024, 10:39:34 AM »
I’m pushing your head back with all my strength; as my nails drill into your forehead; while my left hand digs into your right shoulder as I rake  my nails slowly and deeply down your arm.

You scream at me:

“You dirty skank”

I retort:

“Fuck you; Whore!”

We both stubbornly continue our attacks…then suddenly; you ball up your right fist and drive it into my firm stomach. I feel the air being forced out of my lungs; as I scream:

“Ow you fucking bitch!”

My hands come away from your head and arm; as I feel myself bending over slightly and I know I need to act fast: I use my forearms to shield myself from your incoming knee. You thrust your knee in the direction of my breasts and face repeatedly and at this point it is obvious I’m in distress. My forearms take a battering as you rain down blow after blow!  Between your attacks and my limited mobility in the water; I struggle to find a response. Suddenly we here:

“Right; Ben you go grab the brunette. I’ll go grab the cute blonde”

We hear two splashes as the men dive into the pool.



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2024, 04:26:32 PM »
I didn't want to resort to punching you...awww hell...who am i kidding, i freakin loved it. But you are a smart cookie as i already knew. The punch lands but as you bend forwards you cover up so that the best my knee and thigh can do is pound your forearms and i suggest that, that doesn't do much if any damage.

We are both now slinging profanities at each other, quite apart from the pool water, tears streak both our faces. Right now, given half a chance, we could beat each other into a bloody pulp.
It's then there are a couple of splashes in the pool, i glance round in surprise and i see two guys powering through the water towards us.

Oh no you don't, i think as i take another swipe at your face but just as my hand is midway there i'm suddenly snatched up with a pair of powerful arms around my waist.

"Get the fu@k off me" i scream, my arms and legs thrashing around as i try and get back at you.

"Calm down lil missy" says this hulk who is restraining me quite easily. In the meantime another hulk has you in his arms and i can see that you, like me, are kicking and fighting to get back at me.

"Ok ok, i say, my voice calming and my attempts to fight subsiding.."I'm chill"

The guy falls for this deception and slowly releases me, i did think the way his hands traced the curves of my body as he did it a but creepy though.

As soon as i can feel i am free i lunge back at you, my nails flashing as i try and carve them into your flesh.."i'm gonna destroy you bitch" i snarl


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2024, 06:46:42 PM »
I lose track of time as I deflect and absorb your attacks; but soon I feel a pair of warm and strong arms wrap around me. I struggle to free myself from his unwelcome embrace. My legs trash wildly and I desperately try to release my arms from the grasp of my unwelcome white knight.

“Let me go you fucking Bastard!” I scream in frustration.

Ben; my white knight holds me tighter and it soon becomes obvious that I’m not going to escape his clutches. With my offence neutered; I resort to spitting out insults:

“Erin you whore; you cheap fucking slut!” I scream. Meanwhile of course you match me insult for insult. But then all of a sudden you escape the clutches of our capturer and launch two sets of flailing nails in my direction. As you close the gap between us you scream at me:

“I’m gonna destroy you bitch" and follow up your words with action! I struggle in Ben’s arms and in your rage your left hands misses; but your right rakes the side of my left cheek. My cheek burns as some fresh tram lines appear on my face.

“Arhh Erin you bitch…you fucking bitch!” I scream; as I struggle with renewed vigour within the arms of Ben and my legs wildly kick out at you but to further my annoyance. Your big oaf of a knight white takes hold of you again and pulls you away from me; leaving me with nothing but water to kick.

FUCK! I scream with renewed rage but it was for nothing.

10 Minutes Later we were finally out of the pool and facing each other; Ben still had a grip on me and your big oaf of a hulk had his arms around you.

“Well ladies have you two finally had enough?” Says an exasperated Ben. We both glare at each other and nod in compliance. I feel Ben’s grip of me loosen and from the look in your eyes; the big oaf of a hulk who had you was also loosening his hold.

With are jailer’s foolishly thinking it was over the inevitable happens and we both break free and sprint towards each other. Our hands reach out determined to fuck each other up and to also ensure that the guys will need a crowbar to pry us apart this time.



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2024, 10:23:18 AM »
Puzzles me, through my red mist of fighting haze, just how you knew his name is Ben. I'm wondering if you've had *business* with some of the guys in Bayview Towers before?

So, with us both held tightly in the two guys arms it looks like the fight is over, specially when we nod in acquiescence to the question...Have you ladies had enough?

Well of course we haven't, i dunno about the bitch in Bens arms but i was getting real pleasure from fighting her. All the frustrations i have over Carys are pouring out and that bitch is on the end of them. See, this isn't about a box, its not about bumped shoulders or snooty glares. I mean that was the spark that ignited the fire that now blazes deep inside me. I've had fights before, of course i have, it's in my nature. Not random fights though and often as a result of someone challenging me. This however, this is different. I need this fight and win or lose i will have no regrets.

The guys who are holding us fall for the passive thing again, they really aren't too bright. At the same time we both break free and charge at each other with the dumbos scrambling to catch up. I've already left my mark on your face with my nails and i intend to try and match those marks with a matching set on your other cheek. Claws out we attack each other, both hurling insults as we tear hair and flash nails.
Grabbing your hair i know i have but moments before we are pulled apart again..."Lets take this down to your apartment bitch, away from any possibility of being stopped" i whisper but i know you heard. I feel those arms again as they hook around me and something pressing against my back.
"You got a sausage in ya shorts pal or are ya just pleased to see me?" i hiss as i kick out one last time at Katie.


Offline Alix_Fights

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2024, 01:51:44 PM »
Amazing fight you two!


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2024, 05:44:43 PM »
Free from our white knight’s claustrophobic grasp, we lunge at each other. Our nails flail wildly as we reach out to grab each other’s hair and claw at each other’s faces. Our attacks were completely reckless—stupid, in fact! However, reason and good sense abandoned both me and that cxnt Erin long ago. Our mutual hatred fuels us. Our shared love of catfighting excites and stimulates us, and our narcissistic pride strengthens our resolve! No matter the price, both Erin and I are willing to pay it in this moment.

Our right hands reach out and grab hold of each other's hair within seconds. With a firm grasp, we both pull as hard as we can. Meanwhile, with our spare left hands, we interlock our fingers and begin to grapple with each other. We violently pull each other closer, and as our foreheads clash, despite the pain, you whisper:

"Let's take this down to your apartment, bitch, away from any possibility of being stopped."

I snarl back:

“Fuck you, Erin! I’m not letting a whore like you into my apartment. You got that, bitch?”

Your response comes in the form of a sharp yank on my hair.

“Ow, you fucking bitch!” I snarl.

At this point, your big oaf of a hulk grabs hold of your waist. Then, with so much snark in your voice, you say:

“You got a sausage in your shorts, pal, or are you just pleased to see me?"

But I’ve had enough, and I scream out:

“Would the two of you just fuck off? Stay the fuck out of our business!”

Immediately, I lean backward while, with my right leg, I try—and successfully—trip Erin. Erin slips out of the big oafs hands. As we both tumble to the poolside floor near the outdoor barbecue, which was carelessly left on. Instantly, we ensnare each other's legs while releasing each other’s hair and hands, resetting our positions. I bury my left hand in your hair, wrapping it around the palm of my hand before making a fist and pulling. Meanwhile, my right hand seeks out the front of your red bikini top, and I begin to pull.

Your oaf of a hulk steps back; it’s clear the pervert wants to see what happens next. Ben adjusts his position as well, proving the old saying right—men are pigs!

Meanwhile, I see and feel flashes of your hands as you reach out to retaliate.



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2024, 10:16:51 AM »
My offer to take the fight down to her apartment was seemingly not a goer for Katie. I think she's a bit afraid of me beating her up in her own domain.

For now however the scrap continues apace. We both get snared again by the hunks, strange as many men would welcome the prospect of two partially clad hotties fighting in wet 'kinis.

Somehow Katie breaks free of Ben, his friends call him big Ben apparently but i've no idea why. Once free she attacks me with alacrity, and her hands, feet and nails. She lashes out with her leg, slashing at my ankles and whipping my feet out from under me. I slide down onto my tushie and out of my capturs embrace. I fall onto my back and Kate is quick as a cat to pounce on me. Her legs straddle me and her butt presses down on my hips.

"Get off me you BITCH" i hiss as you bury a hand in my wet locks. I kick and squirm under you determined not to let you get too comfy, but then you go for my bra. Being truthful it's lil more than two triangular strips of red fabric joined by elasticated type string. It peels off my tits with lil effort on your part. Then you start to yank on my hair, twisting it and pulling my head left and right.
No help from the guys here, the sight of my naked breasts must have them spellbound. I've never been ashamed to show my body though, some say that's trashy, i say they are jealous.

Not exactly happy with this turn of events i fire back at Kate. In a short lull in her hair pulling i reach up, grab her hair in my right hand and yank down hard to the side. As i do this i plant my left foot flat on the poolside and thrust up from my left hip. This has the pleasing outcome of unbalancing the bitch and taking her down on her side.

"Right you snooty whore" i hiss as i scramble to my knees. Before she has time to try and remount me i grab hold of her bra..."Right bitch, let's all see what you've got....though i suspect some of these guys have already seen the goods" Your bra comes away in my hand and i toss it to Ben.

This opportunity is way too good to miss so i untangle my fingers from your hair and i mount you. Pressing my tushie down over your hips i clamp both hands down over your tits and start to both squeeze and pull. The guys start to wolf whistle and call out.."Go on Erin, work the bitch" what they probably don't see is my nails digging into your tender flesh.

"Still not wanna take it to your apartment, bitch?" i smirk as i look down at you.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2024, 12:59:27 PM »
Locked together on the floor, our catfight rages with renewed vigor. With my left hand, I continue pulling on your hair while my right hand grabs and eventually rips off your tacky red top. Our spectators cheer with excitement as I hurl your bikini top onto the lit barbecue. I snicker as it goes up in flames!

"See that, Erin? That’s what I’m going to do to your fucking precious memories, bitch!"

The look on your face is one of fiery fury (forgive the pun). No one has ever burned any of your clothing before, and you’re pissed! With my threat about your precious memories echoing in your ears, your anger intensifies tenfold.

The fight continues, and we hurl insult after insult. Eventually, you grab my hair with your right hand and pull viciously.

“Ow, you fucking bitch!” I scream in your face.

But as I scream, you plant your left foot on the floor and thrust up from your left hip. We tumble onto our sides, still pulling on each other’s hair. Then I hear that snarky, abrasive tone again as you say:

"Right, you snooty whore!"

I contort my face in anger as you get on your knees and violently yank at my red bikini top. Your snarky voice rings in my ears as you declare:

"Right, bitch, let's all see what you've got… though I suspect some of these guys have already seen the goods!"

“Fuck you, Erin, you jealous cxnt!” I snap back, but just a few seconds later, my red bikini top is ripped from my chest. You toss it over to Ben, and the boys cheer, yet I note with immense satisfaction that they cheered louder for my girls than they did for yours! But my satisfaction doesn’t last long as you mount me, press your tushie into my hips, and reach down with both hands, grabbing hold of my breasts. You immediately start squeezing and pulling on them; the pain is fucking excruciating!

“Ow… ow… ow, you bitch! Get off my breasts, cxnt!” I snarl as the boys cheer you on with renewed excitement.

I hear them shout:

“Go on, Erin, work the bitch!”

I grit my teeth as tears begin to form, and your nails start breaking the skin around my breasts.

You snarl at me:

“Still don’t wanna take it to your apartment, bitch?”

Instantly, I snarl back:

“Bitch, you keep your skanky ass out of my apartment!”

I struggle beneath you, bucking my hips to try and shake you off me. But your breasts are too tempting a target, and what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, bitch! I reach up, grab hold of your breasts, dig in my nails, and start twisting your nipples as I pull them down toward me.

We’re both screaming in pain now, tears streaming down our cheeks, while our spectators shout:

“Go, Kate, rip off Erin’s tits! Come on, Erin, milk that bitch!”



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2024, 01:58:15 PM »
The fight not only continues, it gets nastier, more vicious.

I have your tits well under my control, mauling them, stretching them in everyway possible. The guys are ecstatic at this. Two hot bitches tearing lumps out of each other is more than they could have dreamed of and fortunately they have accepted the situation and let us get on with the scrap.

I'm really enjoying being mounted on top of you, now you know how it feels bitch.

It's at this moment that you go for my tits, You claw at them, your nails dig into my nipples. There are shouts of "fu@k her up Katie".

The pain coming from my mauled tits is quite excruciating and by the tears in your eyes and the look on your face i know you are suffering just as much pain as i am. I let go of your tits and grab hold of your wrists forcing you to also release your grip on mine. Our tits are quite the mess, red raw, nail marks all over them but oddly our nipples are still very erect.

"You nasty cow" i hiss as i make a grab for your hair and as i do so i lift my tushie up off your hips and stagger to my feet hauling you up with me.

"I've had as much as i can stand of you, you skank" i hiss as i pull your head down under my right armpit, then, holding you in a tight headlock i drag you to the edge of the pool and jump in.

I hope this sudden attack causes you as many problems as you did me when you dragged me into the pool what seems like days ago but was in fact no more than 5 minutes ago. I'd love to hold you under the water till you drown but i don't see prison uniform as a fashion statement so after a few squeezes on your head i let you go and leaning back i kick you way with my feet (usually the best way to kick someone is with the feet i've found).

I make my way, slowly, painfully to the side of the pool near to where the per....guys are sat and give them quite a show as a barely clad, soaking wet Erin pulls herself out of the pool and sits on the edge looking back to see what became of the bitch Katie.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2024, 04:16:47 PM »
Drunk on our hatred for each other, we mercilessly abuse each other’s breasts at the side of the pool. We twist, pull, and maul, racing to see who can inflict the most pain. Meanwhile, our two white knights—now looking decidedly more gray—delight in the public spectacle we've become. They don’t care who wins; we’ve both got our tits out, and that’s more than enough to satisfy them. The fact that we’re also catfighting is just an added bonus. Christmas has truly come early for them.

Meanwhile, Erin and I shed tear after tear through gritted teeth, stubbornly trying to outlast each other. We spit poisonous insults like vipers, while our nails explore each other’s breasts, searching for untouched flesh to maul.

Suddenly, I hear your shrill voice:

“You nasty cow!”

“You’re the only heifer here, Erin! You bitch!” I snarl back.

But then, your tactics change. You let go of my breasts and grab my hair with both hands. You begin to stand, pulling me up by my hair.

“Ow, ow, ow! Let go of my hair, you bitch!” I yell.

Shockingly, you oblige, releasing my hair with your right hand to place me in a headlock before jumping into the pool.

“F-U-C-K-K-K…” I scream as we break the surface of the water, and you drag my head under, holding me there for a few seconds. My arms and legs thrash wildly underwater as panic sets in. But then, thankfully, you release me and swim to the side of the pool, climbing out and sitting on the edge, playfully dangling your feet in the water, watching to see what happens next.

As you let go of me, I resurface and gasp for air, frantically swimming to the other side of the pool. I pull myself out and step onto the pool deck. I AM FUCKING LIVID! I grab hold of a fold-up wooden chair and rush toward you, intent on taking your fucking head off! But Ben intervenes, grabbing hold of me. As I’m lifted into the air, I drop the chair. Meanwhile, your pervy big oaf of a hulk quickly restrains you, making sure to cop a feel.

I scream, “Let me go! Let me the fuck go! I’m going to kill Erin! I hate that whore!”

Ben says calmly, “Come on, Kate. That’s enough for today. Let’s get you home.”

“No! LET ME THE FUCK GO!” I scream, thrashing wildly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Erin throwing her own fit of rage, more than ready to continue fighting.

As Ben carries me off, I hear Erin scream behind me:



Offline ^Bridgette^

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2024, 05:44:31 PM »
Two Queens right here  ^  :-*


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2024, 09:46:19 PM »
Two Queens right here  ^  :-*

Me and Erin definitely are Queens and by the time we’re done; one of us will be dethroned!

And it ain’t gonna be me! However I must admit that I feel a lifetime of Christmas’s has come at once. Erin’s writing and talent is so beautiful; it really is a privilege to face her :)


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2024, 09:52:46 AM »
Two Queens right here  ^  :-*

What a lovely thing to say, thank you Bridge. Bit of a Queen yourself babe and one hell of a good fighter as is Katie. I may or may not beat her but it's certainly worth trying to see what devious and nasty thing she comes up with next.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 09:55:15 AM by Erin Lee »


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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2024, 10:13:28 AM »
Sitting on the edge of the pool with my tootsies splashing around in the water. Truth be told i'm gasping for breath. This fight has been going on for hours...what's that you say? 10 minutes at the most? well it seems longer and let's face it, 10 mins is still a long time for a scrap.

My chest heaves which is sure to catch the attention of those guys. I'm not the biggest chest wise but what i do have stays firm and perky on my chest not bouncing off my knees like some ladies i've seen hanging around the seedier parts of town.

I keep an eye, well two if we are keeping count, on the bitch as she scrambles out of the pool spraying water in every direction. She's mad, actually she's nuts but that's not what i meant. She is clearly furious. Even from across the pool i can clearly see her flushed face and her clenched fists.

"C'mon then bitch" i yell "Bring it"

You grab a folding deck chair and folding it you take hold of it by it's legs. You storm around the decking and i jump to my feet and crouch, ready to face your onslaught. Before you can try and brain me with said chair your man Ben gets in your way and swipes the chair from your hands, then he lifts you and slings you over his shoulder. He tells you he is taking you back to your apartment. You don't seem keen on this judging my all the swearing, shouting and threats heading in my direction.

It occurs to me that you are pretty helpless right now so i start towards you intent on getting in a few good shots to your face. That plan is quickly halted however when that hunk...i really need to find out his name...grabs hold of me from behind. He probably thinks i didn't notice one of his hands as it fondles my right breast but i sure as hell did notice his other hand slide down over my tummy and head towards my kitty.

"Hey, you can't afford these goods mister" i hiss as i squirm round to face him. A swift knee to his plums soon puts an end to whatever he was thinking as he sinks down onto his knees. Crap, one fight at a time. I look round but my face falls as i realise Ben has you safely back in your apartment, so i make my way back to mine to tend my wounds and bruises.

You can be certain though, there is more to come, this fight is FAR from over.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2024, 12:09:25 PM »
Several days have passed since the incident by the pool and for the most part myself and Erin have been ignoring each other. The key to this unexpected outbreak of peace was the fact that when returning me to my apartment; Ben also retrieved and returned to you your precious memories. This action had infuriated me as I did plan to drop them out of my apartment window down to the kerb or just burn them all to cinders. However Ben was most insistent that we would all benefit from a period of calm. As you can imagine this did not go down at all well with me; however I relented without too much commotion. As it was my own stuff which I began throwing around my apartment in a fit of rage.

However while we avoided each other in a physical sense; we were both still very clearly in each other’s thoughts. We both with much excitement began to research each other; it was easy to identify who each other’s past rivals were and they were all to eager to dish dirt. However these acts of espionage were far from being discreet and it led to a fiery and very fierce exchange online between us; a very public exchange as that. However this act was the catalyst for us befriending each other online. With full access to each other’s social media posts we both excitedly went hunting for details on each other’s past indiscretions.

Thankfully for me Erin is a gigantic SLUT! And her indiscretions were numerous and very spicy and when the time is right. I can’t wait to look the cxnt in her eyes and remind her of them. However while eager to search for Erin’s murky past; I did little to cover up my own. I’m quite sure that when we do have a chance to engage in some girl talk; it will be the equivalent of playing a game of top trumps. Which one of us has the sluttiest past?

But then came Thursday morning; a day I shall never forget! It started as any other with a brief workout followed by a nutritional breakfast. I had business in town that day; important business and I dressed accordingly. I wore a grey tweed miniskirt; paired with a plum coloured satin blouse, sheer pantyhose and black heels. To complete my look I wore a long black cashmere coat that came down to my knees and of course I had with me my black leather bag; which I hung from my right shoulder. Perfectly dressed for a meeting with my solicitors I stepped out of my apartment into the corridor.

However as I stepped out; so did you. We both looked each other up and down intensely; before then proceeding to lock our apartments and head for the elevators. The walk to the elevators was not a long one; but this morning it felt ominous. Our steps were perfectly in sync as we walked side by side; the sound made by our heels seemed like some sort of weird battlecry leading us to war. On our arrival at the elevator the door was already open on our floor and we both confidently stepped on board. As soon as the elevator doors shut; I pressed the button for the ground floor and we squared up to each other. Your facial expression told me everything; you had something to say and happily I had something to say to you too.
