I slide to the center of the pit. I use just enough force to get me just a bit past center which causes me to bump chests with you in order to get my momentum to bring me to a stop. My tits overwhelm yours, just like the rest of you will be overwhelmed soon.
When the command is given to begin, I quickly thrust my arms forward and get them underneath your arms. I lock my hands together behind your back, and between your shoulder blades. I turn hard to my right, lifting as I turn you. You fall to your back as I throw you to the floor of the oil soaked pit, with me landing on top. I move my arms to behind your neck, slide up, and pull your face into my firm and larger breasts. I use my ankles to try and grapevine your legs. Carolann is right. You've bit off more than you can chew this time. Welcome to the big leagues, Caitlin.