Trapped between your crushing thighs, my ribs feel like they must break at any moment. I screw up my eyes and grit my teeth as i try to fight back against the pain. My only option now is to maul your kitty, a cheap attack to be sure but i'm not the only one looking to do that, am i bitch.
My fingers slide inside your kitty, i feel your legs loosen from around my body. I could attack your clit, work it, arouse you, maybe even drive you to the edge of your resistance, but no, i claw dragging my nails over your soft flesh. "I told you i'd ruin you bitch"
Then you respond, as i knew you would by going full on for my kitty. To do this though you have to unfasten your legs from around my waist. Your fingers sink inside me, i howl in pain as you assault my clit. Your nails slice into my flesh, making my eyes water as i thrash and squirm on your fingers. You then claw at my face, raking my forehead down over my eyes to me chain where you grab hold of my throat and your fingers tighten around it.
I cough, choking as your dual assault to kitty and throat threaten to make me pass out. My body aflame with pain, my face scarred and bleeding, my kitty under a vicious attack.
I blink, trying to clear my eyes so i can see you, we lie on our sides facing each other. Fingers tearing at each others most tender and private parts. I need to back you off, buy a lil time to reset.
Feeling dizzy now from your choke hold on my throat i go for your eyes with my right hand. Not clawing but trying to push my fingers into your eye socket of your left eye. I also rip my fingers from your kitty, dragging my nails as hard as i can across your clit, then, with what limited movement i have i start to try and punch you in the gut, again and again as i look to make you back off.
Neither of us will be the same as we were before this fight.