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Ice Bath Match: A. Winter vs ScarJo

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Ice Bath Match: A. Winter vs ScarJo
« on: Yesterday at 06:43:18 PM »

The women's faces contort with determination as the crowd drowns out their voices. Ariel Winter's eyes flash with resolve, her lips curled into a slight snarl. Scarlett Johansson meets her gaze with steely intensity, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth.

The two circle each other cautiously, each assessing the other's stance. The air is thick with tension, and the anticipation from the crowd continues to build.

Ariel's mind races as she reflects on the doubters, naysayers, and haters. She channels their voices to fuel her determination as she circles her opponent. She knows she must make a statement. Clenching her fists until her knuckles turn white, she squares her shoulders, her gaze unwavering.

She goes straight to driving her knee into Scarjo's pussy, dropping her; Scarjo looks up as tears stream down her cheeks. Tears streamed down Scarlett's cheeks as she looked up, her eyes wide with shock and agony. She tried to reach for Ariel, but her arms felt like lead weights.

Ariel doesn't relent, her fury burning like wildfire. She steps on Scarlett's hand, grinding her heel into the delicate flesh with a vicious twist. She leans down, her face inches from Scarlett's.

"Crybaby," she hisses. "You’re going to wish you never set foot in this ring."

The crowd roars their approval, urging Ariel on. Scarlett's face is a mask of pain and humiliation, but she is determined not to let Ariel defeat her. Seizing her opportunity, Scarlett lashes out with a desperate uppercut aimed between Ariel's legs. But Ariel is lightning quick, snatching Scarlett's wrist in a vice-like grip. She cackles as she drives her fist into Scarlett's face, over and over again, the sound of flesh and bone meeting flesh and bone reverberating through the arena.

Scarlett's screams are gut-wrenching as Ariel drags her towards the ropes. She sends Scarlett over the ropes and she hits the dry ice.

Scarlett's screams are choked as she flails and writhes in the dry ice, her movements erratic. Her skin turns blue as the cold seeps into her bones, her nerve endings screaming. It's as if she's being frozen from the inside out, every cell in her body slowing to a crawl as the cold leeches away her strength. She writhes and twitches like a dying insect, her body thrashing and spasming with unnatural jerks and movements. Her nipples are painfully erect, their sharp points visible through the thin fabric. Her hands, scrabble against the slippery edge of the pool, her movements slow and unsteady. She grits her teeth, She gasps as she struggles to pull herself out of the icy depths. The frigid air assaults her, and the frozen remnants of her shirt cling to her like a second skin.

Ariel pushes Scarlett back into the icy depths. Scarlett screams as the cold envelops her once more. She thrashes and flails, her limbs becoming increasingly uncoordinated.

 Ariel leans in close to Scarlett's face, her voice low and taunting.

 "I'm not finished with you yet."
But Before Ariel can react, Scarlett yanks her off balance, sending them both tumbling.

Ariel's face contorts, her teeth chattering as the water turns her skin to ice. Icicles form on her eyelashes.

Scarlett hauls herself halfway out of the pool, her limbs heavy and sluggish. But Ariel, driven by desperation and fury, latches onto Scarlett's ankle, yanking her back into the icy depths.
 She resurfaces, her teeth bared.

"You bitch!"

Scarlett's frozen fists pound into Ariel's body, the impact reverberating through the pool and echoing off the walls. She pulls herself out of the pool, her body spasming and twitching uncontrollably as she flops onto the cold, hard floor.

Ariel lies on her back in the pool, her eyes glassy and unfocused, her chest rising and falling in shallow, labored breaths.

The referee's voice is a distant, tinny, sound in Ariel's ears ass he begins the count.

"One... two... three..."
Ariel's eyes flutter, but she makes no move to stir.

"Four... five... six..."

The crowd is hushed, their collective breath bated as they watch the drama unfold.

Scarlett's body trembles as she hears the referee stop the count.  Her face crumples, her tears freezing on her cheeks as she watches Ariel flop out of the pool, her body limp and heavy.

 She crawls towards Ariel, her limbs weak.

 Ariel, meanwhile, is fumbling under the ring, her frozen fingers numb and unresponsive as she tries to grasp something out of sight.

Suddenly, Scarlett spots one of the many ice bags scattered around the ring. She rips it open. Chunks of ice fly through the air as she hurls them at Ariel.

The ice chunks impact against Ariel's body leaving a visible bruise on her already battered flesh. Her body is so cold that the ice breaks apart on impact, scattering in a shower of frozen shards. One particularly vicious throw catches Ariel's ample ass, the ice shattering against her frozen cheeks with a sound like a gunshot. The crowd gasps, their eyes wide as they watch the brutal display.

Ariel's body jerks and twitches with each hit. She ignores the pain, her fingers digging into the ski with renewed vigor. She tugs it free from its hiding place.

Meanwhile, Scarlett shows no sign of letting up. Each impact jolts Ariel's body, the pain radiating through her bones like a shockwave.

Ariel raises the ski like a weapon, But before she can move, Scarlett's relentless assault forces her to change tactics. She uses the ski as a shield, batting away the ice chunks. The blows still hurt, but Ariel absorbs them, her body tensing and bracing with each impact.

Scarlett's eyes narrow as she sees her plan foiled, her fists clenching in frustration. She's not ready to give up, but the cold takes its toll, sapping her strength with every passing second. Her powerful legs now feel like lead weights, her movements reduced to a slow, agonizing crawl. Her shirt, soaked and frozen, clings to her curves, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Ariel is in a similar state, shivering as she stalks towards Scarlett, her breath coming out in frosty puffs.

The crowd is transfixed by the tableau before them. It's a battle of wills as much as a physical contest, with each woman pushing herself to the brink of endurance.

"I'm going to break you!" Ariel roars, her voice hoarse and raw.

"You'll die before you even touch me!" Scarlett shouts back.

Each scream is like a dagger to the heart, but neither woman is willing to back down. They're fighting not just for victory, but for pride, for dominance.

The ski feels like a lead weight in Ariel's hands oft. Before she can bring it down on Scarlett, Scarlett delivers a stinging slap across her face.

The impact is fierce, but Ariel's skin is so cold and frozen that it's like slapping a block of ice. Scarlett's hand sticks to Ariel's cheek, her fingers numb and unresponsive.

Ariel seizes the opportunity, her hand grabbing Scarlett's wrist. The two women stand face to face, their breath fogging the air between them.

They tumble to the floor, their limbs tangling together as they grapple for dominance. The broken ice in their shirts is like daggers against their skin, each shard cutting through the fabric to reveal the frozen flesh beneath.
Their eyes locked in a vicious stare, they use their frozen nipples like weapons, scratching and gouging each other's skin. The pain is excruciating, but neither woman cries out.

The crowd is spellbound, their eyes glued to the brutal display. It's a savage, primal battle, two women stripped to their most basic, animalistic selves.

Ariel lunges forward, but as her lips make contact with Scarlett's frozen breast, she lets out a yelp Her lips are stuck to Scarlett's flesh, her mouth frozen solid around the frozen nipple.

She glances at her frozen chest, the ice crystals sparkling in the light.

"This is over," Scarlett says.
She lurches to her feet, her muscles screaming in protest. She wraps her arms around Ariel's body, her hands digging into the flesh of Ariel's huge ass. She falls forward, her momentum carrying both women to the floor. Ariel's head cracks against a patch of ice, dislodging her frozen lips from Scarlett's breast.

She struggles to heave Ariel's body towards the icy pool, but the cold has sapped her strength, making Ariel's dead weight nearly impossible to move. Fury overcomes reason as Scarlett begins to rain down blows on the back of Ariel's head, her fists slamming into the unresponsive woman with all the force she can muster.

The crowd holds its breath as Scarlett slinks into the pool once more, her screams cutting through the air. She fights against the agony, every muscle in her body screaming in protest as she grasps Ariel's arm and begins to haul her into the pool.

The water churns and froths as the two women struggle against each other, Scarlett's movements slowing to a crawl as the cold saps her strength. But she refuses to give up, her eyes burning with determination as she summons the last of her energy to drag Ariel beneath the surface.

The water settles as Scarlett releases Ariel, her body floating to the surface. Ariel's eyes are closed, her chest rising and falling in shallow breaths as the cold leeches away the last of her consciousness.

Scarlett flops onto the edge, the impact causing her to bounce and roll to the floor. Her body is utterly spent. With the last of strength, she lifts her hand and croaks out a hoarse, barely audible plea.
"Ten counts... please..." she manages before falling into unconsciousness.
The arena falls silent as the referee begins the count, her voice booming across the arena like a judgment.
"Eight... nine... ten!"

As the final count echoes through the air, the crowd erupts. The two women lie motionless, their bodies twisted and frozen.

Ariel's breasts rise and fall in slow, shallow breaths, her nipples stiff with cold. Scarlett's body is utterly still, her face frozen.

The victor has been decided, but the cost has been steep.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:39:14 PM by whatever. »