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Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter

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Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2024, 09:32:27 AM »
I can hardly believe what i'm seeing, i don't know whether to cry or take your head off, i settle for taking your head off.

You sashay around my lounge pouring the remains of the red wine over my cream carpet. I don't care about the carpet, it's the criminal waste of wine that upsets me. Truthfully tho, my carpet is ruined and as you toss the bottle at the tv, we both watch as the screen shatters. I can hardly have expected anything else from you after what i did in your apartment but this just raises the stakes to an all time high.

Still red, marked up and breathing heavily i flex my arms, clench and unclench my fists then stretch out my legs. My desire, nay, need to destroy this bitch is in danger of bubbling over. Good job i don't posses a baseball bat or i would literally take her head off.

I've fought some nasty bitches, won some, lost some, enjoyed most, but this bitch, well it's personal, she goes down or i do and right at this moment either is in balance.

I stalk around the room, the carpet squelching under my feet. The smell of wine masks the smell of stale sweat, old perfume and last nights takeaway. You too are stalking around the room. "Let's catfight bitch" you hiss. Like what do you think we've been doing, sheesh.

You walk lithely across the room towards me, i bring up my arms and settle into a slight crouch. I'm going to wait till you are right in front of me before making my move. We get so close our bras grind together, before i can make my move you slam me back with a solid push to my shoulders. My back hits the wall and as it does is immediately followed by a stinging slap to my left cheek.
I stagger to my right, nearly go down, there was real force and venom behind that slap that knocked me dizzy.

My right hand presses back against the wall to steady myself, my legs are a bit unsteady though so i thrust off the wall and lunge at you. My arms encircle your body, wrapping you up tightly while my head clears. "We forgot the timer" i groan although i know full well this fight will only end now when one of us lies beaten and defeated on my wine soaked carpet.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #61 on: September 30, 2024, 02:00:19 AM »
As I literally dance around Erin’s apartment, still chewing my gum and pouring red wine all over her carpet, I’m reminded of a favorite song of mine—*Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.* I love this song for two reasons: firstly, my second name is Lucy; and secondly, in terms of my musical tastes, I’m definitely a child of the '60s, '70s, and '80s. Oh, and thirdly, I love the free-spirited nature of this song. Yes, I know I said two reasons, but newsflash…I’m a bitch! And I lie! Not all the time, of course, but a well-placed lie here and a whisper in the right ear there are powerful tools when used wisely. They are tools every bitch should master, in my humble opinion—especially if she plans to rise to the top of her chosen social circle. But now for some free advice: never forget that friends are like rungs on the ladder of success for any real bitch…never hesitate to step on them! *Giggle* That goes doubly so if you’re wearing heels! However, I digress…

With the sound of Erin’s TV screen breaking, I look deeply into the bitch's eyes and chew my gum playfully. I smirk as the sound of my slap fills the room, and my legs almost go weak from the thrill of finally slapping your bitch-ass face. I begin to chew my gum more excitedly than ever as you stagger to the right. However, your instincts serve you well as you use your hands to steady yourself against the wall, then push off and throw yourself at me. Our bodies slap together, and without the slightest hesitation, your arms wrap around my body. Your bear hug-style hold crushes us together, and as expected, our breasts absorb the worst of the pain. Yet, it’s also true to say that our chests were not unhappy at the thought of fighting each other, as I feel my nipples and yours begin to stiffen even further.

"Argh, you fucking bitch! Let me the fuck go!" I snarl into your hate-filled face, and wow, you do hate me. Looking into your eyes, I see an eruption of hatred on a scale I’ve never seen before in my life. I would say you’ve gone Krakatoa on me, and I love it and hate it in equal measure. For me, a good catfight needs risk, jeopardy, and venomous hatred, and wow, do we have all three. Honestly, this experience is actually rather sexy…hmm, I digress again.

What I can’t ignore, however, is the fact that when you wrapped your arms around my upper body, you also managed to ensnare my arms with your own. I desperately begin to struggle and try to slip them out of your tight embrace, but I just can’t free them. While I can’t punch or slap you as I crave to do, there are other avenues of attack open to this bitch. In the end, I select a dirty one. My arms bend at the elbows, and my hands thrust in the direction of your thong. I grab hold of it, and without hesitation, I begin to pull it up and into your kitty. As I look coldly into your eyes, still chewing my gum, I pause and say:

"Let the fuck go of me, you bitch!"

Yet as I confidently make my demands of you; you also see the pain etched in my face. Once again this fight you’re crushing my body with your own. While this experience is not as painful as your scissors from earlier; the pain is once again targeting the same region of my body and my legs begin to show signs of wobbling. Uncertainty hangs above us both at this moment; the outcome is unclear. Yet one fact is undeniable - neither of us is in an enviable position!

« Last Edit: September 30, 2024, 02:04:41 AM by Dicey_Kate »


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #62 on: September 30, 2024, 10:53:37 AM »
Although my arms are wrapped tightly around you and our sweating bodies are pressed firmly together. We squirm and twist but this is far from an erotic situation. I really wanna finish you as you wanna finish me.

We glare into each others eyes, i'm still trying to shake off the after effects of that vicious slap that nearly knocked me to the floor.

Then you get dirty, you wriggle your arms, i think you are trying to free them, but you are not. You manage to work enough freedom to slide them down where you grab hold of my thong, bunching it up in your hand you savagely yank it up cutting deep into my kitty. I yelp in surprise and pain. I go up on tiptoes. "Fu@k you bitch" i squeal as tears appear in the corners of my eyes.

I unwrap my arms from around you and push at your shoulders, as i do this my thong, which is only made from very thin fabric tears and comes away in your hand. This is my chance...

I lunge forwards at you and again i wrap my arms around you, only this time i look to lift your feet off the carpet, not by much, maybe an inch possibly two. Looking to keep up my forward momentum i then almost trip forwards, but this was a planned trip as i go to slam you down onto my wine soaked carpet, my body going down with yours as i look to land fully on top of you, hopefully driving the air from your lungs in the process.

My hands, which i removed from your back just before impact now slide over your body, my right, balled into a fist looks to slam into your side, my left travels on up to your hair. "How many times have you slammed my head you bitch?" i hiss as i look to lift your head by your hair and slam it down onto the carpet. Now i know this just ain't gonna hurt much but as a diversion it's not bad. My aim is to slide myself up to a sitting position and move on up your body till i'm sat on those proud tits of yours.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #63 on: October 02, 2024, 01:03:51 PM »
With my hands wrapped tightly around your thong; I pull up on it with all my might. The intensity I feel in this moment; my desire…no need to inflict harm on you almost overwhelms my senses. My brow and breasts begin to sweat profusely. I grit my teeth as I stretch every sinew I have; I’m totally consumed by a vengeful style of lust that craves to see the pain etched on your face. You begin to stand on your tip toes; as you desperately try to evade my cruel and vile assault on your womanhood. With tears in your eyes you squeal in my face:

“Fuck you bitch"

I smile back and hiss:

“Nasty slut…I bet your pussy has had worse experiences you dirty whore!”

But then you release your grip of my body and with both hands push my shoulders; as you do so a quirk of fate comes to your aid. As the material on your thong gives way and my hands and body recoil with your dirty thong in my hands. These events conspire against me! I stumble backwards with your thong held in my hands; the suddenness of this wardrobe malfunction takes me by surprise and you cease an opportunity to attack.

Swiftly you lunge at me and wrap your arms around me again and with a tremendous show of strength and fortitude you lift me off the ground and then intentionally hurl me and you onto the wine stained carpet. My already sore body slams into the floor and simultaneously your body lands on mine. So great is the impact that my tasty gum is flung from my mouth to find a new home in your carpet. The sudden shock of falling disorientates me and for a few brief seconds I wonder where I am. But then the pain of the fall sneaks up on me and ravages my body:

“Owwwwww you fucking bitch….Owwwwwwww”

With tears in my eyes; mascara running down my sweaty cheeks I flail beneath you on the floor. But as I flail you make a fist with your right hand and slam it into my side. I gasp as the air is forcibly expelled from my body. I want to scream out in pain; but with your left hand you grab my hair and slam my head repeatedly into the carpet. This attack disorientates me even further and for a moment I think I actually black out? I’m in total disarray and by the time I open my eyes time; when I do I awake. I’m greeted by the ungodly sight of you straddling my body; or more precisely you’re straddling my tits.

You look down at me with a evil grin plastered across your over made up face. It’s a grin a I know too well; it’s the look of a bitch with cruel intentions (Cruel Intentions - Great film btw). I reach out with my arms and grab both of your stockings; my nails dig into your thighs as I shred them and claw at your legs. My attack is driven by instinct more than rational thought. At most my assault is an annoyance to you; but my back and stomach have been pounded all evening and I feel as if my core is failing me.

I squeal in pain as I scream up into your face:

“Get the fuck off me you fucking cow!”



Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2024, 10:08:08 AM »
This song keeps on going around in my head...*And now the end is near and so you face the final curtain* Apologies to whoever wrote it for the slight but vital alteration.

I have you down and for the first time since we met i can feel your resolve start to weaken. Me sitting on your chest must be affecting your breathing somewhat. Then just when i think it's all over you rake those sharp nails over my thighs and rip and tear at my stockings.

"You nasty, low life, trailer trash BITCH" i scream. God how i'd love to plant my fist right into your ugly face right at this moment, but i ain't gonna. I wriggle and squirm as your nails carve red tram lines in the thighs i am so proud of. I can feel your tits getting squashed underneath me. I consider finishing you with a facesit but no way will i risk you taking chunks outta my labia with your teeth, i know you'd do it to.

So, i shuffle back off your chest whilst keeping a tight hold on your hair, pulling your head up hard off the carpet. I slip down until we are hip to hip and almost crotch to crotch. My feet slide inside your calves and i start to widen my legs to spread yours wide apart.

My right hand then covers your nose and mouth as i push your head back down, trying to hold it in place with my left hand.

"Just let me know if or when you've had enough bitch" i sneer as i start to try and smother you out, knowing full well there is no way you can answer.

(Note to self, make rule about no biting cos i do a mean facesit or breast smother)

I feel you weakening quickly and for the first time since we met the rage inside me starts to subside. We've fought each other to a virtual standstill and i can respect you for that.

I release the grapevine and smother attempt and stand up, pulling you upright by your hair. We are both more than a bit wobbly but i'm on home turf so no doubt feel a bit more comfortable then you. I go to the door, dragging you along behind me. Opening said door i pull you out into the corridor then sling you face first at your door.

"Sleep well....BITCH"


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2024, 12:59:31 PM »
The End…?

Well I hope everyone has enjoyed reading about myself and Erin as much as I’ve enjoyed fighting her? I could write all day about how talented Erin is and the beauty of her writing style; but I don’t want to make Erin blush or do I? Hmm….

However from my perspective things between myself and Erin are only just warming up and when I have licked my wounds…revenge will be mine in Episode two. In fact Erin…what you say to Episode Two - Revenge of the Bitch?

*Wraps my arms around Erin and hugz the stuffing out of her*

Kate xx


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2024, 09:38:11 AM »
I can but echo what Katie said. We fight for our own enjoyment and also for the enjoyment of the reader. As i told Katie, it takes two to tango, very rarely if ever do you see a good fight where one is excellent and the other illiterate. Katie is far from illiterate and an excellent fighter.

I'll be sleeping with one eye open cos i know that nasty bitch will be after revenge, however, i beat her once and i can do it again...i hope.

Thanks Katie, that was a great fight.

Erin xxx


Offline Wicked

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2024, 12:50:40 PM »
Thanks for the great story Ladies.I can't wait to see what's next from the two of you.


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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #68 on: October 10, 2024, 03:03:28 PM »
Thanks for the great story Ladies.I can't wait to see what's next from the two of you.
Well it’s already scripted so that kate will win so they can have a trilogy.
Then Lauren tatt will be involved in some love triangle between them.
Erin has to to fuck someone in her matches so that’s my prediction.


Offline Alix_Fights

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #69 on: October 10, 2024, 04:20:54 PM »
Thanks for the great story Ladies.I can't wait to see what's next from the two of you.
Well it’s already scripted so that Kate will win so they can have a trilogy.
Then Lauren tatt will be involved in some love triangle between them.
Erin has to to fuck someone in her matches so that’s my prediction.
Well gee, Jen, you old bitch, it's like you just want to piss off everyone all at once!    You better watch your back!


Online Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat)

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #70 on: October 11, 2024, 07:25:02 AM »
Thanks for the great story Ladies.I can't wait to see what's next from the two of you.
Well it’s already scripted so that kate will win so they can have a trilogy.
Then Lauren tatt will be involved in some love triangle between them.
Erin has to to fuck someone in her matches so that’s my prediction.

Whoa, wait, what? How did I get pulled into this? Love triangle? Don't think so. No love here, that's for sure.  :P

Kate, Erin and I do have a date coming up soon, that part is true. Well, kind of. But there will be 10 others joining us at the Witch party so there ain't gonna be no triangle. A pentagram, maybe.  ;D

Sorry, Jen, as far as you trying to be the champion of making predictions, well, I hate to break it to ya ... But your torch has just been put out and you've been voted off the island.  ;)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2024, 03:59:22 PM by Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat) »
I'm a blonde blazing comet! Yeah, I know, comets crash and burn out. But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, we give a LOVELY light!


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #71 on: October 12, 2024, 02:34:08 PM »
Those are some interesting and wild theories :)

However hand on heart I have no plans to engage in any love triangles with anyone. As for how will myself and Erin’s story continue? Well that’s something me and Erin will discuss when the time is right. Right now I’m focusing on Halloween :)



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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #72 on: October 14, 2024, 02:36:55 AM »
Those are some interesting and wild theories :)

However hand on heart I have no plans to engage in any love triangles with anyone. As for how will myself and Erin’s story continue? Well that’s something me and Erin will discuss when the time is right. Right now I’m focusing on Halloween :)

You me kate kate I did give you some ideas
Good luck on your poll and be yourself like you told me when we chatted a few months ago
Trust no you especially a wild cat that’s on the prowl.
Jen x


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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #73 on: October 14, 2024, 02:37:57 AM »
Thanks for the great story Ladies.I can't wait to see what's next from the two of you.
Well it’s already scripted so that Kate will win so they can have a trilogy.
Then Lauren tatt will be involved in some love triangle between them.
Erin has to to fuck someone in her matches so that’s my prediction.
Well gee, Jen, you old bitch, it's like you just want to piss off everyone all at once!    You better watch your back!
You are out of your league here.
Best leave while you can


Offline Catjen

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Re: Erin Vs Kate: Episode One - A Moving Encounter
« Reply #74 on: October 14, 2024, 02:40:47 AM »
Thanks for the great story Ladies.I can't wait to see what's next from the two of you.
Well it’s already scripted so that kate will win so they can have a trilogy.
Then Lauren tatt will be involved in some love triangle between them.
Erin has to to fuck someone in her matches so that’s my prediction.

Whoa, wait, what? How did I get pulled into this? Love triangle? Don't think so. No love here, that's for sure.  :P

Kate, Erin and I do have a date coming up soon, that part is true. Well, kind of. But there will be 10 others joining us at the Witch party so there ain't gonna be no triangle. A pentagram, maybe.  ;D

Sorry, Jen, as far as you trying to be the champion of making predictions, well, I hate to break it to ya ... But your torch has just been put out and you've been voted off the island.  ;)
Lol didn’t know I was on the island It must be huge since we never crossed paths. Lucky for you!!!!!!!!
We will see if I’m right or wrong