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College Fights- Night 1, Part Two

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Offline beamon05

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College Fights- Night 1, Part Two
« on: October 08, 2024, 04:25:42 AM »
It took me a while to get this part up, but here you go. I hope to have part three up in this thread by the end of the week. Here's the link to the first part:

Leah stood in her corner as the ref went through the match’s announcements. She was looking at him and not hearing a word he was saying, her mind completely focused on how she was going to survive this with some of her dignity left intact. The ref was cute, an athletic man that she guessed was around 40 years old. She felt awkward being around him in her thong bikini. He was old enough to be her dad, and he was going to be getting a very up close and personal look at her. She heard him mention that her opponent’s name was Nicole, and then she heard her name being announced. A bell was rung, and she realized the match was starting. The crowd was loud, and she was very aware of how many college guys were staring at every inch of her. She knew they wanted to see her get her ass kicked. And Leah knew that if she didn’t take the initiative, she was going to get destroyed. She was Nicole turn and raise her hands up, encouraging the crowd to make more noise. Leah knew it was now or never.

With Nicole turned to her side, Leah took a deep breath and charge at her. As Nicole turned to face her, Leah dove at her, spearing her in the midsection and knocking her to the ground with a big crash, shaking the ring. The crowd was shocked at first, but then erupted in a cheer, clearly impressed with Leah’s aggressiveness. Leah knew she had to keep up the momentum, and mounted Nicole, punching her in the stomach with her fists. She was getting angry and wanted to end this quickly. She had been tricked into this situation and hated everyone in the room. She was enjoying getting some retribution and she intended to hurt Nicole. Leah was just starting to feel good and like she was going to end this quickly, when she heard Kasie yell “watch out!” at her from outside of the ring.

Leah turned to look at Kasie, who was pointing at her opponent. She turned back to look at Nicole and was horrified to see that she was grinning at her. She realized that her punches weren’t having any effect on her, and Nicole was just lying there and taking it. Then Nicole’s smile went away and she glared at Leah. “You’re going to pay for that spear, you slut.” Leah stopped punching and hesitated. She didn’t have a backup plan and knew she had to get out of this position. She quickly climbed off Nicole and tried to run, but Nicole sat up quickly, and grabbed Leah by the back of her hair. She yanked down hard, and Leah fell to the ring, the back of her head bouncing off the mat. Leah was dazed and let out a groan. She rolled to her side and shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. “Please,” she said. She didn’t know what else to say, but just wanted Nicole to show her some mercy.

Nicole smiled again, and walked over to where Leah was lying. She rolled Leah onto her back, and stood on her hair, trapping her onto the mat. She grabbed both of Leah’s hands and lifted, causing Leah’s body to lift off the mat, but with Nicole’s feet still on her hair, it put a lot of pressure on her scalp. Leah screamed in pain, and Nicole let her fall back to the mat. She repeated the move twice more, before stepping off of Leah’s hair. Leah’s head felt like it was on fire, and she wanted to cry. The crowd was raucous, cheering on her monstrous opponent and delighting at her misery. Nicole walked over Leah, and quickly dropped her ass on Leah’s stomach, facing her legs. “Oof,” Leah said, as she felt like all the air was driven out of her. Nicole bounced up and down on Leah’s stomach, having fun at the brunette’s expense. Leah was trying to dislodge her, but was getting nowhere. Nicole was way too heavy and she knew she was trapped. Nicole then sat on her stomach, and grabbed her feet. She leaned back, pulling Leah into a matchbook pin. Leah shrieked as she felt her legs lifted up and pulled back. Humiliatingly for her, as her back was pulled off the mat, her butt was sticking up, facing the crowd. With the thin strip of thong running up her buttcrack, she knew she was showing a lot of her ass (and maybe more) to a bunch of horny college guys. "Please, please let me go! I'll do anything," Leah begged. Nicole just laughed at her. "In your dreams, bitch. This is way too much fun," she responded. Nicole lifted her right hand, and slapped Leah on her right asscheek, drawing a huge cheer from the crowd and another shriek from Leah. "We're gonna have some fun, slut. But I'm not done beating you up yet," Nicole said. With that, she let go of Leah's ankles and climbed off her victim. Leah rolled into a ball, trying to cover up all her body at once. She could feel the crowd ogling her, and she felt her face getting warm in embarrassment.

Leah slowly climbed to her feet, and faced Nicole again. She saw Nicole turn towards the crowd again, and again went for the spear. She ran hard at Nicole, but right before she reached her, Nicole dodged out of the way. She had been bluffing and Leah didn't realize it until it was too late. As Nicole moved out of the way, Leah's momentum caused her to slam her shoulder into the ringpost. As she staggered backwards, Nicole grabbed her in a reverse bearhug. trapping her arms against her body. Nicole's pure strength and size enabled her to warp one arm around Leah, keeping her opponent's arms trapped. With one arm free, she placed her hand gently on Leah's left breast. Before Leah was able to realize what was happening, Nicole yanked the bikini top up, lifting it off her breast, and exposing her full boob to the crowd. Leah's scream was drowned out by the yelling and clapping in the crowd as her nipple quickly hardened in the air conditioned room. "Oh my god, oh my god, stop!," Leah shrieked. With her arms trapped, she was unable to cover herself, as she desperately tried to shake herself free. Suddenly, Nicole let her go and pushed her away. As she did, she grabbed the string at the back of Leah's top and pulled. With Leah's momentum moving her away, her top was yanked completely off. As Leah stumbled forward, both tits were on display for everyone in attendance. It took Leah a second to realize what happened, and by the time she crossed her arms over her exposed chest, everyone in front of her had gotten an eyeful of the 19 year old's boobs. Leah froze in her tracks, before spinning in circles and looking around desperately for help. She saw Kasie, whose mouth was wide and looked to be in shock. And she saw the grins and stares of everyone else. And finally, she saw Nicole, who looked like she was having the time of her life.

"That's just the start, bitch," Nicole said. "I'm gonna get that thong too. You're not leaving here with anything." Leah stared wide-eyed at Nicole, unable to believe what she was hearing. Keeping her arms crossed over her boobs, she slowly backed up towards the ropes, while her opponent stalked her with a big smile on her face.

To be continued...


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: College Fights- Night 1, Part Two
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2024, 01:58:53 PM »
'This is going to be like David and Goliath.  Except this time David wins.'
~Homer Simpson


Offline beamon05

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Re: College Fights- Night 1, Part Two
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2024, 04:08:21 AM »
Leah continued backing up towards the ropes, keeping her eyes on her opponent, who was continuing to stalk her. As Nicole started to close the distance, Leah turned and attempted to spring to the ropes, hoping to slide under and get out of dodge. She would worry about the money later, she didn’t care anymore. She was topless in front of 100 college guys, her best friend, an attractive older referee, and a scary middle-aged woman. It was more than she could handle, and she just wanted to leave. But as Leah turned to run, Nicole charged her down and grabbed her by her right elbow, yanking her back towards her. This caused her right hand to slip off her left boob, with her nipple exposed to everyone again. As Nicole kept her grip, she grabbed Leah’s other elbow as well, and then worked her hands around to put Leah in a full nelson. “Pleeeeease stop,” wailed Leah, as her boobs were fully out and she had no way of covering. She tried squirming out of the grip, but was getting nowhere. Nicole was taking pleasure in the situation, shaking Leah’s body around, causing her tits to bounce in all directions to the delight of almost everyone in the room.

“Stop!,” Kasie yelled from her position next to the ring. “Leave her alone!” Nicole loosened her grip, and shoved Leah to the floor, before glaring at Kasie. “You want to come in the ring and do something about it,” she asked her? Kasie shut her mouth, unwilling to take Nicole up on her challenge and unsure what to say. “That’s what I thought, bitch,” Nicole continued. “Shut the fuck up and stay out of this if you have any common sense.”

Leah was lying on her stomach in the ring. She knew everyone was getting a great view of her ass in this position, but she just wanted to hide her boobs from all those sets of eyes. She didn’t know how to proceed, so she stayed in that position. Nicole slowly turned her attention back to her. “This dumb bitch has completely given up,” Nicole thought to herself. “Let’s see what else I can do to her.”

Nicole reached down and gripped the back of Leah’s pink thong. She leaned down and said in a voice low enough that only Leah could hear: “By the time I am done with you, you are going to beg me to stop. And I’m not going to until you willingly strip off your own thong and give it to me, and admit that you are a stupid slut that should never have gotten in the ring with me.” With that, Nicole yanked hard on the thong, pulling Leah’s ass off the mat, and driving the string deep into her butt. “OH MY GOD,” Leah yelled, as the pain in her ass hit her. As Nicole continued to pull, she could feel the material start to slide into her pussy. Panicked that her pussy lips would soon be on show, Leah quickly got to her knees, kneeling in an effort to alleviate some of the pressure. Realizing her boobs were on display again, Leah crossed one arm across them, and then put her other hand in front of her crotch, hoping to hide her crotch from being exposed. Nicole continued to yank hard, pulling the material further and further into both crevices, the back a tiny string between her cheeks. All of a sudden, the pressure stopped, and Nicole’s hands let go. Leah turned around in time to see Nicole slip to the ground backwards.

Nicole had Leah’s thong almost to the breaking point when she felt hands in her hair, before getting yanked backwards to the mat. She got up to her feet, and turned in the direction of her attacker. Kasie stood in the ring facing her. The Asian girl was glaring at Nicole, apparently having decided she needed to do something to help her friend. But the anger she saw in Nicole’s face caused her to falter. She suddenly became aware that she was standing in the ring in a black minidress, facing a monster who had been about to strip her friend naked. “You’re dead, bitch,” Nicole said, as she moved towards Kasie.

To be continued….


Offline fight fan steve

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Re: College Fights- Night 1, Part Two
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2024, 07:52:27 PM »
I love this! Can’t wait to read more!