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Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter

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Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2024, 01:31:00 PM »
Two Queens right here  ^  :-*

What a lovely thing to say, thank you Bridge. Bit of a Queen yourself babe and one hell of a good fighter as is Katie. I may or may not beat her but it's certainly worth trying to see what devious and nasty thing she comes up with next.


Erin!!! I'm blushing :o

You really do say the sweetest things and I'm so lucky that our paths have crossed :)

As I've said many times before; your writing is simply beautiful and you never fail to inspire me. You're the best Erin...well the best for now at least. Make no mistake I am gunning for you ;)

Kate xx

« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 01:34:13 PM by Dicey_Kate »


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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2024, 05:17:50 PM »
Ben, bless him, returned my box of *Precious Memories* I have not the slightest doubt that if it had been left to Katie i would never have seen them again.

While we never actively avoided each other our paths didn't cross for the next few days, but don't think for a single second that the bad feeling was over between us. We are both enthusiastic fighters and both have been involved in quite a few scraps. It was pure fate that threw us together in this apartment block. We both took a lil time to recover from our encounter in the pool but bruises heal unlike the bad feeling that no doubt has invaded your mind as it has mine.

Then the day came around as it had to where we bumped into each other once again. You leaving your apartment and me leaving mine. I look you over and i'm afraid there is no way i can keep the sneer off my face. You appear to be power dressing, it's all fake of course, there is nothing powerful about you.

Me, well i'm in my usual scruffs, no doubt give you another reason to look down your nose at me. I don't change into my scrubs till i reach the hospital though. Think i'll book you in while i'm at work.

We stride down the hallway together and both enter the lift at the same time. You pressed the button for the ground floor but i reached across in front of you and pressed the emergency stop button. Then i look you in the face, "Shall we bitch?" It's a question that hardly needs an answer.

You drop your shoulder bag and slip out of your jacket. "Let's go slut" you snarl.

I'm in your hair before the t of slut leaves your lips. Pressing in hard against you, trying to pin you back against the wall of the lift. I look to shake your head left and right. I feel the warmth coming from your body as my breasts mash against yours through your shirt and my t-shirt. "No Ben here to save you now bitch" i hiss as i go to press my right hip into your crotch, trying to make things as uncomfortable for you as i possibly can.


Offline Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat)

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2024, 08:02:55 PM »
OMG talk about Epic! Badass! But honestly we can't expect anything less than a masterpiece and master class in creating magic from Erin and Kate! Thank you both for sharing this classic with us!  :-*  ;)
I'm a blonde blazing comet! Yeah, I know, comets crash and burn out. But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, we give a LOVELY light!


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2024, 09:35:10 PM »
The elevator barely had enough time to begin descending before the emergency stop was pressed by Erin. Alone again at last and in such a confined space; we stare into each other’s eyes. The silence between us speaks volumes about our shared hatred for each other. But then you break that silence; as you snarl:

“Shall we bitch?"

My reply was instant; my bag slips off by shoulder and soon I slide out of my coat. I look deep into your eyes; as I coo:

“Let's go slut”

I barely had time to complete my insult before your hands were in my hair and I feel you slam me against the metallic side of the elevator. You shake my head left and right; I feel my scalp begin to sting; as you relentlessly pull on my hair. However as I place my hands into your hair and begin to pull and shake your head; we suddenly stop shaking each other. As we pull each other’s hair taut; it’s clear there are some things we want to get off our chests! I feel our breasts mash together and already my nipples begin to harden; as deviant thoughts race through my mind…I simply can’t wait to get my claws into your face. You then Hiss at me:

“No Ben here to save you now bitch”

“Actually Ben was saving you slut!” I cooly hiss back.

You respond by twisting your right hip and pressing yourself deeply into my crotch. I  respond by lifting my right heel; pressing it into your left foot. I smile as I crush your foot below my heel; I look you dead in your eyes as I coo:

“I know all about you now Erin! Your Facebook page was very informative and you really are a disgraceful whore! What sort of a bitch goes down on her best friends fiance behind the back of a co-op store. You may act all prim and proper Erin but you’re trash; disgusting trash and this was one of your least shameful acts. What a pathetic bitch you are!”

A sudden yank on your hair announces that I’ve finished saying my piece. But then to your surprise I stop crushing and stepping on your left foot. I blow you a kiss as I raise my right heel and then suddenly slam my stiletto with all the force I can muster into your left ankle.



Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2024, 09:37:55 PM »
OMG talk about Epic! Badass! But honestly we can't expect anything less than a masterpiece and master class in creating magic from Erin and Kate! Thank you both for sharing this classic with us!  :-*  ;)

Thanks Lauren :)

But I have to admit that it’s an ambition of mine to spend some quality time alone with you; as we give each other a tooth and nail style make over ;)


Offline Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat)

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2024, 10:09:55 PM »
OMG talk about Epic! Badass! But honestly we can't expect anything less than a masterpiece and master class in creating magic from Erin and Kate! Thank you both for sharing this classic with us!  :-*  ;)

Thanks Lauren :)

But I have to admit that it’s an ambition of mine to spend some quality time alone with you; as we give each other a tooth and nail style make over ;)

Oh, Kate ... I think that can most def be arranged. My peeps will touch base with your peeps. Then you and I can ... "do lunch".   ;)
I'm a blonde blazing comet! Yeah, I know, comets crash and burn out. But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, we give a LOVELY light!


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2024, 09:42:03 AM »
WHAT?!?! the bitch has been reading my Facebook log, how very dare she the lowlife piece of gutter trash.

The fight, although only just started and not yet much more than a skirmish, is hotting up. I have you pinned to the lift wall with my hip pressed hard against your crotch and i'm ragdolling your head with all the enthusiasm of a lioness trying to decapitate a gazelle.

Seems you aren't a fan of this, or maybe you are cos your hands take hold of my hair and you start to return the punishment. It's then you announce about my lil escapade behind the co-op. There goes my lesbian credentials right there. But its true. My "friend" made a play for my then girlfriend so i got revenge by blowing her boyfriend.

(Always amazes me how we can speak whilst having our heads nearly ripped off...but c'mon, a bit of poetic licence here please)

You then stamp down hard on the instep of my left foot, my eyes widen, i hate showing pain in fights but holy hell that hurt. "You evil whore" i gasp as i look to get my foot away from you.

You haven't finished there, far from it. Your leg lifts, you have stilettos adorning your not so dainty feet and you aim one of them at my left ankle. I'm well aware that if this hits as intended i'm gonna be on the customer side of the hospital having my broken ankle reset in plaster...and that bitch just ain't gonna happen.

As you lift your leg i'm alive to the possibilities but in a way you did me a favour by stamping on my instep, see my foot isn't on the floor taking any of my weight so its easy to avoid the stamp. I hook your thigh and blow you a kiss in return, "You think i'm that dumb i'll fall for that kind of attack?" With your thigh hooked i ram my right hand into your crotch and start to claw at your labia through your panties and not in a nice way either. I look to try and dig my nails in, wanting to hurt you in a very primal way.

"Oh and just so you know, slut....i took a look at your Facebook page and saw you are friends with Benny boy. So i went to his page, seems you n him have been dogging and not only have you been doing that but he had you on the bonnet (hood to you American types) of his car. Quite the spectacle apparently. There are even photos of you with your panties around your ankles flat on ya back with Ben happily humping away on top of you. Gotta love Facebooks admin.

I continue clawing at your kitty, hoping to make sure Ben isn't gonna be enjoying your fruits again for quite sometime.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2024, 01:03:30 PM »
In the claustrophobic confines of the elevator we pull on each other’s hair until it’s nice and taut. Our breasts crush together and you continue to work your hip into me. We listen intently as we talk trash to each other and pass judgement of each other’s past indiscretions; while we snarl at each other. Amongst however the hateful glares and judgemental looks; you snarl:

“You evil whore” seems you did not enjoy getting your foot crushed under my heel. But when I lift it to stamp my stiletto into your ankle; you use the mere seconds to readjust your position and my heel stamps down onto the floor of the elevator. Frustrated and angry with myself; I snarl:

“Fucking Bitch!”

But you ignore my taunt and instead you hook my thigh; your taunt me by blowing me a kiss. But with my thigh hooked you slide your right hand between my thighs and begin to claw at my labia through the material of my soft silk panties. The pain was beyond words; I grit my teeth in anger but I could not hold it in:

“Ow Erin…you bitch! You evil fucking bitch Ow…Ow…Ow!!!” I scream. But then with a satisfied grin across your face; you dish all about my recent tryst with Ben.

My face turns bright red but for once it’s not just rage that’s pushing colour to my cheeks but genuine embarrassment. I try to remain calm and cool, but I have to be honest that was not my finest hour and to be reminded of this by Erin of all people…it’s humiliating. However thankfully Erin’s timeline was awash with scandal and omg this bitches antics are the worst! However before I get into your scandalous past again; I have to stop your attack! I let go of your hair and dig my nails into the sides of your face; before I ruthlessly begin to drag my nails down your cheeks.

“How you like that you fucking Bitch?” I scream into your face. But then threw gritted teeth I remind you about another past indiscretion of yours; while correcting the record regarding myself and Ben:

“Well at least I always have panties on to be pulled down; which is more than could be said for you Erin! Also WRONG! I did not fuck Ben on the bonnet of his car; it was on the bonnet of his girlfriend’s car bitch! Besides Miss prim and proper does the nickname “Party Trix” ring any bells? Oh yes…I see that it does bitch! Converting a cheap Supergirl costume to become your persona “Party Trix”…Well that just screams out class doesn’t it bitch? Then going to a comic book convention to work your trade or is it a hobby for you? I really don’t know bitch! But Classy; so very classy Erin! You fucking whore!”

« Last Edit: September 16, 2024, 01:14:32 PM by Dicey_Kate »


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2024, 04:14:49 PM »
Holding up your thigh while i claw at your kitty is so satisfying even more so are your screams of pain, i'm really getting to this bitch now.

I start to crush your labia through your panties not to mention my nails digging in through that thin shiny fabric, i'm astonished at your resistance to pain, this attack would have most girls down on their knees pleading for mercy. But of course you know that is pointless, there will be no mercy on your knees or not. You are one tough bitch as you prove yet again when you drag your nails across my cheeks.
Seemingly not as immune to pain as you, although as we found out earlier, we are both partial to it, i have to reluctantly let go of your labia and grab hold of both your wrists. "You evil whore" i snarl, feeling lil trickles of blood slide down my cheeks from the tramlines you've gouged there.

With my hands, and yours fully occupied i aim to drive my right knee into your left thigh as i look to give you a deadleg. I'm looking to even the score for the injury you inflicted on my left foot, which i might add is still freakin hurting.

Then your gums start to flap once again, seems you have found some more of my back story. Yes, it's undeniably true, i moonlight as Party Trix. Now no doubt you would like to imagine me servicing all the guys and gals at the convention, but you got it wrong, very wrong. I simply reprise the role of a superhero from a well known film. So you see, you were mislead, maybe you wanted to think the worst, but bitch, you failed...again!!

As we are on the subject of trashy pasts...just pausing to administer a hard slap to your face and another knee to your thigh...i found a bit more about your murky past.

" It's true, is it not that you were arrested for stealing money from guys when they took you back to theres thinking you were a hooker. I mean it's an understandable mistake to make, but to duck out and steal the money while he's otherwise engaged is just plain low. Offering to blow the cop that arrested you is even lower, what amazes me  is he accepted. He did record it for prosperity though and i hacked into his PC, but don't you worry princess precious, your secret is safe with me.

It's just then there is a banging on the doors.."Are you alright in there?" is the cry, if only they knew. We quickly seperate and tidy ourselves up as best we can, though i don't think you are gonna be having your meeting afterall. " We'll be meeting again real soon bitch" i hiss as the lift starts to travel down to the ground floor


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2024, 11:05:24 PM »
Together in the corner of that claustrophobic elevator myself and Erin relish the pain and injury we inflict upon each other. As I rake my nails down the sides of your face; every new red line that appears stimulates me and arouses me more than any man has ever managed. Meanwhile as I look into your eyes; I see that your experiencing a similar set of emotions. Your nails dig deeper with every wicked pinch and twist; as you maul at my silken covered labia. It’s clear that you’re determined to ensure that Ben is going to have to remain faithful to his girlfriend or find another floozy to satisfy his needs. You intend to wreck my kitty and the thought of doing so sends a shiver of excitement down your spine; in fact you’ve never felt so alive - I can see it in your eyes.

But then suddenly you halt your vicious attack and instead grab hold of my wrists. You dig your nails into my arms; as we both begin to struggle with each other. Our breasts suddenly begin an impromptu titfight as we both attempt to bully each other with our chests; yet this effort is halfhearted at best. You snarl at me:

“You evil Whore”

I snap back:

“Look in the mirror Erin; your the bitch who started this!”

The reality of our situation however is that both of us have inflicted an extraordinary amounts of pain within a very short period of time. We’ve both gritted our teeth so hard; I would not be surprised if we both needed to see a dentist. We both have a mixture of tears and mascara rolling down our cheeks; our hair is a mess and how much time has past? 10 minutes at most would be my guess; but damn it feels so much longer.

We continue to spit our insults at each other and then you come out with the most outrageous story I’ve ever heard to explain your Party Trix persona. I would and will accuse you of being a lot of things. But one thing you’re not is a nerd! And I most certainly know a whore when I see one; but then…


“Bitch” I scream as you surprise me by letting go of one of my arms and slapping me in the face. I go to slap you in return; however your knee crashes into my thigh. Your knee found the perfect spot to fuck up my muscle and give me a dead leg. Instinctively I begin to rub my thigh with my free hand; while with the arm your still holding…we continue to struggle. While I’m finding it increasingly harder to remain vertical. And it’s at this moment you strike again; as you remind me about my more shady activities. It pisses me off that there is some truth to your words; however as for that police officer - he lied! But ultimately we will both believe what we want to believe about each other and if all our muck raking destroys each other’s reputations along the way…well that’s another thing for us to catfight about.

Suddenly we both here a cry asking if we’re alright and soon as after the lift starts to move. Immediately we both release each other and begin to panic; as we try to straighten ourselves out.  I pull down my skirt and put back on my coat and pick up my bag. I try to tidy my hair but with so little time and no mirror; it was a futile effort at best. But as the doors begin to open you hiss:

“We'll be meeting again real soon bitch“

“Hmm I can’t wait you fucking cxnt!” I snap back.

However my exit from the lift was far from dignified; between my mauled kitty and dead leg. It looks like I’m re-enacting the Monty Python Silly Walk sketch and as I leave the apartment; my only thoughts are - I hate this bitch!



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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2024, 11:36:18 PM »
It must be eating Kate, Erin seems to have her measure


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2024, 10:34:06 AM »
I've been stewing over what you did to my face for a few days now. I had to pretend that i was attacked by a cat when i got to work, and let's be honest here, that wasn't far from the truth.

Sat in my apartment a few days later, it's Friday evening and i'm not back in work till Monday. I'm restless though, i have an itch that needs scratching and that itch has a name. Katie!!
You notice i said itch not bitch, but the bitch also needs scratching and mauling and having her hair ripped out and...and...and.

I'm dressed to go out, but this rage is boiling inside me, it has ever since we scrapped in the lift. We need to settle this feud and not by a handshake and a mug of coffee either. I'm wearing my short black dress, a style well displayed by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys. I would have liked one designed by Hubert de Givenchy but with a limited budget i have to settle for a copy by PrettyLittleThing.
Black suspenders and stockings and a pair of black strappy open toes heels complete the ensemble. My black jacket is draped over the back of the chair.

I start to pace the room, i kick a shoe in annoyance, do i go out or do i go and fight that bitch in room 111B? I slide my mothers gold bracelet onto my left wrist then add a couple of Grannies rings, yes, i'm a sentimental bitch at heart, the rings are chunky, could be useful in a fight.

Fu@k it, i think as i ease my arms into my jacket, let's go see if that horrid bitch is at home.

I open my door and carefully lock it behind me, then i knock on your door, tapping my right foot as i wait for you to answer.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2024, 03:15:23 PM »
It was Friday evening and I was alone in my apartment; I had planned to sneak over to see Ben however his girlfriend was unexpectedly home. I considered going over and announce to her face that I was stealing Ben from her and if she had a problem with that? I was up for a little girl talk. However truth be told I don’t really like Ben; I much prefer girls. Then why the affair? Well that’s simple - taking what’s not mine is a thrill that runs through my veins. Home wrecking is honestly super fun and I would encourage every confident and catty bitch out there to give it a try.

But as I mulled over whether or not to confront Ben’s girlfriend; another thought whirled around my mind. Erin; that fucking bitch Erin! I hated her; I hated her with a passion! Between the incident by the pool and more recently in the elevator; I owed that bitch the cruelest of catfights. Do I go over and force the confrontation? As I considered that possibility I began to pace up and down my apartment. My black heels clicked with every step and every click sounded like a call to arms. But as I completed the 36th length of my apartment; I caught myself in my full length mirror. I stopped to admire myself; I was wearing a favourite red minidress of mine. It was not the most expensive dress in my wardrobe but was my favourite Karen Millen design. Of course to go with it I was wearing my favourite sheer stockings; red suspenders and matching red lace lingerie. While I’ve never been one for jewellery; I was tonight wearing the gold cross my grandmother brought me to mark my birth and some tasteful gold hoop earrings.

But as I smiled at my reflection; I heard a knock at the door and then what appeared to be the sound of impatient tapping. I walk to my door and was taken aback to see it was you. My initial reaction was to tell you to fuck off. But something about your eyes this evening told me now was a time to play it cool. I invite you in and go to my kitchen; my eyes glance towards my two person sofa as I say to you:

“Take a seat Erin; I will be with you shortly”

True to my word; I soon arrive with two glasses of red wine. I hand you one before I take a seat next to you on the sofa. I cross my legs opposite to yours and the tip of our heels clash as we both swing our heels; as we turn our bodies to face each other. I take a very small sip from my glass and note you do the same. As you surely know I did not give us both red wine to drink; we had…when the moment was right of course a much more practical use for it. Then I hiss calmly:

“So Erin what shall we talk about?”

« Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 06:46:57 PM by Dicey_Kate »


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2024, 05:02:41 PM »
Very shortly after i knock on your door, you open it and invite me in. I kinda keep a bit of a side eye on you, i'm not about to start trusting you, not now, not ever.
You ask me to take a seat as you vanish into your kitchen and you shortly reappear with two glasses brimming with red wine. We sit, side by side on your sofa, it's an uneasy truce at best, truth be told it isn't a truce at all, just the calm before the storm. You hand me a glass of the wine and take a sip of yours.

"If you don't mind" i say as i reach across you and relieve you of your glass, handing you mine in return, "Never can be too careful" i whisper somewhat breathlessly. Now i take a sip of the wine which is actually not bad, a nice playful Beaujolais nouveau is my palate doesn't deceive me. Then we cross our legs, my short black skirt rides right up my thigh exposing a decent quantity of leg. Our heels slap together as we settle and we half turn to face each other.

It would be apparent to anyone who saw us sitting here that this isn't going to be some cozy chat and i reinforce that impression when i reply to you,

"We should and will talk about settling our differences once and for all Bitch. I've no intention of fighting you each and everytime we run into each other and although i do enjoy beating on you we are both grown women, we both have jobs and we both could do without getting sacked because we are in a bad way from a fight. So what have you got to say to that...bitch?"

I take another sip of the wine while i wait for your answer, i can see you are deep in thought, likely something that has never happened to you before. I swear i can see dust coming out of your ears.

"Well bitch?" i hiss


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2024, 07:47:29 PM »
Sat next to Erin on my sofa the Intimacy of this moment is intoxicating; I never felt so alive. The fake smiles; the feeling of our stocking covered thighs rubbing together. The sight of Erin’s dress riding high up her thigh; the clatter of our heels as we playfully kick and poke each other. This is the drug I crave; And it’s been so long since I felt it. Our catfight will be electric and I simply can’t wait to tear that cxnt apart. But as the thought of fighting you turns me more and more on; you turn to me and say:

"If you don't mind" And with that you swap our glasses of red. I shake my head slightly and roll my eyes as you say:

“Never can be too careful" I lick my lips and reply:

“Poison…really!!! Are you that paranoid Erin?”

Your glare answered my question: you don’t trust me at all and to be fair I don’t trust you either. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence; I say:

“So Erin shall we have a little girl talk?“

You smile and reply instantly:

"We should and we will talk about settling our differences once and for all Bitch. I've no intention of fighting you each and everytime we run into each other and although i do enjoy beating on you we are both grown women, we both have jobs and we both could do without getting sacked because we are in a bad way from a fight. So what have you got to say to that...bitch?"

I listen intently to every word, every syllable! We’re both definitely on the same page and I’m impressed you managed to get out your little speech. I could practically hear the clockwork within your mind as you spoke. I smile to myself as I think:

“A analog basic bitch in a digital world; that’s Erin all over - what a pathetic whore”

I giggle at that thought and then reply coldly:

“Well Erin…firstly that was quite the speech you had prepared. Have you nervously been rehearsing in front of the bathroom mirror bitch? However to answer the point of your question; I agree…it would be good to settle things between us. But only if your woman enough to do things properly. My suggestion would be no rules and no mercy! Whoever wins gets to decide when the catfight is over! Also as I expect there will be a substantial amount of property damage. Let’s set a timer before we start; we have 10-15 in my apartment and then we have 10-15 minutes in yours. Also I haven’t forgotten about the elevator Party Trix! So let me be clear I fully intend to unleash hell on your kitty! So what have you to say about that Bitch?”

As the word “Bitch” leaves my mouth; I place my left hand on your knee and slowly slide it up your thigh until I reach your stocking tops. I look you in the eyes and then hiss:

“Such cheap and nasty stockings Erin; you really are a whore without a shred of class! Aren’t you Bitch”
