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STORY: The Bitch Fight

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Offline halhow3

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STORY: The Bitch Fight
« on: Today at 12:31:49 AM »
If you are looking for an average catfight story with hairpulling, a few slaps and then making out, then this story is NOT for you.

The story below is a bitch fight.  Two love sick rivals trying to tear each other completely and totally apart.   If that appeals to you then read on....

If not.. pass this story by.

« Last Edit: Today at 12:37:10 AM by halhow3 »


Offline halhow3

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight
« Reply #1 on: Today at 12:34:46 AM »
                                                                                                                   By:               halhow3
                                                                                                                   Date:  Sept. 19, 2024


The incident occurred late on a Saturday night.  Well after the time everyone else in the tiny farming community had gone to bed.  Sunday was traditionally a day of rest.  A rare enough thing in rural life.

Outsiders might have called the incident a girl fight, a woman quarrel or even a catfight.  But the farm folk all called it what it was, if it was mentioned at all, which was rarely.  They called it a bitch fight.

The matter took place inside an old barn.  A dilapidated structure on the Carter family property.  Too old to be of any use, and only still standing because no storm had come along yet, big enough to knock it down.

The fact the fight took place there, spoke clearly to the intent of the two farm girls involved.  There was no reason to go the old barn.  Nothing to see there.  Nothing to get there.  The only reason both would go is if they agreed to find each other there.  A place no one else would look.  A place no one would stop them.

This tiny rural community had no name.  It consisted of six family farms, their houses and structures within walking distance of each other, while their fields fanned out from the cluster of buildings like petals on a flower.

Everyone knew everyone, too well some would say.   Each family consisted of parents, sisters, brothers and cousins with a few grandparents hanging on and a gaggle of kids.  The smallest family had four youngsters the largest ten.

Despite the number of kids, they covered a wide spread of years.  Only a handful were close in age and among these Ana Carmen Rojas and Millie Susan Smith were two.  Along with Josh Henry Emmett the one of only three boys close to their age.

Millie and Ana had never really gotten along, their young years filled with petty feuds and conflicts.  As they got older, these spats became rare, the two young women mostly avoiding each other.  But, due to no fault of his own, Josh Emmett would bring the two young women into serious conflict.


In time, the two young women came into what the country folk would call full bloom.  And this led to natural yearnings.  Their minds began to turn to men and who they might one day marry. In this small community those choices were few.  Of men around their age there was only Josh Emmett, the simpleminded Miller boy named Toby and the shy and introverted Marty Johnson, who some whispered had no use for women at all.

Give the options Josh Emmett was the clear winner and this set the two young woman against each other in a serious way.  It wasn't long before both were flirting with Josh and making coy remarks.  'Accidentally' finding ways to bump into him or stare longingly into his eyes.

Josh was a good looking but serious young man.  Much intent on learning how to manage the family farm.  It is likely he didn't even notice the flirting, but both of the young women certainly did.  Each quickly realized the other was a serious contender for a place in Josh's bed.  And this turned a mutual dislike into jealousy and eventually bitter Hatred.


It was a hot summer day in the late afternoon when things took a serious turn.  Ana was walking back from town.  A two hour trip one way.  If you could call a convenience store, a gas station and a feed lot a town.  Her bare feet were stirring up the dust on the dirt country lane as she started to pass the Henderson's farm house. 

By chance, Millie's mother, Claire, had sent Millie down the road to ask Patience Henderson if she could borrow a cup of lard.  Claire wanted to make some biscuits.  One of the farm dogs, a white breeding bitch named Bella, had followed Millie down the road.  Her udders hanging low, sagging and swaying as she followed Millie step for step.

Ana coming back from town was dressed in a white tank top stained nearly through with sweat and short cutoff denim shorts.  Millie coming from the farm had on a white t-shirt, almost as soaked through and denim shorts.  Both girls barefoot.

What with all the chores on a farm the two young women could go a week, sometimes two without  seeing each other and then usually with others around.  But there was no one else around today.

Millie spotted Ana first, since the setting sun was in Ana's eyes, but it wasn't long before Ana saw Millie as well.  They crossed paths about 50 feet past the Henderson's mail box.  Ana gave Millie a sullen look and went to stop past her, but Millie quickly stepped in her way.

Ana's eyes narrowed then she nudged her left shoulder into Millie's and circled Millie once.  Stepping in front of her, Ana paused to kick some dirt onto Millie's bare toes.  Millie stared back and bumped shoulders then circled Ana in turn.  Stepping up she kicked dirt on Ana's bare feet then whispered, “Stay away from him.”

Ana glanced around then but no one else was in sight.  Leaning closer she smirked and say, “Make me.”  Both young women tried staring each other down, postures stiff, sizing each other up.  What this was about needed no explanation.

Millie glanced around then turned to Ana and said, “Bet you won't step behind that old oak tree with me.”

Ana wondered at this remark but replied,  “Bet I will”.

Millie turned and stepped off the road moving over behind the old oak tree, just out of sight of the Henderson house.  Ana joined her there.  The two women faced off and stared into each others eyes.  Ana was tense, ready for Millie to make a move, her fingers curling into fists.  What happened next surprised her.

Staring into Ana's eyes, Millie reached down and pulled up the front of her sweaty t-shirt, revealing her bare breasts.  Udders were nothing new to farm folk.  Cows had them.  Sows had them.  Everyone knew people did to but they usually just didn't go around showing them off.

Ana's gaze dropped to take in Millie's pale full globes.  Bigger than her own and with ample aureoles.  Looking back up into Millie's eyes, Ana saw Challenge there.  Ana's lips pressed into a thin line then she reached down and pulled up the front of her sweaty tank top, showing her perky brown breasts and dark nipples.

Millie's eyes were hard as they took in Ana's breasts, rivals to her own.  The situation behind the oak tree was personal, intimate, jealous and quietly hateful.  The minutes started to stretch out, each woman gazing fixedly at the others udders.  Then Ana arched her back slightly, her bosom rising.  At this Millie stepped right into her. 

Bare breasts met bared breasts with a SMACK of flesh on flesh.  Each of them leaning into the other, pushing udders on rival udders.  With a low hiss, Ana started to shift her shoulders making her bare breasts rub and grind over Millie's bare boobs.  Millie responded in kind and soon breasts were fighting breasts behind the old oak tree, soft young tit flesh thrusting and slapping into equally soft boobs.

What would have happened next is hard to say, but at that moment, the Henderson's brown bitch dog, Coco, came around the side of the house and saw, the white dog bitch, Bella, standing in the road.  She made a beeline for her and her low growl startled the two young women, who quickly pulled their tops back down and peeked out from behind the oak.

     ...Dog Fight...

By the time the two girls peered out around the oak tree, the two bitch dogs were faced off in the dirt road.  Both were alpha bitches and breeders.  It was well known in the community that Coco had dropped a litter just 3 weeks ago. 

The two female dogs had stiff postures, the hair standing up on the backs of their neck.  Their udders dangled down, nipples thick as they glared at each other.  What was going to happen next was no mystery.  Every farm had a passel of mutts and 'dog drama' played out on the farms on a daily basis.

Watching the two bitch mutts, Ana leaned closer and whispered to Millie, “Better go get your dog before she gets fucked up.”

Millie glanced at Ana and replied, “She can take care of herself, just like me.”

Ana smirked at this and then both girls turned back to watch what was going to happen next.

By the time they looked back the two bitches were side by side, shoulders to hips.  They were going around and around in a slow circle, noses buried each in the others cxnt.  They were sniffing and growling.  Moving in a slow circle, one bitch dog checking out a rival.

It wasn't long before the white bitch, Bella, twisted around and tried to get on the brown bitch's back.  The brown bitch, Coco, turned quickly and snapped for Bella's front left leg.  At that, the two bitches plowed right into teach other and the bitch fight was ON!

There was surprisingly little noise.  No barking, now loud growling, just a lot of ragged breathing, punctuated by the rare low growl and small yelp. 

Rearing up on their hind legs the two bitches clutched at each other with their forelimbs, snapping and biting at each others heads, muzzles and necks.  They WRESTLED on their hind feet, body pressed to body, eight sagging udders pushing and slapping into eight sagging udders. 

Everyone on a farm knows that bitch fights are serious.   As they old saying goes, “Studs fight for breeding rights, bitches fight for breathing rights.”  The two girls had lived on farms long enough to know this was a fight to the death.

Millie and Ana glanced at each other again, but neither made a move to step forward and break up the dog fight.

As they turned back to watch, the two struggling females crashed to the dirt, raising a small cloud of dust.  Soon they were rolling over and over with each other.  All four legs of each dog wrapped around the other.  They continued to bite viciously and soon had their teeth in each others shoulders. 

As they struggled in each others grip, eight udders were pressed hard into eight udders, from the tightness of their bodies, the two young woman assumed their dog vaginas were in contact as well.  The rolling was slow but purposeful now, each bitch dog trying to get the other on her back.

The two young woman looked at each other again then Ana did something bold, something odd.  Staring into Millie's eyes she reached over with her right hand, cupped Millie's mound then begin to ...rub... one finger ...back and forth ...back and forth.. over the outline of Millie's vagina, Ana's finger soon tracing the valley between Millie's labia lips.

Millie jerked and her eyes went wide, startled, but her eyes soon narrowed again.  Reaching over with her left hand, she slipped it down to the crouch of Ana's shorts.  Soon her finger was ...stroking.. and ...tracing... Ana's vaginal lips through her shorts. 

After trading another hard stare they returned their attention to the dog fight, but neither stopped rubbing the outline of the others pussy.

As they turned back, the white dog bitch had the brown dog bitch on her back and was biting down viciously.  There was still almost no sound.  The white bitch, locked her teeth with the brown bitch and they SHOOK and tossed their heads, trying to twist each others necks around.  The white bitch was full on her brown bitch rival, udders on udders, mound on mound. The brown bitch was pushing with her hind legs trying to get the white bitch off.

As they shook each others heads the brown bitch rolled the white bitch on the side.  They thrashed and squirmed in the dirty, each trying to get on top.  They lost their bite and the brown bitch bit into the white bitch's right foreleg.  As the two women watched the dog fight, they continued to ...rub ...and ...rub …and ...rub.. their fingers into each others vaginas, tormenting each other with sexual sensations.

After a brutal struggle in the dirt, the brown bitch got on top.  Aligning her body once again with her white bitch rival, udders on udders and cxnt on cxnt.  Biting down she got the white bitch by her throat and there was finally a loud, strangled YELP!

Bitch was killing bitch when the noise brought Patience Henderson out the front door to investigate.

“Gawd Damnit”, she shouted then went out to start beating on Coco with a broom.  “Git off her damnit”, she cried.

But Coco had Bella's throat in her jaws and wasn't letting go.

“Earl!  Tom!  Get out here”, Patience called.

Soon two  of the older Henderson brothers stumbled out the door.  With all three working they pulled Coco off the white bitch.  By this time, the white bitch's tongue was hanging out and her eyes starting to turn glassy.

As Coco was pulled off, Bella took several large gulps and staggered to her feet.  Turning she took off down the dirt road, hobbling and limping.  As she made for home, she left spots of blood in the dirt as she went.  Coco went insane, barking and growling, lunging on her collar.

“Take her back to the stable and lock her in the stall with her pups till she cools down”, Patience instructed.

As the boys hauled the winning bitch away, Patience turned and noticed Millie near the tree.  “Is that you Millie Smith”, Patience called out?

The two girls jerked their hands away from each other crotches and Millie stepped out followed a moment later by Ana.

“Oh hey Ana”, Patience said.  “You two want to come in for iced tea?”

Ana shook her head and said, “No thanks Ma'am, I got to get on home.”  She gave Millie a ...long Look... then turned and strolled off down the road.

Remembering her errand, Millie turned to Patience and said, “My mamma send me to ask if she could borrow some lard.  She is biscuit making.” And with that the encounter between the two young women ended.  But both would think long and hard about what happened that day.


A few days later, Cooper Smith was over at the Rojos farm.  He was sitting at the kitchen table, talking to Ana's Pa who was well known for making bootleg whiskey.  Cooper Smith had come by to pick up some 'medicine'.  As the two men talked, Cooper noticed Ana and said, “Millie asked me to give you this package and held out something small and wrapped in brown paper.

Ana glanced at it suspiciously then took it with hesitation.  “What is it”, she asked?

Cooper shrugged his shoulders and said, “She didn't tell me”, then turned his attention back to Carlo Rojos as they discussed crops, bad weather and tractor repairs.

Ana started to open the package then hesitated before stepping out of the kitchen and going to her room.  Sitting down on her bed, she opened the package and found it contained a spiked dog collar, brown leather, old and used.

Ana stared at it in confusion a moment then suddenly realized exactly what it meant.

Stuffing the 'gift' under her pillow, she took the brown paper with her and went back down the stairs.  Walking out to the stable, she slipped in the tack room and found a peg containing several old dog collars.  Taking them off the peg she tried around her own neck one at a time, until she found one that she thought would fit Millie.

Taking the dog collar, black leather, old with dull metal studs, she wrapped it in the brown paper and returned to the kitchen.  Tapping Cooper on the shoulder she handed him the package and said, “Tell Millie thanks for the gift.  Please give her this when you get back home.”  Cooper nodded, stuffed the package in a pocket and returned to talking with Carlo.

Ana walked out of the kitchen but her heart was racing.  The Challenge had been offered and Accepted!

     … Barn Raising...

A week passed and nothing else came to pass until the Johnson's had a barn raising.  This meant all the men folk from around came in the morning to help raise the sides of the new barn and put on enough of the roof beams to keep it from falling down.

By lunch time the women folk showed up and all brought food.  After that there was eating and drinking, music and dancing until well past dark.  Earl Henderson was good with a fiddle and his brother Tom could blow harmonica if he wasn't too drunk. 

All the young folk were dancing.  Millie and Ana each danced with Josh several times while shooting each other dirty looks.  They flirted relentlessly with him during the evening, though Josh being a serious young man barely noticed this.  Perhaps he should have.  He knew like everyone else, that one day one of them would probably be his wife.  But he saw this as something in the future, not the now.  Soon he was called over to pull on a jug with the men and became lost in crop talk and weather worries, leaving the two young women to pout and glare.

As the evening drew late, Millie managed to encounter Ana in a shadowy spot near the Johnson's old barn.  The two young women stood close, eyeing each other up.  Both were wearing scarfs against the evening chill.

Millie glanced around then fingered her scarf, pulling it down a little to show the glint of studs on the black dog collar she worn on her neck.  Ana smirked then tugged at her own scarf to show the studded brown collar around her own throat.  She whispered, “I wear it everyday”.  Millie whispered back, “As do I.”

Looks were traded, hearts beating fast.

Millie whispered, “I bet you won't meet me out at the Carter's old barn later tonight.”

On the face of it the statement made no sense.  There was nothing at the Carter's old barn to see or get, morning, noon or night.  But Ana understood perfectly what Millie was asking.  The only reason to meet there was to have a bitch fight.

Ana glanced around to see they were unobserved then stepped closer.  Pushing her bosom into Millie's boobs.  Reaching between them, she tugged the front of their tops upward until bare breasts were on bared breasts.  Feeling Millie's war, soft boobs on her own, Ana said, “Reckon I will.”

Millie nudged her udders into Ana's brown boobs.  Ana pushed her udders back into Millie's full orbs.

“What time”, Millie asked?

Ana whisper, “No one will be awake in my house after midnight.”

Millie considered then replied, “Let's say 2 AM just to be sure.”

Ana nodded and the two young women stepped apart and quickly pulled their tops back down.

“Don't forget”, Ana whispered then turned to walk off.

“Not a chance”, Millie muttered and reached up to finger the collar around her neck.  In the back of her mind Millie knew something terrible was going to happen if she met Ana alone tonight.  Part of her knew this was foolish, but a bigger part of her longed for it.  In the very center of her Being, she ached to meet her bitch rival in Battle!  Woman to woman.  Female to female.

… The Old Barn...

Eventually the party ended as all parties do.  The women wandered home with empty baskets under one arm, while they using theif free hand to steady their men folk.  Stumbling in the door, most went straight to bed, though a few stayed up just long enough to make Love.

Well before midnight it was all snoring and heavy heads in the Rojos home.  Bodies sprawled under the sheets, on top of the sheets, sometimes on the floor.  But not in Ana's rooms.

As the time go closer to 2 AM, Ana slipped out of her bed and pulled on an old faded blue dress.  She slipped down the stairs and out the back kitchen door.  One of the farm dogs looked up and Ana whispered, “Hush...”, before he could even get out a yelp.   Tired, the farm dog put his head down as Ana turned and headed out across the fields.

The Moon was up high in the night sky, its light helping her to make her way across the fields and to the old barn.  She peeked inside but it was pitch black, so she began to pace back and forth outside.  It wasn't too long before she say a pale form coming across a nearby pasture.  It looked almost like a ghost and the sight of it made Ana's spine shiver.  But as the shape got closer, she could see it was just Millie, wearing a loose white cotton dress.

The two young women looked at each other hungrily, primal emotions barely held in check.  “Here or inside”, Ana asked.

“Inside”, whispered Millie, I brought a lantern.

Crouching in the dirt by the door, Millie lit the old kerosene lantern and pumped it up.  She adjusted the wick and closed the glass then stood up.  Slipping through the barn door she walked inside until she could find a post with a hook then hung the lantern from it. 

Turning, she discovered that Ana had followed her inside, closing the door behind them to hide the lantern's light.

The old barn was dusty, the air smelled of dust, old hay and mice.  The two women looked each other over. Millie tugged down the collar of her dress to show her dog collar.  Ana tugged down the collar of her dress to show the same.

Millie wet and lips and said, “I'll fight naked!”

Ana fingered the collar around her throat and said, “I'll do the same.”

The two women ..stared.. and ...stared.

“Lets do it in that stall”, Millie said, pointing to an old stall nearby.  “Let's do it on all fours ...if you are bitch enough”, she taunted?

Ana glared at her and whispered, “I'll meet you naked and down on all fours.  Bitch fight.  Brown bitch on white bitch, just like we saw in the dirt road.”  Taking a deep breath she said, “I'm going to kill you tonight Millie Susan Smith.”

Millie bared her teeth and said, “Not if I kill you first Ana Carmen Rojas.  White dog bitch on brown dog bitch.  In the stall.  Nothing but our collars.”

After that there was nothing else that need be said.

“I'll be in the stall waiting”, Millie whispered, then slipped through the stall door and out of sight.  A moment later her white cotton dress was tossed out the stall door.

Muttering under her breath, Ana stripped off  her dress and tossed it aside then dropped to all fours.  Her small breasts hanging beneath her she crawled to the stall door on all fours, the studded brown dog collar around her throat.

...Bitch Fight...

Crawling through the door of the stall on all fours Ana saw Millie Smith, naked and down on her hands and knees, her fuller breasts hanging and drooping.  The studded black dog collar around her throat.  Ana snarled and reached back to pull the lower door of the stall closed, leaving the upper door open for the light from the lantern.

The brown bitch and the white bitch glared at each other across the width of the stall then began to crawl towards each other.  This was a fight over Josh Emmett's cock.  A fight for Breeding Rights. 

Meeting in the center of the stall, the two young bitches started to circle each other, left side to left side.  They went ...around ...and ...around ...and ...around.  Their udders hanging down and swaying, jiggling as they moved, their nipples stiff with Anger.

Remembering what she had seen in the road that day, Ana slipped closer, brushing shoulder to shoulder with Millie then slipping down her side.  Soon she was shoulders to hips with her rival.  Leaning down and turning her head she first ...sniffed... then buried her nose in Millie Susan Smith's bared cxnt.

Millie's nude body JERKED as she felt Ana's nose push between her labia lips.  Incensed, instincts raging, she ...sniffed ...sniffed... Ana's  brown pussy then shoved her own nose cxnt deep in Ana's twat.

The two bitch females inhaled each others musky scents deeply, each recognizing the other as a rival, competition for mates and breeding.  Millie pulled her nose back and traced the tip of your tongue over Ana's tight fuck slit.  Ana snarled and then slipped her tongue over Millie's bare vagina.

Alone in the barn in the middle of the night, the two naked females ...circled and circle.. sniffing each other out, tasting each others rival juices.  Soon the sensations became too Much.  Rearing her head back, Ana snarled and twisted around, trying to bite Millie on her ass.  Millie swung her hips away and leaned in quickly trying to get her teeth into Ana's left shoulder.  Ana pulled back quickly then came in again, this time mouth open wide and teeth bared.  She ...SNAPPED... at Millie's right cheek and Millie ducked and slipped right, soon the two bitches were ...circling ...circling... on all fours, naked and FIGHTING.

Just like the dog fight in the dirt road a few weeks back, both knew this was too the death.  They were fighting over a mate and there was no room for mercy or surrender.  Udders bouncing, Millie came in at Ana again.  White bitch going after her brown bitch rival.  Ana slipped right then ducked low, trying to bite Millie's swaying left udder but settling for a bite on her upper left forearm when it came in reach.

Millie jerked her arm but Ana held on.  Leaning in, Millie quickly bite into Ana's left shoulder.  Ana cried out and lost her bite on Millie's arm, raising her head and going for Millie's left ear.  Ana got a mouthful of hair but reared back PULLING.

Releasing her bite on Ana's shoulder, Millie reared up.  She  leaned forward snapping her teeth and Ana jerked back then leaned forward.  Both bitches reared up to their knees, coming together chest to chest, naked udders on naked udders.  Breasts mashed together, stiff nipples clashing. 

Each wrapped her front legs around the other then they were biting face to face.  Two bitches in heat and FIGHTING, FIGHTING, fighting each other for Cock!

The studs on their dog collars glinted in the lantern light as bitch fought bitch.  Boobs pressed and smeared on bare boobs.  Ana leaned down and bite hard into Millie's right shoulder.  Millie snarled then bit Ana's right shoulder right back.  Holding on both shook their heads trying to rip and tear.  Wrestling on their hind feet white bitch and brown bitch BATTLED each other.  Each struggled to get the other bitch on her back.

The narrow confines of the old stall formed their arena, a improvised fighting pit.  There was no escape, one female from the other and no one else there to stop the vicious fight.  Which is exactly what the young girls had wanted when they exchanged dog collars.  They wanted to fight each other like the two dog bitches in the dirt road.  They wanted to fight without limits.

Pushing hard, Millie toppled Ana over but they landed on their sides the force of the fall breaking their mutual bites.  Ana quickly pushed up on her right elbow, leaned in and got her teeth around Millie's right ear.  Millie screamed then and felt blood running down her face and neck.  She growled and twisted her head biting at the edge an Ana's lower jaw.

Clutching at Ana, she twisted to her right, pulling Ana over her own nude body and dumping Ana onto the dirt on her left side.  Ana lost her bite and Millie lay half across her and bite Ana's forehead over her left eye.  Ana gasped and tried to bite Millie under her chin, forcing Millie to release her bite.

Despite the damage they were doing to each other, both women desired to be no place else.  Their jealousy, hatred and sexual rivalry had been building between them for too long.  Now each wanted to have it OUT with the other bitch.  This was mortal combat!

As Millie pulled back from the throat bite, Ana ducked down and got a mouthful of Millie's right udder.  Ana's teeth went completely around Millie's puffy aureole.  Ana bit down HARD as Millie screamed and jerked.  Leaning in, Millie quickly took Ana's right ear in her teeth.  Ana moaned but continued to chew on Millie's right boob.  Clutching each other they began to twist and thrash in the dirt, neither bitch giving up her bite on the other, both of them fighting in the bitch clench!

As they fought in the dirt, Millie's vagina came into full contact with Ana's vagina for the first time.  Each could feel the softness and heat of the other female's cxnt.  Jealousy, red hot and furious welled up in both of them as the fighting got harder and more bitter.

Rolling and twisting in the dirt, Millie shredded Ana's right ear.   Ana SHRIEKED losing her bite on Millie's badly bleeding right breast.  Millie's nipple half off.  Sitting up fast, Ana's head bumped Millie's head.  Ana turned and bit the tip of Millie's nose.  With a snarl Millie bit Ana's chin then both pulled away and got back to all fours.

Ana was barely up before  she LUNGED at Millie.  Millie slipped to her right snarling and Ana landed almost on Millie's left shoulder.  Looping her right arm over Millie's  back, Ana tried to close in.  Millie twisted to her left and the two bitches were suddenly shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip.  Millie slipped her left arm around Ana's back and then two circled, shoulders and hips banging together as they snapped and bit at faces.

There was no one else around the old barn that dark night, no one to see them.  No one to stop it.  As for the two bitches, they were far too deep into the fight to stop now.  Each had marked  and maimed the other, left scars that would remain for Life.  The heat of female battle was burning in them both as teeth SNAPPED at teeth and nude body tested nude body in the brutal but natural struggle for a Mate!

Remembering the bitch clench from the dog fight in the road.  Millie sat back and slipped her right arm under Ana's breasts, then she fell back pulling her rival in close.  She pulled Ana  down on top of herself then rolled  her over and off.

Dropping Ana into the dirt on her right side, Millie rolled on to her left.  She wrapped both arms around around Ana's back, pulling them tightly together, chest to chest, udders on udders.  They rolled back and forth, legs curling and wrapping around each other, until their nude bodies were in a tight bitch Ball.

With legs around each others hips, their vaginas came into full contact again, as breasts pressed on breasts, and mound on mound. 

While perhaps not mentioned, coming from a conservative farming community, both of the rivals were virgins, their womanhood's having never tasted a man's cock.  Millie's virgin vagina was now pressing and smearing on Ana's virgin puss.  Generating sensations strange to both of them and feeding the fires of jealous Hate.

Millie's head leaned in and Ana met her teeth ON teeth.  Their teeth clashed and bit, lips were torn, teeth brushing and snapping until finally both women LOCKED teeth and jaws.

At this point the bitch fight in the stall had only been going on a few frantic minutes, though it felt  like ages to the two young woman involved.  Though both were winded, neither wished to end the bitch fight.  Both fired with rage for the other and wanting to continue at all costs.  To Millie and Ana, this night felt like the moment they had been waiting for their entire lives.  The moment they had to prove themselves.

The two fighting bitches lay on their sides, teeth locked and panting into each others mouths.  Arms and legs each wrapped around the other.  Clutching … holding... showing no will to let go.

     ...Primal Combat...

Laying in the dirt, their sides heaving as they struggled for breath.  Both bitches were covered in sweat and smeared in places with blood.  As they lay there,  Ana could feel Millie's vagina pressed full to her own.  Tightening her kegels, Ana forced her labia lips to spread then shifted her hip slightly, causing her open labia lips to smear and spread over Millie's pale cxnt.

As she lay in the dirt, panting and sore, Millie could feel the wetness of Ana's vagina on her own.  The soft spread of flesh on flesh, the feel of vagina clasping for vagina.  Sheltered as her upbringing had been, Millie knew that girls could do ...things.. with other girls.  Touch.   Rub.  Lick.   When her sisters whispered of such things, she always blushed and turned away but she listened all the same.

But he instinctively recognized this new pressure of Ana's vagina on hers was not lovemaking but Threat.   Ana was not trying to give her pleasure.  This was an attempt to fight her but in a different way.  Her teeth still clenched with those of Ana, Millie bore down with her kegels, opening her own vaginal lips to clasp and spread on Ana's.

Rocking her hips up very slightly, Millie tried to catch the left side of Ana's labia between her own lips, pinch it.  Pull.  For a moment she felt she had Ana's lip between her own but then it slipped away.  Moving her hips a little higher she tried again.

Ana felt the slight pinch then the pop as her labia lip pulled free.  It was clear that Millie was fighting back and not taken by surprise.  Ana shifted her hips, trying to center the valley of her vagina over Millie's  puckered left labia lip.   Dipping her hip forward, Ana opened with her kegels and felt Millie's  labia lip slip between her own,  She tried to tighten with her kegels at once, but Millie pushed her hips down an inch then back up again open and smearing over Ana's twat.    Ana rocked her hips upwards before Millie's cxnt lips could close on her own.

The two fighting bitches lay in the dirt, caught in each others arms and legs.  With their leg wrapped over and around each others hips, neither could close her thighs.  Vagina was exposed fully to vagina.  Each panted into the others mouth, teeth grated on teeth.  But neither struggled  to get on top but simply clung to each other, feeling the Struggle developing between their inner thighs.

Millie completely intended to kill Ana tonight.  Rip her throat out, chew out her rival womb, but for the moment she could feel her virgin vagina FIGHTING with Ana's virgin vagina and she much wanted that to continue.

As Ana made no effort to improve her position in the bitch clench it was clear she wanted this as well.  Puckered labia lips slipped over puckered labia lips...brushing ...pushing... trying to pinch, trying to grip.

Labia lips pressed perfectly on labia lips, making each vagina spread wider, opening, hole showing to hole.  At times like this it felt to the two women their vaginas were breathing into each other, panting, just as they two of them were breathing hard in the clench.

Then the rubbing would begin again, the pinches coming more often, the grips deeper before pulling free.  It was as if each vagina was getting better, learning, becoming more aggressive in this dangerous game.  Pale white labia lips rubbed and brushed circles over dark brown labia lips, the two fighting vaginas not separating at all now.

It was only a matter of time and as Millie's vagina pushed in, Ana's vagina opened, stretched and then wrapped both lips around the left side of Millie's labia, tightening up and getting a solild grip.  Pinching. Squeezing.

Trapped, Millie's vagina ...jerked.. jerked again.  Unable to escape her pale white cxnt pushed in tighter then wrapped her right labia lip over and around the left side of Ana's puss, achieving tight and mutual CLENCH!

The two women lay almost perfectly still, teeth locked with teeth, each breathing raggedly into the others mouth.  They appeared frozen, almost like statues, but between their thighs, vagina finally had vagina in cxnt LOCK!  Neither could escape.  Millie could feel Ana's vagina ...Squeezing... and … Twisting... her own.  Bearing down hard with her own kegels, Millie's vagina Pressed hard on Ana's labia, tugging on it with small vicious...jerks.

For a moment, wet lips slipped on wet lips but both vaginas immediately PUSHED into the other, stretching and closing, clutching and squeezing until both had a firm grip on the enemy vagina again.  Then they squeezing and pulling continued, twisting side to side, pussy trying to chew on pussy.  Two enemy twat locked in each others grip.

Millie's heart was racing, her breathing fast.  She knew instinctively that her vagina was in a FIGHT for her life with Ana's vagina.   Unless they separated them their virgin vaginas would fight to the death.

Time was passing, Millie knew it was very late.  But sun-up was still hours away.  More than enough time left in the darkness of the night for one bitch to settle with the other  For the moment, Millie was content to lay here in the dirt in bitch clench with he rival.  Laying very still as she felt her vagina in FIGHT with Ana's vagina.

There was no doubt in her mind the bitch duel would continue, body against body and teeth against teeth to the End.  There was no stopping that now, but for the moment she lay very still and let her vagina battle Ana's dark twat.  This struggle was at the Heart of their feud.  It was all about who's pussy was Best.  Which of them deserved to be hard FUCKED.  Who's fuck hole would claim Josh's cock!

For a moment she wondered if they should have invited Josh tonight.  She had visions of them both spreading their thighs, allowing Josh to TAKE them, to cum in the rival twats.  Then fighting it out bitch to bitch with his semen leaking from their holes until one Ended the other.  The thought of fighting this dark bitch with his cum inside of her excited Millie in a strange new, thrilling way.  But she knew if Josh was there he would never let them settle it.  He was far too conservative and gentlemanly to let them tear at each other.

Laying in the dirt and straw, Millie could feel the pussy fight continuing.  Steady.  Relentless.  Deliberate.  Their hips were slightly turned in so their locked vaginas were gripping each other but touching the dirt and straw.  Down in the dirt, vagina WRESTLED with vagina.  Twisting each other, pulling, trying to stretch each other out.

They twisted each other into awkward positions.  Stretching, turning, each vagina trying to hurt the other vagina more.  There were times Millie wished she could actually see them.  Her pale lips twisted and wrapped with Ana's brown lips, stretching and clutching at each other.  But their bodies were too close and teeth still locked with teeth.  But she could feel ...every twist.. every tug.. every squeeze.. one vagina gave the other.  The battle producing a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Ana lay still in the dirt, arms around Millie's narrow body.  Feeling the white farm girl inhale sharply from time to time.  Ana's own breath was coming hard and fast.  She had not expected this.  She know that she would have a vicious and hateful fight with Millie, but never guessed their pussies could become so involved.

Now as they lay on their sides she could feel Millie's vagina trying to get top of her vagina, pulling at her vagina, trying to shake it savagely.   Ana could feel her vagina pulling down.  Trying to get Millie's vagina back in the dirt.  The struggle lifted both fighting vaginas up for a moment then Ana's vagina twisted and pushed.  The two entwined vaginas fell to the dirt together as they continued wrapping and squeezing.

Ana knew without question that Millie's  vagina was trying to kill hers, but she knew her vagina was trying to End Millie's white fuck slit.  No one had ever hinted at this.  She wondered if all vaginas could fight this way or it was because her vagina was in a battle with a virgin rival?   'Was it like virgin queen bees', she wondered.  One of her uncles was a beekeeper and told her about queen bee fights, but this didn't see the same.

It was clear from the results so far, that vaginas were not made for fighting that in fact it was hard for one vagina to damage another.  Still, Ana was certain in an instinctive way, that if left together long enough, one vagina would eventually tear the other apart in vagina to vagina combat.

How long the vagina fight continued neither woman could say.  It probably wasn't 15 minutes, but as they felt ...move for counter move.. grip traded for grip..... pulling... stretching... clenching again.  Squeeze for Squeeze,... pull for pull.  The vagina struggle felt like hours.  It finally ended abruptly.

While wrestling in the dirt, fuck hole to fuck hole, Ana's left labia lip pulled from Millie's clenching vaginal grip.  Ana's lip quickly wrapped over and around both of Millie's labia lips ...sucking them in.... pulling.... squeezing... dragging them in deeper.   

Millie gasped and tried to pull her hips back, but Ana's hips pushed forward, maintaining the contact.  Millie could feel her labia lips being squeezed together, crushed, chewed as Ana's now confident vagina drew her own pale puss more and more inside.

While Millie's  vagina jerked and struggled.   It was clear to Millie that Ana's vagina had death grip on her own.  The pressure was unbearable, waves of pain made her feel suddenly light headed.  Millie knew if she lay here it wouldn't matter if she won the bitch fight or not.  Her vagina would be useless to Josh's stiff cock.

Ana's grip had lightened a little, Millie could hear Ana almost humming under her breath.  Focused totally on her vagina finishing Millie's vagina in death clench.  Relaxing her jaw, Millie suddenly disengaged her teeth.  Pulling her head back she SMASHED her forehead into the forehead of Ana.  The blow made both of them see stars, but Ana's vagina relaxed for a split second, long enough for Millie to pull her aching cxnt free.

     ...Bitch Duel...

Battered but not dead, Millie's cxnt could live to fight another day.  Loose now in Ana's arms, she rolled onto her right side and tried to push up to all fours.  This was a mistake as Ana recovered quickly and came off the dirt like a spring.  She POUNCED on Millie's back, locking her legs around the white girl's waist as her teeth went for the left side of Millie's throat.

Feeling the brown bitch on her back nearly took Millie to her belly which would have been the end.  As it was her shoulders collapsed to the dirt and her butt rose in the air, her knees folded under her.  She could feel Ana pushing her teeth into the crook of her neck and shoulder, trying for a killing grip.  Unable to push up with her arms, she began to sway ….left and right... left and right... until she finally rolled Ana off and onto her left side. 

As Ana lay on her left side, Millie slipped to the left, straddling Ana's right hip.  Leaning down, she quickly BIT into Ana's right breast bringing a SHRIEK from Ana's lips.  Ana twisted to her back, spilling Millie onto her left side, but Millie kept both legs scissored around Ana's waist, her head rearing back as she stretched out Ana's left udder.  Screaming, Ana twisted onto her right side and leaned in, quickly biting into Millie's  already bleeding right udder. 

Millie gave a muffled cry but kept her teeth clenched in Ana's left boob.  Ana  pulled her head back stretching Millie's udder out.  Millie ...jerked ...jerked.. with her head as if trying to tear Ana's left breast OFF.

The two fighting bitches glared at each other, stretching and maiming each others breasts.  The bitch fight was on again and wouldn't stop until one of them was Dead.

For a time they stretched and chewed each others udders then Millie suddenly released her bite and leaned in catching Ana's nose between her teeth.  There was a CRUNCH of cartilage as she bit down hard, and a spurt of blood in her mouth.  Ana screamed and lose her bite.  Millie got on top of her and released her bite before slipping down Ana's squirming brown body.  Millie bit at the brown girl's tummy then tries to go lower.  Ana set up in shock and PUSHED back.  Millie's teeth brushed Ana's inner left thigh just missing Ana's furry dark cxnt.

Ana kicked at her once then turned away as she tried to get to all fours.  Millie leaned forward wrapping both arms around her thighs and pulling her closer before she bit Ana on her brown ass.

Ana JERKED forward and away and spun around.  The stall formed a pen, a cage, no where to escape, no where to run.  Neither female could get away from the other.  Trapped together Millie lunged at her enemy and they clashed again.

How long did the bitch fight last?  No one can say.

Sometime in the early hours before the sun came up, Millie wore Ana down, got her on her back, got her slim pale legs around Ana's body and both arms, trapping them.  Now in complete control Millie began to take Ana apart.  She bite off both ears, chewed out her eyes, gnawed off her lips.  It wasn't just about killing the enemy, the rival.  It was about Destroying her as a rival female.

Working down her body, careful to stay on top, Millie bit off Ana's nipples, chewed her vagina, bit off her clit.  Only when her rival was a jerking, blubbering, sobbing Wreck, did Millie go for the underside of Ana's throat.  Locked on and holding, holding, Millie kept her teeth deep in he love rival's throat until Ana's limp and lifeless body told her she had Won!


The next day both girls were missed and people began searching.  In a small community like this everyone helped.  But the old barn was one of the last places anyone thought to look.  It was Evert Johnson that found them in the old stall.  Covered in blood, dirt and bruises.   Millie on top of Ana.  Evert thought they were both dead.

Evert suspected they were abducted from their beds.  Raped, murdered and left for dead by wandering vagrants.  Only when his shouts brought Eva Johnson and Patience Henderson to the old barn did the truth come out.  It only took one glance for the two women to know a bitch fight had taken place.  All were surprised to discover Millie still alive.

The women hushed up the matter the best they could.  Ana's body was wrapped in an old horse blanket and taken back to her parents place.  Millie was whisked back to her farm and put in a back room where the rest of the family was told she had 'taken ill'.

At this point most city folk would expect police officers to get involved.  There would be investigations and court reports, trial and sentencing.  But that is not how country folk are.  Country folk protect their own and keep their secrets.

That night the elders of the Smith and Rojos families got together and talked over coffee and liquor.  All acknowledged that a tragedy had taken place.  There was a lot of 'what ifs' and 'should haves' discussed at the table, but in the end all that mattered was one young girl was lost and other maimed.

All agreed the matter had to be closed.  Three facts were clear.  The two women met at the old barn by choice.  They had a bitch fight there. And Millie Susan Smith had won fair and square.  Country folk are closer to Nature and know how nature laws.  Nature is not all butterflies and humming birds.  The rules of the natural world can be very harsh.

The next day there was a quiet funeral for Ana.  She was buried under a spreading oak out in one of the far flung fields.  After  that, no one spoke of what happened to Ana and over time Millie recovered.  She bore many scars of that night, but was still a very attractive young woman, if a bit more reserved and thoughtful now in her ways.

In time, she married Josh Emmett and moved onto his family's farm.  The two of them eventually had six kids.  No one spoke about what happened that night.  And over time she didn't think of it much herself.  But some nights, as she set on the back porch and stared out into the darkness, her memories would wander.  She would remember laying in the dirt, Ana's body hot and sweating on hers.  Their teeth in each others flesh.

Whenever these thoughts returned she would go back inside and make her way upstairs.  She would go to their bedroom and wake Josh from his sleep.  The two of them would then make Love.   Because the memories of her bitch fight with Ana, always made the thrusting of Josh's cock into her vagina feel all the more Sweet...

 -The End


Offline Amy J

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight
« Reply #2 on: Today at 12:46:52 AM »
I love the line “Studs fight for breeding rights, bitches fight for breathing rights.”  So true.


Offline SarahStevens

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight
« Reply #3 on: Today at 01:31:31 AM »
I Love it when a story has a happy ending ...smiles.