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Prestige Pit Returns: Heavyweight Battle! Lauren Phillips vs. Chloe Marshall

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Offline ^Bridgette^

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My eyes go wide as I exit the pit. A well dressed usher quickly works to shut the padded entry door. I jokingly say to him "Geeez that escalated fast as I lightly giggle and smirk...I slowly sit down at the seat closest to the door and can't help to soak in the energy from the crowd and the atmosphere. I lightly bite my bottom lip as I first watch Lauren attacking Chloe and then Chloe with a nice hard kick to give them some separation.


Offline Rock

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Come on Chloe!! You got this!!


Offline Evettefights

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My longtime sorority sister Chloe had messaged me telling me about this undreground fight league that she has a debut in, she eplained that its very high class and I giggled at the thought of any fight being high class, the ones Ive been in are dirty and vicious, but I slippped into my body hugging tan dress and showed up, my name was on the list and a large man in a tux led me to the penthouse, where I saw my great friend Pat(Rowdy) as I whisper into the large mans ear, he leads me over to Pat and I give the man a kiss on the cheek then drop my sexy ass down onto Pat's lap, as my big boobs bounce up and down and I give Pat a hug and a kiss!! Lets go Chloe, beat this redheaded bitches ass!!


Offline Lauren_Phillips

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Having had Chloe under control  she manages to use her leg to create some separation between us. It was more of a push than a kick, but it pushed me backwards off of her and made me land down hard on my ass. I get up quickly, wanting to continue to press my advantage, and also because I am mad now for her having knocked me onto my ass, as I didn’t care much for looking bad and being humiliated against Chloe.

Seeing that she’s still hurt, I rush in intending to absolutely wreck the bitch. Just as I’m about to make contact with her, she steps aside, gets behind me and forces me into the wall face first. She puts her hands under my armpits and locks her fingers behind my head in a full nelson. She’s using her body weight to hold me in place against the wall. She’s not hurting me or doing any damage at all, she’s simply holding me there. I’m not able to push my arms off the wall since they are up over my head as she holds me in the full nelson. She’s not attacking at all, just holding me in place. It makes me wonder what her game is and what she may be up to.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 09:37:37 PM by Lauren_Phillips »


Offline Chloe_Marshall

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As Lauren gets up and charges at me, I give her the impression that I’m hurt much more than I am. Just as she’s about to make contact, I step to the side and get behind her. I shove her hard into the wall. I apply a full nelson and hold her in place, leaning in with my body weight and trapping her. I realize that this is a controlling hold only and that I’m not doing any damage to her, it does give me the time needed to recover from her initial onslaught.

As I hold her in place, I put my mouth next to her right ear. I start softly whispering taunts, insults, and threats in her ear. I know that there is a very advanced sound system here in the Prestige Pit, but I make sure to get close enough to her ear so that my comments won’t be detected by the very sensitive sound system, and that only she can hear me. Upon hearing my comments, rather than relaxing in the full nelson, as she should to conserve her energy, Lauren tenses up and tries to fight back. “Yeah, that’s it baby!” I say, so that everyone can hear me. She tenses up and tries to power out, but my full nelson is locked in perfectly. I’m not doing any damage to her as this is just a controlling hold, but she’s not able to escape either. I whisper to her more. Each time I do, she fights back harder. I smile as I like my position right now. She’s needlessly expending energy trying to escape, while I am using this time to recover and recuperate from her initial attack..

As Lauren continues to try and fight back while still trapped in the full nelson, I pull her back off the wall and bring her to the center of the Pit. I want everyone to see her struggle and strain as she continued to resist and burn herself out. I begin to rag-doll her. First I throw my weight to the right and her upper body follows, and then I send her all the way to the left. “Come on, Lauren. You’re supposed to be so tough.” I taunt, as I rag-doll her again, back to the right and once again over to the left. My taunting of her seems to be working as the more I taunt, the harder she resists and the more energy she’s expending. “I’ve got you now, bitch.” I audibly say, as I continue to rag-doll Lauren in the center of the Pit.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 10:11:07 PM by Chloe_Marshall »


Offline Fightspectator

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This is impressive to watch. Lauren is a big strong girl and equals Chloe in size yet Chloe is just manhandling her and rag dolling her Infront of everyone. She might be trying to silence Laurens fans early just like she did in her other poll win.


Offline SexyTink

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Hard to decide, but I will vote Chloe for the win once voting is open. I think she will kick that red headed bitches ass.


Offline Erin Lee

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I stroll into the area that surrounds the Prestige Pit, i heard there was a barnstorming fight on between two equally matched amazonians. Seems the rumours were correct so i grab a chair and settle down with a bag of peanuts and a glass of wine to enjoy the spectacle.

Who will win? Who do i vote for? I'm open to bribes  ;)


Offline Lauren_Phillips

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Chloe acted as if she were hurt more than she was and got me into the wall. She came up behind me and applied a full nelson, a controlling hold which was doing no real damage. She was simply holding me there when she began to insult and taunt me. This caused me to want to fight back rather than to relax and bide my time until Chloe decided to move off of the full nelson. I began straining and struggling to try and break free. She then backed me up into the center of the Pit where the spectators could get a full view of her literally putting me on display as I strained and struggled. She kept taunting and belittling me as she began to rag doll me in front of the spectators. Half of the spectators were cheering for Chloe to finish me and he other half for me to break free.

I was expending a lot of energy trying to break free, more so than Chloe was in keeping me in the hold. As she continued to rag doll my body back and forth from right to left and back again, I lashed out with a mule kick with my left leg. The back of my heel caught her right between the legs. Chloe let go of the full nelson and doubled over at the waist holding her crotch. I grabbed her by the hair and put her head under my left arm as she was facing me. I got my left arm around the back of her neck and locked my left and right hands together. I dropped to one knee as Chloe remained on her feet, but bent at the waist with her ass in the air facing the crowd. I began to apply a tight choke hold. Chloe put her hands on my forearms trying to loosen my grip and give herself a bit of air, a bit of respite from my choke. I tightened my grip and shouted out loud, “Who’s bragging and taunting now, Chloe?” The situation among the spectators was now reversed as my supporters were now cheering for me to choke her out, while hers were calling for her to break free.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 12:00:25 PM by Lauren_Phillips »


Offline Rock

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This is amazing already. I’m really interested to see how the voting goes.


Offline Chloe_Marshall

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I was pleased with the status of the fight as I was rag dolling Lauren in the center of the Pit. She was resisting and tiring as I was getting stronger. I was feeding off the energy of the crowd and was enjoying having Lauren defenseless and on display to those in attendance. I was whispering in her ear telling her what a useless bitch she was and that she never should have agreed to step into the Prestige Pit with me. Just then, Lauren kicked up her left leg in a mule kick and her heel caught me in my groin. With the force of her blow, she was able to escape the full nelson easily and turn and face me. She grabbed my hair and positioned my head and neck under her left armpit with her left arm over the back of my neck. She locked her hands together and was holding me in a tight choke hold. As she dropped to her knees to increase the pressure on her choke, I was still on my feet, although bent at the waist and caught in her choke. I grabbed at her forearms to try and alleviate some pressure, but she had the choke hold cinched in too tight.

I dropped to my knees to get on the same level as she was. I put my palms on her chest and stomach and tried to push off while I pulled my head back in order to free myself, with no success. I then leaned in and began to churn with my legs from behind me, trying to back Lauren into the wall of the Pit so that I could punch my way out. Fortunately, the Pit floor was vinyl, and there was some perspiration on the floor from where we had been fighting before, and I was having success in moving Lauren backwards. As she felt herself moving backwards, Lauren began to wrench her arms, increasing pressure on her choke hold. I knew that I couldn’t last much longer in her choke hold, but I did have her moving backwards, Just a little bit more and her back would be against the Pit wall.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 03:18:45 PM by Chloe_Marshall »


Offline ^Bridgette^

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As I sit in my front row seat with my  bare feet tucked in under me not even noticing my hands are gripping each side of the stadium style padded chair armrest and biting my bottom lip as Chloe asserts her dominance and then Lauren once again uses her feet to her advantage and lands a perfect mule kick from behind to Chloe's crotch then secures a tight chokehold. I feel a light tap on my bare shoulder as one of the well dressed ushers hands me the mic again. "Oh yeah thanks I definitely need this!"

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HAVE YOU PICKED YOUR FIGHTER? The voting has now been opened!!!! Your vote can be changed if one of the girls is able to persuade you to do so with her skill and strategy!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 04:40:32 PM by ^Bridgette^ »


Offline London_Andrews

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That's it, Lauren. Tighten your hold and wear her down. You've got this!


Offline AmandaW

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Sneaking into the seating area with the action well underway. Sitting at the back for now as I watch, needing to choose just who I'm going to be cheering for, though my eyes do keep on flicking to the sexy announcer sitting at the front.


Offline Lightweightfighter88

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Normally I always bet on Red, but this time I think I’ll go with Chloe for the win.