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Rules of Titfights?

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Offline barleytea1121

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Rules of Titfights?
« on: Yesterday at 02:51:17 AM »
First, if this should belong in another section (like Stories), then I apologize, I'll move it if this is the wrong place to ask/post this topic.
I've been wanting to write a titfight story, but before I start writing, I realized that I actually, didn't know the rules!
Yes, I know it's about two women bumping, but that's a bit broad, sorta like saying "all oceans are interconnected, so just dump yourself into a river and you'll reach UK in no time".

And since this isn't an internationally recognized sport with a sports organization or board overlooking everything and hemming and hawing, this probably means that people go by their own rules.

Thus, I ask everyone who has there two cents to pitch in - what are the "rules" of titfights? What are things that are common & unspoken, things that obviously aren't allowed, etc?
They don't have to be elaborate twenty-page rulings, just one/two general sentences, or even "my favorite homerule is~" would be fine.

Much thanks in advance for your input, and again, if this belongs somewhere else, I'll delete & repost ASAP!