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RQT Tag-team Qualifying match 3/4: H. Berry & H.Bailey vs. X.Gomez & M. Grace

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The moment the bell rang, the ring erupted into chaos as Halle Berry and McKenna Grace exchanged fierce blows. Despite her youth, McKenna demonstrated remarkable resilience, holding her own against the seasoned actress.
Xochitl, energized by the spectacle unfolding in front of her, cheers on her partner as McKenna continues to unleash her fury upon Halle Berry. The veteran actress is struggling to keep up with the relentless onslaught, her frustration growing with each passing second.
Halle Bailey's screams of frustration and disbelief ring out from her corner of the ring, mirroring the increasingly desperate situation her teammate finds herself in. Halle Berry, her usually flawless poise giving way to sheer desperation, unleashes a barrage of wild punches that McKenna effortlessly dodges, leaving Berry gasping for breath and off-balance.
In one swift, well-timed motion, McKenna ducks under a wide swing from Halle Berry, the momentum of which causes the actress to spin fully around. Seizing the moment, Grace grabs hold of Berry's bikini bottoms and yanks them down, exposing her still amazing ass to the shocked crowd. A collective gasp ripples through the arena.
Taking full advantage of Halle Berry's vulnerable position, McKenna shoves her fingers deep into her opponent's pussy eliciting a gasp of surprise and humiliation from the actress. Berry, now little more than McKenna's puppet, is led like a lamb to the slaughter to Xochitl's waiting corner. The fresh-faced newcomer wastes no time in tagging herself into the match, a predatory grin spreading across her face.
Xochitl seizes the opportunity, springing off the top turnbuckle like a panther and landing square on Halle Berry's back. The impact sends shockwaves through Berry's body, forcing her down onto McKenna's waiting hand. The young starlet's fingers plunge even deeper into Berry's quivering pussy, drawing a groan from the actress's lips.
Halle Berry's screams of agony fill the arena, echoing off the walls. Halle Bailey,helpless, watches in horror as her teammate is mercilessly violated. Xochitl, seeing an opening, attempts to pin Halle Berry's shoulders to the mat, but the veteran actress's survival instincts kick in, and she manages to kick out at the last second, keeping the match alive.
Xochitl's mistake proves costly as she attempts to hoist Halle Berry to her feet. Enraged and humiliated, Berry lashes out with a series of wild punches, catching Xochitl off guard and sending her reeling. Tears stream down Berry's face, but she channels her pain and fury into a brutal assault, landing blow after blow on Xochitl's stunned body. The young actress is sent staggering, struggling to defend herself against the veteran's wrath.
Halle Berry's voice rises to a deafening crescendo as she rains down punch after punch on Xochitl, driving the younger actress back into the turnbuckle. "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you, bitch!" she roars, her face contorted with rage and tears. Halle Bailey, revitalized by the sudden shift in momentum, cheers on her teammate with renewed vigor. she screams, thoroughly enjoying the sight of Xochitl's brutal comeuppance. Halle Berry, now in full berserker mode, drives Xochitl's body against the corner turnbuckle, using her superior strength to tear the younger actress's bikini clean off, exposing her naked body to the salivating crowd.
Halle Berry, attempts to force Xochitl's legs apart, intending to expose the young actress's most intimate parts to the crowd's leering eyes. Xochitl, fueled by her own desperation and a burning desire to not be humiliated any further, manages to resist, clawing and scratching at Berry's face and body in a frenzied bid to escape. The two women, now locked in a struggle, exchange brutal blows and curses, their hatred for one another palpable in the air.
 Halle Berry clutches Xochitl's breasts, using them as leverage to ram her opponent back into the unforgiving corner. With Xochitl now trapped and reeling, Berry slaps the outstretched hand of Halle Bailey, tagging in her teammate. Bailey wastes no time in hoisting Xochitl onto the top rope, her vulnerable body fully exposed to the crowd. Bailey sinks her teeth into Xochitl's breast, eliciting a pained shriek from the younger actress.
With a thunderous crash, Halle Bailey executes a devastating back suplex, sending Xochitl hurtling off the top rope and crashing to the mat below. The crowd gasps in shock and awe as Bailey quickly pins Xochitl's shoulders to the mat, hooking her leg for good measure. The referee drops to the canvas, slapping the mat in rhythm with the crowd's frantic heartbeat.
Just as the referee's hand is about to hit the mat for a third time, Xochitl summons every ounce of strength left in her battered body and kicks out, narrowly avoiding defeat. Halle Bailey, now seething with rage, tries to regroup with her partner but is intercepted by a vengeful Xochitl, who pounces on the actress like a rabid animal. The two women tangle in a violent embrace, rolling across the canvas in a furious display of hate and brutality, each intent on destroying the other.
Xochitl, in a last-ditch effort to turn the tide of the match, uses her momentum to roll the two women towards McKenna's waiting corner. With a triumphant shout, she tags in her partner, and the two young actresses descend upon Halle Bailey like a pack of hungry wolves. The crowd erupts in a frenzy as Xochitl and McKenna unleash a merciless assault, pummeling Halle with savage strikes until her bikini lies in tatters, exposing her naked, battered body to the baying crowd.
With the deed done, Xochitl takes her leave, watching with satisfaction as McKenna Grace assumes control of the ring. The young actress proceeds to deliver a brutal beatdown on Halle Bailey, driving her backwards with a series of well-placed kicks. The crowd roars in approval as Bailey staggers backwards, her battered body finally giving way as she collapses to the canvas in the center of the ring.
McKenna, perched atop the turnbuckle like a predatory bird, measures her opponent with a cold, calculating gaze. She launches herself from the top rope, her body arcing through the air like a missile. But Halle Bailey manages to get her knee up at the last second, delivering a devastating blow to McKenna's forehead. The younger actress goes limp, her lifeless body crumpling to the mat as the crowd erupts in shock and excitement.
On opposite sides of the ring, Halle Berry and Xochitl Gomez are reduced to frantic, pleading messes, their voices raw from screaming as they urge their partners to regain consciousness. Halle Bailey and McKenna Grace lie motionless on the mat, their bodies battered and from the vicious battle. The crowd buzzes with excitement, uncertain of who will rise victorious from this brutal war of attrition.
Halle Bailey, her body glistening with sweat and throbbing with pain, begins to stir from her prone position on the mat. She crawls towards McKenna Grace's limp form, determined to put an end to this grueling contest once and for all. Halle drapes her naked body across McKenna's, pinning her shoulders to the canvas with all the strength she can muster. The referee drops to the mat, slapping it three times in quick succession. One... Two...
But just as Halle's heart leaps with victory, McKenna Grace stirs, her eyelids fluttering open as she summons a final burst of energy. She kicks out, breaking the pin and shattering Halle Bailey's hopes of victory. Halle's cries of frustration echo through the arena as she struggles to egain her footing, her battered body protesting with every movement. From the sidelines, Halle Berry screams at her partner to crawl forward.
The tension in the arena reaches a fever pitch as Halle Bailey and McKenna Grace, driven by sheer force of will, crawl inch by agonizing inch towards their respective corners. The crowd roars as Halle Bailey slaps her partner's outstretched hand, tagging in Halle Berry. Like a lioness stalking its prey, Berry enters the ring ready to end this brutal contest once and for all.
With a sadistic grin, Halle Berry allows McKenna Grace to brush fingertips with her partner before dragging the young actress back into the center of the ring. What follows is a brutal display of violence as Berry unleashes a relentless barrage of strikes, her fists and feet connecting with McKenna's skull and torso like the blows of a sledgehammer. McKenna's head is slammed into the mat again and again, denting the canvas with the force of each impact. The crowd watches in horror as Berry stomps on McKenna's face..
Xochitl Gomez, watches helplessly. She knows there is no hope of victory, no chance of saving McKenna from the merciless onslaught that Halle Berry is unleashing
Halle Berry stands triumphant over McKenna Grace's broken body, her foot planted firmly on the young actress's chest. The referee drops to the mat, his voice shaking as he begins the count. "One... Two... Three..." The bell rings, signaling the end of the match. Halle and Halle, bruised and battered, are declared the winners by pinfall.


Offline tr0tz

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Strong performance by the Halles! The veteran legend not to be underestimated. Still, I love the scene where she had to suffer from her opponent's fingers in her snatch.