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"Dani’s Island Adventure – The Final Blow" by the Masked Writer

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Offline maskedwriter

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"Dani’s Island Adventure – The Final Blow"
By the Masked Writer
Weeks had passed since the brutal beach party fight. Bruises had faded on Dani’s body, but her soul still hurt. Online, she cracked jokes about the incident, cleverly hiding her shame. But inside, Dani burned with one desire—revenge.

It wasn’t just about Elsa anymore; it was about herself. She could not forgive herself for having been so weak and let herself beaten like this.  Dani had never felt more powerless, more humiliated, than when she had been pinned in the sand, Elsa’s fists pounding into her like she was a punching bag, unable to defend herself. She couldn’t live with that memory as being her last stand. So, she decided to channel her anger into something her will for revenge. Giving up all she had believed in before, she started training—hard.

Boxing became her outlet. She found a personal trainer, a former boxing champ and her friends could not believe what they saw. Early, every morning, their easy going fat friend was  at the gym, for hours,  punching bags until her knuckles ached, learning footwork, how to bob and weave, and how to throw a punch with power and precision. She cut down on the indulgent food and wine she loved, replacing them with protein shakes and salads. She hated it—every second of it—but every drop of sweat reminded her of what was at stake. She wasn’t going to let Elsa get away with that beatdown on the beach.
Her transformation was slow, but steady. Her arms became firmer, her legs stronger, her stamina improved, and for the first time in her life, Dani felt like she had control over her body. She lost a good 50 pounds. She wasn’t aiming to become Elsa’s equal in fitness, but she was sure she could become strong enough to take her on—and beat her this time. It was a matter of pride.
Word had gotten back to Elsa about Dani’s new routine. Smug as ever, Elsa didn’t take it seriously, scoffing at the idea of Dani in a ring. “She thinks she can box?” This is going to be hilarious.”
The day finally came when Dani, emboldened by her progress, challenged Elsa to a proper boxing match. No brawls on the beach, no drunken fights—just a clean, official match in the ring. Elsa, predictably, accepted without hesitation, confident that she’d humiliate Dani once more. The thought of it actually amused her.

The gym was buzzing with excitement on the day of the fight. Crew members from the photoshoots, trainers, friends of Elsa and of Dani, and a few others who had heard about the match crowded into the small space, eager to see how the showdown would go.  Dani, the curvy model-turned-influencer with newfound determination, vs Elsa, the seasoned fitness model with muscles carved from years of dedication.
Dani stood in her corner, gloved fists at her sides, dressed in boxing shorts and a tank top. She bounced lightly on her toes, her nerves simmering under the surface. Her body felt strong—stronger than it had ever been—but her mind couldn’t quite shake the fear and the doubt : was she really capable, after a few weeks of training, of defeating Elsa who had trained all her life. Across from her, Elsa looked like a lioness stalking her prey, grinning confidently as she strapped on her gloves, every muscle in her toned body rippling with anticipation.
Dani’s friends were amazed at how their friend was looking now. She had lost a lot of fat and may have built some muscle. She was definitively looking more agile on her feet too.
Everybody else noticed that she was still far from being an athlete like Elsa. She still had too much fat and not enough muscle.

The bell rang, and the fight began.
Dani moved cautiously at first, circling Elsa, trying to remember everything she had learned in training. She bobbed on her feet, keeping her guard up, trying to stay light on her toes. Her coach’s voice echoed in her mind: Stick to the basics. Don’t overcommit. Let her tire herself out.
Elsa attacked immediately. She darted forward with a quick jab, testing Dani’s defenses. Dani blocked it, but she felt the sting of Elsa’s power. The athletic blonde moved with a feline grace, fast and sure-footed. Dani took a step back, trying to gain some space, but Elsa was relentless.
Elsa’s next punch came in fast—a jab to Dani’s side. It hit with enough force to make her stumble and wince, but she didn’t falter. She ducked under the next punch, surprised by her own reflexes, and countered with a hook to Elsa’s ribs. Her fist connected, but the result was disappointing as the impact barely made Elsa flinch.
“Is that all you’ve got?” Elsa sneered, her eyes flashing with amusement. She came in again, each punch harder and faster than the previous one. Dani tried to block them, but she was neither fast nor strong enough. One after the other, Elsa’s fists  slammed into Dani’s guard, battering her down, wearing her out.

Sweat dripped down Dani’s face as she struggled to stay upright. She felt her breath coming in ragged gasps and her arms were getting heavier by the second. The cardio training hadn’t prepared her for this. Elsa’s fitness, her strength,— Dani could see her training had not prepared her for this. She swung again, desperate to land a punch that would do some damage, but Elsa dodged easily every time.
Dani didn’t see it coming. An uppercut.  It connected with her jaw, snapping her head back. She was sent staggering across the ring, her vision blurred. She blinked, trying to shake the dizziness, but Elsa was already on her, unleashing a brutal combination of jabs, hooks, and body shots, pummeling Dani from every angle. Her arms were too slow to block one, much less them all.
Dani could feel her legs wobbling under her. Her energy was draining quick. Each punch seemed harder than the last. With a final hook to the side of her face, Elsa knocked Dani down. The plus size model  hit the canvas with a heavy thud, her body crumpling as pain radiated through her ribs and jaw.
The crowd gasped, some shouting her name, urging her to get up, but Dani’s body wouldn’t cooperate. Her face throbbed, her lungs burned, and her arms felt like they were made of stone. She could hear the referee counting—One. Two. Three…—but everything felt distant, like she was underwater, the sounds muffled by the pounding in her head.
Elsa was already triumphing, raising her arms and smiling.
Four. Five…
Dani struggled, pushing herself up onto her hands and knees, decided to go on. Her entire body ached, her limbs trembling with the effort. She had come this far. She had trained for this. She couldn’t lose now. Not again.
Six. Seven…
With a groan, Dani got to her feet, wobbling slightly as she stood. The referee looked at her, giving her a moment to recover. Elsa waited with a smile. The referee gave the signal. The second the fight resumed, Elsa was on Dani again, delivering a frightful right hook to her ribs that made Dani double over in pain.
Another punch to the face, and Dani was down again, this time collapsing face-first onto the canvas. Her vision blurred, darkness creeping in at the edges. She could hear the  shouts of the crowd, far away, like in a dream, but all she could feel was the weight of defeat pressing down on her again.
The count started again, but this time, Danic was not moving. Every part of her hurt. Moving seemed impossible. The fire in her chest—the anger, the need for revenge—had burned out, replaced by the cold realization that she just wasn’t strong enough. Not for this. Not against Elsa. She was no match.
Eight. Nine. Ten.
The referee’s voice echoed in the gym, signaling the end of the fight. Elsa raised her fists in triumph, grinning as the crowd cheered for her. Dani lay on the canvas, gasping for air, too exhausted and defeated to even stand.
She had fought for her pride, for redemption, but the truth was clear: Elsa had beaten her again, and this time, it wasn’t just physical. It was the final blow to Dani’s spirit, a crushing reminder that no matter how hard she tried, some battles couldn’t be won.
As Dani lay there, staring up at the bright lights of the gym, she realized that this defeat—this humiliating, brutal defeat—was one she would have to live with.

But then, as the referee raised Elsa’s arm, the blonde walked towards Dani and said :
-“Girl, you have guts. You impressed me. I should never have called you lazy. But you have your game and I have mine. Let’s stick to that”.

Dani was still hurting everywhere but suddenly she realized it was not the total defeat she thought. She had earned something. Respect. From Elsa, of all people.
Her body kept hurting but her mind, she could feel, was healing.

The End