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A Small Series.

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Offline Pedromalone

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A Small Series.
« on: September 27, 2024, 07:22:01 AM »
Boxfighting Beauties
Peter Malone

   The 26 year old blond haired Cindy and her family had lived down the street from the 27 year old black haired and tanned skinned Judy (who rented an appartment) for a few years and both young ladies did see each other a few times at the gym and other places, yet they didn't really hang out together.  Both of them did talk to each other once in a while though. Both found they had a few things in common,they both liked the same type of movies, they both liked animals,  they both liked keeping fit, they even took some defense classes together.

     Both had recently been going out with one guy by the name of Laurence a very fit and strong man in his own right who was 30 years old. Laurence had brown hair, and his own house that his parents helped him get (his family had some money to their name).  Now neither Cindy nor Judy knew that Laurence was dating the other one for about 5 months.  What ended up happening was that Cindy was out with one of her girl friends and bumped into Judy and Laurence at a local restaurant after work. 

   "Hello Laurence, and Judy, so out for a bite to eat" said Cindy hoping that Judy was just being friendly to Laurence even though it looked like she was pretty well dressed.

   "Well actually we just got done watching a great movie and were getting a good dinner" stated Judy.

   "Well I hope that we still have plans for this weekend Laurance" said Cindy.

   "Wait a minute your seeing Laurence too, well that's not cool with me I'm not the sharing type" stated Judy who was getting a bit frustrated by what she just found out.

   "Well, that is a problem since Laurence is a good man that I really like "stated Cindy.

   "Ladies I like both of you, and I want to spend time with both of you as you are both very beautiful and great women" stated Laurence hoping to calm them down.

   "Well then why don't we all three go to your place then and talk this out "stated Judy who didn't want to cause a scene in the restaurant.

   "Sounds agreeable to me"stated Cindy who then talked to her other freinds and told them not to wait for her.   Cindy and Judy got into there personal cars as did Laurence they all ended up at Laurence's place which was about 20 minutes away from where the two young women lived.

   "Look I like both of you and we've gone out and had some nice times, though I admit I haven't gone to far with either of you because I was having a hard time choosing which of you I liked more. You both have good qualities Cindy you have cooked me some wonderful meals, and we've done some good fitness training together at times, and we like most of the same music.  Judy we've done some good things outdoors like hiking up a few mountains, doing some mountain biking, and you've also shown me some of your paintings which are wonderful" stated Laurence.

   "I admit that you have been a very good person to me, and that I like spending time with you. You are a good dancer and when I do cook you have been good enough to clean the dishes and have even made some suggestions on how I could improve, I do want to be with you" stated Cindy.

   "I like you as well you are definitely a fit man and have kept up with me very well when we've explored the outdoors, and you showed me that you can write pretty good poetry, and I want you also, so how do we settle this?" asked Judy.

   "I don't know, yet you are both pretty fit women, which is a trait I've admired about both of you" stated Laurence who had a chance or two to admire both women's figures, though as he said had not gone so far as to have true sex with either of them as of yet.

   "You are right Laurence, and I seem to remember that Judy here and I both attended a few classes at the local gym together, and I think we should have something of an athletic challenge to decide this" stated Cindy.

   "I remember that we attended some boxing and martial arts classes together, so what do you have in mind?"asked Judy.

   "Well I think a boxing competition would be a good way to decide this if you are game" said Cindy.

   "I agree to this, as my gloves are out in my car I was thinking of taking more classes"stated Judy.
   "I suggested this since I too have my gloves in my car" stated Cindy.

   "Okay if you both want to do this I will be referee and we will have the match here in the living room since I have a wall to wall soft carpet.  You go get your gloves from your cars and meet me back here, if your okay with it I want to make some rules since I'm at the heart of this battle"stated Laurence refering to the fact that he was going to be the one they were fighting over.

   "That seem's fair to me" stated Cindy "me too" stated Judy, and with that both women went out to their cars and got their gloves, both then came back to meet Laurence in the living room.

   "First off since both of you are wearing clothes that you go out in and probably don't want to get ripped let's have you strip to your undergarments,  and before you ask I've seen you both in your underwear atleast, Also I see you both have high heals tonight which won't let you be fast on your feet though they could be used as weapons which I don't want, I am willing to go along with a boxing match, yet I am not looking to pay for anyone's hospital bill" stated Laurence who had at times played around with the girls in there underwear.
   "I agree I don't want one of my good dresses torn" stated  Judy who took off her dress to reveal she was wearing a red bra and small panties as she wanted to play around with Laurence after the date a bit she then took off her red high heeled shoes.

   "I see you wore something nice for Laurence hopping to get some time with him after, let's see how he likes it if I raise the bar a bit" said Cindy who took off her black shoes first then her dress revealing a set of black panties and a black lacy bra. Cindy then took off her bra to reveal her very nice big breasts, both Laurence and Judy were taken a back for a second.

   "Well two can play at that game" said Judy who took her top off as well and revealed her shaply breasts. There was a bit of a contrast between the two women as far as there skin color was concerned, yet both women seemed to have nice sized breasts which Laurence liked.
   "Okay then ladies I can see that you are willing to go for this,  so the second thing is you can hit any place except the face on your opponent no black eyes or bloody noses. You can also lock up your opponent and use your feet as well and kick your opponent yet no going higher than the chin with your kicks. I will allow some wrestling moves, but no lifting moves or slaming moves. I will allow one to get on top of a downed opponent, yet no biting no one want's to be seriously marked up since we all have jobs, the one who quits is the looser " stated Laurence as he wanted to see a good match yet wanted to still have some boundries.
   "Just so we are sure though the one that looses is not to date Laurence again"stated Judy.

   "I agree with you Judy, yet I will be the one that outlasts you and wins the prize here" stated  Cindy who got into a boxer's stance after donning her boxing gloves.

   "We shall see who wins this" stated Judy as she put her gloves up to gaurd herself.

   Laurence signaled for the match to start.  Judy and Cindy both circled each other, it was Judy that struck first and got a solid upper cut to Cindy's chin that sent the blond back a few steps this was legal since it wasn't Cindy's face.  Judy then let go with a few jab's to Cindy's stomach and while both women were fit they didn't exactly have rock hard abs, which ment that after a few minutes worth of jabs Cindy was loosing breath.  Cindy was not going to be defeated easily though and she fired a left into Judy's boob which managed to stun her opponent.  Cindy followed up and tried to get another jab into Judy's boob, yet Judy was ready and stepped aside.

   Judy tried to go for a blow to Cindy's stomach, yet Cindy blocked it and punched Judy in her boob that connected and hurt her foe. Judy retaliated by going for Cindy's boob and tagged her foe.  Both women then exchanged boob blows,  Judy though was backing Cindy up a bit towards one of the couches.  Cindy realized that she was not doing well and knew she had to change her tactics, Judy was fast and her punches were hitting home, yet Cindy knew that if she could get in some key punches in that she could hurt Judy.

   Cindy lined up a punch and let fly with a glove that hit Judy below the belt, which made Judy double over in pain. Cindy then brought her knee up and caught Judy's chin sending her foe backwards. Judy was still standing though but not for long as Cindy let fly with a hit to the chin that landed Judy on the sofa. Cindy knew that she could still go after her opponent and did so by getting on top of Judy and punching her foe in the stomach a few times.
   Judy was pinned to the couch by her foe with punches raining down on her. Judy sent a punch  to Cindy's side which rocked to her side making her crash onto the floor. Judy got off the couch and was standing on the floor, yet Cindy sent a kick flying up that found Judy's womanhood sending a shockwave up her opponents body that brought her down. Cindy then got up a bit and was able to send a punch to her opponent's left breast that made Judy yelp a bit. Judy came back with a punch to Cindy's belly that took some of the wind out of her.

   Cindy backed up a bit, yet lashed out with a kick that got Judy in the stomach which knocked Judy back a bit. Cindy followed up by connecting with a uppercut to the chin that sent Judy to the floor.  Cindy then got on top of Judy again, yet this time Judy was able to grab hold of Cindy from behind and roll over (which was allowed) so that Judy was now on top, she thus rained down punches on Cindy mainly going for the stomach and boobs. Cindy though was able to get her legs around Judy and force her to the side.

   Judy got up and waited for Cindy. When both women where at a standing possition Cindy got in a kick to Judy's shin that wobbled her opponent. Judy retaliated by getting a jab into Cindy's stomach that shocked her opponent. Judy followed it up with a low blow that got Cindy and had her reeling backwards.  Cindy went for a low blow with her right, yet was blocked. Judy tried to get a good punch into Cindy's left boob yet was blocked. Cindy connected with a punch to Judy's right boob though. Judy then connected with a knee to the stomach that winded Cindy a bit.

   Cindy then fired off a wicked punch to Judy's lower midsection that had her opponent doubling over. Judy wasn't one to go down easy though and sent a punch right to Cindy's chin that made her opponent hit the floor. Judy mounted Cindy and got in some punches to Cindy's sides and boobs.Cindy though was able to turn them over and get on top of Judy and get in some good punches to her opponent. Judy was able to kick Cindy off her who fell back a few inches from her.  Both women seemed to be tiring out though both still looked determined.

   Judy got up though and crawled towards Cindy and then did a reverse face sit on her opponent, then used her gloved fists and punched Cindy's womanhood a bit, this woke her opponent up. Cindy used her legs to get around Judy's neck a bit, trying to lift her opponent off her. Judy was feeling the pressure applied to her neck, so she changed tactics and applied the same neck hold to her opponent. The intensity of the match was getting turned up a bit as both ladies had each others necks. Laurence decided to intervien befor things spiralled out of control.

"Ladies stop, you have both battled well, yet it seems like neither one of you wants to loose, which I do admire, yet I don't want to see either of you end up seriously injured either" Stated Laurence. Both Judy and Cindy let go realizing that Laurence was right.

"I admit that I may have gone a bit overboard, yet I've been attracted to you for a while" Stated Cindy who was standing on the floor.

"Yeah I feel the same way" Said Judy who was standing on the floor next to Cindy.

"I have feelings for both of you as well. I also admit that I liked watching you battle a bit, though like I said I didn't want you to injure each other. I would like to see if we could make it work so we all had a good relationship with each other" Said Laurence who motioned for the ladies to sit on the Sofa.

"Cindy you do seemed to be a very determined woman, and a good fighter and from what Laurence said you do have some fun times together.  I also know that making freinds is better than making enemies, so I'm willing to share here if you are" stated Judy.

"Well Judy you are a strong woman also, and it seems that you and Laurence have also had some fun together. I think we could work something out though I will also admit that battling you got me a bit excited," said Cindy.

"I will also admit that I got a bit of an adrenalin surge as well, you gave me a workout" Stated Judy Honestly.

"I would love to continue our time together, yet I also know that some of us do have to work tomorrow, though I do remember that none of us work on the weekends, so I'd like to have us all get together this weekend and have some playful fun, that is if you two are really into exploring this further," said Laurence.

"That does sound like a tempting offer I'm intrested"Stated Judy.

"Count me in also "stated Cindy.

"I would like to meet around lunch Saturday then so we could have a whole afternoon to ourselves, I'd like us all to have a bit of a fun wrestling match together that could lead into more fun" Stated Laurence who then squeezed one boob of each of the two women giving them an indication of what he meant.

"Well that does sound even more exciting" stated Cindy.

"When you put it that way yes" said Judy who leaned closer to Laurence and kissed him on the cheek, as did Cindy.

This will be continued.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 07:22:26 AM by Pedromalone »


Offline Pedromalone

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Re: A Small Series.
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2024, 07:22:28 AM »
Threeway Sexual Match
(Sequal to Boxfight Beauties)

Cindy and Judy had a box fighting match a few days ago. They were trying to determine who would date Laurence the man they had both been seeing for a while now (unbeknownst to the two of them till then). The battle proved inconclusive as Laurence intervened before either of the young women got truely hurt.

Laurence had gotten to be great friends with both of them, and didn't want to see either of them in true pain. Though he did like seeing them in combat with each other. All three people agreed to meet for a fun weekend. They had a good lunch which Laurence paid for, and they were now back at his place again.

Judy and Cindy were both seated in Laurence's living room, which was the site of their prior match, though they noticed that Laurence had actually put some exercise mats down.

"Now both of you know that I have not had sex with either of you as of yet, though I will state that I have played around with both of you at times. I didn't want to commit to just one of you till I was sure I picked the one I wanted, yet now that we are all getting friendly, I'd like to play around with both of you a bit" stated Laurence.

"I don't know about you Cindy, yet I have wanted to see what Laurence has for a while now, though I think I'd also like to see a bit more of you as well" stated Judy who was sitting wearing a nice shirt and some shorts.

"I got to agree we have played around a bit, yet he's never taken off his underwear for me, yet I also want to explore you a bit also " Stated Cindy who was sitting next to the mat also wearing a nice shirt and shorts.

"Not so fast ladies like I said before I want this to be a bit of a contest, seeing as how we all got aroused with your match early this week I purpose we do something a little bit edgier. I will strip to my underpants, if you will also then we will all three wrestle and try to get our opponents into a hold they can't get out of. I do want this to be a bit sexy though. It's a three way match, double teams are allowed for a bit yet no permenent teams okay If this sounds good to you both that is"Suggested Laurence.

"Sounds interesting I'm game"stated Judy as she stripped down to just some red panties that complemented her dark skin.

"Sounds fun count me in also " said Cindy as she stripped down to her blue panties that went well with her fair skin.

"Okay then I want some of the rules from your first match caried over here, no clawing or biting, though kissing, groping, and sucking are allowed, trying to strip your opponents is also allowed I want this to be more of a sexy match then one where someone gets hurt, yet an orgasm isn't a loss. If someone is spent, they have to submit either verbally or by tapping in order for them to be out and once finished they have to get off the mat, and to make it interesting the winner will get to command the other two for the rest of the weekend"

"Ah so that's why you made this a bit of a sleep over" stated Cindy in a sexy tone.

"So you wanted to really make this a fun weekend didn't you" said Judy in a sultry voice.

"I figured that we'd want some time to really explore this new relationship we all find ourselves in" stated Laurence who kept his eyes on both women to gauge their reaction.

"Well, I see your point, and I do like where this is going so, I'm in" Stated Judy who got on the mat right near Laurence.

"I also agree" stated Cindy who got right near Laurence also yet across from Judy.

"I also have to admit that I have had a thing for female fights for a while, and there have been a few holds I'd like to try in a match that could prove to be fun moves if you'd be willing to try," said Laurence.

"Well I'm game to try a few, but I'm still going to win" stated Cindy confidently.

"I'm also okay with that, yet I'm going to win" stated Judy in an equally confident voice.

Laurence got on the mat and between the two women all three were in a kind of sitting position in a triangle of sorts. Laurence started out by grabbing one breast of Judy's and one breast of Cindy's so that he had a different woman's breast in each of his hands, Cindy and Judy both grabbed the free breast of the other woman, and then with their free hand grabbed the front of Laurence's underwear and got his shaft a bit, All three liked this as they were starting with soft grabs. They all got a bit closer and stuck out their tongues and were dueling that way for a bit.
Laurence then grabbed Judy's underwear and gave her a bit of a wedgie which Judy felt. Laurence then spanked Judy a bit, which shocked her.  Cindy though pulled him off Judy and into a bit of a choke hold where she was sitting up a bit and had his back on the mat and her left arm around his neck. Laurence was surprised by Cindy's arm strength. Judy saw the predicament that Laurence was in and decided to give him a bit of a punch to the belly.

Laurence was still able to send a kick to Judy's belly though, yet as he was just in his sox (like his two friends) it wasn't a hard kick, though it did still stun Judy.  Laurence was able to get out of Cindy's hold and push her back on to the mat.   Judy had gotten back up yet this time she went for Cindy as both women started to box each other's breasts and tits a bit, Laurence didn't want to get in the middle of this right away though.  Both women seemed to be giving and taking shots pretty evenly. 

Cindy and Judy circled each other, and both then grabbed each other's boobs a bit, Cindy was doing a bit of a better job at this twisting Judy's nipples which made her yelp a bit . Laurence was able to sneak up behind Cindy and trap her arms behind her so that Judy could get at her. Judy was able to punch Cindy in the belly a few times, before Cindy was able to get loose and tackle Judy to the ground.  Cindy was able to get a face sit on Judy for a few minutes, before Judy was able to push her off using her hands. Judy was able to get to her feet, yet Laurence got her into a bit of a bearhug and was able to lift her a bit off the mat in order to squeeze her a bit, this made Judy moan a bit in shock. Laurence also kissed Judy on her neck letting her know he was enjoying this a bit. 

Now Cindy did know that Laurence was muscular yet seeing him display his power by holding Judy a few feet off the mat still surprised her a bit.  She did not want the match to end to quickly though, so she fired a bit of a jab into Laurence's side that caught him off guard, making him drop Judy who was able to put her hands behind her though as she landed on the mat so that she didn't hit her head, yet she was still a bit out of it from the tight bearhug she just got.

Laurence was focused on Cindy now, yet she was keeping her distance from him as they circled around the mat a bit.  He tried grabbing for one of her arms, yet she sent a bit of a blow to his mid-section that took him by surprise.    Laurence tried to send a blow to Cindy's midsection, yet he wasn't going full force with this as he was not looking to damage either of his new lovers, though he did still want to win the match. Cindy did get winded by this blow, yet Laurence was not able to capitalize as Judy had come to and tackled Laurence to the mat.

Laurence was quick to recover though and gave Judy a bit of a wedgie in order to get back at her.  Judy responded to the wedgie by kissing Laurence full on the lip letting him know that she actually liked it a bit which made him wedgie her some more as she lied on top of him and could feel his shaft though it wasn't directly touching her.   Laurence thought was able to get Judy off of him and tried to get her arm into a good arm lock.    Judy was struggling though as she knew that this could lead to a submission if she was not careful. Cindy though had recovered by this time and looked to get Laurence away from Judy as she wanted him out of the match first.  Laurence though was quick and let go of Judy as he tried again to box with Cindy a bit.  Cindy was able to dodge a few of his blows, and then get his left arm behind him in a lock while having her free arm around his neck, trying to hold him in place and she was also kissing his neck a bit.  Judy had gotten up and saw the predicament Laurence was in and saw he was enjoying some of it, which brought a glint to her eye as she wanted to kick this match into another gear.

"Hey, Cindy, you said you wanted to see what he has been keeping from us so far, if you hold him for me we'll both get a chance to look" stated Judy who had a sexy tone in her voice as she eyed Laurence's underwear and the bulge that had formed, keying in Cindy on what she saw by also placing her hand down as well.

"Okay you do that yet let me take off your panties after" replied Cindy in a seductive tone as she stared right into the other woman's eyes and got a wink from her in approval which Laurence saw as well.

"Fair enough ladies, yet I think I should get to remove your panties Cindy if we are going to do this" Stated Laurence. All 3 agreed that they wanted to move to the next stage.  Cindy held onto Laurence who didn't put up to much of a fight for this, as Judy took down his underwear (which he stepped out of) revealing that he had a good sized erect cock which she then sucked a bit letting Laurence know she liked what she saw, Laurence really liked what Judy was doing, Cindy was taking notes in her mind, yet she also let Laurence go after a minute so that the match could keep going.  Judy wasn't able to get to far from Laurence before he grabbed her and held both of her arms behind her.

 Laurence was able to hold Judy while Cindy took off her panties revealing a shaved pussy, Cindy then put her fingers into Judy a bit causing her new friend to yelp in pleasure a bit. Cindy then tackled Judy to the floor before anything else could happen, yet Judy was able to hold onto Cindy from below so that Laurence could slide Cindy's panties out from between the two women, which he did.  Both women were now nude with Cindy on top of Judy for the moment as boob felt boob and pussy felt pussy for the first time in this match.

" You have a great body, and I got to say I am beginning to like this" stated Judy as she had Cindy on the mat and naked, she then kissed her opponent on the neck a bit.

"You have some nice features as well babe, you are sexy" Stated Cindy returning the complement and giving her friend a bit of a slap to the side to remind here they were still in a match. 

"Oh I am still going to get you through" Stated Judy as she gave Cindy a slap on the side as well.

"I hope you realize that since you got to suck Laurence off first, that I'm going to want him in me first" Stated Cindy as she gave Judy a bit of a spanking to emphasize what she meant.

"Okay, yet I may want to suck him off a bit more though, since he hasn't burst yet" Stated Judy referring to the fact that while Laurance's member was erect, he hadn't yet cum.  "but I think that he's shown us that he has enough energy to satisfy both of us more than once," Judy said as she was able to turn her opponent over and twisted Cindy's tits causing Cindy to yelp a bit.

"Yes it does seem like Laurence has a lot of energy, and I do think we may both get satisfied tonight, yet that doesn't mean we let him win though" stated Cindy who was still focused on the match, as she was able to get on top of Judy and shoved Judy's head into the mat twice (enough to make Judy feel a bit dizzy).

"The one that does win will have to earn it" stated Judy who got on top of Cindy once again this time she gave her opponent a few punches to the belly, which did seem to wind Cindy a bit. Yet Cindy was able to get back on top of Judy again and pinched her opponent's tits a bit.

Judy and Cindy then both explored each other's mouths with their tongues finding it to be a very yummy experience. Laurence was a bit enthralled watching the two nude ladies taking turns pinning each other to the mats.   This was also Judy and Cindy's first real sexual experience with another woman, and they were enjoying themselves though each was still looking to prove who could out last the other in this. Laurence also still wanted to win this match and knew that he had to work over his opponents to do so.  Since Cindy was on top at this point Laurence grabbed her left leg and pulled it to the left trying to extend it enough to make Cindy notice, which she did.

Cindy now had her leg caught by Laurence who was pulling it to the side.  Laurence was also pulling Cindy off the top of Judy a bit.  He also wanted to get his dick into her which surprised Cindy a bit.

 Judy was able to get one of Cindy's arms and was trying to pull her a different direction than Laurence, thinking that between the two of them they might be able to stretch her out enough so that she submitted.  Laurence had gotten a good hold of Cindy from behind and was able to give her some pleasure. Judy changed tactics a bit and was able to pull Cindy's head in between her legs so that her foe was facing her womanhood.

Cindy knew that this was not going to be something she could get out of, yet she did feel a sexual surge from this, and so she licked and kissed Judy below the belt line a bit while still feeling Laurence in her, till all three of them had a big orgasm together.  Cindy though still could not get out and tapped out, which Laurence saw and alerted Judy to.   Both Judy and Laurence stopped and let Cindy get off the mat area.

Laurence and Judy sat down for a minute and took a few breaths. Both still wanted to continue though. They got up and closed the gap between them a bit more, and both went into boxing like stances.  Judy shot out a few jabs to Laurence and tried to get him in the belly, yet he was able to block them he then tackled Judy to the mat, he made sure he was sitting so his cock was near her mouth, and his knees pinned her arms a bit.  He was able to reach behind him a bit and tried to feel for Judy's clint as he wanted to use his hand and figures to stimulate her a bit. 

Judy was able to get her mouth around Laurence's cock, yet he was sitting on her and had his hands in her pussy a bit. Both of them were trying to pleasure each other, though they both also knew they would have to make the other submit another way though in order for it to count.   Laurence was the one to move first as he maneuvered Judy into a trap and got her head into a scissors hold, making sure to have his own head out of the way of her legs. 

Judy was caught by surprise in good head scissors where his legs were very near her neck, and though he wasn't squeezing that hard in order not to hurt her, she also could not pry his legs open as he had some muscles.  Judy realized she could not win out here and voiced her surrender, which Laurence did hear.  Laurence released his hold and let Judy get out of it.

Judy and Cindy both sat on the corners of the mat.

"Wow you are good, and strong, nice match" stated Judy to Laurence.

"Yeah you won, so now what do you want from us? "stated Cindy who was taking in Laurence's good looks a bit.

"Okay since I won, I do want to have some more sexy fun with both of you in bed.  Don't worry my bed is big enough for all of us" stated Laurence.   Cindy and Judy followed Laurence to his room where he lied on the bed "I want one of you to seat yourself on my member and ride me, while the other one sits a bit higher up on my body making out with me, with the woman behind her groping her a bit" stated Laurence giving both ladies an idea of the first sex position he wanted to try.  Cindy sat down first positioning herself so that her pussy met Laurence's member since she still wanted him in her a bit more, yet giving enough room for Judy to sit in front of her a bit to kiss and make out with Laurence.  Laurence loved this and he hugged Judy down near him while giving her a long kiss, while Cindy was able to grab Judy's boobs from behind and squeeze a bit.  It only took a few minutes in this position before Laurence was ready to burst into Cindy who felt this and pulled a bit on Judy's hair letting her new friend know a bit, as she was in the process of a yummy kiss with Laurence who was also hugging her close to him feeling her bare boobs on his chest.  Laurence told Cindy to yank Judy back a bit and kiss her on the lips while he kissed and sucked on Judy's left boob as he went off into Cindy.

Laurence, Judy and Cindy made out for a lot longer and tried a variety of positions, all of them really loving each other and having fun.

"Well ladies, I loved what we did and both of you are great competitors, and pretty strong women. I'd like to have some more wrestling fun with you both in the future as I think this could be the start of something great" Stated Laurence who was a bit tired from the fun they had, yet still very excited.

"I admit I had a lot of fun also, both of you are great. I may be spent now, yet I'd love to do this again also" said Cindy who was lying on Laurence's right side.

"I agree, that was very energetic and very yummy, I'd love to spend more time with both of you" stated Judy who was on Laurence's left side.

"Since I get a say in what we do next time, I think that having a session where there may be some more clothes ripping might take the excitement and sexiness factors to the next level" stated Laurence.

"That might work, yet I'd probably bring some old clothes to change into then for that match" Stated Judy.

"Sounds fun, yet I'd want to go out a bit before the match though," said Cindy.

"I think having a night out followed by a match sounds like a good idea" Stated Laurence.

"Yeah, we would want to have a bit of energy for the match so a good dinner might be in order," said Judy.

"That sounds fair to me" Laurence agreed as he kissed Cindy full on in the mouth then Judy, both women then grabbed his shaft a bit, he then sent his fingers into the clints of both of his friends, as both then grabbed one of the boobs of the other, all of them realized that this was the beginning of a great relationship.