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Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)

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Offline Lauren_Phillips

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #150 on: October 09, 2024, 02:23:35 PM »
Kate is still recovering from the beating i gave her  ;)

I know this is each witch for herself but it will be interesting to see if any team up to take down others, like say, two smaller ones on a bigger one?

I'm expecting just that very thing from you, Erin, and will be ready for it.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2024, 02:26:17 PM by Lauren_Phillips »


Offline Alix_Fights

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #151 on: October 09, 2024, 02:36:41 PM »
Kate is still recovering from the beating i gave her  ;)

I know this is each witch for herself but it will be interesting to see if any team up to take down others, like say, two smaller ones on a bigger one?
Seriously Erin, do you really think ANY of us would fall for that, you conniving bitch of a witch?  Oh, like you wouldn't let your 'partner' take most of the punishment wearing down the bigger one, while you bide your time to make a quick double kill, first teaming up and then dispatching your poor exhausted 'partner'.  Such a pathetic attempt, you crone. 

And Lauren, it would be interesting how many smaller witches you take on before before you meet your match in someone like Miss Hell for leather lynx or Chloe_Marshall!


Offline Amy J

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #152 on: October 09, 2024, 02:39:51 PM »
Kate is still recovering from the beating i gave her  ;)

I know this is each witch for herself but it will be interesting to see if any team up to take down others, like say, two smaller ones on a bigger one?

I'm expecting just that very thing from you, Erin, and will be ready for it.

I don't give a fuck how big you are.  You'll shrink when I sink ten daggers into your tits.


Offline Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat)

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #153 on: October 09, 2024, 07:00:19 PM »
Kate is still recovering from the beating i gave her  ;)

I know this is each witch for herself but it will be interesting to see if any team up to take down others, like say, two smaller ones on a bigger one?

Trust. No. One.

Thus it is written. Thus it shall come to pass.

Here endeth the lesson.

tick ... tick ... tick ...
« Last Edit: October 09, 2024, 07:00:56 PM by Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat) »
I'm a blonde blazing comet! Yeah, I know, comets crash and burn out. But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, we give a LOVELY light!


Offline marlu Queen

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #154 on: October 09, 2024, 07:29:48 PM »
Get ready bitches- witches... The battle is approaching, there will be no teams and we will all fight against each other
Proud to be a member of Vicious Fighters - VF Rules !!!


Offline Alix_Fights

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #155 on: October 10, 2024, 02:09:58 PM »
Kate is still recovering from the beating i gave her  ;)

I know this is each witch for herself but it will be interesting to see if any team up to take down others, like say, two smaller ones on a bigger one?

Trust. No. One.

Thus it is written. Thus it shall come to pass.

Here endeth the lesson.

tick ... tick ... tick ...

That 'tick ... tick ... tick ...' of the clock is accompanied by the 'click ... click ... click ...' of my heels as I come for the Tatt Cat or any other bitchy witch in my path.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #156 on: October 11, 2024, 05:36:41 AM »
Kate is still recovering from the beating i gave her  ;)

I know this is each witch for herself but it will be interesting to see if any team up to take down others, like say, two smaller ones on a bigger one?

poor Kate, I feel bad for her taking a whooping, pffffff, just joking,  no I don't,  she'll get  another  one  when she sticks her hook nose back in here,,   but she won't be the only one

I'll  take. all of your candy,   and with a smile across my lips..
the prez tramp


Offline marlu Queen

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #157 on: October 11, 2024, 06:20:44 AM »
Kate is still recovering from the beating i gave her  ;)

I know this is each witch for herself but it will be interesting to see if any team up to take down others, like say, two smaller ones on a bigger one?

poor Kate, I feel bad for her taking a whooping, pffffff, just joking,  no I don't,  she'll get  another  one  when she sticks her hook nose back in here,,   but she won't be the only one

I'll  take. all of your candy,   and with a smile across my lips..

Lexi...I will be delighted to hear your witch smile when you have your face between my tits...
Proud to be a member of Vicious Fighters - VF Rules !!!


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #158 on: October 12, 2024, 02:41:19 PM »
Hmm well If everyone wants to target and attack one witch in particular; that’s ok with me. Keep in mind my fellow Witches that what I’m hoping for is a display of the worst and most unladylike behaviour that a catfight on these forums has ever seen.

Also my planned update for the event will be published today and I will message everyone involved and my deepest apologies for the delay in getting this done. October so far has been an emotional nightmare :(


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #159 on: October 12, 2024, 04:42:48 PM »
Heh Witches…or should that be Bitches!

I’ve been thinking about our Halloween poll fight and I wanted to take this opportunity to update everyone regarding the contest. I will post the poll on Monday 21st October at 8:00pm UK time and it will end on 1st November. I have also written a suitably dark introduction for the event as a whole which is published below.  As part of the initial post I will also list all participants and include direct link for your individual FcF profiles.

Next is where I’m going to change things every so slightly; rather than me post everyone’s chosen picture of themselves dressed either in witches costume or a black dress etc. I’m going to request that everyone does this themselves and also that they write a personal introduction for the catfight. As mentioned above the backstory for our gathering is published below; please draw from this for your personal introduction’s if you want to or feel free to write something totally original :) My personal introduction is also published below; I just wanted to give you all an idea as to what exactly I had in mind.

Now for the subject of rules:

1. In the event of a tied vote; the person most active (Posts the most updates) during the duration of the event will be declared the winner. In the unlikely event of a further tie; there will be joint winners of the event.
2. No consecutive spam posting during the event - always make sure someone else has posted after your last post; before you post your next update :)
3. There will be no use of magic during the event. We shall catfight as mortal women.
4. Dress code remains dressed in black but splashes of other colours are permitted.

Event Backstory

It’s Halloween night in the year 2024, and the world is in chaos. In the night sky, the stars have disappeared; only the light of the moon is visible on Earth, and it is a blood-red moon. Agencies like NASA and organizations such as the UN work frantically, trying to understand these unprecedented events. However, as citizens of the world panic and law and order begin to break down, in a quiet part of England, thirteen witches gather in secret. For thousands of years, a dark pact has kept the peace between the ancient coven known only as "The Thirteen," but at last, and for one night only, the dark pact is suspended, and the witches’ will is once again their own.

The Thirteen were never a coven by choice; the witches of the Thirteen despised each other—hated each other. These witches walked alone; however, they all served the same master: the Dark Lord. So, one night, when the Dark Lord summoned them and promised them individually eternal life and the power to vanquish their foes, they eagerly appeared as commanded. However, the Thirteen were deceived! As they stood before the Dark Lord, he used his will alone to impose a pact of sisterhood upon them, thus forming the Coven. But the witches’ hatred for each other was powerful, and while he bound the Thirteen to one another, he could not prevent them from fighting among themselves.

This failure vexed the Dark Lord. He seethed with rage as the witches desperately tried to destroy one another. His Coven, which he created to do his bidding, was out of control. Eventually, however, he had seen enough. The Dark Lord reached for his infernal dagger and stabbed his chest. His sacred blood spilled out, and with a terrible roar, he unleashed his fearsome blood magic upon the Thirteen. The Dark Lord’s blood painfully infected every fiber of the witches’ beings, and against their will, the bonds of sisterhood were reforged, and the Coven known as The Thirteen came to be.

However, the Dark Lord did not have it all his own way. As the blood magic began to infect the witches, they, for one brief moment, laid down their hostility and worked together to perform a Writ of Demonicus. A Writ of Demonicus is ancient and powerful magic, and with this spell, the Thirteen planned to subvert the Dark Lord’s will. While they could not fully control the outcome, the Writ of Demonicus ensured that, at a future date and for one night only, their will would once again be their own. But the price was high: for that one night, that one chance to settle scores, the witches had to relinquish their power and fight as mortal women.

When the Dark Lord heard of this treachery, he was furious. How dare they defy him? The Thirteen were emboldened and smirked at their Dark Lord. However, they would soon bitterly regret this act of defiance. The Dark Lord summoned all his power, and while he could not annul the Writ of Demonicus, he could, shall we say… amend the fine print. And thus, the deed was done. The Dark Lord roared with laughter as he said:

“Hags… you thought you could defy me? Fools, you’re my slaves! You will serve me and only me! You will fight and die on my command and my command alone! Have your night of Demonicus, but know this: no one shall die. You may gather… you may fight… you may scar each other! But that is all I will permit. Now go serve me… unleash my Black Death upon the world.”

The Thirteen cursed their collective arrogance and reluctantly obeyed their Dark Lord, scattering to the four corners of the globe. In the years that followed, they spread disease and pestilence, sowing discord wherever they tread, with death always following in their wake. Yet every night, they looked up at the sky in hopes of seeing that blood-red moon; every night, they craved the sign that the gathering was now. Then at last in the year 2024, the witches got their accursed wish.


Our catfight will take place at St. Mary’s Church. Built atop a small hill in the 13th century, this church has long since been abandoned. In 1736, a mysterious fire destroyed the roof, and all that remains of the structure are its stone floor, dilapidated stone walls, and altar. Outside the church lie the Dead Lands—an area of dead grass that surrounds the church. Many attempts have been made over the years to reseed the grasslands; however, they all failed, hence the name Dead Lands. In the 1800s, St. Mary’s became the epicenter of occult activity; numerous bodies were exhumed and used in dark rituals upon the church’s altar. The local villagers were so offended by these acts that, one year later, all the gravestones were removed and taken to a nearby lake, where they were dumped overboard into its cold, dark waters.


This is not a Halloween Party! There will be no party favors! This is a gathering of Witches and we have only one item on the agenda tonight - to catfight! We will gather within the remains of St Mary’s; lit torches will adorn the structure and will illuminate our catfight. Outside several bonfires will be lit and will illuminate the dead lands. Once the catfight starts; you can choose to remain and fight on the cold and unforgiving stone floor of the Church or venture outside and fight it out in the cold wet mud of the dead lands.

My Personal Introduction

Deep within the highlands of Scotland, I lead a solitary existence. I despise the company of others, unless they are married, of course. But most of all, I despise my sisters from the Thirteen – I hate those bitches! I curse their existence! If only I could break free and unleash my powers upon them; but alas, I cannot. So, as I have done for hundreds of years, I look up to the night sky and hope. Every night, for hundreds of years, I have dreamt about seeing that Blood-Red Moon, and at last, on this day – October 31st, 2024 – I see the Blood-Red Moon and nothing else. I smile, probably for the first time in centuries, and I call out into the cold night sky:

“Sisters, do you see? Do you see the Moon? At last, our time has come. The gathering is now! I shall revel in breaking each and every one of you! Come, let’s gather; let’s gather and fight, you disgusting WHORES!”

I raise my arms into the cold night sky and say under my breath the following words:

“Klaatu, Barada, Nikto!”

Instantly, I am transported to the dead lands outside the abandoned St. Mary’s. In the distance, I see flaming torches that adorn the remains of St. Mary’s, and in the dead lands, numerous bonfires light my way. I proceed with all haste through the cold mud and water toward the church, but with every step, I feel my magic dwindle in power. Being without my powers for the catfight is a hefty sacrifice, but a worthy one. I can hold back my rage no longer! Tonight, I shall scar them all and leave them broken on the cold floor. I lick my lips with excitement as I cross the threshold and step onto the cold stone floor of St. Mary’s. My heels click on the stone as I make my way toward the altar. Despite my powers having long since departed me for the night, I can sense that the history of this place is drenched with blood and evil deeds – why, it almost feels like home.

Now standing by the altar, I turn to the entrance and look out upon the dead lands outside. I see the flames of the bonfires in the distance and nothing else. Yet I sense my sisters are out there, in the dark. I impatiently tap my right heel on the floor as I anticipate their arrival.


Finally if anyone thinks I’ve missed anything important please say so :)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 05:08:27 PM by Dicey_Kate »


Offline Alix_Fights

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #160 on: October 12, 2024, 04:55:10 PM »
Wow, bitch, nice post ..  no wonder it took you a long time to get back to us.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #161 on: October 12, 2024, 08:03:13 PM »
nice post Kate. look forwards to  seeing the beginning. of the poll

from some of the comments, some heated rivalries  have already  been formed. with some new ones starting up..
the prez tramp


Offline Amy J

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #162 on: October 12, 2024, 08:22:55 PM »
I will sacrifice you all on the altar to the Dark Lord. 


Offline marlu Queen

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #163 on: October 13, 2024, 08:17:06 AM »
A good introduction Kate... it will be a night full of screams and fights. As the Queen Latina Witch I will subdue The Thirteen and be the new Dark Lady.
Proud to be a member of Vicious Fighters - VF Rules !!!


Offline Erin Lee

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight Poll! Every Witch for Herself :)
« Reply #164 on: October 13, 2024, 10:19:32 AM »
What a beautifully crafted introduction to the upcoming witch battle. Of course we expected nothing less from Kate, the witch can write up a storm.